Linux firefox cache folder

Where do browsers keep temporary files?

Chromium is kept under ~/.cache/chromium/Default/Cache .

Firefox is kept under ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache .

You can navigate to those using Nautilus and selecting View > Show Hidden Files (or press crtl + h on a Nautilus window).

For Ubuntu 11: Make sure to be in the «Home» folder first then continue with the above folder navigation.

This answer is apparently no longer correct at least for Firefox 63.0 on Ubuntu 18.10; there’s no Cache folder at the described location. ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/*.default/cache2/entries/ appears to be the correct location.

To mark a file or directory as hidden on Linux/Unix, make sure its name begins with a «dot.»

cd ~ mkdir .hidden_directory 

Knowing this, open a shell.

See the ~/.cache and ~/.mozilla directories?

Two caches. one for Chrome/Chromium and one for Mozilla Firefox. The Firefox cache is ~/.mozilla/firefox/$random_profile_id.default/Cache You could also do this with a graphical file manager, but tell it to show hidden files.

In Ubuntu 18.04.2, Chromium cache is located here:


In Firefox, if you choose to «open file with» when you download (for example, a .deb package). The file gets stored in: /tmp/mozilla_YourUsername0/

And following the example of choosing to open a .deb package with ‘software installer’ it appears the file also gets copied to /tmp/gnome-software-*/

$ find /directory/to/search -name yourFileName.extension 


Thread: Firefox cache?

Nixarter is offlineFrothy Coffee!

Join Date Jan 2011 Location San Diego, California Beans 186 —> Beans 186 Distro Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

Firefox cache?

Trying to workaround a new youtube bug, so I’m trying to find the multimedia cache in firefox. Wher eis it? I’ve seen people say .mozilla/whatever, but where is the .mozilla folder? usr? there are dozens and dozens of folders, and it isn’t in the top folder, and I can’t find it yet. anyone?

«I’d group the Gnome 3s, the KDE4s, the Unitys and the win8s with the same tag «Attempted to fix problems that didn’t exist by breaking stuff that worked». — vexorian
On another note, it looks like I’m back to ATI.

vasa1 is offlinebean stalker

Re: Firefox cache?

It’s been moved to ~/.cache/mozilla in recent versions of Firefox (or maybe in Ubuntu 13.04) but that’s where it is for me on Lubuntu 13.04.

If I may make a suggestion . do mention the version of *buntu and the relevant software in the post itself even if it is your signature or next to your name (for the Ubuntu version).

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deadflowr is offlineRobot Pirate Ghost

Re: Firefox cache?

As vasa1 pointed out the mozilla/firefox cache folder is in the ~/.cache folder, which is a hidden folder in the home directory.
Same goes for the .mozilla folder, if you want to know where that was.
Just ctrl+h to show hidden files and folders.

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Where is the Mozilla Firefox cache located?

I have got Mozilla Firefox installed, and am aware of the issues with nasty things like phishing scripts from images ending up in my browser’s cache. And so that I don’t have to just empty my cache all the time, I would like to know of its location in my computer. I have noticed that there appears to be some sort of area for caching here:


So which one of these is it? Or is there a different area for caching? Or different caches? For greater efficiency when scanning the caching areas, I would prefer to know exactly which top level directory only contains caching areas, so that I do not scan anything which is non-cache related. Expanding of question: I have looked at the questions which are possible duplicates of this in the comments, but then I also ask, what are these other locations with cache in their names then located in ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/k29gs42c.default ?:

Cache cache2 OfflineCache startupCache 

What are these if not some sorts of caches? And if they are so, should I not also scan them? Or are their purposes different and thus would not possibly contain any contents from websites?

OS Information:

Description: Ubuntu 15.04 Release: 15.04 

Package Information:

firefox: Installed: 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 Candidate: 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 Version table: *** 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 0 500 vivid-updates/main amd64 Packages 500 vivid-security/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 37.0+build2-0ubuntu1 0 500 vivid/main amd64 Packages 


Где кэш Mozilla Firefox расположен?

Мне установили Mozilla Firefox, и знаю о проблемах с противными вещами как сценарии фишинга из изображений, заканчивающихся в кэше моего браузера. И так, чтобы я не должен просто освобождать свой кэш все время, я хотел бы знать о его местоположении в своем компьютере.

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Я заметил, что, кажется, существует своего рода область для кэширования здесь:


И это там также, кажется, некоторые связанные с Mozilla Firefox файлы здесь:

Таким образом, какой из них — это? Или существует ли другая область для кэширования? Или различные кэши? Для большей эффективности при сканировании кэширующихся областей я предпочел бы знать точно, какой высокоуровневый каталог только содержит кэширующиеся области, так, чтобы я не сканировал ничего, что является связанным некэшем.

Расширение вопроса:

Я посмотрел на вопросы, которые являются возможными дубликатами этого в комментариях, но затем я также спрашиваю, с чем эти другие местоположения cache на их имена, затем расположенные в ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/k29gs42c.default ?:

Cache cache2 OfflineCache startupCache 

Что они если не некоторые виды кэшей? И если они так, я не должен также сканировать их? Или действительно ли их цели отличаются и таким образом возможно не содержали бы содержания с веб-сайтов?

Информация об ОС:

Description: Ubuntu 15.04 Release: 15.04 

Информация о пакете:

firefox: Installed: 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 Candidate: 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 Version table: *** 37.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 0 500 vivid-updates/main amd64 Packages 500 vivid-security/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 37.0+build2-0ubuntu1 0 500 vivid/main amd64 Packages 


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