Linux firefox with flash

Flash On Firefox

Since Adobe recently dropped support for Firefox on Linux, I can’t get flash player to work properly on Adobe Connect in Ubuntu. YouTube videos work fine, I only have problems with Adobe Connect. I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and Firefox 18.0.1 and Flash Is there a PPA or another lead I could use to get the latest (or more current) version of Flash Player for Ubuntu?

You could maybe download the deb package for Google Chrome, then yank the flash player plugin from that and put it in Mozilla’s plugin path? Haven’t tried that myself, but I think it could possibly work. There’s quite a few results when Googling «chrome firefox flash plugin» and such. Maybe someone who has a more definite procedure can post an answer.

Flash for Firefox on Linux will only get «security» updates for the foreseeable future. If you need to access sites requiring later versions of Flash, you’ll have to use Firefox or any other browser on Windows or use Google Chrome in Linux. I very much doubt the Google Chrome Pepper Flash can be successfully «transplanted» to Firefox.

@mikewhatever There are several PPAs for Firefox; some are official. But the PPA part of this question is asking for a PPA that provides Flash.

@raminomrani I did download the flash installer from the software center but the version I get from there is not controlling Adobe Connect correctly.

3 Answers 3

  1. Open
  2. Choose tar.gz, download the file
  3. Once download is complete, right click on the file (tar.gz) and click on «Extract here»
  4. Launch Terminal (Keyboard Shortcut : Ctrl Alt T )
  5. Go to that location where you extracted the file
  6. Run this command : sudo cp /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
  7. Run this command : sudo cp -r usr/* /usr/
  8. Launch Mozilla Firefox and check that you have Adobe Flash Player

John Rambo. I had a similar problem about six months ago, and this is what I found to fix it.

You have two options at this point.

  1. Switch to Google Chrome. It now has a built-in version of flash.
  2. Check your software installation. A version of flash is available in the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, or kubuntu-restricted-extras, xubuntu-restricted-extras, etc.

The reason Youtube still works is because Youtube has added HTML5 support, which is built in to almost every browser (with the exception of Internet Explorer, which still doesn’t fully support it as of version 9 or 10) since around 2009.

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The flashplugin-installer package should be all you need, and that is installed with the restricted extras packages.

Please note that downloading and installing the .deb from Adobe does not work unless you move a file to Firefox’s directory.

As was stated in the comments, there is no Firefox PPA, because no one needs one. Everything Firefox related that you would ever need is in the Ubuntu repositories or available through a Firefox extension.

The fix I recommend is installing Google Chrome JUST for Adobe connect, so long as Flash works well for everything else on Firefox. is the place to find it.


Linux firefox with flash

If you are a Windows user considering moving over to the Linux world, one of the more critical issues pressing you is the question of Flash playback — will you be able to enjoy flash movies and games in Linux? The simple answer is: yes! You will be able to do the same things you’re used to in Windows, be it watching flash movies and animation or playing simple web-based flash games.

I’m going to show you how terribly simple the whole thing is — as easy as spreading butter on some French toast. I’ll demonstrate this using Ubuntu Linux, an extremely popular and friendly distro, and Firefox, probably the best browser overall. Moreover, I’ll show you three different ways of doing it, starting with the simplest.

Install Flash through Firefox

Missing plugin message

When you enter a website containing Flash content, you should get sort of a warning from your browser, identical to the one you’ll see when browsing in Windows, with Firefox or other browsers. Here, we get this message while trying to watch a music clip on Youtube:

All you need to do is click on Install Missing Plugins. to obtain Flash.

Choose and confirm installation

You will have the choice between Adobe Flash Player, the de facto Flash plugin, and possibly one or more alternatives. For example, when installing Flash in Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon, the other options is Gnash SWF Player, an open-source Flash movie player. The choice is up to you, but the simplest and most transparent choice for the majority of user would be to install Adobe Flash Player.

After that, you’ll have to confirm your choice. The Flash Player 9 package is called called flashplugin-nonfree .

Installation complete

After a few moments, the installation will be completed. You will have to restart Firefox for the changes to take effect.

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Test installation

Naturally, you should test the installation. Not surprisingly, the choice of the music clip on Youtube is coincidentally the finest piece of music ever written — Jan Hammer’s soul-healing Crockett’s Theme from the fabulous Miami Vice series. Ah, the 80s .

Install Flash using Debian (.deb) package (installer)

If, for some reason, your browser does not prompt you to install the missing plugins, you will have to manually download and install them. This can happen if a new version of the Flash Player has just been released — or if you’re running a beta version of either your browser or the operating system. For example, Firefox in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Beta does not prompt you for missing plugins.

The solution is to head to the (vendor’s) website and download the package, in this case a Debian (.deb) installer. I’ll demonstrate with Adobe Flash Player 10.

Download Debian (.deb) package

Run installer

Debian packages, for all practical purposes, are identical to Windows .exe files. Double-click, provide your password and follow on-screen instructions, if any. In this case, just wait for the installer to finish.

Test setup

Install Flash using tar.gz archive

This may sound frightening, but it is quite simple, too. You will have to download a file, extract the archive and then run the installer. Extracting a tar.gz archive is identical to extracting a .zip or a .rar archive on Windows.

The next step differs from a typical Windows installation in that you will have to run the installer contained in the extracted archive by typing into the command line. Do not let this frighten you.

Download archive

Again, I’ll demonstrate using the Adobe Flash Player. This time, instead of downloading the .deb installer, go for the .tar.gz archive (for Flash Player 10).

Extract archive

Now, extract the archive. This can be done through the GUI.

Run installer (on the command line)

You can install Flash globally, for all applications, or just for a specific browser. In the case of the former, you will have to use sudo. In the case of the latter, you can run the installation without sudo. Navigate into the folder where you have extracted the archive and then execute the installation script:

Follow the on-screen instructions:

Test setup

Again, we test with another jewel from the 80s — this time, Adam Ant.


If you’re interested, you can also read these two articles, where I have already shown the procedures mentioned above:

Furthermore, it is also possible to install (or remove) the Flash Player using the apt-get on the command line or by searching and installing packages via the (Synaptic) package manager.

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You may prefer this, because this will save you the hassle of manually removing the Flash Player if and when the need arises. Please note that this will install the Flash Player globally, for all applications that require them.

For Adobe Flash Player 9, the installation / removal commands are as follows:

And For Flash Player 10 (if available via the package management):


That’s it! Whichever method you choose, you should be fine. The installation of the Flash Player is a simple business. All in all, one less reason to be afraid of Linux and join the happy community. Enjoy!

P.S. In follow-up articles, I’ll show you how to download Flash movies, how to play them on your machine, how to convert to other movie formats, and even how to extract music from the video files.

P.S.S. We will soon have an up-to-date tutorial.


Flash Player Plugin для Firefox в Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Fresh Player Plugin позволяет Linux пользователям использовать Pepper Flash (который идет в комплекте с Google Chrome) в Firefox и других NPAPI-совместимых веб-браузерах.

Fresh Player Plugin позволяет воспроизводить звук, видео с YouTube и других сайтов, использовать полноэкранный режим видео, работать с мульти-мониторами и всеми остальными Fresh прелестями современного интернета. Fresh Player Plugin содержится в хранилище PPA.

Напомню, что последние версии Adobe Flash Player доступны на Linux поставляются только через Google Chrome, в то время как для других браузеров Adobe застрял на версии 11.2.

Flash Player firefox Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Adobe Flash Player, который идет в комплекте с Google Chrome в виде PPAPI (или Pepper Plugin API) не интегрируется и не поддерживается в Mozilla.

Вот почему Ринат Ибрагимов решил создать эту обертку. Теперь пользователи Firefox могут использовать последнюю версию Pepper Flash от Google Chrome.

Установка Flash Player 17 Firefox Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Установите Fresh Player Plugin в Ubuntu / Linux Mint и другие подобные с помощью этого PPA репозитория:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install freshplayerplugin

Вы также можете установить Fresh Player Plugin, не используя репозитории, а скачать установочный Deb файл. Но такой вариант Вам не предоставит обновлений!

Другие способы получения Flash Player:

Fresh Player Plugin — это просто обертка для, по сути, просто нужен этот файл, который поставляется совместно с Google Chrome. Для получения этого файла можно просто установить Google Chrome.

Также можно получить используя репозиторий Pepper Flash-PPA

Но в этих случаях Вам придется самостоятельно делать симлинки или копировать файл для использования его Firefox-ом

Так что самый простой способ использовать новый Flash Player Plugin — это установить Fresh Player Plugin выше описанным способом.

Чтобы сообщить об ошибках или помочь с его развитием Fresh Player Plugin зайдите на страницу GitHub создателя.


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