Linux foundation linux certification


Validate your Linux system administration skills and experience and gain your LFCS.

Linux Foundation Certified Cloud Technician (LFCT)

Validate your Linux and containers skills and experience and gain your LFCT.

Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA)

Obtain your LFCA based on your skills in fundamental IT functions, including cloud computing.

Certified Kubernetes App Developer (CKAD)

The CKAD exam certifies that you can design, build and deploy cloud-native applications for Kubernetes.

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)

Prove that you have the knowledge to secure container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms. Learn more about CKS.

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)

Demonstrate that you have the foundational knowledge and skills in Kubernetes and cloud native ecosystems. Learn more about KCNA.

OpenJS Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD)

Verify and prove your skills in using Node.js to create web-based applications by gaining your JSNAD.

OpenJS Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD)

Verify your skills in creating RESTful Node.js Servers and Services (or Microservices) by gaining your JSNSD.

Certified TARS Application Developer (CTAD)

Demonstrate your understanding of critical components in microservices and components/functions of the TARS Framework by getting your CTAD.

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