Linux fundamentals paul cobbaut

Серверы Linux Paul Cobbaut 2015 г. русский перевод

Данная книга предназначена для изучения Linux под руководством инструктора. При использовании ее для самостоятельного изучения Linux следует расположиться в непосредственной близости от работающего под управлением Linux компьютера для того, чтобы иметь возможность незамедлительного исполнения описанных действий путем выполнения каждой из приведенных команд.

Книга может быть рекомендована начинающим системным администраторам Linux (а также может оказаться интересной и полезной для домашних пользователей, которые хотят узнать немного больше о своих системах Linux). Однако, данная книга не содержит рекомендаций по работе с такими приложениями из состава окружений рабочего стола, как текстовые редакторы, браузеры, почтовые клиенты, приложения для работы с мультимедийными данными и офисные приложения.

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Серверы Linux Paul Cobbaut русская версия читать 2016-06-19T07:52:58+00:00 admin Администрирование Литература Ресурсы Руководства Справочники команд bash,Debian\Ubuntu\Mint,Linux,Paul Cobbaut,Администрирование,Безопасность,Руководства,Сети,Системное Администрирование,скрипты,Справочник команд

Серверы Linux Источник: Серверы Linux Оригинал: Linux Servers Автор: Paul Cobbaut Дата публикации: 24 мая 2015 г. Перевод: А.Панин Дата перевода: 15 июля 2015 г. Перевод перевода А.Панина: В.Балберин Дата перевода: август 2015 г. Данная книга предназначена для изучения Linux под руководством инструктора. При использовании ее для самостоятельного изучения Linux следует расположиться в непосредственной близости от работающего под.


Linux Fundamentals

This book is meant to be used in an instructor-led training. For self-study, the intent is to read this book next to a working Linux computer so you can immediately do every subject, practicing each command.

This book is aimed at novice Linux system administrators (and might be interesting and useful for home users that want to know a bit more about their Linux system). However, this book is not meant as an introduction to Linux desktop applications like text editors, browsers, mail clients, multimedia or office applications.
— See more at:

First published January 1, 2007

About the author

Profile Image for Paul Cobbaut.

Paul Cobbaut

Ratings & Reviews

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Community Reviews

Profile Image for miremnao.

If you happen to have a GNU/Linux operating system installed on your computer(s) or you’re planning to dive into the glorious and, truth be told, really rewarding world of *.nix systems or you’d like to once and for all time to learn properly and gain some thorough understanding of how Linux works — this book is a must-read for you.
The book’s amazing! Kind author explains fundamentals really well. He then selects those powerful and beloved tools from the rich Linux toolbox like awk and sed and presents it to you in a way that you desire to start using them immediately. The book is fun. The information is very well-structured and in no way boring.
I want to thank the author for his wonderful work and, frankly, his generosity since the book is absolutely free.

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Profile Image for Aakriti.

This book is an excellent choice for noobs in Linux like me. The target audience is ‘beginners level’. and it will give a detailed knowledge of all basics commands and file structure you need to know for getting your hands on with Linux. Though I feel the scripting part could have been handled in a better and more detailed way, but this is the go-to book for getting started with Linux.
For scripting, I would suggest the Udemy video course.

Profile Image for Naive Dinusaur.

I find this book quite helpful to take a grasp on some of the Linux’s basics, just to pave the way Paul’s other 2 great books: linux administrator and linux server.
I think we just need to code along and do a bit of reading on wiki to get the main points.
Perfect for lazy newbies like me hoping to reinforce the knowledge before cramming more challenging stuffs.

Profile Image for Cvetomir Denchev.

A good introduction to Linux. I recommend it to all those users who want to become more advanced and master the terminal. Paul Cobbaut’s other two books are worth checking out too — Linux Administration and Linux Servers.


Linux fundamentals paul cobbaut

Cobbaut, Paul
Linux Fundamentals
Copyright 2007-2015 Netsec BVBA, Paul Cobbaut
License: GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or later

Abstract (by the author)

This book is meant to be used in an instructor-led training. For self-study, the intent is to read
this book next to a working Linux computer so you can immediately do every subject, practicing
each command.

This book is aimed at novice Linux system administrators (and might be interesting and useful
for home users that want to know a bit more about their Linux system). However, this book
is not meant as an introduction to Linux desktop applications like text editors, browsers, mail
clients, multimedia or office applications.

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Table of Contents

I. introduction to Linux 1. Linux history Linux history 2. distributions Red Hat Ubuntu Debian Other Which to choose ? 3. licensing about software licenses public domain software and freeware Free Software or Open Source Software GNU General Public License using GPLv3 software BSD license other licenses combination of software licenses II. installing Linux 4. installing Debian 8 Debian Downloading virtualbox networking setting the hostname adding a static ip address Debian package management 5. installing CentOS 7 download a CentOS 7 image Virtualbox CentOS 7 installing CentOS 7 first logon setting the hostname Virtualbox network interface configuring the network adding one static ip address package management logon from Linux and MacOSX logon from MS Windows 6. getting Linux at home download a Linux CD image download Virtualbox create a virtual machine attach the CD image install Linux III. first steps on the command line 7. man pages man $command man $configfile man $daemon man -k (apropos) whatis whereis man sections man $section $file man man mandb 8. working with directories pwd cd cd ~ cd .. cd — absolute and relative paths path completion ls ls -a ls -l ls -lh mkdir mkdir -p rmdir rmdir -p practice: working with directories solution: working with directories 9. working with files all files are case sensitive everything is a file file touch create an empty file touch -t rm remove forever rm -i rm -rf cp copy one file copy to another directory cp -r copy multiple files to directory cp -i mv rename files with mv rename directories with mv mv -i rename about rename rename on Debian/Ubuntu rename on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora practice: working with files solution: working with files 10. working with file contents head tail cat concatenate create files custom end marker copy files tac more and less strings practice: file contents solution: file contents 11. the Linux file tree filesystem hierarchy standard man hier the root directory / binary directories /bin other /bin directories /sbin /lib /opt configuration directories /boot /etc data directories /home /root /srv /media /mnt /tmp in memory directories /dev /proc conversation with the kernel /sys Linux 2.6 hot plugging /usr Unix System Resources /usr/bin /usr/include /usr/lib /usr/local /usr/share /usr/src /var variable data /var/log /var/log/messages /var/cache /var/spool /var/lib /var/. practice: file system tree solution: file system tree IV. shell expansion 12. commands and arguments arguments white space removal single quotes double quotes echo and quotes commands external or builtin commands ? type running external commands which aliases create an alias abbreviate commands default options viewing aliases unalias displaying shell expansion practice: commands and arguments solution: commands and arguments 13. control operators ; semicolon & ampersand $? dollar question mark && double ampersand || double vertical bar combining && and || # pound sign \ escaping special characters end of line backslash practice: control operators solution: control operators 14. shell variables $ dollar sign case sensitive creating variables quotes set unset $PS1 $PATH env export delineate variables unbound variables practice: shell variables solution: shell variables 15. shell embedding and options shell embedding backticks backticks or single quotes shell options practice: shell embedding solution: shell embedding 16. shell history repeating the last command repeating other commands history !n Ctrl-r $HISTSIZE $HISTFILE $HISTFILESIZE prevent recording a command (optional)regular expressions (optional) Korn shell history practice: shell history solution: shell history 17. file globbing * asterisk ? question mark [] square brackets a-z and 0-9 ranges $LANG and square brackets preventing file globbing practice: shell globbing solution: shell globbing V. pipes and commands 18. I/O redirection stdin, stdout, and stderr output redirection > stdout output file is erased noclobber overruling noclobber >> append error redirection 2> stderr 2>&1 output redirection and pipes joining stdout and stderr input redirection < stdin

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2.1. choosing a Linux distro 4.1. Debian releases 22.1. getting to command mode 22.2. switch to insert mode 22.3. replace and delete 22.4. undo and repeat 22.5. cut, copy and paste a line 22.6. cut, copy and paste lines 22.7. start and end of line 22.8. join two lines 22.9. words 22.10. save and exit vi 22.11. searching 22.12. replace 22.13. read files and input 22.14. text buffers 22.15. multiple files 22.16. abbreviations 30.1. Debian User Environment 30.2. Red Hat User Environment 32.1. Unix special files 32.2. standard Unix file permissions 32.3. Unix file permissions position 32.4. Octal permissions


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