Linux get disk label

How to list disks, partitions and filesystems in Linux? [duplicate]

In Windows, if you type LIST DISK using DiskPart in a command prompt it lists all physical storage devices, plus their size, format, etc. What is the equivalent of this in Linux?

3 Answers 3

There are many tools for that, for example fdisk -l or parted -l , but probably the most handy is lsblk (aka list block devices):


$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 238.5G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 200M 0 part /boot/efi ├─sda2 8:2 0 500M 0 part /boot └─sda3 8:3 0 237.8G 0 part ├─fedora-root 253:0 0 50G 0 lvm / ├─fedora-swap 253:1 0 2G 0 lvm [SWAP] └─fedora-home 253:2 0 185.9G 0 lvm 

It has many additional options, for example to show filesystems, labels, etc. As always man lsblk is your friend.

@Dor it is worth explaining what additional options do, if you are recommending their use. -f or —fs shows the information about filesystems, such as format, crypto, raid member, etc. It is somewhat slower than the default though.

You’ll like this : you can do sudo lsblk —scsi and this shows the disk types including name(sda,sdb. ), scsi addr, type,vendor, model, rev, .. it’s easy to find which is which when you want to physically locate the disk.

Another way to quickly see the filesystems is the command df. On my machine (Finnish localization) it shows like this:

ptakala@athlon:/mnt$ df Tiedostojärjestelmä 1K-lohkot Käyt Vapaana Käy% Liitospiste /dev/root 38317204 19601752 16762352 54% / devtmpfs 4063816 0 4063816 0% /dev tmpfs 4097592 81988 4015604 3% /dev/shm tmpfs 4097592 10120 4087472 1% /run tmpfs 5120 8 5112 1% /run/lock tmpfs 4097592 0 4097592 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda9 535267140 287403688 220666804 57% /work /dev/sda7 288239836 201635356 71956016 74% /home tmpfs 819520 4 819516 1% /run/user/113 tmpfs 819520 8 819512 1% /run/user/1000 /dev/sda1 39070048 37083304 1986744 95% /mnt/sda1 /dev/sda10 22662140 14032580 8629560 62% /mnt/sda10 /dev/sda5 29280176 20578032 8702144 71% /mnt/sda5 

It won’t show the file system type, but usually that is non-essential, and you see by one eyedrop everything needed.

ptakala@athlon:/mnt$ df -h Tiedostojärjestelmä Koko Käyt Vapaa Käy% Liitospiste /dev/root 37G 19G 16G 54% / devtmpfs 3,9G 0 3,9G 0% /dev tmpfs 4,0G 89M 3,9G 3% /dev/shm tmpfs 4,0G 9,9M 3,9G 1% /run tmpfs 5,0M 8,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs 4,0G 0 4,0G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda9 511G 275G 211G 57% /work /dev/sda7 275G 193G 69G 74% /home tmpfs 801M 4,0K 801M 1% /run/user/113 tmpfs 801M 8,0K 801M 1% /run/user/1000 /dev/sda1 38G 36G 1,9G 95% /mnt/sda1 /dev/sda10 22G 14G 8,3G 62% /mnt/sda10 /dev/sda5 28G 20G 8,3G 71% /mnt/sda5 


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How to list partition labels in Linux

The Linux Juggernaut

This is a small post on how we can view list of assigned labels for partitions in Linux OS. We some times assign meaningful labels to partitions so that we can name them in /etc/fstab file for readability. For example most of the time we label boot partition with label as “boot”.

So how can we see available or assigned labels for partitions in Linux? It is possible, we have couple of commands like e2label to see label assigned to that partition.

e2label device-name
root@linuxnix-209:/home/linuxnix# e2label /dev/sda1 boot root@linuxnix-209:/home/taggle#
/dev/sda1: UUID="26299cdc-ea26-4fcd-a111-9af875d58a81" TYPE="ext4" LABEL="boot"

Through /dev folder mappings

ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/
root@linuxnix-209:/home/linuxnix# ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Nov 18 13:08 boot -> ../../sda1

This /dev/disk/by-label folder and blkid are more useful to list all assigned labels.

Surendra Anne

Mr Surendra Anne is from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is a Linux/Open source supporter who believes in Hard work, A down to earth person, Likes to share knowledge with others, Loves dogs, Likes photography. He works as Devops Engineer with Taggle systems, an IOT automatic water metering company, Sydney . You can contact him at surendra (@) linuxnix dot com.

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[bash][conky][fs label] Как узнать метку тома ??

Мне нужен скрипт для того, чтобы узнать метку тома на разделе.

Да, но я на самом деле имел ввиду, например, средства hal

blkid | grep "sda3" | awk -F 'LABEL="|" ' ''

hal-get-property --udi `hal-find-by-property --key "block.device" --string "/dev/sda1"` --key "volume.label"

А вообще, у меня вот gentoo с -HAL собрана, тут udisk всем рулит.

udisks --show-info /dev/sda1 | awk -F ' label: ' '' | sed '/^$/d'

blkid —help
на предмет ключика -o

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> blkid | grep «sda3»
blkid -o full /dev/sda3

Но лучше
blkid -o value /dev/sda3 | head -n 1
Вернёт метку, а если метки нет, то ююйд.

Очень хорошо! Я, честно говоря, и не догадывался, что у blkid есть опции) Там еще -s есть, судя по всему, оно сразу может из нужного столбца выводить значение, но чета я не понял, какие у него тэги есть.

Всем спасибо за информативные коментарии.

> blkid | grep «sda3» | awk -F ‘LABEL=«|» ‘ »

blkid -s LABEL -o value /dev/sda3

localhost ~ # blkid -s LABEL /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: LABEL=«BOOT»
localhost ~ # blkid -s UUID /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: UUID=«9ce2de63-309f-45e9-9062-572226bf1a43»
localhost ~ # blkid -s TYPE /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: TYPE=«ext2»

> blkid -s LABEL -o value /dev/sda3
Проще, но что делать при отсутствии метки?

bash$ blkid -o value /dev/disk/by-uuid/6c29210b-12bf-4c71-97a0-a96ccc4ce45b

такой вариант не катит с blkid. заюзал udisks

>Проще, но что делать при отсутствии метки?

Это всё для коньков делается, а не для АЭС.

Если нужна работа из под юзера и в таком извращённом виде, то никаких проблем.
localhost ~ $ sudo blkid -o value /dev/disk/by-uuid/41ad61f1-7e6b-40cc-b504-e3ab04bcb78c | head -n1

Опять же, в случае отсутствия у раздела метки, вернётся хотя бы ююйд.

Ну, он больше информации конечно выдаёт, есть где разгуляться фантазии, но тупое грепанье выхлопа
udisks —show-info /dev/disk/by-uuid/41ad61f1-7e6b-40cc-b504-e3ab04bcb78c | sed ‘/label/!d’ показывает две строки label и необходимость форматировать, то есть ещё как минимум нужно паравозиком подцепить gawk.

> Это всё для коньков делается, а не для АЭС.
Путь к порядку на АЭСах начинается с порядка в коньках.
Мне мой вариант blkid -o value /dev/sda3 | head -n 1 нравится больше всего.


How do I get a disk label in Linux?

Labeling partitions or volumes is a file system feature. There two main tools which can do the job of naming or renaming partition labels. Namely they are tune2fs and e2label . Both tools are part of e2fsprogs and are used to solely on. ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems.

How do I find my disk label?

To find the volume label with Command Prompt requires a simple command called the vol command. The next best method is to look through the volumes listed in Disk Management. Next to each drive is a letter and name; the name is the volume label.

How do I know my Linux partition name?

View all Disk Partitions in Linux The ‘-l’ argument stand for (listing all partitions) is used with fdisk command to view all available partitions on Linux. The partitions are displayed by their device’s names. For example: /dev/sda, /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc.

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How do I change a disk label?

  1. Open Disk Management with administrator permissions.
  2. In Disk Management, select and hold (or right-click) the volume for which you want to change or add a drive letter, and then select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
  3. To change the drive letter, select Change.

What is disk label type?

The disk label type is the type of Master Boot Record. See The disk identifier is a randomly generated number stuck onto the MBR. In terms of tools for looking at disks, fdisk is on its way to being deprecated if it isn’t already so.

Why do we use Linux?

The Linux system is very stable and is not prone to crashes. The Linux OS runs exactly as fast as it did when first installed, even after several years. Unlike Windows, you need not reboot a Linux server after every update or patch. Due to this, Linux has the highest number of servers running on the Internet.

What is the volume label of USB?

The ‘volume label’ is the name assigned to the Flash Drive when the disk is first formatted or created. We can customize this name on your request up to a maximum of eleven characters. The customized device appears with this name when plugged into a computer: a small but noticeable touch.

How do I list all drives in Linux?

The easiest way to list disks on Linux is to use the “lsblk” command with no options. The “type” column will mention the “disk” as well as optional partitions and LVM available on it. Optionally, you can use the “-f” option for “filesystems“.

Is it safe to rename C drive?

The drive letter for the system volume or boot partition (usually drive C) cannot be modified or changed. Any letter between C and Z can be assigned to a hard disk drive, CD drive, DVD drive, portable external hard disk drive, or USB flash memory key drive.

How do I remove a disk label in Linux?

Just make a new MSDOS partition table with fdisk and make a filesystem with mkfs….Linux/Unix:

  1. Type “parted /dev/”, usually “parted /dev/sda”.
  2. Once inside parted type “mktable”: -> Table type: msdos. -> Destroy data: yes. -> quit.
  3. GPT should now be removed.


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