Linux get port by pid

How to know which ports are listened by certain PID?

I have a PID of certain process listening some port(s) on my OS X and I need to know which port(s) is listened by this process. How can I do it? I know I can use lsof to know which process is listening some port, but I need to perform an inverse operation. Thank you. UPD OS X uses BSD utils, so I have BSD netstat not Linux netstat . Linux netstat has -p option to show PIDs, BSD netstat uses -p to specify port and has no option to show PID.

Do you mean to say that you’re trying to find the ports a process is listening on? netstat can do this for you. You can grep on the PID if you want to filter the output of netstat

also lsof usage is not only one way. you can do something like lsof|grep $ . which will crudely dump everything and grep will pick the lines with PID in them. In an off chance, it might list an irrelevant line, due to the PID number mistakenly matching some other value but chances are slim to none

@MelBurslan it doesn’t look like neat solution. Moreover it is not fast — it takes some time on my MBP.

5 Answers 5

I’ve found a solution on my own by deep reading man lsof . (Yes, RT*M still helps.) Thanks @Gilles for aiming.

Here is the solution: lsof -aPi -p 555 (555 is the PID).

  1. -p to specify the PID number;
  2. -i to display only network devices;
  3. -a to AND two conditions above (otherwise they will be ORed);
  4. -P to display port numbers (instead port names by default).

Additionally, one can use lsof -aPi4 -p 555 or lsof -aPi6 -p 55 for IPv4 or IP6 only addresses accordingly.

If output will be parsed by another program -Fn option may be helpful. With this option lsof will produce «output for other program» instead of nice formatted output. lsof -aPi4 -Fn -p 555 will output something like this:

PS All of it I’ve tested on my OS X El Capitan, but as I can see it should work on Linux too.


Finding the PID of the process using a specific port?

I am installing hadoop on my Ubuntu system. When I start it, it reports that port 9000 is busy. I used:

 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 

netstat command might work in many operations systems to allow you get that, you just have to find the arguments that will ensure it will show pids along each known opened port.

7 Answers 7

Your existing command doesn’t work because Linux requires you to either be root or the owner of the process to get the information you desire.

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On modern systems, ss is the appropriate tool to use to get this information:

$ sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :80' State Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port LISTEN *:* users:(("nginx",pid=125004,fd=12)) LISTEN ::1:80 . * users:(("nginx",pid=125004,fd=11)) 

You can also use the same invocation you’re currently using, but you must first elevate with sudo :

$ sudo netstat -nlp | grep :80 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 125004/nginx 
$ sudo lsof -n -i :80 | grep LISTEN nginx 125004 nginx 3u IPv4 6645 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) 

@AdamB Unless a Mac user arrived here searching for Finding the PID of the process using a specific port

Also you can use lsof utility. Need to be root.

# lsof -i :25 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME exim4 2799 Debian-exim 3u IPv4 6645 0t0 TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN) exim4 2799 Debian-exim 4u IPv6 6646 0t0 TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN) 

This command will also give you processes with established connections, not just processes that are listening .

Not necessarily to be root. And, for those who want to get PID only, you can lsof -i :25 -Fp , which produces output like p1234 .

Important to note that you may need to run as sudo as some processes may be inaccessible to the user.

I am using «CentOS 7 minimal» which has nor netstat neither lsof . But a lot of linux distributions have the socket statistics command (i.e. ss ).

Here is an example of execution:

# ss -tanp | grep 6379 LISTEN 0 128 *:* users:(("redis-server",pid=2531,fd=4)) 
 USER PID ACCESS COMMAND 22/tcp: root 598 F. sshd 

This is a good thing to remember generally. Commands in Linux generally won’t give information on processes started by root/sudo unless the command is run with Sudo. This is true even when the command does not normally need sudo to run correctly.

Running the command with sudo would give you the PID . On my development machine I get:

$ netstat -nlp | grep 8080 tcp6 0 0 . 8080 . * LISTEN - $ sudo netstat -nlp | grep 8080 tcp6 0 0 . 8080 . * LISTEN 16449/java 

And as mentioned in other answers you can also use the ss or the lsof commands.

I’m working on a Yocto Linux system that has a limited set of available Linux tools. I managed to find the process of a running port using the following commands (where I find the process using port 1883):

root@root:~# netstat -lt Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 localhost.localdomain:domain* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 . hostmon . * LISTEN tcp 0 0 localhost:domain . * LISTEN tcp 0 0 . ssh . * LISTEN tcp 0 0 . 1883 . * LISTEN root@root:~# fuser 1883/tcp 290 root@root:~# ps | grep 290 290 mosquitt 25508 S /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf 12141 root 8444 S grep 290 

As we can see above, it’s the program /usr/sbin/mosquitto that’s using port 1883.

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State Benutzer Inode PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 55233 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1000 3166326 364815/node tcp 0 0* LISTEN 127 36032 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 55234 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 2927660 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 127 36034 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 30995 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 101 26903 - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 132 32262 - tcp6 0 0 . * LISTEN 129 40952 - tcp6 0 0 . 35729 . * LISTEN 1000 3088940 355480/grunt tcp6 0 0 ::1:9300 . * LISTEN 129 40945 - tcp6 0 0 ::1:9200 . * LISTEN 129 41261 - tcp6 0 0 ::1:631 . * LISTEN 0 2927659 - tcp6 0 0 . * LISTEN 129 41262 - tcp6 0 0 . 9003 . * LISTEN 1000 3234646 373445/code tcp6 0 0 . 22 . * LISTEN 0 31006 - tcp6 0 0 . 80 . * LISTEN 0 940224 - tcp6 0 0 ::1:6379 . * LISTEN 132 32263 - udp 0 0* 101 26902 - udp 0 0* 0 2927684 - udp 0 0* 115 29345 - udp 0 0* 115 29347 - udp6 0 0 . 5353 . * 115 29346 - udp6 0 0 . 34477 . * 115 29348 - 


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How to find ports opened by process ID in Linux?

Hmm..I don’t seem to have the —all and —program options. I’m using OSX. Brew doesn’t seem to have a formula for it either.

-n will dramatically speed things up by not resolving hostnames. netsta -tupan is a good default command all and easy to remember.

You can use the command below:

As a side note, netstat -ao will read the /proc/PID/tcp etc to see the ports opened by the process. This means that its reading information supplied by the system (the linux KERNEL), and is in no way directly looking on the network interface or other means. Same goes for lsof.

If you are doing this as a security measure, you failed. You should never (NEVER EVER) trust the output of netstat, even if you are 100% sure you are in fact running a real netstat program (as opposed to a trojaned version) or any other program that reads the /proc filesystem. Some people seem to think that netstat, ls, ps or any other of the standard unix tools do some sort of magic and poll information from the sources, the truth is all of them rely on the /proc filesystem to get all of their data, which can be easily subverted by a rootkit or hypervisor.

If you’re dealing with a rootkitted system or a compromised hypervisor, you can’t trust anything, including something that purports to look directly at the network interface.

You can use the netstat command line tool with the -p command line argument:

-p (Linux):

Process: Show which processes are using which sockets (similar to -b under Windows). You must be root to do this.

To display all ports open by a process with id $PID :

In some embedded devices or with old version of Linux, the problem is netstat do not have —process or -p options available.

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The following script shows process with its IP and port, you must be root.

#!/bin/bash for protocol in tcp udp ; do #echo "protocol $protocol" ; for ipportinode in `cat /proc/net/$ | awk '/.*:.*:.*/'` ; do #echo "#ipportinode=$ipportinode" inode=`echo "$ipportinode" | cut -d"|" -f3` ; if [ "#$inode" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi lspid=`ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep "socket:\[$inode\]" 2>/dev/null` ; pid=`echo "lspid=$lspid" | awk 'BEGIN /socket/'` ; if [ "#$pid" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi exefile=`ls -l /proc/$pid/exe | awk 'BEGIN ">/->/'` #echo "$protocol|$pid|$ipportinode" echo "$protocol|$pid|$ipportinode|$exefile" | awk ' BEGIN function iphex2dec(ipport) < ret=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d: %d","0x"substr(ipport,1,2),"0x"substr(ipport,3,2), "0x"substr(ipport,5,2),"0x"substr(ipport,7,2),"0x"substr(ipport,10,4)) ; if( ret == "" ) #compatibility others awk versions < ret= strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,1,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,3,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,5,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,7,2)) ; ret=ret ":" strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,10)) ; >return ret ; > < print $1" pid:"$2" local="iphex2dec($3)" remote="iphex2dec($4)" inode:"$5" exe=" $6 ; >' ; #ls -l /proc/$pid/exe ; done ; done 
tcp pid:1454 local= remote= inode:13955 exe=/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd tcp pid:1468 local= remote= inode:12757 exe=/usr/sbin/dnsmasq tcp pid:1292 local= remote= inode:12599 exe=/usr/sbin/sshd tcp pid:4361 local= remote= inode:30576 exe=/usr/sbin/cupsd tcp pid:1375 local= remote= inode:12650 exe=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres 

With ls you can know the process route.

The fuser command says that the process is: 2054

I’ve added IPv6 support and made a few fixes. Additionally on my system the octets of the IP address are reversed. Dependencies are only to posix shell, awk and cut.

My Version can be found on Github

#!/bin/sh # prints all open ports from /proc/net/* # # for pretty output (if available) start with # ./ | column -t -s $'\t' #set -x ip4hex2dec () < local ip4_1octet="0x$" local ip4_2octet="$" ip4_2octet="0x$" local ip4_3octet="$" ip4_3octet="0x$" local ip4_4octet="$" ip4_4octet="0x$" local ip4_port="0x$" # if not used inverse #printf "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d" "$ip4_1octet" "$ip4_2octet" "$ip4_3octet" "$ip4_4octet" "$ip4_port" printf "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d" "$ip4_4octet" "$ip4_3octet" "$ip4_2octet" "$ip4_1octet" "$ip4_port" > # reoder bytes, byte4 is byte1 byte2 is byte3 . reorderByte() < if [ $-ne 8 ]; then echo "missuse of function reorderByte"; exit; fi local byte1="$" local byte2="$" byte2="$" local byte3="$" byte3="$" local byte4="$" echo "$byte4$byte3:$byte2$byte1" > # on normal intel platform the byte order of the ipv6 address in /proc/net/*6 has to be reordered. ip6hex2dec()< local ip_str="$" local ip6_port="0x$" local ipv6="$(reorderByte $)" local shiftmask="$" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" shiftmask="$" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" ipv6=$(echo $ipv6 | awk '< gsub(/(:0|^0)/, ":"); sub(/(:0)+:/, "::");print>') printf "%s:%d" "$ipv6" "$ip6_port" > for protocol in tcp tcp6 udp udp6 raw raw6; do #echo "protocol $protocol" ; for ipportinode in `cat /proc/net/$protocol | awk '/.*:.*:.*/'` ; do #echo "#ipportinode=$ipportinode" inode=$ if [ "#$inode" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi lspid=`ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep "socket:\[$inode\]" 2>/dev/null` ; pids=`echo "$lspid" | awk 'BEGIN /socket/ END>'` ; # removes duplicats for this pid #echo "#lspid:$lspid #pids:$pids" for pid in $pids; do if [ "#$pid" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi exefile=`ls -l /proc/$pid/exe | awk 'BEGIN ">/->/'`; cmdline=`cat /proc/$pid/cmdline` local_adr_hex=$ remote_adr_hex=$ remote_adr_hex=$ if [ "#$" = "#6" ]; then local_adr=$(ip6hex2dec $local_adr_hex) remote_adr=$(ip6hex2dec $remote_adr_hex) else local_adr=$(ip4hex2dec $local_adr_hex) remote_adr=$(ip4hex2dec $remote_adr_hex) fi echo "$protocol pid:$pid \t$local_adr \t$remote_adr \tinode:$inode \t$exefile $cmdline" done done done 


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