Linux how to execute binary file

Linux: Run a binary in a script

i want to run a program via script. normally i type ./program in the shell and the program starts. my script looks like this:

#!/bin/sh cd /home/user/path_to_the_program/ sh program 

5 Answers 5

If ./program works in the shell, why not use it in your script?

#!/bin/sh cd /home/user/path_to_the_program/ ./program 

sh program launches sh to try and interpret program as a shell script. Most likely it’s not a script but some other executable file, which is why it fails.

this worked but I’m unable to understand why it works this way but if I run it as . /home/user/path_to_program/program it gives an error

@VibhanshuBiswas probably parts of your script rely on the current working directory being the directory where the script is.

The shell tries to execute the program according to how it determines the file needs to be executed. If it is a binary, it will attempt to execute the entry subroutine. If the shell detects it is a script, e.g through the use of

the shell will pass the file (and any supplied arguments) as arguments to the supplied interpreter, which will then execute the script. If the interpreter given in the path does not exist, the shell will error, and if no interpreter line is found, the shell will assume the supplied script is to executed by itself.

when the first line of program contains

assuming that /bin/sh is the sh in your path (it could be /system/bin/sh, for example). Passing a binary to sh will cause sh to treat it as a shell script, which it is not, and binary is not interpretable shell (which is plain text). That is why you cannot use

in this context. It will also fail due to program being ruby, awk, sed, or anything else that is not a shell script.


linux execute binary file

To run it through terminal it’s not a hard task either. For being able to run it just make the file executable using chmod +x app-name. bin command and then execute it with ./app-name. bin.

How do you run binary?

  1. Open File Manager and navigate to the directory containing the program file (a shell script or a binary program file).
  2. Right-click on the file and click Properties.
  3. Click the Permissions tab.
  4. Select the Allow executing file as program option.
  5. Close the Properties window.

How do I run a binary file in Ubuntu?

How do I run a binary file in Kali Linux?

On Permissions thick the checkbox with the option allows executing the file as program close the program and double click on the binary. If the file doesn’t run, just right-click on it and select run on the terminal to execute it.

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Where are binary commands stored?

Purpose. Utilities used for system administration (and other root-only commands) are stored in /sbin , /usr/sbin , and /usr/local/sbin . /sbin contains binaries essential for booting, restoring, recovering, and/or repairing the system in addition to the binaries in /bin .

What are binary files in Linux?

Binaries are files that contain compiled source code (or machine code). Binary files are the files which contain compiled source code (or machine code). They are also called executable files because they can be executed on the computer. Binary directory contains following directories: /bin.

How do I create a shell script in binary?

  1. Step 1 – Prerequsities. First of all, You need to install required packages for SHC compiler. .
  2. Step 2 – Download and Install SHC. .
  3. Step 3 – Create Shell Script. .
  4. Step 4 – Create Binary of Script. .
  5. Step 5 – Test Binary Script:

How do I run a binary file in Windows?

Run the PowerISO software by double-clicking on the program desktop icon. Click the “Mount” icon, located on the top menu of the program. The virtual drives that PowerISO installed onto your computer will display in the resulting drop-down menu. Choose the virtual drive that you want to use to run your BIN file.

How do I run a binary file in Python?

  1. Requirements. You will need Python 3.6 or later.
  2. Installing. Windows with Python launcher: py -3 -m pip install binaryfile. .
  3. How to use. If you want to read or write to a binary file, first you will need to define the file structure. .
  4. Configuration. Result type. .
  5. Automated tests. Setting up the environment. .
  6. License.

How do I run a file in Unix?

  1. Open the terminal. Go to the directory where you want to create your script.
  2. Create a file with . sh extension.
  3. Write the script in the file using an editor.
  4. Make the script executable with command chmod +x .
  5. Run the script using ./.

How do I run as root in Linux?

  1. Run sudo and type in your login password, if prompted, to run only that instance of the command as root. .
  2. Run sudo -i . .
  3. Use the su (substitute user) command to get a root shell. .
  4. Run sudo -s .

How do I run a file in Linux?

  1. Open the Ubuntu terminal and move to the folder in which you’ve saved your RUN file.
  2. Use the command chmod +x yourfilename. run to make your RUN file executable.
  3. Use the command ./yourfilename. run to execute your RUN file.

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To shut down the system from a terminal session, sign in or «su» to the «root» account. Then type «/sbin/shutdown -r now». It may take several momen.

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How to Execute Binary Files in Linux

Binary files or bin files are executable files in the operating system also known as non-text files. These files can contain anything in it like images, compiled files, metadata, chain of sequential bytes or a text file having encoded binary data.

In Linux and Unix-like operating systems, .bin files contain machine code in it and can be executed on the system. All the data encoded in binary files cannot be readable by humans. These files can store anything except text.

How to Execute Binary Files in Linux:

To execute a binary file in a system, all you need to do is work as a super user with all privileges and permissions.

To run binary files on a Linux system, we need to make it executable by accessing them using a terminal. It can be done by following 3 steps.

    1. Open the command-line prompt by pressing ctrl+alt+t.
    2. The next step is to run without giving permission.

    Now, the file is ready to run on Linux system, again open the terminal and type the command:

    In this file doesn’t open and shows permission denied message, use sudo in command and run it again:


    The .bin files are the binary files that contain information to be executed in a system. They are encoded with machine code and cannot be readable. The article has shown how we can make binary files executable by giving them permission. These files cannot be executed without permission access and sudo privileges.

    About the author

    Syeda Wardah Batool

    I am a Software Engineer Graduate and Self Motivated Linux writer. I also love to read latest Linux books. Moreover, in my free time, i love to read books on Personal development.


    Execute Binary Files In Linux

    Linux has many format options for running applications from deb to rpm and the new formats snap and flatpak. Binary files can be in .bin or .run formats and although this can be easy to install it can be hard to remove and need an extra trick and a little experience to complete the removal.

    Some of the .bin and .run files need root privileges to install or run the applications. For being able to install the applications you need to run it with sudo command.

    ‘sudo’ Command

    Sudo permits the user to execute a command as a superuser (with higher privileges or root permissions).​

    sudo command

    On the example below, you can notice that trying to update using the terminal without root privileges gives you a permission error message.

    Running Binary Types (.bin and .run)

    There are two ways to run binary applications, one is through the user interface and the other is going to the terminal.

    User Interface Option

    To Install using the user interface, first, you need to make the file executable. To make the file executable first, right-click on the binary file and then properties and go to permissions. On Permissions thick the checkbox with the option allows executing the file as program close the program and double click on the binary. If the file doesn’t run, just right-click on it and select run on the terminal to execute it.

    Sometimes when you run the binary it takes a while to execute it if the file size is big. So be patient and wait for it. If it doesn’t try running it from terminal.

    Terminal Option

    To run it through terminal it’s not a hard task either. For being able to run it just make the file executable using chmod +x app-name.bin command and then execute it with ./app-name.bin.

    Note that if the application doesn’t run with an error message permission denied with normal privileges you may need to use sudo ./app-name.bin​

    execute binary files from terminal


    Linux has many options for running or installing applications which is one of the good things of Open Source, binary files are just one out there. There are snap packages, Flatpak, deb and many more, some applications are available on these formats so it’s up to choose which one you prefer.

    So what application extension you choose?


    Execute a binary file [duplicate]

    When I want to execute a binary file or program which is named as vtmc.ubu.ifc , I have to use the terminal to go to that bin folder where the program exists and have to execute the program by ./vtmc.ubu.ifc . How can I run the program without having to go to that folder, just by using the command like vtmc.ubu.ifc , similar to programs like vmd , xmgrace etc opens just by typing vmd or xmgrace in the terminal.

    2 Answers 2

    You can edit the ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file to add the directory where your program is located like this (note here that this is editing the .bashrc script which is a script executed by bash every time an interactive bash shell is started):

    1. open a terminal
    2. gedit .bashrc
    3. go to the end of the file an add:
    export PATH=$PATH:"directory of the program" 

    N.B. In order to add the program to the PATH env var of other users, edit the /home/USERNAME/.bashrc script of each user. And to make the program executable in a root shell make the same modification to the /root/.bashrc script.

    There are two methods that I know to accomplish what you are up to more easily:

    1st Method (Easiest)

    Going to the place where the application is by window explorer like Nautilus (the default window explorer) and then right-click and open terminal at that location and then run the application through the terminal

    Add the application path into environment variable or PATH variable.

    The official way of adding a path into $PATH is by creating a file (called a bash file and mostly ends with .sh for distinguishing purpose only) in the /etc/profile.d/ and in that file, update the $PATH by export command.

    For example, in order to add Android Studio application path into path variable ( $PATH ), follow the steps bellow:

    1. Go to /etc/profile.d/
    2. Create a text file using nano or vim or sublime and name it ««
    3. Add following code block to the file and then save the file:
    #!/bin/bash ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android_studio/android-studio/bin ANDROID_SDK=~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME:$ANDROID_SDK 

    That’s it! From now on, you could just run the application using the application’s name.


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