Linux how to lock screen

Three ways to lock your Ubuntu screen

In Ubuntu 18.04, you can use the Super+L shortcut to lock your computer screen. The Super key in the Windows button on your keyboard. In previous versions of Ubuntu, you could use the Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut for this purpose. You can easily view all the keyboard shortcuts from the system Settings utility.

  1. How do I lock my desktop in Linux?
  2. How do I lock my screen quickly?
  3. How do I lock my screen without Ctrl Alt Delete?
  4. How do I lock my screen using command prompt?
  5. How do I lock a file in Linux?
  6. What is Ctrl S in terminal?
  7. How do I lock my lock screen?
  8. How do I lock my screen in place?
  9. How do I remove Ctrl Lock?
  10. How do I lock my computer from another user?
  11. What is the shortcut key to lock computer?

How do I lock my desktop in Linux?

How to lock your screen. To lock your screen before you leave your desk, either Ctrl+Alt+L or Super+L (i.e., holding down the Windows key and pressing L) should work. Once your screen is locked, you will have to enter your password to log back in.

How do I lock my screen quickly?

Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys at the same time. A screen of options should appear. When it does, click «Lock.»

How do I lock my screen without Ctrl Alt Delete?

Hit the Windows key and the L key on your keyboard. Keyboard shortcut for the lock!

How do I lock my screen using command prompt?

Step 1: Press Windows + R key to open Run command box. Step 2: In the Run dialog box, type rundll32.exe user32. dll,LockWorkStation and then press Enter key to lock computer.

How do I lock a file in Linux?

Locking files with flock. One common way to lock a file on a Linux system is flock . The flock command can be used from the command line or within a shell script to obtain a lock on a file and will create the lock file if it doesn’t already exist, assuming the user has the appropriate permissions.

What is Ctrl S in terminal?

Ctrl+S: Stop all output to the screen. This is particularly useful when running commands with a lot of long, verbose output, but you don’t want to stop the command itself with Ctrl+C. Ctrl+Q: Resume output to the screen after stopping it with Ctrl+S.

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How do I lock my lock screen?

  1. Open your phone’s Settings app.
  2. Tap Security. .
  3. To pick a kind of screen lock, tap Screen lock. .
  4. Tap the screen lock option you’d like to use.

How do I lock my screen in place?

  1. Open Settings > Lock screen & security > Advanced > Screen pinning. .
  2. Tap On.
  3. Enable Require unlock PIN for unpinning.

How do I remove Ctrl Lock?

a. Go to Start / Settings / Control Panel / Accessibility Options /Keyboard Options. b. Turn off CTRL lock if it’s on.

How do I lock my computer from another user?

Press the Windows logo key and the letter ‘L’ at the same time. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del and then click the Lock this computer option. Create a shortcut to lock the screen.

What is the shortcut key to lock computer?

  1. Press Ctrl, Alt and Del at the same time.
  2. Then, select Lock this computer from the options that appear on the screen.

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Session lock

There are numerous utilities to lock the screen of a session. But it is important to note that the utility to use is highly dependent on the environment you are in, either the virtual console, or a specific display server (Xorg or Wayland).

By environment

This article or section is a candidate for merging with List of applications#Screen lockers.

Virtual console

You can use vlock or physlock to lock a virtual console.


There are many ways to lock the session under Xorg, so this section is likely to be incomplete. Some methods however include:

  • xlock , in the xlockmore package —
  • xsecurelock , in the xsecurelock package
  • xscreensaver-command -lock in the xscreensaver package
  • xss-lock
  • slock in the slock package
  • kscreenlocker
  • i3lock
  • i3lock-colorAUR
  • alockAUR

Most desktop environments come with some way to lock the session.


You can lock the session with one of the following methods:

Triggering the lock

You can lock a session using different methods:

  • from a terminal
  • using a GUI:
    • from a desktop icon
    • using hot corners
    • from a menu (mouse or keyboard driven)
    • inactivity (using systemd, xss-lock or xautolock)
    • systemd events (suspend, hibernate, etc.)

    The last point (triggering a lock from an event) is the trickiest, because you can do it in one of two ways:

    • get the action trigger to execute your lock, then to execute the initial action.
    • from the event trigger, add the lock to the event chain. So far this can only be done using systemd.

    Shell triggers


    To execute a command after terminal inactivity, you can use the TMOUT environment variable.

    You can combine it with a trap on the ALARM signal to execute the lock. Without a trap, it will just terminate the shell.

    You might want to detect if you are in a graphical environment, otherwise your GUI terminals might start disappearing without you understanding why.

    Xorg triggers


    xss-lock is triggered by one of two things:

    The advantage of this is that you can control a lock issued manually, by inactivity, and by a suspend command at the same place.

    To execute an action on one of those events:

    systemd events

    By default, xss-lock subscribes to suspend , hibernate , lock-session , and unlock-session with appropriate actions (run locker and wait for user to unlock or kill locker).

    You can prevent xss-lock from being triggered by suspend and hibernate using —ignore-sleep .

    You can trigger a manual lock using loginctl lock-session , or lock all current sessions with loginctl lock-sessions .


    To configure DPMS signaling timeout:

    # Trigger screensaver after 10 minutes of inactivity xset s on xset s 600

    DPMS signaling can also be configured in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ in the Monitor section.

    Using DPMS signaling, you can set a second timer, for example to notify the user or to dim the screen. For example (from xss-lock(1) ):

    # Dim the screen after three minutes of inactivity, lock the screen two minutes later using i3lock: xset s 180 120 xss-lock -n -- i3lock -n

    An example script can be found in /usr/share/doc/xss-lock .

    Note: When using xss-lock with DPMS, you will have to blank the screen yourself. It will not be triggered when looking at videos.


    $ xautolock -time 12 -locker "systemctl suspend" -detectsleep

    Wayland triggers


    swayidle listens for idle activity from the Wayland compositor, as well as systemd events, and executes commands accordingly. See Sway#Idle.

    D-Bus notification

    Using loginctl lock-session , or the lock action in logind.conf(5) , you can notify the system through DBUS that you want to lock. This notification can then be processed, for example by xss-lock.


    In logind.conf(5) , you can configure the IdleAction to lock . This will trigger a DBUS notification, that will have to be processed (for example by xsslock) to lock the session.

    Note that this is for a global system (so this is not ideal for a multi user environment).

    Note also that «this requires that user sessions correctly report the idle status to the system».


    Before suspend or hibernate
    [Unit] Description=Lock the screen [Service] User=%I Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=:0 ExecStart=/usr/bin/i3lock -c 000000 [Install]

    To enable it for a certain user, enable sleep@Username.service .

    Lid closing

    You can use the lock action using the related ACPI event.

    See also


    Три способа заблокировать Ваш экран в Ubuntu

    Когда Вы должны сделать перерыв от работы, но не хотите заканчивать свою текущую сессию, блокировка Вашего монитора является выходом. Можно, конечно, завершить работу системы и запустить ее снова, когда Вы вернулись, но это означает, что необходимо сохранить всю работу и открыть все в том же состоянии.

    В этой статье мы объясним три метода для блокировки экрана Ubuntu; через UI, через сочетание клавиш, и через командную строку.

    Метод 1: через панель настроек

    Основанный на UI метод для блокировки экрана Ubuntu через Панель Настроек, к которой можно получить доступ от главной панели рабочего стола Ubuntu.

    Нажмите на направленную вниз стрелку, расположенную в главном правом углу Вашего экрана Ubuntu. Это — панель, которая появится:

    Блокировка экрана через UI

    Эта панель предоставляет Вам быстрый графический доступ ко многим настраиваемым параметрам настройки системы. Можно заблокировать монитор через значок Lock, который по умолчанию является предпоследним значком, расположенным в нижней части на Ubuntu 18.04. Как только Вы нажимаете на этот значок, Ваш монитор будет заблокирован.

    Метод 2: Через сочетание клавиш

    Все системы Ubuntu идут с некоторыми предопределенными сочетаниями клавиш, которые можно использовать для выполнения некоторых функций базовой системы. Так как экранная блокировка является также частой операцией, существует ярлык для этого. В Ubuntu 18.04 можно использовать ярлык Super+L для блокировки монитора.

    В предыдущих версиях Ubuntu Вы могли использовать ярлык Ctrl+Alt+L с этой целью.

    Можно легко просмотреть все сочетания клавиш от утилиты параметров настройки системы.

    Самый простой способ получить доступ к этим настройкам через системного Тире или панель поиска средства запуска приложения следующим образом:

    keyboard shortcuts

    Введите соответствующие ключевые слова, чтобы получить доступ к сочетаниям клавиш в этой панели и затем нажать соответствующий результат поиска.

    Это откроет представление Settings> Devices> Keyboard следующим образом:

    Настройка сочетания клавишь

    Здесь можно просмотреть список всех предопределенных ярлыков, отредактировать один путем нажатия на него, и также создать новые пользовательские ярлыки для простоты использования.

    Метод 3: Через командную строку

    Существует утилита, названная Экранной заставкой Gnome, которая позволяет Вам заблокировать свой экран Ubuntu через командную строку.

    Откройте свою командную строку Ubuntu, Терминал, или посредством поиска средства запуска приложения или посредством ярлыка Ctrl+Alt+T.

    Тогда введите следующую команду как sudo для установки утилиты Gnome Screensaver:

    sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver

    sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver

    Обратите внимание на то, что только авторизованный пользователь может добавить/удалить и настроить программное обеспечение на Ubuntu. Введите пароль для sudo, и программное обеспечение будет установлено в Вашей системе.

    Можно использовать следующую команду для блокировки экрана Ubuntu:

    gnome-screensaver-command -l


    How to lock my screen?

    I can’t enable lock screen mode in my laptop and also in my PC. I went to system setting > screen > lock Ctrl+Alt+L : Nothing happens! the shortcut is there but not works !

    sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-screensaver : Reading package lists. Done Building dependency tree Reading state information. Done You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: dassault-systemes-draftsight:i386 : Depends: sendmail:i386 but it is not installable PreDepends: libdirectfb-extra:i386 (>= 1.2.7-2) but it is not going to be installed PreDepends: libxcb-render-util0:i386 (>= 0.3.6-1) but it is not installable E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). 

    try sudo apt-get —reinstall install gnome-screensaver and then try again gnome-screensaver-command -l

    I can’t ! it says :»You might want to run ‘apt-get -f install’ to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: dassault-systemes-draftsight:i386 : Depends: sendmail:i386 but it is not installable PreDepends: libdirectfb-extra:i386 (>= 1.2.7-2) but it is not going to be installed PreDepends: libxcb-render-util0:i386 (>= 0.3.6-1) but it is not installable E: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt-get -f install’ with no packages (or specify a solution). «

    ok — we are narrowing down the issue — you’ve got package issues. Either remove that draftsight package or try and fix it . maybe this Q&A helps?


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