Linux hp data protector

Five Minutes to run your Data Protector Installation Server on Linux

In order to install the Data Protector client software on Linux based systems and on HP-UX, you need to have a server with the installation server package installed. With an installation server you are able to distribute the software onto new clients or to upgrade existing clients (push installation). I use a virtual machine with a basic installation and no graphical interface in these cases. The installation server is supported on RedHat, CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (details and version information can be found in matrix: Platform_Integrtn_SptMtx.pdf). With the documentation below I show you how to install or upgrade the Data Protector Linux Installation Server. This includes the removal of an older major version and will not take more than five minutes in total.

Remove older Data Protector version:

cp /opt/omni/.omnirc /tmp/.omnirc.sav rpm -qa | grep -i ob2 > /tmp/removeOB2 for PACKAGE in `cat /tmp/removeOB2`; do rpm -e $PACKAGE --nodeps --noscripts; done; cp /etc/services /tmp/services.bak cat /etc/services | sed -e "s/omni/\#omni/" > /tmp/ cp /tmp/ /etc/services rm /etc/xinetd.d/omni rm -r /etc/opt/omni rm -r /opt/omni rm -r /var/opt/omni rm /tmp/removeOB2 rm /tmp/

Comment: This is not the recommended way to uninstall Data Protector, but the fastest method. Keep in mind that Data Protector site specific patches or other hotfixes may not have been installed with the “OB2” string in the package description.

Install new Data Protector version (Installation Server only):

mkdir /dpinstall (*) mkdir /dpinstall/dp9 mkdir /dpinstall/dp9pb copy ISO file to /dpinstall (**) copy patch bundle file to /dpinstall (***) mount -o loop /dpinstall/TD586-15021.iso /dpinstall/dp9 /dpinstall/dp9/LOCAL_INSTALL/ -IS umount /dpinstall/dp9 tar -xvf DPLNXBDL_00902.tar -C /dpinstall/dp9pb/ cd /dpinstall/dp9pb ./ -bundleadd b902 cd / rm -r /dpinstall cp /tmp/.omnirc.sav /opt/omni/.omnirc (****)

* or any other folder with sufficient space
** e.g. TD586-15021.iso – Data Protector 9.00 Linux – use winscp to copy the file
*** e.g. DPLNXBDL_00902.tar – Data Protector 9.02 Linux – use winscp to copy the file
**** if file exists – see remove older version of Data Protector

In the example it is assumed that a patch bundle needs to be installed in addition. If no patch bundle is available the steps 3, 5, 9, 10 and 11 are not required. After the installation it is recommend to check the content of the file .omnirc ; at least the variable OB2_SSH_ENABLED=1 in file /opt/omni/.omnirc is required in order to distribute new clients using Data Protector GUI. If the file does not exist you can create it from template – cp /opt/omni/.omnirc.TMPL /opt/omni/.omnirc . If additional updates are available copy the patches onto the server and decompress using command tar . A rpm package and text file will be generated. Within the text files the command to install the patch can be found. Please keep in mind, Data Protector patches will be installed using a special order; for details see

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Register Installation Server in Data Protector Cell:

omnicc -export_is (*) omnicc -import_is (**)

* This step is required only if the server was already an installation server
** Use the name of the server (FQDN) for “installation server”

If this installation server was already used in the past to install the Data Protector client software, you now can use it to upgrade your existing client using the Data Protector GUI. If this installation server is your first installation server you need to configure SSH based authentication first.

Create public/private rsa key pair:

ssh-keygen (*) ssh (**) ssh (**) ssh (**) Add public key (***)

* Answer the questions to generate the “key pair”
** You can cancel the login once you accepted the host key for the client
*** Use ssh to login into the new client and add the public key from the installation server ( cat /root/.ssh/ ) into the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

It is assumed that defaults will be used when using the command ssh-keygen . Furthermore it is assumed that all defaults were used for the SSH configuration and paths.


Installing Data Protector 6.0 on Ubuntu

Download the latest HP-UX core and disk agent patches (either Ia64 or PA-RISC, Linux installation is included on both!) from

In this examaple the the core patch filename is PHSS_39016.depot and the disk agent patch filename is PHSS_39439.depot. The patches is located in the users home folder on the client. The cell managers FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) is and has IP-address The clients FQDN is and has IP-address

Verify that the client can resolve the FQDN of the cellmananger
Verify the the cell manager can resolve the FQDN of the client.

If you have problem resolving the FQDNs, check the DNS configuration. If you for example have the client on a DMZ you may have to edit the hosts file and add an entry for the cell manger. Open the hosts file with your favortite text editor, in my case nano.
Install Nano
# sudo aptitude install nano

Edit hosts with Nano
# sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add the following entry at the top:
Save the file.

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Now install the following on the client running Ubuntu Server. I have tested this installation on Ubuntu Server 8.04.

Install and configurate RPM
#sudo aptitude install rpm -y
# sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/rpm
# sudo rpm –initdb

Install inetutils-inetd
# sudo aptitude install inetutils-inetd -y

Install HP Data Protector core
# cd ~/
# sudo tar xvf PHSS_39016.depot
# sudo mkdir /tmp/install
# sudo mkdir /tmp/install/core
# sudo cp ~/PHSS_39016/OMNI-CORE-IS/opt/omni/databases/vendor/omnicf/gpl/i386/linux-x86/A.06.00/packet.Z /tmp/install/core
# sudo cp ~/PHSS_39016/OMNI-CORE-IS/opt/omni/databases/utils/gpl/i386/linux-x86/utils.tar /tmp/install/core
# cd /tmp/install/core
# sudo mv packet.Z packet.Z.gz
# sudo mv utils.tar utils.tar.gz
# sudo gunzip packet.Z.gz
# sudo gunzip utils.tar.gz
# sudo mkdir /tmp/omni_tmp
# sudo mkdir /tmp/omni_tmp/core
# cd /tmp/omni_tmp/core
# sudo tar xvf /tmp/install/core/utils.tar
# sudo cp /tmp/install/core/packet.Z .
# ./ /tmp/omni_tmp/core/packet.Z CORE A.06.00 gpl/i386/linux-x86 /opt/omni 5555

Install HP Data Protector disk agent
# cd ~/
# sudo tar xvf PHSS_39439.depot
# sudo mkdir /tmp/install/da
# sudo cp ~/PHSS_39439/OMNI-OTHUX-P/opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/gpl/i386/linux-x86/A.06.00/packet.Z /tmp/install/da
# sudo cp ~/PHSS_39016/OMNI-CORE-IS/opt/omni/databases/utils/gpl/i386/linux-x86/utils.tar /tmp/install/da
# cd /tmp/install/da
# sudo mv packet.Z packet.Z.gz
# sudo mv utils.tar utils.tar.gz
# sudo gunzip packet.Z.gz
# sudo gunzip utils.tar.gz
# sudo mkdir /tmp/omni_tmp/da
# cd /tmp/omni_tmp/da
# sudo tar xvf /tmp/install/da/utils.tar
# sudo cp /tmp/install/da/packet.Z .
# sudo ./ /tmp/omni_tmp/da/packet.Z DA A.06.00 gpl/i386/linux-x86 /opt/omni 5555

If you have a firewall enabled on the client remember to allow incoming connections from the cell manager over port 5555 TCP and outgoing connections to the cell manager over port 5555 TCP.

Firewall rules on the client

If you have a firewall enabled on the cell manager remember to allow incoming connections from the client over port 5555 TCP and outgoing connections to the client over port 5555 TCP.

Firewall rules on the cell mananger

Test the connectivity on the client:
# sudo aptitude install telnet
# telnet 5555
The cell manager will answer “HP OpenView Storage Data Protector A.06.00: INET…” if the connectivity is working.

Test the connectivity on the cell manager
telnet 5555



This manual describes the install of HP Data Protector 5.5 Core component, Disk Agent and Media Agent on a Linux server. In this manual the backup server is backupserver.demo.local and the linux server is linuxserver.demo.local

The HP Data Protector 5.5 suite does not contain a simple installation for Linux Agents, therefore this manual is necessary.

  1. Use winscp in binary mode to copy DP_A0550_UXia64_IS.sd_depot from the cdrom to /var/tmp on the linux server
  2. Connect to the linux server with putty.
  3. Logon with root credentials
  4. type vi /etc/hosts
    • add backupserver.demo.local to the hosts file
  5. type cd /var/tmp
    • go to dir where depot file remains
  6. type tar -xvf DP_A0550_UXia64_IS.sd_depot
    • extract the depot file
  7. type mkdir /tmp/omni_tmp
    • create a temporary installation location
  8. type cd /tmp/omni_tmp
    • go there
  9. type tar -xvf /var/tmp/DATA-PROTECTOR/OMNI-CORE-IS/opt/omni/databases/utils/gpl/i386/linux-60/utils.tar
  1. type cp /var/tmp/DATA-PROTECTOR/OMNI-CORE-IS/opt/omni/databases/vendor/omnicf/gpl/i386/linux-60/A.05.50/packet.Z /tmp/omni_tmp
    • copy the core component to the temp install location
  2. type ./ /tmp/omni_tmp/packet.Z co a.05.50 gpl/i386/linux-60 /usr/omni backupserver.demo.local
    • install the core component
    • the packet.Z file is removed after installation
    • you’ll get an error message like ‘Warning: Update of the omni_info file failed for co! Omniback II software package successfully installed !’ but that’s ok.
  3. type cp /var/tmp/DATA-PROTECTOR/OMNI-OTHUX-P/opt/omni/databases/vendor/da/gpl/i386/linux-60/A.05.50/packet.Z /tmp/omni_tmp
    • copy the disk agent component to the temp installation location
  4. type ./ /tmp/omni_tmp/packet.Z da a.05.50 gpl/i386/linux-60 /usr/omni backupserver.demo.local
    • install the disk agent component
  5. type cp /var/tmp/DATA-PROTECTOR/OMNI-OTHUX-P/opt/omni/databases/vendor/ma/gpl/i386/linux-60/A.05.50/packet.Z /tmp/omni_tmp
    • copy the media agent component to the temp install location
  6. type ./ /tmp/omni_tmp/packet.Z ma a.05.50 gpl/i386/linux-60 /usr/omni backupserver.demo.local
    • install the media agent component
  7. type vi /etc/services
    • go to the bottom of the file add the portnumber 5555 to the omni service like omni 5555/tcp # DATA-PROTECTOR
  8. type service xinetd restart
    • restart xinetd so that omni will start
  9. Add client to the HP Data Protector Storage Manager by doing a import client…
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Развёртывание клиента HP Data Protector на Ubuntu 12.04 (amd64)

В данной статье говорится о том как просто и быстро развернуть клиент на операционной системе Ubuntu 12.04, который так же надо будет интегрировать в централизованную систему управления.

Первым делом необходимо оптимизировать ОС

Чтобы можно было спокойно работать с данным клиентом потребуется немного изменить результат вывода команды uname:

# Original uname moved to /bin/
case $1 in
echo «Linux servername 2.6.35-30-server #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 16:36:30 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux»
/bin/uname.orig -a
/bin/uname.orig $1 $2 $3

Если устанавливать всё вручную

Загрузим необходимые пакеты с сайта hp:

Resources >>> Trial Software >>> HP Data Protector 6.20 Evaluation

Затем нас попросят ввести контактную инфу о себе, можно написать что угодно, ссылку всё равно предоставят.

Когда увидите модальное окно с несколькими Download обязательно выбирайте как минимум HP_UX, на как в пакете с надписью Linux нужных для установки файлов нет.

Установка пакета

Итак мы загрузили пакет ESD_HP_DP_6.2_for_HP_UX_TD586_15001_01.tar.gz, теперь его необходимо распаковать и подготовить операционную систему.

tar xfvz ESD_HP_DP_6.2_for_HP_UX_TD586_15001_01.tar.gz
cd TD586-15001-01/LOCAL_INSTALL

Данная система будет заниматься бэкапом некоторых директорий ФС и базой данных Oracle. Запустим установку (имя_хоста_или_ip — центральный сервер HP Data Protector):

./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install ma
./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install da
./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install cc
./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install oracle8
./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install autodr
./ -server имя_хоста_или_ip -install docs

К сожалению установщик немного староват, поэтому не понимает конструкцию, где передаётся несколько аргументов ключу -install (это появилось только в версии 7.0).

После всех этих манипуляций, на сервере где установлен «Data Protect Manager» во вкладке Client должен появиться этот сервер (будет отображаться его hostname в списке)


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