Linux html to txt

Transforming HTML to a Text File Using a Bash Command

To convert HTML files to TXT format on OSX, you can use the command line tool called textutil. Another option is to install the module html-to-text globally through nodejs and use it to convert the files. If you want to convert HTML number entities like ę to real characters using command line tools, is there a way to do so?

Bash command to convert html page to a text file

As a novice in Linux, I seek your guidance on how to transform an HTML page into a plain text file without including any images or links. I am interested in using only Bash commands for this purpose and not any HTML to text conversion tools. For instance, I intend to change the initial search results page from Google for the term «computers».

A convenient method is to utilize a tool that provides the dump, which is essentially the text version of the HTML that can be viewed.

lynx --dump > file.txt links -dump 
lynx --dump ./1.html > file.txt links -dump ./1.htm 

The process of converting the charset to utf8 can be observed by referring to:

lynx -dump -display_charset UTF-8 ./1.htm links -dump -codepage UTF-8 ./1.htm 

Usage: [(filename|url) [encoding]]

Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --ignore-links don't include any formatting for links --ignore-images don't include any formatting for images -g, --google-doc convert an html-exported Google Document -d, --dash-unordered-list use a dash rather than a star for unordered list items -b BODY_WIDTH, --body-width=BODY_WIDTH number of characters per output line, 0 for no wrap -i LIST_INDENT, --google-list-indent=LIST_INDENT number of pixels Google indents nested lists -s, --hide-strikethrough hide strike-through text. only relevent when -g is specified as well 

To convert multiple HTML files into TXT format on OSX, you can utilize the command line tool known as textutil.

textutil -convert txt *.html 

One option is to obtain nodejs and perform a global installation of the html-to-text module.

Linux — How can I automate HTML-to-PDF conversions?, It is a message routing engine, but it has the ability to convert html to pdf, so you could set it up to pick up an html file in a folder, convert to pdf, and …

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How to convert html entities to readable text?

My objective is to obtain HTML number entities such as ę and transform them into actual characters. The majority of the emails I receive, especially those from LinkedIn, follow this format.

May I ask if you are also considering participating in new projects in Warsaw? At present, we are searching for a JavaScript specialist/architect with a strong understanding of Angular.js for a project related to a system that serves to monitor and manage vehicle fleets. We are looking for a team to which you may belong.

When I switch to HTML in Clawsmail, it does not automatically convert to text. Despite attempting to copy and paste, the issue persists.

xclip -o -sel clip | html2text | less 

Is there a command line tool that can be used to convert the entities in the text?

I can only suggest utilizing data:text/html, by accessing it through a web browser, although I would rather have a command line option available.

Obtain recode without charge, which was previously recognized as GNU recode .

In case you require to decode only &#x; entities and lack both recode and HTML::Entities , you can manually perform the decoding process.

perl -Mopen=locale -pe 's/&#x([\da-f]+);/chr hex $1/gie' 

An answer provided on StackOverflow’s «How can I decode HTML entities?» suggests the possibility of utilizing a straightforward Perl approach.

perl -Mopen=locale -MHTML::Entities -pe '$_ = decode_entities($_)' email.txt 

e.g. using your example text

$ perl -Mopen=locale -MHTML::Entities -pe '$_ = decode_entities($_)' email.txt chciałabym zapytać, czy rozważa Pan takze udział w nowych projektach w Warszawie ? Obecnie poszukujemy specjalisty javascript/architekta z bardzo dobrą znajomością Angular.js do projektu, który dotyczy systemu, służącego do monitorowania i zarządzania flotą pojazdów. Zespół, do którego poszukujemy 

When using -Mopen=locale , characters are processed in the character set of the locale. This includes characters inputted from email.txt . Although email.txt appears to only have ASCII characters (which is likely why they were encoded using &#x; ), if there are non-ASCII characters present, it may be necessary to adjust the decoding process to use the correct character set (if it differs from the locale’s) instead of relying on open=locale .

Python 3.2 or a later version is compatible for usage in a pipe.

python3 -c 'import html, sys; [print(html.unescape(l), end="") for l in sys.stdin]' < file 

\ \ \ \ \ echo\ \-e\ "\x01\x19"\ \ \ \ should do the trick.

HTML to text conversion in shell script, I wrote a shell script to convert HTML source to plain text using lynx. Here it is: #!/bin/sh if [ -f = "/usr/bin/lynx" ] then if [ -f = "$1" ] then lynx -dump $1 > …

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Convert HTML to text format

My objective is to retrieve the content of the page from this HTML file.

Additional M2Ms & Standalone DataMasking List for 09 10 2020 PST
Start Time FM CR CR Type Customer Name Source Pod Target Pod DM Flag Release Data Center CDB Sync FreeSpace Check TDE/DV Check M2M Optin M2M Type Database Reorg Details Operations Team
09/10/2020-19:00 11124482 M2M TCS KCLB-CDB EGLG-TEST N Revision 13.20.07 ks8-US-OCC Yes Passed Passed Y sDC Reclaimable Space: 3532 GB Reorg Required
09/10/2020-19:00 11170981 Standalone Data Masking Wipro, Inc. LMNO-TEST Revision 13.20.07 ns2-US NA NA NA NA NA

M2M Ops

Note: This is a system generated email, still you can reply with queries/suggestions.

To date, my attempts have involved utilizing the code labeled as sed .

I am getting below output:

Start TimeFM CRCR TypeCustomer NameSource PodTarget PodDM FlagReleaseData CenterCDB SyncFreeSpace CheckTDE/DV CheckM2M OptinM2M TypeDatabase Reorg DetailsOperations Team 09/10/2020-19:0011124482 M2MTCSKCLB-CDBEGLG-TESTNRevision 13.20.07ks8-US-OCCYes PassedPassedYsDCReclaimable Space: 3532 GBReorg RequiredRAMU 09/10/2020-19:0011170981 Standalone Data MaskingWipro Inc.LMNO-TESTRevision 13.20.07ns2-USNA NANANANANANADataMasking Thanks,M2M OpsNote: This is a system generated email, still you can reply with queries/suggestions. 

Nevertheless, it does not match the expected result.

StartTime FMCR CRType CustomerName SourcePod TargetPod DMFlag Release DataCenter CDBSync FreeSpaceCheck TDE/DVCheck M2MOptin M2MType DatabaseReorgDetails OperationsTeam 09/10/2020-19:00 11124482 M2M TCS KCLB-CDB KCLB-TEST N Revision 13.20.07 ks8-US-OCC YES Passed Passed Y sDC Reclaimable Space: 3532 GB Reorg Required RAMU 09/10/2020-19:00 11170981 Standalone Data Masking Wipro, Inc LMNO-TEST Revision 13.20.07 ns2-US NA NA NA NA NA NA NA DataMasking 

The output of the combination of sed and awk relies entirely on the formatting of the HTML file. This means that if we compare the HTML source of revision #3 with that of revision #4, we will get different results.

Instead of relying solely on manual methods, specialized tools like html2text can be employed. The resulting HTML page can be converted to plain text using html2text . Additional command-line tools like sed and awk can also be used to further modify the output.

To execute the installation process for html2text , just run the command.

sudo apt install html2text 

To get started simply run:

The HTML documents formatted by html2text are set to a default screen width of 79 characters, resulting in the following output.

 ___________________________________Additional_M2Ms_&_Standalone_DataMasking_List_for_09_10_2020_PST____________________________________ |Start|FM CR |CR Type |Customer|Source|Target|DM |Release |Data |CDB |FreeSpace|TDE/DV|M2M |M2M |Database Reorg |Operations | |Time_|________|__________|Name____|Pod___|Pod___|Flag|________|Center|Sync|Check____|Check_|Optin|Type|Details_____________|Team_______| |09/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Reclaimable| | | |10/ |11124482|M2M |TCS |KCLB- |EGLG- |N |Revision|ks8- |Yes |Passed |Passed|Y |sDC |Space: 3532|Reorg | RAMU | |2020-| | | |CDB |TEST | |13.20.07|US-OCC| | | | | |GB |Required| | |19:00|________|__________|________|______|______|____|________|______|____|_________|______|_____|____|___________|________|___________| |09/ | |Standalone| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10/ |11170981|Data |Wipro, | |LMNO- | |Revision|ns2-US|NA |NA |NA |NA |NA | NA | NA |DataMasking| |2020-| |Masking |Inc. | |TEST | |13.20.07| | | | | | | | | | |19:00|________|__________|________|______|______|____|________|______|____|_________|______|_____|____|___________|________|___________| Thanks, M2M Ops Note: This is a system generated email, still you can reply with queries/ suggestions. 

By altering the width, you can adjust the number of characters as per your requirement. As an illustration, your question comprises 261 characters in width, therefore, you have the option to employ this technique.

html2text -width 261 file.html 
 _________________________________________________________________________________________________Additional_M2Ms_&_Standalone_DataMasking_List_for_09_10_2020_PST_________________________________________________________________________________________________ |Start_Time______|FM_CR___|CR_Type________________|Customer_Name|Source_Pod|Target_Pod|DM_Flag|Release__________|Data_Center|CDB_Sync|FreeSpace_Check|TDE/DV_Check|M2M_Optin|M2M_Type|Database_Reorg_Details____________________________________|Operations_Team___| |09/10/2020-19:00|11124482|M2M____________________|TCS__________|KCLB-CDB__|EGLG-TEST_|N______|Revision_13.20.07|ks8-US-OCC_|Yes_____|Passed_________|Passed______|Y________|sDC_____|Reclaimable_Space:_3532_GB|Reorg_Required_________________|_______RAMU_______| |09/10/2020-19:00|11170981|Standalone_Data_Masking|Wipro,_Inc.__|__________|LMNO-TEST_|_______|Revision_13.20.07|ns2-US_____|NA______|NA_____________|NA__________|NA_______|NA______|____________NA____________|______________NA_______________|DataMasking_______| Thanks, M2M Ops Note: This is a system generated email, still you can reply with queries/suggestions. 

In order to handle various aspects, such as removing glyph ( | ), underscore ( _ ), blank spaces, the initial line and final three lines, there are multiple command line tools available for manipulation as per your needs. However, using an unsightly approach can also do the job.

html2text -width 200 file.html | sed 's/|/\ /g;s/\_/\ /g;/^$/d'| head -n -3 | tail -n +2 
 Start Time FM CR CR Type Customer Name Source Pod Target Pod DM Flag Release Data Center CDB Sync FreeSpace TDE/DV Check M2M Optin M2M Type Database Reorg Details Operations Team Check 09/10/2020-19: 11124482 M2M TCS KCLB-CDB EGLG-TEST N Revision ks8-US-OCC Yes Passed Passed Y sDC Reclaimable Reorg Required RAMU 00 13.20.07 Space: 3532 GB 09/10/2020-19: 11170981 Standalone Wipro, Inc. LMNO-TEST Revision ns2-US NA NA NA NA NA NA NA DataMasking 00 Data Masking 13.20.07 

My preferred method is to utilize "vim" by including the "sed sentences" in a designated file-command along with specific guidelines. Following this, I execute the command using "vim -s file-command".

$ cat file-command :%join :%s//&\r/gi :%s//\t/gi :%s/]*>//g :w %.txt :q! $ vim -s file-command example.html $ cat example.html.txt Additional M2Ms & Standalone DataMasking List for 09 10 2020 PST Start Time FM CR CR Type Customer Name Source Pod Target Pod DM Flag Release Data Center CDB Sync FreeSpace Check TDE/DV Check M2M Optin M2M Type Database Reorg Details Operations Team 09/10/2020-19:00 11124482 M2M TCS KCLB-CDB EGLG-TEST N Revision 13.20.07 ks8-US-OCC Yes Passed Passed Y sDC Reclaimable Space: 3532 GB Reorg Required RAMU 09/10/2020-19:00 11170981 Standalone Data Masking Wipro, Inc. LMNO-TEST Revision 13.20.07 ns2-US NA NA NA NA NA NA NA DataMasking

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