Linux if string exists

How can I check if string exists in file

I’m currently writing a bash script that should check if the exact string 329, exists in myfile . I have searched through the web and found some answers, but I can’t use -x parameters because I have more numbers than 329, on myfile . And without the -x parameter, I can get the Exists result with 329 too, which I don’t want. I tried;

if grep -xqFe "329," "myfile"; then echo -e "Exists" else echo -e "Not Exists" fi 

2 Answers 2

The -x isn’t relevant here. That means (from man grep ):

-x, --line-regexp Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line. For a regular expression pattern, this is like parenthesizing the pattern and then surrounding it with ^ and $. 

So it is only useful if you want to find lines that contain nothing other than the exact string you are looking for. The option you want is -w :

-w, --word-regexp Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words. The test is that the matching substring must either be at the beginning of the line, or preceded by a non-word constituent character. Similarly, it must be either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word constituent character. Word-constituent characters are letters, digits, and the underscore. This option has no effect if -x is also specified. 

That will match if you find your target string as a standalone «word», as a string surrounded by «non-word» characters. You also don’t need the -F here, that is only useful if your pattern contains characters with special meanings in regular expressions which you want to find literally (e.g. * ), and you don’t need -e at all, that would be needed if you wanted to give more than one pattern. So you’re looking for:

if grep -wq "329," myfile; then echo "Exists" else echo "Does not exist" fi 

If you also want to match when the number is the last one on the line, so it has no , after it, you can use grep -E to enable extended regular expressions and then match either a 329 followed by a comma ( 329, ) or a 329 that is at the end of the line ( 329$ ). You can combine those like this:

if grep -Ewq "329(,|$)" myfile; then echo "Exists" else echo "Does not exist" fi 


Linux Test If String Exists in File — 8 Effective Methods

Learn how to test if a string exists in a file using Bash in Linux. Check out these 8 effective methods including grep, read, test, and Node.js.

  • Using grep with -q option
  • Using grep in a FOR loop
  • Using -z option with read command
  • Using fgrep (grep -F)
  • Using -e or -f operators with test command
  • Using includes() method with fsPromises.readFile() in Node.js
  • Using grep with Pattern parameter
  • Using -s option with test command
  • Other code examples for checking if a string exists in a file in Linux
  • Conclusion
  • How do you check if a string exists in a file in Linux?
  • How do I check if a string is in a file?
  • How do I search for a specific string in a file in Linux?
  • How do I check if something is in a file Bash?
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As a Linux user, you might often need to check if a specific string exists in a file using Bash. Fortunately, you can accomplish this task using several built-in commands like grep and test. In this article, we will explore different methods for testing if a string exists in a file using Bash in Linux, providing real-life examples and case studies to illustrate how it has been successfully used in various fields.

Using grep with -q option

The grep command is a powerful tool for searching for patterns in files. To check if a string exists in a file, you can use the grep command with the -q option. This option suppresses the output and only returns the exit status, which can be used in conditional expressions.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains the string “hello world”. You can check if the string “hello” exists in the file “file.txt” using the following command:

if grep -q "hello" file.txt; then echo "String found" else echo "String not found" fi 

This command checks if the string “hello” exists in the file “file.txt”. If the string is found, it will print “String found”. If not, it will print “String not found”.

Using grep in a FOR loop

If you need to find all the strings inside a file, you can use grep in a FOR loop. This allows you to iterate over each line in the file and search for the string.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains several lines with the string “hello” in them. You can print all the lines that contain the string “hello” using the following script:

for line in $(cat file.txt); do if grep -q "hello"  "$line"; then echo "$line" fi done 

This script iterates over each line in the file “file.txt” and checks if the string “hello” exists in each line. If it does, it prints the line.

Using -z option with read command

The read command is often used to read input from the user or from a file. However, it can also be used to read a file into a variable. When doing so, it is important to use the -z option to prevent the read command from mangling backslashes.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains the string “hello world”. You can check if the file “file.txt” contains the string “hello” using the following script:

if read -r -z file_contents < file.txt && grep -q "hello"  "$file_contents"; then echo "String found" else echo "String not found" fi 

This script reads the contents of the file “file.txt” into a variable named “file_contents” and checks if it contains the string “hello”. If it does, it prints “String found”. If not, it prints “String not found”.

Using fgrep (grep -F)

If you only need to check for a specific line in a file, you can use fgrep (grep -F). This command treats the patterns as fixed strings rather than regular expressions, which can make it faster and more accurate.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains the line “hello world”. You can check if the line “hello world” exists in the file “file.txt” using the following command:

if fgrep -q "hello world" file.txt; then echo "Line found" else echo "Line not found" fi 

This command checks if the line “hello world” exists in the file “file.txt”. If it does, it prints “Line found”. If not, it prints “Line not found”.

Using -e or -f operators with test command

The test command is used to perform various tests on files and directories. To check if a file exists regardless of its type, you can use the -e operator. To check if a file exists and is a regular file, you can use the -f operator.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt”. You can check if the file “file.txt” exists and is a regular file using the following script:

if test -f file.txt; then echo "File exists" else echo "File does not exist" fi 

This script checks if the file “file.txt” exists and is a regular file. If it does, it prints “File exists”. If not, it prints “File does not exist”.

Using includes() method with fsPromises.readFile() in Node.js

If you are working with Node.js, you can use the includes() method to check if a string is contained in a file using fsPromises.readFile(). This method reads the contents of a file into a buffer and then checks if it contains the specified string.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains the string “hello world”. You can check if the file “file.txt” contains the string “hello” using the following script:

const fs = require('fs').promises;fs.readFile('file.txt') .then(data =>  if (data.includes('hello'))  console.log('String found'); > else  console.log('String not found'); > >) .catch(error => console.error(error)); 

This script reads the contents of the file “file.txt” into a buffer and checks if it contains the string “hello”. If it does, it prints “String found”. If not, it prints “String not found”.

Using grep with Pattern parameter

The grep command can also be used to search for a specific string in a file using the Pattern parameter. This parameter specifies the pattern to search for, which can be a regular expression.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains the string “hello world”. You can check if the string “hello” exists in the file “file.txt” using the following command:

if grep "hello" file.txt; then echo "String found" else echo "String not found" fi 

This command searches for the string “hello” in the file “file.txt”. If it finds the string, it prints “String found”. If not, it prints “String not found”.

Using -s option with test command

The test command can also be used to check if a file exists and has a size greater than zero using the -s option.

For example, let’s say you have a file named “file.txt” that contains some text. You can check if the file “file.txt” exists and has a size greater than zero using the following script:

if test -s file.txt; then echo "File exists and is not empty" else echo "File does not exist or is empty" fi 

This script checks if the file “file.txt” exists and has a size greater than zero. If it does, it prints “File exists and is not empty”. If not, it prints “File does not exist or is empty”.

Other code examples for checking if a string exists in a file in Linux

In Shell , for example, linux test if string exists in file code sample

if grep -Fxq "string" file.txt; then echo "Match" else echo "No match" fi
Just use grep with flags 'F' (fixed string), 'x' (exact match) and 'q' (quiet output) in order to check if a word string is in a file if ! grep -Fxq "string" file.txt; then #do some code. #; fi


In this article, we have explored different methods for testing if a string exists in a file using Bash in Linux. We have covered using the grep command with the -q option, using grep in a FOR loop, using the read command with the -z option, using fgrep (grep -F), using the -e or -f operators with the test command, using the includes() method with fsPromises.readFile() in Node.js, using grep with the Pattern parameter, and using the -s option with the test command.

By using these methods, you can quickly and easily check if a specific string exists in a file, which can be useful in a variety of scenarios. Whether you are a web developer, system administrator, or just a Linux enthusiast, these methods can help you save time and increase your productivity.


Does sed have an option just for checking existence of string in file? [duplicate]

Does sed have an option similar to grep -q , where it returns a 1 or 0 depending on if it actually finds a string match or not? The reason I ask is in some cases I use sed in particular ways, like finding the first match after a given line number, or setting a capture group and acquiring a string that way, so I wanted to see if sed had anything built in that would check if anything is returned because I want to throw an error back to the user and exit my bash script if a match isn’t found

@sudo_O Thank you for your helpful answer. That’s all I was asking. I don’t see why my inquiry deserved two votes down, but it’s been said before, the sed community is picky (no pun intended).

Could you chain it like this grep -q ‘pattern’ file && sed ‘s/pattern/’ file || echo «cannot make requested change» (example found at…) or can you 100% not use grep?

@user2150250 I believe if you would have asked the question in the manner of your first comment which gives sane reason for why you would do this i.e. you want to do more than a simple match, then you wouldn’t have got such a negative response, people can be quick to vote, something to bare in mind

2 Answers 2

You are much better off using grep -q for this, but if you ABSOLUTELY want to use sed then here is how you could replicate the functionality.

cat myFile | sed -n "/myString/p" | wc -l 

This will pipe out the number of occurences of «myString» in a file. From here you could do a simple test to see if the number is greater then 0, if so return 1, if not return 0. Here is a script demoing how to accomplish this.

#!/bin/bash count=$(cat myFile | sed -n "/\myString/p" | wc -l) final=0 if [ count -gt 0 ]; then final=1 else final=count fi echo final 

The script above will print out 1 or 0, 1 if the string was found and 0 if it wasn’t (note: I haven’t checked this, but there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work).

Again, grep -q is the tool for the job and I would recommend using it if at all possible.


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