Linux kernel version sources

How do I get the kernel source code?

I am planning to write some device drivers and I need to get the Linux kernel source. My Linux kernel version is 3.2.0-23-generic-pae and I downloaded the image from this. In many of the articles I have read, it tells me that I need to have the entire kernel tree to start inserting new modules. Is it enough if I download this image and paste it into the usr/src/ folder or do I have to do something else?

I usually just install the ‘linux-source’ package from synaptic when I’m custom compiling for one of my machines, but given you’re doing development you might need the most recent version. This link might be useful to you:

5 Answers 5

This will get the source of the stock kernel:

apt-get source linux-source 

You can check what version of the kernel is running like this:

Which will print something like:

You can find a list of current source package versions available on your system via:

apt-cache search linux-source 

To get the upstream version of the kernel:

git clone git:// 

In the above link, ‘trusty’ is the codename for the version of Ubuntu. You can find out the codename for the version of Ubuntu you have installed via:

If I use git to clone how do i specify the version. Also If i Clone it is it enough if a I copy pate it into the usr/src folder

That git repository is kept to 3.2.0 specifically; it follows what’s in Ubuntu Precise (12.04). If you want a different version change ubuntu-precise.git to ubuntu-quantal.git or whatever. It should be fine to just copy into usr/src.

And where should I be able to find the source tree when installing with. Damn, I should read better. The answer says apt-get source not apt-get install . Than the source tree will end up in your current path.

sudo apt install linux-source # downloads into system directory sudo apt source linux-source # downloads into working directory 

If you’re told to give some ‘sources’ URLs in your sources.list , go edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment the desired deb-src line, for example (if you’re running Xenial):

deb xenial main restricted # deb-src xenial main restricted 

Removing the # on this last line enables sources repositories for download, including kernel sources.

  • Use modern tools; avoid apt-get .
  • These commands download the source code for your current kernel (in my case 4.4.0-75-generic for example).
  • When downloaded into system directory, files are stored in /usr/src/linux-source-4.4.0/ (for example).
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Doesn’t work for me (but neither does the apt-get version). I’m running Ubuntu 16.04.4, kernel 4.4.0-98-generic. It says, «You must put some ‘source’ URIs in your sources.list». I have no idea how to do that.

Yes thanks. It was a stupid comment from me. I only needed to google the error message. Anyway, have an upvote for your effort.

is the easiest way. It will download the source from your repository — and it’ll be the same as the version you’re running (assuming you haven’t already customised it).

But if you want to find where the source is maintained you can run:

Look for the ‘Vcs-‘ attribute (Version control system). It’ll usually be a git (Vcs-Git) or mercurial repository.

Note — these commands work with any package. Just substitute ‘linux’ with the package you’re interested in. And also note that ‘apt-get source’ doesn’t need sudo access and will dump the source in your current directory.

This requires the machine you are downloading on to match the target machine. Really only works if you have a network. Most of the readers landing on this page won’t have a network (hence why they suddenly need the source). I need it as a tarball on a thumb drive and I don’t have a working apt.

This downloading the src into the CURRENT DIRECTORY on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but it downloaded the wrong version of the kernel?? linux-5.4.0 when uname -r = 5.8.0-55-generic

Download source directly from Launchpad

Strangely enough everyone recommends apt-get source which doesn’t work most of the time if you’re looking for a specific kernel version:

Say you need kernel source for 3.19.0-58 :
apt-get source linux-image-3.19.0-58-generic will get the source for the latest kernel in the series: 3.19.0-80 in this case, which is not what you asked for.

1) Give up, install kernel 3.19.0-80 and use apt-get source

2) Get source directly from launchpad:

  • Google «linux-image-3.19.0-58-generic»
  • That should give you the Launchpad Package Page for that version.
  • Scroll down, click the «Source:» link, you’re on the Package Source Page now.
  • Scroll down and download .tar.gz , .diff.gz , .dsc files:
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  • There must be a better way.
  • You can get the version you want from git, but you’re in for a big download. See «Obtaining the kernel sources for an Ubuntu release using git» in Ubuntu Wiki Kernel Source Code.

Thank you for explaining this so clearly. However, I am still unable to find the source for linux-image-4.15.0-39-generic. This process is needlessly complicated. I’ve tried googling for it but I keep finding packages that are a few kilobytes only. Any tips?

This is the only option on this page that worked for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to get something that claims to be a similar kernel version linux-5.8.0 to the one returned but uname -r

There are cases where it is simply more practical to download the linux kernel source and headers for the version you’re interested in directly from (a pretty reliable URL/site that isn’t going away [e.g. standard stackoverflow concern about stale links isn’t not an issue])

Reason? For example, you might be interested in debugging an older/defunct no-longer-supported version of linux where package repository points to dead areas, where in some cases there are either no viable current alternatives, or the repos has are expired keys that won’t let you get the stuff, requiring unmemorable difficult to search out arcane techniques to get those repositories to work anyway.

Or maybe Internet networking might be broken on Linux machine (or VM) you’re using, but file sharing or NFS works, where the source can be downloaded onto another machine and accessed via the filesystem.

If you’re working with a relatively obsolete version of Linux, chances are you’ll have to build a number of things from source and get them the hard way.


Getting kernel source code (ubuntu)

I want to try my hand at writing a linux driver. I am trying to set up my environment. My current kernel:

$ apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r) Reading package lists. Done Picking 'linux' as source package instead of 'linux-image-4.10.0-37-generic' . 
version magic '4.10.17 SMP mod_unload ' should be '4.10.0-37-generic SMP mod_unload ' 
$ uname -r 4.10.17-041017-generic 
version magic '4.10.17 SMP mod_unload ' should be '4.10.17-041017-generic SMP mod_unload 

So maybe someone can help: what is the best and correct way for me to get a working kernel and matching source on ubuntu (well, xubuntu, but I don’t think it should matter)? Do I need to get the code from and build it from scratch? I kinda want to match the shipping Ubuntu kernel.

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The linux-source-VERSION where VERSION is 4.10.17 in your case is probably the package you want to install.

@ivan seems like linux-source defaults to linux-source-4.10.17 but it doesn’t match 4.10.17-041017-generic

I pulled the code from and I’m going to try to match it that way. @sebasth I didn’t see any mention of debuild on any of the guides at I’d need a little more help, though for now I’m compiling the code.

1 Answer 1

There are a number of approaches.

    If you’re trying to build an external module (including one you’re developing), you only need the kernel headers:

apt install linux-header-$(uname -r) 

This will provide the necessary files so that the /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ symlinks point to something meaningful. Then you can build a module in another directory by running

make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build SUBDIRS="/path/to/your/module" modules 
apt install linux-source-4.10.0 cd /usr/src tar xf linux-source-4.10.0.tar.bz2 

This will include the Ubuntu kernel patches, allowing you to build a kernel with the same features as your current kernel. Note however the caveat from the package description:

This package is mainly meant for other packages to use, in order to build custom flavours. If you wish to use this package to create a custom Linux kernel, then it is suggested that you investigate the package kernel-package, which has been designed to ease the task of creating kernel image packages. If you are simply trying to build third-party modules for your kernel, you do not want this package. Install the appropriate linux-headers package instead.

In any case it’s not a good idea to use the linux source package itself (as obtained using apt-get source ), since that’s really designed for building all the kernels used in Ubuntu. If you blindly debuild using that source package, you’ll wait for many hours before the build finishes. (There are circumstances where this is appropriate, and the Ubuntu kernel documentation will explain what to do; but this is very likely not one of them.)


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