Linux list all input devices


sleep(1) — delay for a specified amount of time (Man Page)
Pause for NUMBER seconds. SUFFIX may be s for seconds (the default), m for minutes, h for hours or d for days. Unlike most implementations that require NUMBER b

getgroups(2) — get/set list of supplementary group IDs.
getgroups() returns the supplementary group IDs of the calling process in list. The argument size should be set to the maximum number of items that can be store

Tk_UnmapWindow(3) — map or unmap a window — Linux man page
These procedures may be used to map and unmap windows managed by Tk. Tk_MapWindow maps the window given by tkwin, and also creates an X window corresponding to

texi2roff(1) — convert Texinfo documents for formatting by t
Texi2roff translates the named files from the Texinfo macro language for TeX to the language accepted by troff(1). Files are read and processed in order. If no

munmap(2) — map or unmap files or devices into memory.
mmap() creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process. The starting address for the new mapping is specified in addr. The length argu

cprojl(3) — project into Riemann Sphere — Linux manual page
These functions project a point in the plane onto the surface of a Riemann Sphere, the one-point compactification of the complex plane. Each finite point z proj

dhcrelay(8) — Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Relay Agen
The Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Relay Agent, dhcrelay, provides a means for relaying DHCP and BOOTP requests from a subnet to which no DHCP server is direc

rview(1) — Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor (ManPage)
Vim is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi. It can be used to edit all kinds of plain text. It is especially useful for editing programs. There are a

openat(2) — open a file relative to a directory file descrip
Given a pathname for a file, open() returns a file descriptor, a small, nonnegative integer for use in subsequent system calls (read(2), write(2), lseek(2), fcn

XIGetClientPointer(3) — set or get the ClientPointer device
The ClientPointer is the device that is percieved to be the core pointer for non-XI protocol requests and replies. Each time a protocol message needs device-dep

gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length(3) — API function.
This function will set the maximum size of all handshake messages. Handshakes over this size are rejected with GNUTLS_E_HANDSHAKE_TOO_LARGE error code. The defa

sleep(3) — Sleep for the specified number of seconds.
sleep() makes the calling thread sleep until seconds seconds have elapsed or a signal arrives which is not ignored. RETURN VALUE Zero if the requested time has

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List available input devices, query information about a device and change input device settings.

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xinput(1) — Linux man page

xinput is a utility to list available input devices, query information about a device and change input device settings.


—version Test if the X Input extension is available and return the version number of the program and the version supported by the server. This option does not require a device name. —list [—short || —long || —name-only || —id-only] [device] If no argument is given list all the input devices. If an argument is given, show all the features of device. If —long is provided, the output includes detailed information about the capabilities of each devices. Otherwise, or if —short is provided, only the device names and some minimal information is listed. If —name-only is provided, the output is limited to the device names. One device name is listed per line. Note that the order the devices are listed is undefined. If —id-only is provided, the output is limited to the device IDs. One device ID is listed per line. Note that the order the devices are listed is undefined. —get-feedbacks device Display the feedbacks of device. —set-pointer device Switch device in core pointer. This option does nothing on X servers 1.5 and later. —set-mode device ABSOLUTE|RELATIVE Change the mode of device. —set-ptr-feedback device threshold num denom Change the pointer acceleration (or feedback) parameters of device. The xset(1) man page has more details. For X.Org Server 1.7 and above, there are additional device properties pertaining to pointer acceleration. These do not replace, but complement the pointer feedback setting. —set-integer-feedback device index value Change the value of an integer feedback of device. —set-button-map device map_button_1 [map_button_2 [. ]] Change the button mapping of device. The buttons are specified in physical order (starting with button 1) and are mapped to the logical button provided. 0 disables a button. The default button mapping for a device is 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. —query-state device Query the device state. —list-props device [device [. ]] Lists properties that can be set for the given device(s). —set-int-prop device property format value Sets an integer property for the device. Appropriate values for format are 8, 16, or 32, depending on the property. Deprecated, use —set-prop instead. —set-float-prop device property value Sets a float property for the device. Deprecated, use —set-prop instead. —set-prop [—type=atom|float|int] [—format=8|16|32] device property value [. ] Set the property to the given value(s). If not specified, the format and type of the property are left as-is. The arguments are interpreted according to the property type. —watch-props device Prints to standard out when property changes occur. —delete-prop device property Delete the property from the device. —test [-proximity] device Register all extended events from device and enter an endless loop displaying events received. If the -proximity is given, ProximityIn and ProximityOut are registered. —test-xi2 [device] Register for a number of XI2 events and display them. If a device is given, only events on this device are displayed. —create-master prefix [sendCore] [enable] Create a new pair of master devices on an XI2-enabled server with the given prefix. The server will create one master pointer named «prefix pointer» and one master keyboard named «prefix keyboard». If sendCore is 1, this pair of master devices is set to send core events (default). If enable is 1, this master device pair will be enabled immediately (default). —remove-master master [Floating|AttachToMaster] [returnPointer] [returnKeyboard] Remove master and its paired master device. Attached slave devices are set floating if Floating is specified or the argument is omitted. If the second argument is AttachToMaster, returnPointer specifies the master pointer to attach all slave pointers to and returnKeyboard specifies the master keyboard to attach all slave keyboards to. —reattach slave master Reattach slave to master. —float slave Remove slave from its current master device. —set-cp window master Set the ClientPointer for the client owning window to master. master must specify a master pointer. —map-to-output device crtc Restricts the movements of the absolute device to the RandR crtc. The output name must match a currently connected output (see xrandr(1)). If the NVIDIA binary driver is detected or RandR 1.2 or later is not available, a Xinerama output may be specified as «HEAD-N», with N being the Xinerama screen number. This option has no effect on relative devices. —enable device Enable the device. This call is equivalent to xinput —set-prop device «Device Enabled» 1 —disable device Disable the device. This call is equivalent to xinput —set-prop device «Device Enabled» 0

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device can be the device name as a string or the XID of the device.

slave can be the device name as a string or the XID of a slave device.

master can be the device name as a string or the XID of a master device.

property can be the property as a string or the Atom value.

See Also

Copyright 2007, Peter Hutterer.

Copyright 2008, Philip Langdale.

Copyright 2009-2011, Red Hat, Inc.


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