Linux merge all files in directory

Merge multiple files in multiple directories — bash

We have a requirement to loop multiple directiories and in each directory there will be, multiple text files with Pattern File»n».txt which needs to merged to one, File.txt We are using Bourne Shell scripting. Example:

/staging/dusk/inbound/ --> Main Directory Dir1 File1.txt,File2.txt. sample1.doc,sample2.pdf,File*.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt Dir2 File1.txt,File2.txt. attach1.txt,sample1.doc, File*.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt Dir3 File1.txt,File2.txt,File*.txt. sample1,sample2*.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt Dir4 File1.txt,File2.txt,File*.txt. temp.doc,attach.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt Di5 File1.txt,File2.txt,File*.txt. sample1,sample2*.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt Dir"n" File1.txt,File2.txt,File3.txt,File*.txt..attach1,attach*.txt --> we have to Merge the File name which starts with Fil*.txt -->Final.txt 

The files from each directory can be looped using cat *.txt > all.txt command. But how we loop the directiories?

3 Answers 3

To catenate Fil*.txt from all immediate subdirectories of the current directory,

To access arbitrarily deeply nested subdirectories, some shells offer ** as an extension, but this is not POSIX sh -compatible.

If you actually want to loop over your directories and do something more complex with each, that’s

for d in */; do : something with "$d" done 

Or similarly, for shells which support ** , you can loop over all directories within directories;

for d in **/; do : something with "$d" done 

For example, : something with «$d» could be cat «$d»/Fil*.txt >»$d»/Final.txt to create a Final.txt in each directory, which contains only the Fil*.txt files in that directory.


How to merge all (text) files in a directory into one?

If you give it multiple filenames it will output them all sequentially, and then you can redirect that into a new file; in the case of all files just use (or if you’re not in the directory already) and your shell will expand it to all the filenames Solution 2: If your files aren’t in the same directory, you can use the find command before the concatenation: Very useful when your files are already ordered and you want to merge them to analyze them. After seeing OP’s comments if file extensions are then try: Solution 2: Assuming all your files have a extension and contain only one line as in the example, you can use the following code: where is the output file.

Combine multiple files into one including the file name

Could you please try following. Considering that your Input_file names extensions are .csv .

awk 'BEGIN ' *.csv > output_file 

After seeing OP’s comments if file extensions are .txt then try:

awk 'BEGIN ' *.txt > output_file 

Assuming all your files have a .txt extension and contain only one line as in the example, you can use the following code:

for f in *.txt; do echo "$f,$(cat "$f")"; done > output.log 

where output.log is the output file.

printf "%s\n" *.txt | xargs -n1 -d $'\n' bash -c 'xargs -n1 -d $'\''\n'\'' printf "%s,%s\n" "$1"  
  1. First output a newline separated list of files.
  2. Then for each file xargs execute sh
    1. Inside sh execute xargs for each line of file
      1. and it executes printf "%s,%s\n" for each line of input

      How to append contents of multiple files into one file, @blasto it depends. You would use >> to append one file onto another, where > overwrites the output file with whatever's directed into it. As for

      How to merge files together on the command line

      You can even combine text files within scripts that you are writing on your system. For example Duration: 2:54

      How to combine multiple text files into one file in Linux

      Short tutorial shows how to combine multiple files using cat command in Linux terminal. Show Duration: 2:34

      How To Merge Text Files In Linux Terminal ?

      Use cat program to merge text files using terminal emulator on Ubuntu Linux. This video Duration: 4:24

      How to merge all (text) files in a directory into one?

      This is technically what cat ("concatenate") is supposed to do, even though most people just use it for outputting files to stdout. If you give it multiple filenames it will output them all sequentially, and then you can redirect that into a new file; in the case of all files just use * (or /path/to/directory/* if you're not in the directory already) and your shell will expand it to all the filenames

      If your files aren't in the same directory, you can use the find command before the concatenation:

      find /path/to/directory/ -name *.csv -print0 | xargs -0 -I file cat file > merged.file 

      Very useful when your files are already ordered and you want to merge them to analyze them.

      find /path/to/directory/ -name *.csv -exec cat <> + > merged.file 

      This may or may not preserve file order.

      actually has the undesired side-effect of including 'merged-file' in the concatenation, creating a run-away file. To get round this, either write the merged file to a different directory;

      or use a pattern match that will ignore the merged file;

      Bash - How can I merge files on a line by line basis?, file1 and file2 will always have the same amount of lines in my scenario, in case that makes things easier. bash text-processing sed perl awk.

      How to merge multiple text files using bash and preserving column order

      You need to mention what delimeter separates columns in your file.

      Assuming the columns are separated by a single space,

      paste -d' ' namefile-* > newfile 

      Other conditions like existence of other similar files or directories in the working directory, stripping of headers etc can also be tackled but some more information needs to be provided in the question.

      paste namefile* > new_file_name 

      How to merge multiple text files by column?, Using awk $ awk 'NR==FNR < print $0,array[$1]>' file2 file1 #rname startpos endpos numreads covbases

      Combine files same prefix text files into one

      This is a good use of an associative array as a set. Iterate over the file names, trimming the trailing _* from each name before adding it to the associative array. Then you can iterate over the array's keys, treating each one as a filename prefix.

      # IMPORTANT: Assumes there are no suffix-less file names that contain a _ declare -A prefixes for f in *; do prefixes[$]= done for f in "$"; do [ -f "$f".txt ] && continue # 111.txt doesn't need anything done cat "$f"_* > "$f".txt done 

      build a test environment just as you did

      mkdir -p tmp/test cd !$ touch . cat > 111.txt aaa aaa 

      then you know how to increment filnames :

      for i in $( seq 1 3 ) ; do echo $i* ; done 111._2.txt 111._3.txt 111.txt 222._2.txt 222._3.txt 222.txt 333._2.txt 333._3.txt 333.txt 

      so you make your resulting files and here is the answer of mechanism to your needs :

      for i in $( seq 1 9 ) ; do cat $i* >> new.$i.txt ; done 
      ls -l new.1* -rw-r--r-- 1 francois francois 34 Aug 4 14:04 new.1.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 francois francois 34 Aug 4 14:04 new.2.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 francois francois 34 Aug 4 14:04 new.3.txt 

      all 3* contents are in new.".txt for example here. you only have to set the desired file destination to add in the content & if needed but not set in initial question a sorting of datas by alphabetic order or numerical. etc

      How to merge two .txt file in unix based on one common column. Unix, 3 Answers 3 · join uses a single character as a separator, so you can't use "\t" , but you can use $'\t' (as far as I know) · the


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      how to merge multiple files into one single file in linux

      Many a times you may have multiple files that needs to merged into one single file. It could be that you previously split a single file into multiple files, and want to just merge them back or you have several log files that you want merged into one. Whatever the reason, it is very easy to merge multiple text files into a single file in Linux.

      The command in Linux to concatenate or merge multiple files into one file is called cat. The cat command by default will concatenate and print out multiple files to the standard output. You can redirect the standard output to a file using the ‘>‘ operator to save the output to disk or file system.

      Another useful utility to merge files is called join that can join lines of two files based on common fields. It can however work only on two files at a time, and I have found it to be quite cumbersome to use. We will cover mostly the cat command in this post.

      Merge Multiple files into One in Order

      The cat command takes a list of file names as its argument. The order in which the file names are specified in the command line dictates the order in which the files are merged or combined. So, if you have several files named file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt etc…

      bash$ cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt > ./mergedfile.txt

      The above command will append the contents of file2.txt to the end of file1.txt. The content of file3.txt is appended to the end of merged contents of file1.txt and file2.txt and so on…and the entire merged file is saved with the name mergedfile.txt in the current working directory.

      Many a time, you might have an inordinately large number of files which makes it harder to type in all the file names. The cat command accepts regular expressions as input file names, which means you can use them to reduce the number of arguments.

      bash$ cat file*.txt my*.txt > mergedfile.txt

      This will merge all the files in the current directory that start with the name file and has a txt extension followed by the files that start with my and has a txt extension. You have to be careful about using regular expressions, if you want to preserve the order of files. If you get the regular expression wrong, it will affect the exact order in which the files are merged.

      A quick and easy way to make sure the files get merged in the exact order you want, is to use the output of another file listing program such as ls or find and pipe it to the cat command. First execute the find command with the regular expression and verify the file order…

      bash$ find . -name "file*.txt" -o -name "my*.txt"

      This will print the files in order such that you can verify it to be correct or modify it to match what you want. You can then pipe that output into the cat command.

      bash$ find . -name "file*.txt" -o -name "my*.txt" | xargs cat > ./mergedfile.txt

      When you merge multiple files into one file using regular expressions to match them, especially when it is piped and where the output file is not very obvious, make sure that the regular expression does not match the filename of the merged file. In the case that it does match, usually the cat command is pretty good at error-ing out with the message “input file is output file”. But it helps to be careful to start with.

      merge multiple files into one in linux

      Merge Two Files at Arbitrary Location

      Sometimes you might want to merge two files, but at a particular location within the content of a file. This is more like the process of inserting contents of one file into an another at a particular position in the file.

      If the file sizes are small and manageable, then vi is a great editor tool to do this. Otherwise the option is to split the file first and then merge the resulting files in order. The easiest way is to split the file is based on the line numbers, exactly at where you want to insert the other file.

      bash$ split -l 1234 file1.txt

      You can split the file into any number of output files depending on your requirement. The above example will split the file file1.txt to chunks of 1234 lines. It is quite possible that you might end up with more than two files, named xaa, xab, xac etc..You can merge all of it back using the same cat command as mentioned earlier.

      The above command will merge the files in order with the contents of file2.txt in between the contents of xaa and xab.

      Another use case is when you need to merge only specific parts of certain files depending on some condition. This is especially useful for me when I have to analyze several large log files, but am only interested in certain messages or lines. So, I will need to extract the important log messages based on some criteria from several log files and save them in a different file while also maintaining or preserving the order of the messages.

      Though you can do this using cat and grep commands, you can do it with just the grep command as well.

      bash$ grep -h "[Error]" logfile*.log > onlyerrors.log

      The above will extract all the lines that match the pattern [Error] and save it to another file. You will have to make sure that the log files are in order when using the regular expression to match them, as mentioned earlier in the post.


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