Linux mint btrfs установка

Linux Mint Forums

HOW-TO: Install LMDE with BTRFS and Snapshots

HOW-TO: Install LMDE with BTRFS and Snapshots

Post by crossroadstech » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:49 pm

Wouldn’t it be great if after you did a apt-get dist-upgrade on your rolling (or semi-rolling) LMDE, and it hosed your install, you could undo it in a matter of seconds?

This article is a How-To to do a fresh LMDE install using the new «experimental» BTRFS and it’s «Snapshot» (similar to Windows System Restore) feature. After we install LMDE, we’ll also install the apt-btrfs-snapshot scripts from Ubuntu. It will automatically make snapshots when apt installs or uninstalls debs, and makes it easy to restore the file system to an earlier snapshot.

Disclaimer: If you lose all your data, your PC and house catches on fire, and/or your dog passes on. it’s not my fault! Use this article at your own risk!

How-To Revision History
25-May-2012: Added apt-get purge of live-* packages.
26-Apr-2012: Initial Release

BTRFS is still considered an «experimental» file system, but as of April 2012, the file system design itself, and how it is implemented in the Linux kernel is complete. Work is still being done on the utilities to work with BTRFS, especially a FSCK program. BTRFS has matured enough that it is now an option in the OpenSUSE 12.1 installer and it may become the default file system for Fedora 17. OpenSUSE has even developed Snapper which does exactly what we are doing here. making it easy to rollback your install to a previous snapshot.

As this file system is experimental, please have a backup plan in place. If the file system crashes, and you lose your data, do you have a backup?

Also, from my research it seems that most errors in BTRFS are from power failures. I highly recommend and to reduce the risk of data loss that you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) or battery backup for your PC.

BTRFS also supports RAID 0, 1, and 10, as well as shrinkable and growable volumes. Here’s some great web sites to find out more about the features of BTRFS:

LMDE 201204 Cinnamon/Mate or LMDE 201204 XFCE DVD
Some or all of the information in this article may or may not apply to other distros.

Linux Kernel 3.2 or newer
Older kernels, especially the one that originally came with Debian Squeeze has issues with BTRFS

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GRUB 2 and btrfs-tools
Already installed on the LMDE Live DVD.

Boot from the Live DVD and let’s get started.

1. Partitioning/Make File System
You can use GParted included on the DVD to create a new BTRFS file system. If you want to create a BTRFS using RAID, reference the links above, especially BTRFS Fun — Funtoo Linux to find out how to use the btrfs command from the terminal.

2. Create an «@» and «home» subvolumes
The apt-btrfs-snapshot tool that we are going to install at the end of this How-To, expects the root file system to be in a subvolume called «@». To create it from a root terminal (Replace sda1 with the name of your BTRFS partition):

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@

[Optional] You can also create a subvolume that you will mount /home to. You may want to create subvolumes for any directories that you do not want included in the Snapshot and Rollback feature (like MySQL databases, for example) to mount in their respective locations:

btrfs subvolume create /mnt/home

3. Copy the Live DVD filesystem to the new «@» subvolume

(Credit: The steps to do a manual LMDE install I got from AkiraYB’s HOWTO: Install LMDE on a system with a Fake RAID (dmraid) post.)

Mount the Live DVD filesystem.squashfs:

mkdir /mnt/source mount -o -loop -t squashfs /live/image/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/source
mkdir /mnt/target mount -o subvol=@ /dev/sda1 /mnt/target
mkdir /mnt/target/home mount -o subvol=home /dev/sda1 /mnt/target/home
rsync -avz /mnt/source/ /mnt/target/

Copying could take 5-10 minutes to complete.

4. CHROOT to the new «@» subvolume

mount --bind /dev /mnt/target/dev mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/target/dev/pts mount --bind /dev/shm /mnt/target/dev/shm mount --bind /proc /mnt/target/proc mount --bind /sys /mnt/target/sys mount --bind /tmp /mnt/target/tmp cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/target/etc/resolv.conf chroot /mnt/target

6. Remove the Live configuration
This removes the specific configuration used by the Live DVD from your install.

Remove the «live» environment specific packages:

apt-get remove --purge live-initramfs live-config live-config-sysvinit live-installer live-installer-slideshow

To remove the auto-login to the mint account, use nano to remove all entries under [daemon] in /etc/mdm/mdm.conf:


usermod -a --groups=sudo,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev crossroadstech

Fix the /etc/hosts file for your hostname. Substitute LMDE-PC for what you entered for your hostname.

sed -e 's/mint/LMDE-PC/' -i /etc/hosts

7. Setup GRUB

Enter the following command from the root terminal:

Substitute sda for the name of the device your BTRFS file system is installed on. Notice no number at the end.

Your system should reboot and LMDE should load from your hard drive.

8. Install apt-btrfs-snapshot from Ubuntu

Once you are logged in and at the MATE or XFCE desktop, open Firefox and go to the following URL: . t/download

Click on one of the mirror links and open the file with GDebi.

9. Testing and using apt-btrfs-snapshot
You should be ready to go! Now to make sure apt-btrfs-snapshot is installed and working, go to a root terminal and enter the following command:

apt-btrfs-snapshot supported

It should return «supported.» If it returns «unsupported», verify that your /etc/fstab has defaults,subvol=@ for the / mount point.

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Now, let’s install something and rollback.

apt-get update apt-get install iceweasel

Once the file completes downloading and before unpacking the debs you should see something like this.

Create a snapshot of ‘/tmp/apt-btrfs-snapshot-mp-xSHqD9/@’ in ‘/tmp/apt-btrfs-snapshot-mp-xSHqD9/@apt-snapshot-2012-04-26_16:37:12’

This means a snapshot was created automatically! Notice in your menu, there is now Iceweasel.

To see what snapshots are available, enter the following command:

Now to roll back to how our filesystem was before Iceweasel was installed, enter the following command. Change the @apt-snapshot to match the exact name of the snapshot on your system.

apt-btrfs-snapshot set-default @apt-snapshot-2012-04-26_16:37:12

Now reboot and magically Iceweasel never happened.

I hope you found this how-to useful and interesting. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please share. Happy testing!

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HOW-TO: Install LMDE with BTRFS and Snapshots

Post by crossroadstech » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:47 am

I’m not sure why or how, but after several package installs, snapshot restores, and reboots, I received the following error on a reboot and after GRUB tried to load the kernel.

Initramfs unpacking failed: LZMA data is corrupt
Kernel panic — not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount rootfs on unknown-block(0,0)

My theory is something is happening with GRUB. I was able to fix and boot again by booting with the Live DVD, doing the CHROOT section above, and dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and grub-install /dev/sda. If anyone else sees this or has any idea what is happening, please share.

I’m confident it is not the filesystem. I ran btrfsck offline from the live DVD shell and it didn’t find any errors.

This would randomly occur on reboots. And if I keep rebooting or power-cycling, it eventually would stop erroring and boot.

I did find this Can 12.04 be installed using Btrfs only? and it mentioned that gzip is the default decompression tool in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf in Ubuntu 12.04. I changed the following in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf.

. and did a dpkg-reconfigure initramfs-tools. So far so good. I’ll keep this post «posted» if my system stops booting again!


0. Intro

Hi all, in this video i show how to install Linux Mint 20.2 with btrfs, snapshots and grub-btrfs.

  1. The boot mode will be efi;
  2. I’m assuming you already have the latest usb stick with the Linux Mint ISO.

1. Bios Considerations

  1. Reset BIOS to factory default and reboot.
  2. Disable fastboot and secure boot in BIOS settings.
  3. Make sure that SATA controller is set to AHCI mode in BIOS settings.

2. Install Linux Mint

2.1 Btrfs Options

$ sudo nano /usr/lib/partman/mount.d/70btrfs 

And Change options for root and home subvolume to:

Mount Btrfs Image

$ sudo nano /usr/lib/partman/fstab.d/btrfs 

And Change fstab options for root and home subvolume to:

Mount Btrfs Image

2.2 Start Ubiquity Installer

2.3 Partitioning

[Subtitle 2.3.1] In Installation type choose “Something else”

I will create three partitions show in screen.

[Subtitle 2.3.2] /dev/sda1 “EFI System Partition”.

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[Subtitle 2.3.3] /dev/sda2 “swap area”.

[Subtitle 2.3.4] /dev/sda3 “btrfs”, Mount point is /.

2.3 Update and Upgrade your System

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade $ reboot 

3. Install and Config snapper

3.1 Install

$ sudo apt install snapper snapper-gui 

3.2 Config

$ sudo snapper -c root create-config / $ sudo btrfs subvolume list / $ echo "Delete every snapshots created" $ sudo btrfs subvolume delete /.snapshots/ etc etc $ sudo btrfs subvolume create /@snapshots $ sudo mkdir /.snapshots $ sudo chmod 750 /.snapshots $ sudo chown :theduckchannel /.snapshots 
$ sudo nano /etc/snapper/configs/root 

Change the folowing lines to:


4. Fstab

$ sudo mount -a $ lsblk $ sudo btrfs subvolume list / 

5. Install grub-btrfs

$ sudo apt install git $ git clone $ cd grub-btrfs $ sudo make install $ $ sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \ --efi-directory=/boot/efi \ --bootloader-id=GRUB $ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 

6. Start the Services

$ sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-timeline.timer $ sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-cleanup.timer $ sudo systemctl enable --now grub-btrfs.path 

7. Your First Snapshot


Linux Mint Forums

HOWTO: btrfs Mint 17 with raid1 ssd, gpt for UEFI

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HOWTO: btrfs Mint 17 with raid1 ssd, gpt for UEFI

Post by fraze » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:45 pm

Hi all,
Having just won against the Mint 17 installer I thought I’d share my joy with you all in case it saves somebody hours of fiddling and frustration.

My use case: two SSDs, raid1, on BTRFS. The computer has UEFI and I chose that instead of legacy bios. I did install using this same process on a bios computer and most of the steps are identical except for the partitioning.

I’ve been using mirrored btrfs on Mint 16 without any issues and it’s been great so far.

Ctrl-Alt-T (opens Terminal)
$ sudo -i
# apt-get install btrfs-tools
# gparted

In GParted, create partitions on /dev/sda:
/dev/sda1 512 MiB cleared (eventually EFI boot)
/dev/sda2 15000 MiB cleared (eventually root fs)
/dev/sda3 215000 MiB cleared (eventually /home)
/dev/sda4 512 MiB swap (if you need encrypted /home this is necessary to prevent the installer from barfing)

Do the exact same layout for /dev/sdb

On Desktop, Install Linux Mint

Choose Something Else when partitioning
/dev/sda1 -> EFI boot partition
/dev/sda2 -> btrfs, /
/dev/sda3 -> btrfs, /home

/dev/sdb1 -> EFI boot partition

Install Now

When installation completes choose Continue Testing

Go back to Terminal and install btrfs-tools in our new system:
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt -o subvol=@
# cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
# chroot /mnt/
# apt-get install btrfs-tools
# exit

Now enable BTRFS raid1 for /
# btrfs device add /dev/sdb2 /mnt
# btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /mnt
# umount /mnt

Now raid1 for /home
# mount /dev/sda3 /mnt -o subvol=@home
# btrfs device add /dev/sdb3 /mnt
# btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /mnt
# umount /mnt

Now fix the boot partition:
# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=2048 count=512
seek=2048 skips the first 2 MiB that GParted leaves by default for grub2

Now reboot into the new RAID1 btrfs Linux Mint 17
# shutdown -r now


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