Linux mint cinnamon to часу

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switch from Cinnamon to xfce

Post by magdikiran » Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:46 am

I am a new to Linux and i am facing some trouble.
I have a very old System where i am running Cinnamon and found it was too slow i wanted to change desktop environment to XFCE
to do that i followed the steps in the link below.

I finished installing XFCE4 from software manager.

still it is booting to Cinnamon. cant see any changes. need help some one please respond. thank you.

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tuzzer Level 3
Posts: 179 Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:00 pm Location: Rome, Italy Contact:

Re: switch from Cinnimon to

Post by tuzzer » Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:34 am

In the login window (if you have automatic login at startup, then log-out), click the icon near to the user name, from there you can select which environment to load.
Your choice will remain until you switch it again.

You can check the different RAM usage with cinnamon or xfce, using the command free -h in a terminal window

the splash screen could remain the same, there is another procedure to change it
search for «plymouth» in google, or here in the forum
I’ve never changed it

20.1-MacBookPro(2008)-C2Duo@2.6GHz-4Gb-500HD(ElCapitan dual boot)
19.3-Dell Vostro 1220-C2Duo@1.8GHz-6Gb-120+250SSD

smurphos Level 18
Posts: 8501 Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:18 am Location: Irish Brit in Portugal Contact:

Re: switch from Cinnimon to

Post by smurphos » Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:50 am

Once installed, log out. On the log in screen click the Cinnamon icon next to your user name and than should allow you to select XFCE as the session to log into to.

For custom Nemo actions, useful scripts for the Cinnamon desktop, and Cinnamox themes visit my Github pages.

Re: switch from Cinnamon to xfce

Post by ZV43 » Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:46 am

I did this too, for the same reason. I’m having several issues with xfce. or maybe only two. 1, I don’t know how to have the vertical taskbar aligned to the left edge of the screen, rather than in the middle (confused?), and 2, I don’t know how to turn the volume down. If anyone could teach me how to turn the volume down ASAP, I’d really appreciate it.

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Re: switch from Cinnamon to xfce

Post by michael-hi » Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:43 am

I assume by taskbar you mean the Xfce panel, which is usually horizontal at the bottom of the screen but can be changed to vertical in the Panel Preferences. You can then drag it to one side of the screen or the other. The thing to note about dragging the panel, however, is that you cannot just click anywhere on the panel and try to drag it. You first need to unlock the panel — which will cause inconspicuous «handles» to appear at each end of the panel — then click on one of these ends, drag the panel to where you want it and then lock the panel again.

So, to unlock the panel you will need to right-click on the panel (anywhere except on a window button) and select Panel then Panel Preferences. If the panel is in the middle of the screen the Panel Preferences will probably appear behind the panel but that doesn’t matter! Then untick the «Lock panel» box, drag by a handle and when in position right-click once more and in Panel Preferences lock the panel again.

As for the volume, if this is a laptop the normal volume buttons (up/down/mute) on the keyboard should work. Otherwise, find the small loudspeaker icon on the panel and left-click on it. This should give you a slider, enabling you to adjust the volume with the mouse, and a gadget to click on to mute or unmute the sound. Also, if you hover over this panel icon, you can simply adjust the volume with the mouse scroll-wheel.

It would be surprising if the loudspeaker icon is not in the panel, but if it is missing right-click on the panel and choose Panel > Add New Items. then select PulseAudio Plugin and click Add. The icon should then appear at one end of the panel. Right-click on it and select Move then drag it to where you want. (Or you can move it by selecting it in Panel Preferences on the Items tab and then walk it up or down the list using the arrows on the right-hand side.)

If any volume keys on the keyboard still aren’t working, right-click on the icon in the panel and select the plugin’s Properties. Check whether «Enable keyboard shortcuts for volume control» is selected. Hope this helps.


Linux mint cinnamon to часу

Как везде пишут, уже в Ubuntu 18.04, соответственно и в Mint 19, синхронизация времени осуществляется через systemd.

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Действительно, при запросе systemctl is-active ntpd выдаётся inactive. То есть, при синхронизации времени система не смотрит на etc/ntp.conf, а должна руководствоваться настройкой timesyncd.

В своём посте systemd-timesyncd в Linux Mint Chocobo уквзывал, что настройка timesyncd осуществляется через файл /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf Однако все строки моего файла закомментированы:


$ ntpstat synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3 time correct to within 77 ms polling server every 1024 s

Возможно, это связано с тем, что dhcp моего роутера вместе с серверами DNS выдаёт клиентам 2 сервера NTP: и, соответствующие и (при выборах получается, что ответ от приходит чуть-чуть быстрее и время синхронизируется по нему). Глубинного механизма или conf, в котором бы клиенту компьютера были явно указаны серверы NTP от dhcp мной найдено не было. При этом получаемые от dhcp DNS серверы найдены в /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf

Как пишут, ntpq – это инструмент запросов для ntpd. Флаг –p запрашивает данные о серверах NTP, к которым подключается ntpd. Запрос ntpq -p также выдаёт результат, в котором указан сервер NTP, с которым часы компьютера были синхронизированы:

remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
+ntp1.colocall.n 2 u 112 128 377 29.753 0.055 0.842
*coloservers-sec 2 u 22 128 377 25.417 -0.483 0.712

Но, как указывалось в самом начале, на запрос systemctl is-active ntpd выдаётся inactive. Как-то ntpd не активен, но инструмент запросов для ntpd результат выдаёт. Кто же, всё-таки, в Mint 19 синхронизирует время? Или работают оба механизма, но по умолчанию ntpd выключен и включается только тогда когда запрашивается ntpq -p ? И каким образом мой timesyncd знает с каким узлом ему синхронизироваться, если в /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf ничего не указано? Может ли кто-нибудь пояснить?


Linux Mint workspace switch time

Since nobody provide any answer at this time, I have posted one. Although, you may be disappointed to find that it does not work as expected.

3 Answers 3

I think the animation of switch workspace is annoying.So, in Cinnamon 3.0.7, I backup




then restart cinnamon by Alt+F2, input r and Enter

And you can set bigger number to make animation slower.

This isn’t exactly what the OP asked for, but it was very helpful for me since I also found the animation too slow (on my 2018 discrete GPU, sad. ). Upvoting.

It’s complicated: Yes and no.

Yes, it is possible by configuring certain variable that is found in the source code of Cinnamon workspace switcher. No, because it does not work as expected.

Switching time is hardcoded

The only clue about the workspace switching time was found at GitHub repository, where source codes for Cinnamon is maintained. This comment from a contributor in late 2013 was the clue.

[. ] there’s a hardcoded .25 second animation for switching workspaces when effects are enabled.

Now we know that the animation is hardcoded, but there was no indication on which part of the source code the comment actually meant. However, searching within the repostitory include result of this location in the source code directory.

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The directory path is /usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/ for Cinnamon in Linux Mint that has been installed on local machine. There are two files that seemed relevant in the directory.

  1. workspace.js with the line const FOCUS_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.15;
  2. workspacesView.js with the line const WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME = 0.25;

By comparing with «.25 second» comment, the relevant file is most likely workspacesView.js that is tally with 0.25 value used in the file. The other line with 0.15 has since been removed at all.

Manual configuration in Cinnamon

Cinnamon is based on GTK+ 3, which is similar to how GNOME 3 works. This means, some source codes are written in JavaScript. Cinnamon workspace switcher is one of them. Source code written in JavaScript requires no compilation to run, so any changes made could be applied immediately.

The four simple steps to make changes:

  1. Open the JavaScript file in a text editor with root or sudo permission.
  2. Change the constant value to a larger value for slower animation, vice versa.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart Cinnamon (Press Alt + F2 , and press R then Enter ).

Finally, user can test and observe the changes made to the animation.

Does not work as expected

Workspace switching time: The JavaScript file is workspacesView.js and the constant value is changed from 0.25 to 3.25 or any value of choice. But that does not seem to work: I observed no difference, regardless of using the shortcut keys or using the workspace switcher applet.

I have a proof that worked for me, which is to change the animation duration for toggle scale that has keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + Alt + Down keys.

// Time for initial animation going into Overview mode const ANIMATION_TIME = 0.25; 

Toggle scale time: The JavaScript file is overview.js and the constant value is changed from 0.25 to 3.25 similarly. This time, the four simple steps will result in successful, longer animation of toggle scale. At 3.25 seconds, I observed the result in a slow motion.

If the changes made were successful, then one would certainly notice.

Disclaimer: This answer assumes that user has enabled the desktop effects in Cinnamon. Go to System Settings > Appearance — Effects. Look for «Enable effects» or similar option and make sure it is ON or checked.

If the instructions didn’t work, that means either the schema is deprecated, or other dependencies are preventing the changes from being applied. Someone else may have a better answer.

Tested with Cinnamon 2.2 in Linux Mint 17 (Qiana), and Cinnamon 3.8 in Linux Mint Debian Edition 3 (Cindy). Does not work as expected, yet.


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