Linux mint cinnamon тормозит

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TheLion1990 Level 1
Posts: 22 Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:55 am Location: Italy

Linux mint cinnamon slow

Post by TheLion1990 » Sat Oct 29, 2022 6:31 pm

Hi everyone, this is my first time writing about this community.
I am using Linux Mint cinnamon 21 vanessa on an Asus k52f laptop with a 240gb ssd and with 4gb of ram.
The problem is that it jerks, yet I also made some changes to make it faster.
I have installed the preload.
I turned off the graphic effects.
I removed the applications I don’t use, but also their dependencies.
Then I changed the swap which by default is 60, but I brought it to 20.
I have disabled some apps on startup.
Tell me what to do please.
I’m not having a good experience at all.
If I wanted I could install mate or xfce, but I don’t like them.
I hope for your help.
Thank you.

Last edited by LockBot on Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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antikythera Level 15
Posts: 5723 Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:52 pm Location: Cymru

Re: Linux mint cinnamon slow

Post by antikythera » Sat Oct 29, 2022 8:32 pm

What GPU has that old laptop got? Since it clearly boots okay, please open System Reports. Then click on System Information and then click the copy button. Paste the output in your reply here. Don’t worry, nothing personal is revealed by doing so. We really need the full information to be able to help, not just the snippets you gave unfortunately as there are loads of ASUS laptop variations with the same model reference you gave.


Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon некие тормоза

В сабже тормозят анимации окон да и вообще практически все анимации. Firefox также тормозит, при прокрутке страницы с текстом видны диагональные полосы разрыва и вообще какой-то он здесь более тормозной, чем в Ubuntu с Unity. Скачал с сайта Firefox архив, из него так же. Наблюдается ли такое у вас ? Core i3, Intel HD 3000+nVidia 610m+nvidia-prime.

free -h && glxinfo | grep -i opengl

шмеля ставь, нвидиа не для десктопа, а для игр, например

Читайте также:  Do while in shell linux

amorpher ★★★★★ ( 08.11.16 22:19:48 MSK )
Последнее исправление: amorpher 08.11.16 22:19:59 MSK (всего исправлений: 1)

 total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 3,6G 1,1G 741M 151M 1,8G 2,1G Swap: 3,8G 0B 3,8G OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 11.2.0 OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30 OpenGL core profile context flags: (none) OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile OpenGL core profile extensions: OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0 OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30 OpenGL context flags: (none) OpenGL extensions: OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0 OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00 OpenGL ES profile extensions: 

Таки у меня nvidia-prime и используется intel, nvidia отключена. Например, сейчас анимация раскрытия текстового поля, куда нужно писать ответ на Лоре жутко затормозила в Firefox. В Opera такого нету.

Меняй своё DE на что-нибудь полегче. LXDE например. Твоя машина все эти красивости не вытягивает.

Таки анимации в юнити с кде не тормозили. Абидна.

А корица мне понравилась всем. Кроме вот этих самых тормозов.

prime это лишняя сущность, неудобная причём
смотри лог иксов ~/.xsession-errors или в ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log, где он там в минте?

initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused /etc/mdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup. localuser:datafile4 being added to access control list SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh === xinerama setup Configuration === Clone: false Output: Laptop attached to LVDS1 status: on width: 1366 height: 768 rate: 60 primary: true position: 0 0 Output: (null) attached to DP1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to HDMI1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to VGA1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to VIRTUAL1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 === Applying Configuration Configuration === Clone: false Output: Laptop attached to LVDS1 status: on width: 1366 height: 768 rate: 60 primary: true position: 0 0 Output: (null) attached to DP1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to HDMI1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to VGA1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 Output: (null) attached to VIRTUAL1 status: off width: -1 height: -1 rate: -1 primary: false position: -1 -1 /usr/lib/blueberry/ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GnomeBluetooth, Gio /usr/lib/blueberry/ PyGIWarning: GnomeBluetooth was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('GnomeBluetooth', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GnomeBluetooth, Gio Cjs-Message: JS LOG: About to start Cinnamon sys:1: PyGIWarning: Nemo was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Nemo', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. St-Message: cogl npot texture sizes SUPPORTED Cjs-Message: JS LOG: Cinnamon started at Tue Nov 08 2016 22:03:58 GMT+0400 Cjs-Message: JS LOG: network applet: Cannot find connection for active (or connection cannot be read) openGL version 3.3 detected (GL3 Cogl Driver) MetaSyncRing disabled: couldn't find required GL extensions, or the minimum safe openGL version was not met failed to create drawable Cjs-Message: JS LOG: Invalid network device type, is 14 Cjs-Message: JS LOG: network applet: Found connection for active (nvidia-prime:2433): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed ( Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descendants_freeze_count > 0' failed (cinnamon:2408): Cjs-WARNING **: JS ERROR: TypeError: this._activeContainer is null MyApplet.prototype._onMenuKeyPress@/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/ Nemo-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: mkdir failed on directory /var/run/samba/msg.lock: Permission denied net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing. ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment. Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x2000003 (Authentica) (nm-applet:2428): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_remove_all: assertion 'hash_table != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: nma_icons_free: assertion 'NM_IS_APPLET (applet)' failed Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. Cjs-Message: JS LOG: pushModal: invocation of begin_modal failed Cjs-Message: JS LOG: pushModal: invocation of begin_modal failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed (nm-applet:2428): nm-applet-CRITICAL **: get_menu_item_for_ap: assertion 'dup_data.hash != NULL' failed


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