Linux mint clipboard manager

10 Best Clipboard Managers for Linux

Many times you get frustrated after copying something to your clipboard and then end up clearing it due to distraction from something else or someone. It can be annoying when this actually happens.

But how can you do away with such frustration? That is the question we are going to answer in this article.

Here, we shall look at clipboard managers that can help you manage and keep track of you clipboard contents.

What is a Clipboard Manager?

You can refer to a clipboard manager as a utility or tool that is runs in the background of your Linux system and keeps a history everything that you have saved to your system clipboard.

Why you actually need a Clipboard Manager?

One important use of clipboard managers is that you do not have to worry of clearing or overwriting your clipboard content especially if you a programmer or writer and do a lot of copy and paste.

There are many tools out there that can help you manage your Linux clipboard and these include:

1. CopyQ

This is a advanced clipboard manager which is available on most if not all platforms. It has editing and scripting features including some of the following:

CopyQ Clipboard Manager

  1. Command line control and scripting
  2. Searchable
  3. Image format support
  4. Editable history
  5. Customize tray menu
  6. Fully customizable appearance
  7. Variety of system-wide shortcuts and many more.

2. GPaste

It is a powerful and great clipboard manager for GNOME based distributions, but can work on a variety of desktop environments as well.

GPaste Clipboard Manager

  1. Integration with the GNOME shell
  2. Clipboard history management
  3. Quick access shortcuts
  4. Copying images
  5. GTK+3 GUI

3. Klipper

Klipper is a clipboard manager for the KDE desktop environment. It offers fundamental features similar to that offered by Gpaste, but is also has some advanced and power features such as clipboard actions.

Some of its features include:

Klipper Clipboard Manager

  1. History management
  2. Quick access shortcuts
  3. Image copying
  4. Create custom actions

4. Clipman

It is a lightweight clipboard plugin option for XFCE desktop environment and works well on XFCE based distributions such as Xubuntu.

It is feature rich including:

Clipman Clipboard Manager

  1. History management
  2. Access shortcuts
  3. Ignoring application closure signals
  4. Tweaks support and many more

5. Diodon

It is a light weight but yet powerful clipboard manager designed to work best when integrated with Unity and GNOME desktop environments.

It has the following features similar to other clipboard management tools:

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Diodon Clipboard Manager

  1. Desktop integration
  2. History management in terms of size and so on
  3. Quick access shortcuts
  4. Copying images

Aaron Kili is a Linux and F.O.S.S enthusiast, an upcoming Linux SysAdmin, web developer, and currently a content creator for TecMint who loves working with computers and strongly believes in sharing knowledge.

Each tutorial at TecMint is created by a team of experienced Linux system administrators so that it meets our high-quality standards.

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10 thoughts on “10 Best Clipboard Managers for Linux”

Keepboard is a cross-platform one, written in Java, and can be used on Linux, Windows, and Mac. Reply

They all look like from 1999. I prefer a modern design and also something cloud-based: Reply

I often copy several things from a web page, like the URL, the “title” of the page, and then possibly snippets of the article/page. I then paste it in my free format database (homemade and in progress) in a specific format, something like this:

It would be nice to find a clipboard manager that would make that more convenient for me, automatically adding the various pieces of extra text. It would be even nicer if it could figure out which part of what I copied was what (URL, title, snippet), but I can live with learning to copy in a disciplined sequence, e.g., URL first, title second, 1st snippet third., and so on (or reverse order, probably easier). Do any of these clipboard managers help with that? I currently use an older version of klipper (from kde platform 4.8.4) and once, some time ago, I tried working with it, but I really didn’t grok it enough to get anywhere. If I know klipper can do that, I’ll try again, unless some other clipboard manager does it in an easier to setup fashion. Reply

Cheers for this list; I’ve had trouble installing many of these so I just went down the list and tried others! Clipit and Parcellite install but fail to launch, GPaste needs GTK 3.20 which fails to install. CopyQ installed but you can’t copy from it to external window (that option is bugged). Finally had some luck with Diodon. Installed it by adding their repository to apt and then apt install – easy enough. Had to dig around a bit to find how to set a global shortcut. If anyone else is looking, here’s how: Reply

Honest to goodness, this is one problem you won’t have with Windows, will you? Things like this and the infamous “dependency hell” often make me wonder why Linux is so hyped by its proponents. Reply

Ha, yeah, I seem to remember Clipboard Recorder on Windows was pretty decent. On the other hand, Windows eats your hard drive like a hungry shark (even CCleaner can’t keep up as you notice your real estate shrink and shrink) and it’s not free. This is where Linux hype comes in. Disclaimer: I haven’t used Windows 10 so dunno if the hard drive problem still exists there. Reply

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It sounds like you may have board or power supply problems. Here is what to do, turn off the computer, remove the power cord. Then open it, if it is a laptop, it will be harder… then look at the motherboard to see if any components are puffed or burnt. open the power supply, look for the same things, puffed caps may be one problem that causes the voltages to not be right. Hope it works. Reply


10 лучших менеджеров буфера обмена для Linux

Много раз вы расстраивались после того, как скопировали что-то в буфер обмена, а затем в конечном итоге очистили его из-за того, что отвлеклись на что-то еще или кого-то. Это может раздражать, когда это происходит на самом деле.

Но как избавиться от такого разочарования? Именно на этот вопрос мы собираемся ответить в этой статье.

Здесь мы рассмотрим менеджеры буфера обмена, которые могут помочь вам управлять содержимым буфера обмена и отслеживать его.

Что такое менеджер буфера обмена?

Вы можете обращаться к диспетчеру буфера обмена как к утилите или инструменту, который работает в фоновом режиме вашей системы Linux и хранит историю всего, что вы сохранили в системном буфере обмена.

Зачем вам на самом деле нужен менеджер буфера обмена?

Одним из важных применений менеджеров буфера обмена является то, что вам не нужно беспокоиться об очистке или перезаписи содержимого буфера обмена, особенно если вы программист или писатель и много копируете и вставляете.

Существует множество инструментов, которые могут помочь вам управлять буфером обмена Linux, в том числе:

1. КопиКью

Это расширенный менеджер буфера обмена, который доступен на большинстве, если не на всех платформах. Он имеет функции редактирования и создания сценариев, включая некоторые из следующих:

  1. Управление командной строкой и создание сценариев
  2. Доступен для поиска
  3. Поддержка формата изображения
  4. Редактируемая история
  5. Настроить меню области уведомлений
  6. Полностью настраиваемый внешний вид
  7. Разнообразие общесистемных ярлыков и многое другое.

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2. Вставить

Это мощный и отличный менеджер буфера обмена для дистрибутивов на основе GNOME, но он также может работать в различных средах рабочего стола.

Он имеет такие функции, как:

  1. Интеграция с оболочкой GNOME
  2. Управление историей буфера обмена
  3. Ярлыки быстрого доступа
  4. Копирование изображений
  5. Графический интерфейс GTK+3

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3. Клиппер

Klipper — это менеджер буфера обмена для среды рабочего стола KDE. Он предлагает основные функции, аналогичные тем, которые предлагает Gpaste, но также имеет некоторые дополнительные и мощные функции, такие как действия с буфером обмена.

Некоторые из его особенностей включают в себя:

  1. Управление историей
  2. Ярлыки быстрого доступа
  3. Копирование изображения
  4. Создание дополнительных действий

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4. Клипман

Это облегченный плагин буфера обмена для среды рабочего стола XFCE, который хорошо работает с дистрибутивами на основе XFCE, такими как Xubuntu.

Он многофункционален, включая:

  1. Управление историей
  2. Быстрый доступ
  3. Игнорирование сигналов закрытия приложения
  4. Поддержка твиков и многое другое

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5. Диодон

Это легкий, но мощный менеджер буфера обмена, который лучше всего работает при интеграции с средами рабочего стола Unity и GNOME.

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Он имеет следующие функции, аналогичные другим инструментам управления буфером обмена:

  1. Интеграция с рабочим столом
  2. Управление историей с точки зрения размера и т. д.
  3. Ярлыки быстрого доступа
  4. Копирование изображений


How to Install CopyQ on Linux Mint 21

CopyQ is a free and open-source clipboard manager software application that is designed for use with the Linux and Windows operating systems. It allows users to store and manage clipboard history, as well as to organize and customize clipboard content.

So, if you are looking for an application that can copy everything to clipboard whether it’s a link, an image or any text and even write notes on it then try this copyQ for Linux Mint and read this guide for a complete installation process.

How to Install CopyQ in Linux Mint 21

CopyQ includes features for searching and filtering clipboard items, as well as tools for exporting and importing clipboard data and to install it on Linux Mint execute:

Once this clipboard tool is installed run it either by executing the CopyQ command in the terminal like this:

Or go to the application menu of Linux Mint and from there click on the CopyQ icon under the Accessories option as in the image below:

Some Basics for Using CopyQ on Linux Mint 21

CopyQ offers a wide range of features and tools for managing clipboard data, including the ability to store and organize clipboard items in a flexible tree structure, as well as tools for editing and formatting clipboard text. Below are some points that one should remember to use this application in an effective manner:

  1. As previously mentioned, CopyQ can be used to take essential notes as well so in that case click on the document icon.
  2. To organize the images or any documents copied to the clipboard one can give relevant tags to them and for that click on the tag’s icon on the bar present at the right side.
  3. If you have either copied any text or taken any notes, then click on the edit icons to get it done.

Once the application is running its icon will be displayed on the bottom right side of the Linux Mint taskbar, from there you can access it.

To remove this application in case you no longer need it and want to free up some space then execute:


CopyQ offers a wide range of features and tools for managing clipboard items, including the ability to store and organize multiple items, search for specific items, and access items from multiple devices. To install it on Linux systems like Linux Mint one can use its default package manager, this guide gives a detailed installation procedure along with some guidance of using it.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.


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