Linux mint debian edition 64 bit

Release notes

Known issues

Repository Errors

Following the move of Debian Buster from «stable» to «oldstable», you might get error messages. To solve the issue, open a terminal and run:

apt update —allow-releaseinfo-change

LMDE Installer

To launch the installer in expert mode, run the following command:

Btrfs setups with multiple subvolumes on the same partition (/@ and /@home for instance) are not supported by the manual partitioning mode. You can use the expert mode for this.

To install LMDE on an existing LVM partition you must first remove it from the LVM volumes and groups to which it belongs.

In manual partitioning mode, note that the installer will automount all swap partitions. These partitions will also be placed in /etc/fstab in the installed system.

Yumi multiboot

The LMDE ISOs and the live installer use a different structure than the ones used by other distributions. Please do not use Yumi or multiboot technologies with LMDE as it won’t install properly.

Locked root account

The root account is locked by default.

To use the recovery console (from the Grub menu) or log in as root, you first need to give root a new password:

Virtualbox Guest Additions

To add support for shared folders, drag and drop, proper acceleration and display resolution in Virtualbox, click on the «Devices» menu of Virtualbox and choose «Insert Guest Additions CD Image». Choose «download» when asked and follow the instructions.

Sound and microphone issues

If you’re facing issues with your microphone or your sound output, please install «pavucontrol».

This will add «PulseAudio Volume Control» to your menu. This application has more configuration options than the default volume control.

DVD Playback with VLC

If VLC does not find your DVD player, click on Media->Open Disc, and specify ‘/dev/sr0’ as the disc device.

Issues with KDE apps

If you’re experiencing issues with KDE apps (Okular, Gwenview, KStars..etc) run the following command:

apt install kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins

Other issues

LMDE 4 is based on Debian Buster. Make sure to read the Debian release notes.


Username and password in the live session

In the live session, the username is «mint» and the password is empty (i.e. just press Enter if asked for a password).

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Moving windows which don’t fit in the screen

If your screen resolution is too low, some windows might not fit in the screen.

While pressing the ALT key, you can grab any part of a window with the mouse and move it across the screen.

Installing multimedia codecs offline

To download the multimedia codecs into an installable archive:

  • Boot from the Linux Mint ISO on a computer which is connected to the Internet
  • Open a terminal and type «apt download mint-meta-codecs» (without the quotes)
  • This creates a «mint-meta-codecs.tgz» archive

On computers which do not have an Internet access, you can decompress this archive and run ./ (or alternatively «sudo dpkg -i *.deb») to install the multimedia codecs.

PAE support in 32-bit kernel

To guarantee compatibility with non-PAE processors, the 32-bit versions of Linux Mint Debian come with a 686 non-PAE kernel by default. For PAE support, simply install the 686-PAE kernel and reboot your computer.

Type the following commands and reboot the computer:

apt update
apt install linux-headers-686-pae linux-image-686-pae

Thanks to your donations and advertising Linux Mint is completely free of charge. We hope you’ll enjoy using it as much as we enjoy working on it.


LMDE 4 «Debbie»

On this page you can download Linux Mint either directly or via torrent as an ISO image. Make sure to verify your image after downloading it.


Integrity & Authenticity

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.

Download the ISO image, right-click->»Save Link As…» on the sha256sum.txt and sha256sum.txt.gpg buttons to save these files locally, then follow the instructions to verify your downloaded files.

Download mirrors

Download from one of the mirrors below.

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