Linux mint debian edition xfce

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LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by asinoro » Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:32 am

I would like to have OS Debian stable as a second OS, which according to the circumstances could be the first. I would prefer LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop because if I look at distrowatch . ive#simple

MX Linux is not target itself with full systemd which became the standard, and the next in turn Peppermint OS is far away in preference of the users which means something.

If the developers are not willing to go to Xfce desktop for the LMDE, at least can somebody of the Developers to provide the secure steps for me, so I can turn LMDE with only Xfce environment?
I would like if this effort would be successful for smooth upgrade for example from LMDE 5 to 6 in the future, otherwise don’t take the trouble. My laptop is a continuous upgrade from Mint 17 which I found Mint very successful Operating System!

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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antikythera Level 15
Posts: 5723 Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:52 pm Location: Cymru

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by antikythera » Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:29 am

I’d like to see an XFCE ISO and MATE too for LMDE but I know it’s unlikely to happen as it’s just a fallback project in case things go south with buntu. LMDE itself is not really an officially supported Mint ISO (which is why there’s never an end date next to LMDE)

Robotechie Level 2
Posts: 61 Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:47 am Location: Germany

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by Robotechie » Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:03 pm

Go to the Packagemanager and enter XFCE as searchitem.
It should come up with a list of available and installable Modules for LMDE w/ XFCE.
Just install what you need and if everything is ready: logoff (no restart!), at the appearing Login-Screen enter your credentials and select XFCE from the List (Icon in upper right corner) as default — et voilà — that’s it! You’re now on XFCE.
But beware: this is an old XFCE-Version and it is not looking as nice as on LM19.3!
Cinnamon is still available, but XFCE is selected every time you start the System.

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This worked here on several machines w/ LMDE4 and updated LMDE5-PCs.

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by cpedretti » Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:18 pm

asinoro wrote: ⤴ Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:32 am I would like to have OS Debian stable as a second OS, which according to the circumstances could be the first. I would prefer LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop because if I look at distrowatch . ive#simple

MX Linux is not target itself with full systemd which became the standard, and the next in turn Peppermint OS is far away in preference of the users which means something.

If the developers are not willing to go to Xfce desktop for the LMDE, at least can somebody of the Developers to provide the secure steps for me, so I can turn LMDE with only Xfce environment?
I would like if this effort would be successful for smooth upgrade for example from LMDE 5 to 6 in the future, otherwise don’t take the trouble. My laptop is a continuous upgrade from Mint 17 which I found Mint very successful Operating System!

sudo apt install task-xfce-desktop -y
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X — 32GB DDR4 — Asus GTX1660TI EVO — SSD SAMSUNG EVO 860 — Mobo Gigabyte AORUS ELITE B550 V2 — PSU Gigabyte 750W Gold — Case Zalman X3 White
LMDE5 / W11

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by asinoro » Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:11 pm

For example this package has to be installed later, mint-meta-xfce, will conflict with mint-meta-core, mint-meta-codecs, of Cinnamon if it exists? Is it compatible with Debian? And how easily can be removed later Cinnamon not to break the system?
It is not just to install a desktop, but how well it will work with the default OS, and also to have a good upgrade path.

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by ajgreeny » Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:53 pm

I did exactly what others here have suggested but when using LMDE3 as a virtual installation, so a few years ago. I started a thread in this forum back then which can be read at viewtopic.php?f=251&t=285255

I installed xfce4-desktop package using synaptic and then removed all the cinnamon packages that I knew were part of that DE though I probably missed several. However it was simple enough to remove any extra file manager, terminal, text editor, etc etc, simply by checking in the menu what was installed.

The whole system ran extremely well with no big problems or difficulties, and being a big fan of xfce which makes more sense to me than any other DE, I was extremely happy with what I had done and the xfce version was so much quicker than cinnamon. I’ve not tried this on LMDE5 yet but may give it a go using a VM in KVM/QEMU just to see if things are still as good as they were back then.

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Marie SWE Level 5
Posts: 692 Joined: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:32 pm Location: Sweden

Re: LMDE 5 with Xfce desktop?

Post by Marie SWE » Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:05 pm

I started with Mint 18.3 in 2018 and I switched over to LMDE3 in 2019 as i didn’t like some things with Mint19.
I did install Xfce DE on my LMDE3 and that laptop still works without any problems.

What I did (if I remember correctly after 3years)
I did use the Synaptic packet manager
On the tab «sections»(i think is the right name in english my OS is swedish)

scroll down until you see Desktop environment Xfce
First mark Xfce4 Then it will ask or auto mark a lot of other things it needs.
Then mark Xfce4-goodies.. it will also auto mark a lot of things.
Then hit Execute and it will install all that.
Then reboot and if you have password login choose Xfce session. If you have auto login, log out and then login on xfce session.
Then uninstalling cinnamon without braking the system.
Start software manager, instead of synaptic packet manager (cinnamon desktop environment doesn’t have its one desktop section in synaptic so its easier thru software manager)
search for cinnamon
Then uninstall
Cinnamon (desktop environment) When it ask if you want tu uninstall packages that have some dependencies or used by other processes, click NO. If you totally purge cinnamon, it will crash your system as Cinnamon is so integrated as it is.
Then continue to uninstall those things you don’t want that is listed as cinnamon accessories as Nemo file manager and so on. but if you like Nemo, keep it instead of Thunar and so on.
Just be observant if you get questions of what’s uninstalling to be used by other processes. better to keep some packages then purging it.

I may have forgotten some small things as it was 3years ago and today I use Debian Xfce-customized version, but I still have my old laptop with LMDE3-Xfce working flawlessly after 3years.

I saw that you found a solution minutes before my post.
Good luck with your LMDE5 Xfce edition.

if you want my attention. quote me so I get a notification
Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes a little longer to solve..
It is like it is.. because you do as you do.. if you hadn’t done it as you did.. it wouldn’t have become as it is. 😉


Linux mint debian edition xfce

LMDE 3 «Cindy» XFCE Edition by Lazarus

Название: LMDE 3 «Cindy» XFCE Edition by Lazarus
Версия: 3 «Cindy»
Последняя версия программы: 14.10.2018
Архитектура: 32-bit, 64-bit
Тип дисков: DVD

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Системные требования:
— 1GB RAM (2GB рекомендуется для комфортного использования).
— 15GB дискового пространства (20GB рекомендуется).
— 1024×768 разрешение (на более низких разрешениях, зажмите ALT для перетаскивания окон с помощью мыши, если они не помещаются в экран).
64-bit ISO можно загрузить с BIOS или UEFI.
32-bit ISO можно загрузить только с BIOS.

Дистрибутив Linux Mint, является одним из самых популярных и простых для новичка, дистрибутивов. Он имеет огромное количество программ, входящих в базовую поставку мультимедиа кодеки, флеш плеер и многое другое. LMDE — это Linux Mint, основанный на пакетной базе Debian.
Изначально, LMDE основывался на Debian Testing (тестовой ветке), и обновлялся по модели «частичный скользящий релиз» (semi-rolling release). Дистрибутив не очень подходил новичкам, так как имел некоторые проблемы со стабильностью и был ощутимо сложнее в использовании, нежели оригинальный Linux Mint.
LMDE 3 довольно сильно отличается от классического LMDE. За основу был взят стабильный Debian 9 «Stretch», а из тестовой ветки будут переноситься обновления ПО, графических окружений и т.д. Таким образом, пользователь будет иметь стабильную основу системы, и достаточно свежие версии софта. Помимо использования кодовой базы стабильного (а не тестового) Debian, отныне сюда будут в первую очередь попадать новые версии некоторого ПО, а потом уже в оригинальный Linux Mint (раньше было наоборот). Также система стала значительно быстрее, особенно в сравнении с обычным Linux Mint.

Основные компоненты системы:
* пакетная база — Debian 9 «Stretch»;
* предустановленная раскладка клавиатуры — русская, английская;
* графическая среда — XFCE 4.12.3;
* версия ядра — 4.9;
* менеджер дисплеев — LightDM;
* файловый менеджер — Thunar;
* архивный менеджер — File-roller;
* текстовый редактор — Xed;
* программа для просмотра изображений — Pix;
* программа для считывания документов — Evince;
* офисный пакет — Libreoffice;
* браузер — Mozilla Firefox 60.2.0 ESR;
* плеер — Vlc;
* программа для записи дисков — Xfburn;
* дисковые утилиты — GParted, Disk-manager;
* графический инструмент для настройки брандмауэра — Gufw.

Особенности сборки:
* Установлено окружение рабочего стола XFCE;
* Добавлены особые действия в Thunar
— открыть с правами root,
— вычислить sha256 для *.iso,
— найти файл;
* Пакеты, установленные как зависимости, помечены как автоматически установленные, т.е. при удалении ненужного пакета можно отследить и удалить пакеты, установившиеся как его зависимости;
* gksu настроен на использование пароля пользователя, до этого требовал пароль учетной записи root, которая в LMDE по-умолчанию заблокирована;
* добавлены привязки горячих клавиш:
— PrintScreen и Alt+PrintScreen ;
— Whiskermenu по левой клавише Win;
— Terminal по Ctrl+Alt+T;
— Thunar по Ctrl+Alt+E.
* исправлены скрипты live-installer:
— раскладка клавиатуры переключается по Alt+Shift;
— при инсталляции системы не требуется обязательно форматировать корневой раздел;
— Gparted не удаляется из системы после установки;
* добавлена возможность настройки даты и времени (пакет gnome-system-tools).

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