Linux mint debian nvidia drivers

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Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by Jennifer W » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:05 am

This guide is for LMDE 2 64 bit cinnamon / mate.

Disclaimer: Though this method works, there is still some work in progress, this means:

This does not work for Optimus

As a note i still want to add a caution/disclaimer to this tutorial that using the official way, this:

Install nvidia driver from the default Linux Mint / Debian repositories, like so:

sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-xconfig sudo nvidia-xconfig sudo reboot

This is still the recommended way of doing things.

My approach should only be used if you really really need the latest driver for decent frame rates, your applications and graphics card.
As it stands now, the official method is a way easier install than my approach is, yet i do get better results doing it the way i do. (with playing windows based 32 bit games)
Tutorial Nvidia install, the non-official way.

So, here is the correct order of things for people that need to install the latest driver for what ever reason for their LMDE 2 64 bit system and Nvidia Graphics Card:

Before installing the nvidia driver, you will first want to add a i386 architecture (if you are using the 64 bit version of LMDE 2) If you plan on playing games through wine / playonlinux you’ ll also want to install wine32 and probably version 1.7.x and up before installing playonlinux from the software center.

(playonlinux will throw «wine seems to have crashed» error (on 64 bit LMDE2) if you do not set multi-arch i386 first and have not installed wine32 without telling you it is actually missing 32 bit libraries)

If you do not intend to use your LMDE 2 64 bit install for 32 bit applications or games you can actually skip the part about installing Wine / PlayonLinux / Multi-arch. If you do not plan on gaming but are going to use 32 bit applications than at least setup Multi-arch (sudo –add-architecture i386)

Setting up multi-arch (You need to do this if you are planning to use 32 bit applications / games)

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade

Setting up Wine / Playonlinux (You need this if using 32 bit applications / games through wine)

It seems it is best to install wine before installing Playonlinux.
Another thing to note is that you might want a later version of wine than version 1.7.29-4 . For the latest wine versions you will have to install from the jessie backports repository as well.

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You can do this like this:

1) add the following repository to your sources.list

deb jessie-backports main

(you could do this «manually, or use the GUI > goto system settings > packet sources > extra packet sources and press add repository, now just copy the above into the field and » add» )

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jessie-backports main

Than «Ctrl+o» and «Enter» to save the added repository to the sources.list, than «Ctrl+x» to close it

sudo apt install wine wine32
sudo apt install libasound2-plugins:i386 glibc-doc:i386 locales:i386 gnutls-bin:i386 libvisual-0.4-plugins:i386 gstreamer0.10-tools:i386 gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:i386 libportaudio2:i386 ttf-mscorefonts-installer libc6-i686:i386 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386 libgpm2:i386 libsasl2-modules:i386 libxcursor1:i386 glibc-doc-reference rng-tools:i386 opus-tools:i386 speex:i386 va-driver-all:i386 gvfs:i386 gpm:i386 libsasl2-modules-otp:i386 libsasl2-modules-ldap:i386 libsasl2-modules-sql:i386 libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit:i386 libsasl2-modules-gssapi-heimdal:i386 libbluray-bdj:i386 libaacs0:i386 
sudo apt install wine-development wine32-development wine32-development-preloader:i386 libwine-gecko-2.24:i386

and/or install wine-development from jessie backports (wine latest version)
The suggested and recommended packages are optional.

sudo apt install \ wine-development/jessie-backports \ wine32-development/jessie-backports \ wine64-development/jessie-backports \ libwine-development/jessie-backports \ libwine-development:i386/jessie-backports \ fonts-wine-development/jessie-backports

Now from software center install pavucontrol and ttf-microsoft-fonts if you have not installed these yet. Just open software center and search for «pulse» for the pavucontrol package and just type microsoft in the search field to bring up ttf-microsoft-fonts

After this you can install playonlinux from software manager and have no «wine seems to have crashed» messages when trying to install a 32bit windows application/game.

If you are NOT looking to use 32bit applications / games on LMDE2 64 bit, through wine or not, you can skip the above and start using the tutorial to install your driver here

1) Now, download the driver from the nvidia website (remember downloaded file location ( for example, put your version here))
(usually you should use repositories only though! Only do this if you really want / need the latest driver for your card)

2) Change the » blacklist» file to contain «blacklist nouveau»

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf

Now your system boots into LMDE 2 and might say it is running in software rendering mode. (In Cinnamon it does, in Mate it does not)
If you are using a later than 340.96 nvidia driver, chances are the vdpau-driver is not included in your installation package.
(the 340.96 installer package still has the vdpau-driver) In this case you must install this from current repositories, like so:

sudo apt install nvidia-vdpau-driver nvidia-vdpau-driver:i386
su root sh

(change for your driver version)

If you did NOT set up your LMDE 64 bit system to be able to play 32 bit windows games or install 32 bit windows applications using playonlinux / wine or used multi-arch i386, you will get a warning that a expected 32 bit compatibility library could not be found. (you can just choose «install anyway» and it will work just fine)

People who DO want to use 32 bit windows applications and games through playonlinux/wine must have followed the first section of this tutorial before starting the driver installation or at least have set multi-arch i386 on their LMDE2-64bit system. The driver will find the expected library path and will not come up with a warning.

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The end of the installer will ask to change the xorg.conf for you. Now you can choose «Yes».

If for some reason X won’t start, log in and remove the xorg.conf file, like this:

sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d su root echo -e 'Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver "nvidia"\nEndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf

This does not work for Optimus, it actually breaks Xorg on Optimus systems.

Hope this helps someone out!

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by Jennifer W » Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:08 pm

Edited the tutorial to reflect that the top level 32 bit compatibility libraries provided in the Nvidia installer are now installed into the expected library path.
(Had problems with that in the first draft)

Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by Jennifer W » Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:02 pm

I forgot to change the order of things which solves the 32 bit library part.

also added the disclaimer that you will only need to do it exactly like this if you are looking to use 32 bit windows games and applications through playonlinux.

I have now tested the tutorial by actually using it line by line on two systems and the results are now consistent.

Less graphical glitches in game, actually did not find any this time (i think i might be able to fully switch to LMDE 2 now instead of using LM 17.2 for gaming and LMDE 2 for professional use)

B.t.w graphical glitches where only found using win 32 bit games, NOT on desktop use.

I got playable frames per second now (never below 40fps with blizzard games on a GTS 250 on medium to high settings which is about 10 — 15 fps lower compared to what i would get on windows. This is perfectly fine, it feels just as smooth and dont notice a difference while playing. I think thats pretty decent knowing i am using a » wrapper » to play it on Linux, perfectly acceptable.

And cinnamon does not show any sign anymore of wanting to go into fallback mode nor does X show any sign anymore of wanting to crash.
(As if those services have feelings. yeah right Jennifer!)

Anyways, hope this helps someone!

Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by kevinthefixer » Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:38 pm

Jennifer, may I suggest giving the full path to sources.list in your main text? «/etc/apt/sources.list» might save someone the trouble of a file search. Although LMDE2’s search tool is fast, I think it took about 2 1/2 seconds to find about 8 instances, most in documentation.

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Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by Jennifer W » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:39 am

kevinthefixer wrote: Jennifer, may I suggest giving the full path to sources.list in your main text? «/etc/apt/sources.list» might save someone the trouble of a file search. Although LMDE2’s search tool is fast, I think it took about 2 1/2 seconds to find about 8 instances, most in documentation.

Though i figured i had best kept it as non-techie as possible, as per forum rules.
so i only put the GUI method there for people just starting out on Linux.
Figured that the already techsavie people who use LMDE 2 would already know how to cli it or could find it in 2,5 seconds. like yourself.

Anyways, as per your request, its added

Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by kevinthefixer » Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:59 pm

Once again thanks. As I posted on another forum earlier today (XDA developers), I should either do much more CLI work and polish my skills, or much less. I’m very rusty.

Re: Nvidia install on LMDE 2 64 bit Cinnamon (+wine 1.7.x)

Post by Jennifer W » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:33 am

Edit: Nothing wrong with LMDE2 multiarch. there is a difference in how apt-get works on LMDE2 compared to Debian

Have found the reason why the 32 bit libraries giving issues. It Seems multiarch on LMDE 2 doesnt do what it should do for this installment and thus end up with graphical arteffects when running a 32 bit windows game through playonlinux/wine.

Upcoming week i will be looking into this issue since i still need to find out WHY multiarch isnt doing what it is supposed to be doing. (the needed i386 packages are not being picked up nor installed after setting up multiarch) I facepalmed that i did not notice this before, i started to realise this when i tried the exact same thing on a straight up Debian Jessie and noticed how much more packages where being retreived, than notices these where all the needed i386 packages. Checked back on LMDE2 and indeed. even after setting up multiarch the i386 packages are not being donwloaded and installed.

If you already know what i am missing here, please feel free to tell me! Might save me some time.

Anyways, as soon as i figured this out i will update this tutorial accordingly.

The result on Debian was awesome, since it took away all the graphical issues and am now able to game on the platform at the same quality level as i was able to on 17.3 Mate. I explicity say mate, since also on debian mate performes flawlessly while with cinnamon i got the same in regular slowdowns. So, i know and knew all along. LMDE 2 should be able to do this (gaming using as multipurpose desktop OS)


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