Linux mint disable keyring

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M_Mynaardt Level 4
Posts: 274 Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:28 am Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

Disable keyring permanently? [SOLVED]

Post by M_Mynaardt » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:11 pm

I’m running Mint 20 Xfce on a laptop. Thing is I want to completely disable keyring.

I thought I had it turned off through that seahorse (passwords and keys) application.

But it still occurs sometimes when I run VIvaldi.

Is there some way to completely disable or remove keyring? It’s quite annoying.

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Re: Disable keyring permanently?

Post by sleeper12 » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:16 pm

M_Mynaardt Level 4
Posts: 274 Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:28 am Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

Re: Disable keyring permanently?

Post by M_Mynaardt » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:56 pm

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M_Mynaardt Level 4
Posts: 274 Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:28 am Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

Re: Disable keyring permanently? [unsolved]

Post by M_Mynaardt » Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:10 pm

I noticed too that it’s meant for when you automatically log on. But mine is set to require my password to log on.

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Re: Disable keyring permanently? [unsolved]

Post by sleeper12 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:17 pm

M_Mynaardt Level 4
Posts: 274 Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:28 am Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

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Re: Disable keyring permanently? [unsolved]

Post by M_Mynaardt » Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:14 pm

Everything there say it only works if you disable automatic log on.
Which I don’t want.

First of all I should point out I’ve got five browsers installed: Firefox, Chromium, Falkon, Opera and Vivaldi.
Vivaldi is my favoured browser. Falkon I just use if I want to keep RAM use to a minimum and I’m using not-so-fancy sites.
Opera and Chromium I use if Vivaldi or Firefox doesn’t work on a site (for whatever reason).

I do not get keyring prompts for neither Falkon nor Firefox. Ironically, despite what I’ve read about keyring being focused on Chrome or Chromium, I never get a keyring prompt when I run Chromium.

Whining & Whinging coming Rrrrright up.

I do get keyring prompts for both Vivaldi and Opera. And that’s where it’s really p***ing me off!

When I run either of those browsers I always get prompted for a new key ring FOUR times each session. Twice before it starts and then twice again if I open or close any tab.

I thought maybe if I entered a new keyring once, I would only get prompted once when I started either. I could live with that.

But this business of getting prompted four times for yet another new keyging every single time I run either of those browsers in particular is getting beyond annoying. (swear, swear, grumble, grumble, etc.)

I do understand the security angle and all behind keyring. But there’s something wrong if I keep getting prompted to create a new keyring password four times every single time I run certain browsers and not others.

Sorry for being a bit whiny; too much strong coffee first thing in the morning.

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How to disable keyring in Ubuntu, elementary OS, and Linux Mint

Open Password and Keys application and go on to change the keyring password. The trick is that when it asks to change the password, don’t enter a new password and hit Continue instead. This will remove any password from the keyring.

How do I turn off default keyring?

Disable Password for Unlocking Default Keyring

On the left side panel, right-click on the Default keyring , and choose Change Password . Type your current login password. Leave a new password for the Default keyring as blank. Click on Continue button to confirm to store passwords unencrypted.

How do I disable Keyring on Linux Mint 20?

  1. Launch Passwords & Keys.
  2. GNUPG Keys, click back button.
  3. Click +, select Password Keyring.
  4. Call it Default.
  5. Click Continue for an Empty Password & Continue again when asked if you want to store passwords unencrypted.
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What is default keyring in Linux?

Introduction. Gnome-keyring is installed by default in MX Linux, and is used to manage security credentials, such as user names and passwords. . The “default keyring” employs the user’s login for encryption, eliminating the need for a second password.

What is a keyring in Ubuntu?

GNOME Keyring is a software application designed to store security credentials such as usernames, passwords, and keys, together with a small amount of relevant metadata. The sensitive data is encrypted and stored in a keyring file in the user’s home directory. . GNOME Keyring is part of the GNOME desktop.

How do I change my default keyring password?

Launch the seahorse , right click your Default keyring and choose Change password . You will be prompted for your old password first. Then you have to enter your new password twice & submit.

Where is the keyring in Ubuntu?

Go to System -> Preferences -> Passwords and Encryption Keys, which will display the following dialogue. From here, select “Passwords: Login” -> right-mouse click -> and select “Change Password”. From here, you can change the new password for the login keyring as shown below.

How do I stop keyring?

  1. Launching Seahorse. Step 3) Right-click on “Login” and select “Change Password.”
  2. Change Password in Seahorse. Step 4) Enter the old password when you see the pop-up. .
  3. Leave the New Password Blank. .
  4. No Encryption Warning.

How do I uninstall keyring?

  1. ubuntu/windows key →
  2. Startup Applications →
  3. uncheck/remove SSH Key Agent / GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent.

What is keyring in Linux Mint?

Auto-unlock default keyring during login Mint 12 KDE

GNOME Keyring is a collection of components in GNOME that store secrets, passwords, keys, certificates and make them available to applications. . This is a good feature if you have other people remoting or using your account to login to your computer.

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How to disable keyring in Ubuntu, elementary OS, and Linux Mint

O ne of FOSS Linux readers asked us this question, and we thought let’s publish an article instead of just replying to the comment.

Ubuntu and its derivatives, including Linux Mint and elementary OS, requests keyring every time a user reboots the computer and launches specific Internet browsers, including Google Chrome and Chromium.

What is Keyring?

The keyring stores passwords and encryption keys for you, just like a safe for passwords. Your passwords are encrypted and protected with your login password by default settings. Every time you launch an application, the keyring enters the password for you. It is true when you don’t have automatic login enabled.

If you have automatic login enabled, then the keyring won’t enter the password for you. Instead, it asks for you to first unlock the safe, for security reasons. Though this behavior is entirely justified, it may become a frustrating experience if you are the sole user of your PC, or it is a test PC where you don’t have any personal info stored.

Stopping Keyring Popup after reboot in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and elementary OS

Option 1: Disable Automatic Login

If you don’t have auto-login activated, the keyring is unlocked when you log in to your user account. Therefore, the system authenticates that you are the user and bypasses keyring prompt when you launch Chrome.

Option 2: Make Keyring password Blank

Step 1) Launch ‘Terminal’ and enter the following command. Elementary OS users may need to first enable PPA before attempting the below command. Ubuntu 17.10 comes with seahorse pre-installed, so you may see output that “seahorse is already the newest version…’.

sudo apt-get install seahorse

Step 2) After the installation is complete, launch “seahorse” from programs.

Launching Seahorse

Step 3) Right-click on “Login” and select “Change Password.”

Change Password in Seahorse

Change Password in Seahorse

Step 4) Enter the old password when you see the pop-up. Then leave the new password field blank. Don’t enter even space. Click ‘Continue’.

Leave the New Password Blank

Leave the New Password Blank

Step 5) You should see an obvious warning pop-up that passwords will be unencrypted. Click ‘Continue’.

No Encryption Warning

That’s it! Restart your computer for the setting to take effect. Next time you launch Chrome or Chromium browser, you should not see the keyring request.


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