Linux mint errno 5 input output error

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Sologeoff Level 1
Posts: 14 Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:35 am Location: Adelaide, Australia

[Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by Sologeoff » Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:52 am

Hi to all the learned folk out there.
I get this below error message whether I use an older CD Rom Drive or I use a Brand new DVD drive
I downloaded Helena Mint Linux 8 & burnt the iso to cd using K3B on 1x speed I also checked the MDchecksum & confirmed that the burn was the same as the downloaded Iso through K3B
I do not understand I thought I have done all the right things. (It fails at 40% into the installation to the Hard Drive)
Kind Regards
The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:

[Errno 5] Input/output error

This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by joel2665 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:20 am

I have encountered this before too. Here is a link that may work for you as well:

Sologeoff Level 1
Posts: 14 Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:35 am Location: Adelaide, Australia

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by Sologeoff » Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:45 pm

I have encountered this before too. Here is a link that may work for you as well:

Hi Joel
Thank you for the hint, but as I am a newbie how do you do that below? (Please explain step by step)

The simple fix for me this time, as in the past, was to append the following boot parameter when booting from the CD:

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by joel2665 » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:38 am

I am relying on my memory for these steps, but I feel confident that they are reasonably accurate.

1. Boot from the Linux Mint disc.
2. When you see the count-down message about «Automatic boot in [x] seconds,» then press the Enter key. A menu appears with different boot options.
3. Press the Tab key. A command line appears at the bottom of the menu; the last characters are two dashes.
4. Simply type «apic=off» and then press the Enter key. This will load the live system with apic disabled.
5. After Linux Mint is fully loaded, then you can double-click the Install Linux Mint icon.

If this works the same for you as it did for me, then you will successfully complete the installation.

Sologeoff Level 1
Posts: 14 Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:35 am Location: Adelaide, Australia

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Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by Sologeoff » Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:29 am

Hi Joel
Thank you for the step by step info it is appreciated.
But I am sorry to say that didn’t work for me, still the same error message came up after 40% installed.
So this is what I done I loaded the live CD & burnt another copy of Mint 8 using Brasero @ 8x speed instead of using K3B @ 1X speed.
And Wow it worked As I am now using it.
As I have explained previously I thought I had done all the right steps.
Why is it so??
Kind Regards

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by joel2665 » Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:26 am

Well, in any case, I am glad to hear that you got it working.

Why does this happen at all? I do not know. The inner workings of Linux in general, and Linux Mint specifically, are a mystery to me. Maybe someday it will be clear to me, but I am still learning.

Enjoy your new installation!

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by Blutwurscht » Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:49 pm

installing Mint 8 failed two times (32 and 64 bit version) on my PC due to this error. The first time the CD (burnt with max speed) indeed had 1 error. The second time (CD burnt with 4x) everthing was ok, but nevertheless the error popped up at around 51%, after some other read errors.

Both times the system as whole was unuseable (GRUB error 15) and I had to «re-apply» Mint 7.

This is just some wild guessing but I think this might be an issue with hardware compatibility or even minor glitches in the hardware/software combination—or even the CD blank. Sad but true: burning the ISO under Windows the installation works fine. so I’m tempted to blame Brasero (again just guessing)

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by egi13946 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:08 am

For error: “errno 5 — input/output error” when trying to install

After tried thousands ways, i did it, finally, on Linux Mint 15

1. Run Live CD ou USB pen
2. Go to terminal and type «ubiquity no-migration-assistant»
3. Run Linux Mint Install
4. Done

For me, with no errors any more.

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by getting there » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:25 pm

I want to take the time to say thank you to everyone who has posted information on this error.
I also want to tell you my experience with this problem.
I, like so many of you, could not load Linux Mint on my computer after download from CD.
Unfortunatly for me I struggled with this many days.
I bought a new DVD/CD drive and installed it. no help.
I experated the problem by wiping my HD to DOD standards.
I finally was ready to buy a new computer. I actually placed an offer on one on ebay.
Fortunatly my offer was turned down. It was at this time I thought about looking on the forums to see if anyone
else had the infamous errno 5- input/output error. It was on the forum that I found the solution to the problem.
I followed instructions some kind person (s) had submitted. Here is what worked for me.
1) Boot from the Linux Mint disk.
2) After the «count down» message appeared about «Automatic boot in (so many) seconds»I pressed the enter key.
a menu appeared with several boot options.
3) I pressed the Tab key. A command line appeared at the bottom of the menu. The last characters are two dashes followed by an a (_ _a). After the a type in pic=off so it looks like apic=off. Press the enter key. This will load the live system with apic disabled.
4) After Linux Mint is fully loaded, double click on the icon (on your sreen) to install.

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Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by Oldfiddler » Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:30 pm

I see this thread is fairly ancient, although it has recent posts. Moderators please advise me if I should post a new topic.

I am new to Linux but I have successfully installed Linux Mint 16 64 bit on my own PC and am happily using it. But when I try to install it on my wife’s PC, which is identical apart from a slightly smaller processor, I get Errno 5 input/output error. I have tried the various solutions offered here. I interrupted the boot procedure and entered «apic=off». No joy. I entered «ubiquity no-migration-assistant» in a terminal window — still no joy. On some attempts, the installation went directly to the Errno 5 message. On some occasions, I got a prior error which told me that «/target/lib/firmware/ashpi/dsp6200.bin did not match the source copy on CD/DVD». The error messages point out that this may be due to a fault with the CD/DVD disc or drive or a fault on the hard drive.

I should point out that the CD is very recent and installed Mint on my own PC last month with no installation problems. The CD/DVD drive seems to run Linux directly from the CD quite happily. It is only on full install that things fall over. The finger of suspicion seems to point at the hard disc.

The PC used to run Windows XP Pro SP3, but that fell over days before I was due to convert to Linux (and days before the withdrawal of support!) My son was able to rescue important files and save them in a separate partition on a Linux set-up; however, he couldn’t install Linux in the partition prepared for it. Having now saved the key files on a separate hard drive, I don’t care what happens to the drive on this disc in terms of partitions or data. I have run «fsck -cc /dev/sda1», which ground on for hours and had to be stopped. I tried «dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M» and that was exciting! Having started with a small terminal window, I ended up with a full screen of output and all the lock lights flashing. There seemed to be no way of copying this output, but the word «panic» cropped up a couple of times!

Are there any more possible solutions to this installation impasse which the real experts can suggest to me? Or do I start thinking about new hardware?

Re: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Post by fiestaloca » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:39 pm

I’ve just fought with this issues for hours and hours. tried all the tips and tricks that was able to find here in the forums without success.

FIrst I used DVDs (3 of them!) and then I resorted to USB sticks but didn’t work at all.

I was growing incredible frustrated to say the least.

Then I decided to run a md5sum check on the .iso that I’ve got and it was not the same as official Linux Mint download page (

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So for Linux Mint 17 «Qiana» — Cinnamon (64-bit) the MD5 hash is: 3d8c3c3e82916e2110f965111b0ee944. Whereas the one I had was completely different.

Then I recalled that I had use a torrent site to get the .iso.

Therefore, most likely the .iso I had was a tampered version of the Linux Mint installer! And gladly enough it didn’t work (otherwise who knows what spyware it would have had!).

So check your .iso MD5 hashes as it could be that you are trying to install a dodgy installer.


«errno 5 — ошибка ввода / вывода» при попытке установить

Сегодня я скачал Ubuntu для своего ноутбука. Он отлично работает с загрузочного USB, но когда я попытался установить его, я получил следующее сообщение об ошибке:

[Errno 5] - Input/output error 

Я перепробовал все, чтобы установить его на свой ноутбук, но ничего не работает (также повторно загрузите ISO-образ).

8 ответов

На целевом жестком диске могут быть поврежденные сектора.

Проверять sda1 запустить том для плохих секторов в Linux fsck -c /dev/sda1 , Для езды C: в винде это должно быть chkdsk c: /f /r ,

по моему мнению chkdsk способ будет более подходящим, поскольку он будет перераспределять плохие блоки на жестком диске, в то время как Linux fsck просто помечает такие блоки как непригодные для использования в текущей файловой системе.

Цитата из man fsck.ext2

-c Эта опция вызывает e2fsck использовать badblocks(8) программа для сканирования устройства только для чтения с целью обнаружения любых поврежденных блоков. Если обнаружены какие-либо поврежденные блоки, они добавляются в индекс плохих блоков, чтобы предотвратить их размещение в файле или каталоге. Если эта опция указана дважды, то сканирование плохих блоков будет выполнено с использованием неразрушающего теста чтения-записи

У меня тоже была эта проблема при установке.

[Errno 5] Input/output error 

Целевой машиной стал совершенно новый ноутбук Asus K53e. Установочный образ был ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso (64-разрядная версия). Я записал этот образ на компакт-диск. Errno 5. Записал его на загрузочную флешку. Errno 5 снова:(Я пытался 4 или 5 раз.

fsck сказал, что весь корневой раздел был в порядке (через 10 часов). memtest86 + сказал, что все 6 ГБ оперативной памяти тоже хорошо. Я попытался установить непосредственно при загрузке живого образа (Установить Ubuntu). Я также попробовал кнопку Try Ubuntu, затем запустил установку с живого рабочего стола. Опять Errno 5.

В итоге получается, что скачанный iso-файл был как-то устаревшим или неправильным. Ты можешь в это поверить!?

$ md5sum ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso 

Вывод отличался от официального хеша Ubuntu (62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df459). Тогда я забыл свой разум. Я помню, что когда я загружал это изображение, мне показалось, что я был перенаправлен с на зеркальный сайт, и я выбрал французский случайным образом, потому что мое ближайшее британское зеркало не работает. Должно быть, он немного устарел или что-то в этом роде. На самом деле, я сейчас помню, как видел записи, как это

SQUASHFS error: zlib inflate error, data probably corrupt squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x1e457bbd 

на выходе dmesg (Я думаю) или где-то в /var/log при проверке после сбоя установки вывалил меня обратно на рабочий стол (Try Ubuntu).

В общем, убедитесь, что вы проверили хеш MD5 загруженного ISO-файла! (Я знаю. Я знаю. Я тоже редко проверяю!)

В любом случае, я снова скачал 64-битную Ubuntu 11.10 и на этот раз мне предложили в диалоговом окне Сохранить как вместо того, чтобы попросить выбрать зеркальный сайт. При загрузке контрольная сумма совпадает:) Установка в порядке:)


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