Linux mint firefox developer edition

How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu & Linux Mint

Firefox developer edition, which is a browser built specifically for web developers, was first introduced by Mozilla back in November 2014. It streamlines the development workflow so developers don’t need to bounce between different platforms and browsers. This browser comes preloaded with many web developers tools such as WebIDE and Valence which allows developers to debug other browsers and apps directly from within the Firefox developer edition.

By using the Developer Edition, you also gain access to tools and platform features at least 12 weeks before they reach the main Firefox release channel. It can run alongside your existing Firefox browser.

The latest version is 50.0a2, released on August 5, 2016. Changes includes:

  • Find in page now supports a mode to search for whole words only
  • New preference for allowing Ctrl+Tab to cycle through tabs in recently used order
  • Improved printing by using the Reader Mode
  • Emoji for everyone! Firefox will use built-in Emoji on operating systems without native Emoji fonts (Windows 8.0 and lower and Linux)
  • Use accel-(opt/alt)-r as the reader mode keyboard shortcut
  • changes for web developers can be found here.

Note that Firefox developer edition may missing some standard Firefox features. For example, it doesn’t have the leaked password alert feature, if you use the Firefox built-in password manager.

Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu/Linux Mint via Ubuntu Make

With this method, Firefox D.E. coexists with your default Firefox browser and can be updated in Help > About Firefox window. First, install Ubuntu Make which is available from repository.

sudo snap install ubuntu-make --classic
umake web firefox-dev --lang en-US

You will be asked to choose the installation path and language. Pressing Enter will choose the default option. Once it’s installed, you can start it from your application menu.

firefox developer edition ubuntu 16.04

Note that because Linux Mint ships with a different desktop environment, you won’t see the firefox developer edition icon in the menu. You can start it from the terminal. For instance, if you chose the default installation path, then start it with:


You can also log out and log back in, then the icon will show you in your application menu.

Install Firefox Developer Edition from PPA

With this method, your existing Firefox browser will be replaced. Open up a terminal window (CTRL+ALT+T), and run the following 3 commands one at a time.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora sudo apt update sudo apt install firefox

Firefox developer edition linux

That’s it! I hope this article helped you install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu and Linux Mint. As always, if you found this post useful, then subscribe to our free newsletter or follow us on Twitter or like our Facebook page. Thanks for visiting!

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Technology Tales

Having moved beyond the slow response and larger memory footprint of Firefox ESR, I am using Firefox Developer Edition in its place even if it means living without a status bar at the bottom of the window. Hopefully, someone will create an equivalent of the old add-on bar extensions that worked before the release of Firefox Quantum.

Firefox Developer Edition may be pre-release software with some extras for web developers like being able to to drill into an HTML element and see its properties but I am finding it stable enough for everyday use. It is speedy too, which helps, and it has its own profile so it can co-exist on the same machine as regular releases of Firefox like its ESR and Quantum variants.

Installation takes a little added effort though and there are various options available. My chosen method involved Ubuntu Make. Installing this involves setting up a new PPA as the first step and the following commands added the software to my system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

With the above completed, it was simple to install Firefox Developer edition using the following command:

Where things got a bit more complicated was getting entries added to the Cinnamon Menu and Docky. The former was sorted using the cinnamon-menu-editor command but the latter needed some tinkering with my firefox-developer.desktop file found in .local/share/applications/ within my user area to get the right icon shown. Discovering this took me into .gconf/apps/docky-2/Docky/Interface/DockPreferences/%gconf.xml where I found the location of the firefox-developer.desktop that needed changing. Once this was completed, there was nothing else to do from the operating system side.

Within Firefox itself, I opted to turn off warnings about password logins on non-https websites by going to about:config using the address bar, then looking for security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled and changing its value from True to False. Some may decry this but there are some local websites on my machine that need attention at times. Otherwise, Firefox is installed with user access so I can update it as if it were a Windows or MacOS application and that is useful given that there are frequent new releases. All is going as I want it so far.


How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Firefox Developer Edition is the perfect browser for Ubuntu users who want to take their web development skills to the next level. It comes packed with powerful features that make coding, debugging, and testing websites easier than ever. For starters, it has a built-in JavaScript debugger that makes it simple to identify and fix errors. Plus, it has numerous performance and security enhancements that help you create faster more secure websites.

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Firefox Developer Edition also has a built-in Responsive Design View that makes it easy to test websites on different devices and viewports. And best of all, it’s completely free and open source. So if you’re an Ubuntu user looking to get the most out of your web development experience, Firefox Developer Edition is the way to go. With its powerful features and performance enhancements, you can take your coding skills to the next level.

In this article, we will show you how to install Firefox Developer Edition on an Ubuntu or Debian system.

Step 1: Download Firefox Developer Edition

The first step is to download Firefox Developer Edition from the Firefox Developer Edition download page ( Click on the “Download Firefox Developer Edition” button to download the installation package.

How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu

Step 2: Installing Dependencies

Before you can install Firefox Developer Edition, you will need to install some dependencies. Open a terminal and run the following command to install the necessary packages:

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libasound2 libdbus-glib-1-2 

Step 3: Install Firefox Developer Edition

Next, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installation package using the “cd” command. For example, if you downloaded the file to the “Downloads” directory, you can use the following command:

Then, run the following command to install Firefox Developer Edition:

sudo tar xjf firefox-*.tar.bz2 -C /opt 

The above command will extract all files under the /opt/firefox directory.

Then create a soft link of `firefox` file under `/usr/local/bin/` directory, so it will be accessible from anywhere the system.

ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox-developer 

This will install Firefox Developer Edition on your system.

Step 4: Start Firefox Developer Edition

To start Firefox Developer Edition, click on the Firefox Developer Edition icon in the Applications menu or on the desktop. Alternatively, you can also start Firefox Developer Edition from the terminal by running the following command:

How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu


In this article, we have shown you how to install Firefox Developer Edition on an Ubuntu or Debian system. We hope this information was helpful and will make it easier for you to use Firefox Developer Edition on your system.


How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu/Mint & Debian?

How to Install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu/Mint & Debian

In this tutorial, we’re gonna install Firefox Developer Edition on Ubuntu/Mint and Debian via terminal. The firefox developer edition is available for other operating systems as well like, Windows, macOS, and Linux. It gives web developers freedom to debug and inspect web applications with ease, and this edition is specifically for developers not for everyday internet users.

Firefox developer edition is specifically built for developers and was first introduced in November 2014 by Mozilla. It does lack some features such as it doesn’t have the leaked password alert feature if you use the Firefox built-in password manager.

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Uninstall the Traditional Mozilla Firefox Version

Before proceeding, we’re gonna uninstall traditional firefox to avoid conflict between packages.

install firefox developer edition ubuntu terminal

To uninstall firefox follow these specific commands:

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt remove firefox
  • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -R firefox
  • Debian: sudo apt-get remove firefox-esr
  • OpenSUSE: sudo zypper remove firefox
  • Linux Mint: sudo apt purge firefox*
  • Fedora: sudo dnf remove firefox

Install Firefox Developer Edition via Ubuntu Make

Let’s install the Firefox developer edition via Ubuntu Make:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lyzardking/ubuntu-make sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

install firefox developer edition ubuntu terminal

And now, let’s install firefox-dev. This will start downloading the required packages for the successful installation of the Firefox developer edition.

umake web firefox-dev --lang en-US

You won’t see the firefox developer edition icon in the menu, because you installed a different desktop environment.

You have to run it through the terminal via the path that it shows after the installation.


Install Firefox Developer Edition Through PPA

Let’s install Firefox developer edition through PPA in ubuntu, Fire up your terminal window (CTRL+ALT+T) and type the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora sudo apt update sudo apt install firefox

Install Firefox Developer Edition on Linux

Go to the Firefox developer edition download page, Download the ‘tar.bz2’ file, and move it to the home folder with the file manager.

The first thing you need to do is give the terminal root permission through the following command.

After that navigate to the /opt directory and create another folder inside.

cd /opt mkdir -p firefox-dev

Now, move the firefox*.tar.bz2 file to the folder which you created /opt/firefox-dev.

Now, after you moved it. Un-tar the firefox*.tar.bz2 file inside the folder.

sudo tar xjf firefox*.tar.bz2

It’s time to change the ownership of the directory containing the Firefox Developer Edition /opt/firefox-dev/

sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /opt/firefox-dev/

Create a shortcut for Firefox Developer Edition using nano editor,

nano ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop

Inside you can enter the following (or change it how you like):

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=35.0a2 # version of the app. Name[en_US]=firefox_dev # name of the app. GenericName=Firefox Developer Edition # longer name of the app. Exec=/opt/firefox_dev/firefox # command used to launch the app. Terminal=false # whether the app requires to be run in a terminal. Icon[en_US]=firefox # location of icon file - Firefox Dev currently has no icon of its own, so just using the system default for Firefox Type=Application # type. Categories=Application;Network;Developer; # categories in which this app should be listed. Comment[en_US]=Firefox Developer Edition Web Browser. # comment which appears as a tooltip.

Now, make the executable file trusted and you’re ready for the launch.

chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop


If you’re a web developer and use Linux, then you must have used the Firefox developer edition or you just installed it right now following our installation method. Firefox developer edition has lot to offer especially when it comes to web development. Let me know your thoughts about the firefox developer edition in the comment box below.


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