Linux mint gnome keyring daemon

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gnome-keyring-daemon not responding [Solved]

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gnome-keyring-daemon not responding [Solved]

Post by glore2002 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:55 am

This is the message I get when trying to shut down or restart the computer running Linux Mint 18.3. Googling I find many users have this problem but didn’t find a solution yet.

The only thing I know is keyring keeps user’s passwords and credentials or something like that.

Any advice or solution will be very very welcome

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by Cosmo. » Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:00 am

There is no solution — as long as the developers do not provide any — only a workaround. Open before you log out or shut down a terminal and enter

You need to type the command only once. At the next session you can recall the command in the terminal by the up arrow key.

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by glore2002 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:12 am

Cosmo. wrote: ⤴ Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:00 am There is no solution — as long as the developers do not provide any — only a workaround. Open before you log out or shut down a terminal and enter

You need to type the command only once. At the next session you can recall the command in the terminal by the up arrow key.

Thank you very much. I understand there is no solution and I don’t like to hear that because developers should provide a solution

Is it possible to make this command (workaround) execute automatically at shut down time?

Thanks again for your cooperation.

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by Cosmo. » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:29 pm

glore2002 wrote: ⤴ Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:12 am Is it possible to make this command (workaround) execute automatically at shut down time?

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In principle by a script, which executes at first the command to quit the daemon and after(!) that to shut down or to log out. But you would not be able to use any of the built-in functions (menu entries, keyboard shortcuts) for login out or shutting down or rebooting.

The really strange thing is, that the developers say, that they cannot reproduce this issue. As officially stated there are nearly a dozen Cinnamon developers in the team. I have not the smallest idea, why none of them sees a problem, which has been complained so often in the forum. Not even different hardware could explain this magic, as the problem is reproducible in a VirtualBox guest, which means nearly totally identical (virtual) hardware for everybody.

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by glore2002 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:31 pm

Thanks Cosmo! I totally agree.

I will try using the command but expecting a solution. A good OS should not have this kind of problems. As I am planning to use Linux Mint at School (with my students) I need to make sure it is the best option to choose. I need an stable OS with the less possible problems. Otherwise students and colleagues will son say Windows was better and I would hate hearing that again

AZgl1800 Level 19
Posts: 9388 Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:20 am Location: Oklahoma where the wind comes Sweeping down the Plains Contact:

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by AZgl1800 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:38 pm

Someone wrote a «solution» in that you had to go to Terminal and issue the command «down» which would run a script that he wrote.

I tried that, and it is more trouble than it is worth.

This works 100% of the time

Terminal: Shutdown 0 that is a ‘zero’

for me, that has always worked and bypasses the keyring daemin.
and it saves your data and the next reboot seems to be better, and a shutdown can occur w/o the daemin showing up.


LM21.2 Victoria Cinnamon ASUS FX705GM | Donate to Mint

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by glore2002 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:46 pm

AZgl1500 wrote: ⤴ Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:38 pm Someone wrote a «solution» in that you had to go to Terminal and issue the command «down» which would run a script that he wrote.

I tried that, and it is more trouble than it is worth.

This works 100% of the time

Terminal: Shutdown 0 that is a ‘zero’

for me, that has always worked and bypasses the keyring daemin.
and it saves your data and the next reboot seems to be better, and a shutdown can occur w/o the daemin showing up.

stephanieswitzer Level 4
Posts: 235 Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:49 pm Location: Ontario

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by stephanieswitzer » Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:29 pm

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I recall having this «gnome-keyring-daemon not responding» issue myself when I was dual-booting MacOS and Mint. I’ve since deleted MacOS and single boot Mint 18.3 Cinnamon. On reading this thread it occurs to me that since deleting MacOS, this «gnome-keyring-daemon not responding» no longer crops up. I know, not a solution, just a realisation.

Mac-Mini running Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon, Intel© Core™ i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz
MacBookPro9,2 running Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.3 Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @ 3.20GHz
System76 Galago Pro 4, running Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.3 Intel i5-1021 CPU @ 4.2 Ghz

AZgl1800 Level 19
Posts: 9388 Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:20 am Location: Oklahoma where the wind comes Sweeping down the Plains Contact:

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by AZgl1800 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:40 pm

I’m almost afraid to talk about it, it might show up again. tee hee

I’m a kybd’er, I use shortcut keys for as much as I can possibly do, I hate to use a mouse to scroll thru a menu when Ctl-Alt-T brings up Terminal now.

and Ctl-Alt-F brings up Firefox now.

and Alt-E brings up Nemo now.

and a whole bunch of shortcuts that I carry with me.


LM21.2 Victoria Cinnamon ASUS FX705GM | Donate to Mint

Re: gnome-keyring-daemon not responding

Post by Cosmo. » Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:30 am

One thing is for sure: It is a runtime conflict, and so the problem does not happen always. This means also, that it possible, that you change anything on the system, reboot and find that the problem seems to be gone; but after some time it is back.

The question is, what triggers the runtime conflict? Only the developers can know that, only they know, what they have changed. We have seen in the forum (and I on my test system) the first complaints with 18.2, but comparably seldom, with 18.3 the situation got dramatically worse. What I have found out on my test system 18.3 is, that the problem does not happen, if I shut down the system in between a short time (few minutes). If I let the system run for some time — but without any user activity, that means e. g. without opening any program — and shut down later, the message appears. This leads my suspicion to the update manager, because UM starts with some delay after login in and does the first check, whether there are new updates available, with some more delay. It wouldn’t be the first bug in UM. I will have to do a test, where I disable UM from autostarting, but it will take some time, until I have a result.

AZgl1800 Level 19
Posts: 9388 Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:20 am Location: Oklahoma where the wind comes Sweeping down the Plains Contact:


gnome keyring daemon что это

Для установки gnome-keyring в Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian, введите в Терминал :

Подробная информация о пакете:

Службы контекстного меню GNOME (демон и инструменты)

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gnome-keyring — это демон в сеансе, аналогичный ssh-agent, а другие приложения могут использовать его для хранения паролей и другой конфиденциальной информации.

Программа может управлять несколькими ключами, каждый со своим собственным основным паролем, а также сеансовый ключ, который никогда не сохраняется на диске, но забывается, когда заканчивается сеанс.


Криптографические службы GNOME (демон и инструменты)

Библиотека GNU C: общие библиотеки

Возможности POSIX 1003.1e (утилиты)

Библиотека оболочек Glib для PKCS # 11 — среда выполнения

Библиотека для задач, связанных с криптографией

Библиотека LGPL Crypto — библиотека времени выполнения

Библиотека GLib подпрограмм C

GNOME 3 PIN или диалог ввода фразы для GnuPG

GNOME Keyring — сервис (демон) gnome-keyring-daemon, предназначенный для безопасного хранения информации — имён пользователей и паролей. Конфиденциальные данные хранятся в зашифрованном виде и пользователю достаточно вводить один мастер-пароль для получения к ним доступа.

GNOME Keyring — часть окружения рабочего стола GNOME и разрабатывается и поддерживается проектом GnomeLive.

GNOME Keyring Manager [ править | править код ]

GNOME Keyring Manager — устаревший интерфейс для the GNOME Keyring. С версии GNOME 2.22 вместо GNOME Keyring Manager используется приложение Seahorse. [2]

Библиотека сайта

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Beyond Linux From Scratch. Version 2011-12-30
Назад 33. Основные пакеты GNOME. Рабочий стол Вперед

Пакет gnome-keyring-2.30.3

Знакомимся с пакетом gnome-keyring

В пакете gnome-keyring находится демон, который хранит пароли и другие секретные данные пользователей.

Известно, что этот пакет собирается на платформе LFS 6.5, но он не тестировался.

Информация о пакете

  • Загрузка (HTTP):
  • Загрузка (FTP):
  • Контрольная сумма MD5: 54cb1835c02a40f27fda73e58da17cc6
  • Размер загружаемого пакета: 1,5 MB
  • Оценочный размер требуемого дискового пространства: 52 MB
  • Оценочное время сборки: 0,6 SBU

Зависимости пакета gnome-keyring



Установка пакета gnome-keyring


Инструкции, приведенные ниже, предназначены для установки пакета в среде GNOME-2. Если, по какой причине, вы устанавливаете этот пакет без установки пакета ORBit2 и базовых библиотек GNOME-2, вам необходимо изменить параметр —prefix= в скрипте configure с тем, чтобы он указывал желаемый путь установки (например, —prefix=/usr ).

Установите пакет gnome-keyring с помощью следующих команд:

В этом пакете набор тестов отсутствует.

Теперь в роли пользователя root выполните:

Пояснение команд

—prefix=$(pkg-config —variable=prefix ORBit-2.0) : Установка префикса с помощью этого параметра, а не с помощью $GNOME_PREFIX будет гарантировать, что префикс будет установлен в соответствие со средой окружения и пакет будет установлен в нужном месте.

—libexecdir=$(pkg-config —variable=prefix ORBit-2.0)/lib/gnome-keyring : Этот параметр указывает, что файлы libexec будут установлены в более правильный директорий $GNOME_PREFIX/lib/gnome-keyring , а не в директорий $GNOME_PREFIX/libexec .

—with-pam-dir=/lib/security : Этот параметр указывает, где модули pam будут хранить информацию.

—with-dbus-services=/usr/share/dbus-1/services : Этот параметр указывает, где будет размещен директорий сессионных сервисов D-BUS.

—with-root-certs=/etc/ssl/certs : Этот параметр указывает, где размещаются надежные корневые сертификаты.

—disable-scrollkeeper : Используйте этот параметр, если вы хотите отключить обновление базы данных scrollkeeper.

Описание пакета

Установленные программы: gnome-keyring, gnome-keyring-daemon и gnome-keyring-prompt

Установленные библиотеки:,,,,,, и

сессионный демон, в котором хранятся пароли пользователей

Перевод сделан с варианта оригинала, датированного 2010-08-19 09:56:51 +0000


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