Linux mint keyboard shortcuts

80 Linux Mint Shortcuts List for Linux

Linux distributions come with pre-configured Linux Mint Shortcuts. Linux Mint Shortcuts make your work much easier. The most used shortcut by me in Linux is to shut down the system. Ctrl + Alt + Delete are the most used Linux Mint Shortcuts for me.

Download Linux Mint Shortcut keys PDF

There are a number of more Linux Mint Shortcuts that are listed down below and that are used by most Linux users in their everyday life. Download the Linux Mint Shortcuts PDF.

General Linux Mint Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcuts
Open the Applications Menu Win
Show desktop Win + D
Open File Manager Win + E
Open the run dialogue Alt + F12
Open a terminal Ctrl + Alt + T
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Copy selected item Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut selected item Ctrl + X

Nemo File Manager Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcut keys
New folder Ctrl + Shift + N
Focus on the location bar Ctrl + L
Navigate to the home directory Alt + Home
Navigate up one directory Alt + Up Arrow key
Navigate one directory forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Navigate one directory back Alt + Left Arrow key
Select all items Ctrl + A
Invert selection Ctrl + Shift + I
Open selected item Ctrl + O
Open the selected item in the new tab Ctrl + Shift + O
Properties of the selected item Alt + Enter
Preview selected item Shift + Enter
Rename selected item F2
Create a shortcut to the selected item Ctrl + M
Delete selected item Delete
Icon view Ctrl + 1
List view Ctrl + 2
Compact view Ctrl + 3
Show hidden files Ctrl + H
Increase icon size Ctrl + =
Decrease icon size Ctrl + –
Reset icon size Ctrl + 0
Toggle Extra Pane F3
Toggle the Terminal in the top pane F4
Toggle left pane F9
Edit bookmarks Ctrl + B
Add Bookmark Ctrl + D
Cycle focus between panes F6
New tab Ctrl + T
Switch to tab 1…9 Alt + 1…9
Next tab Ctrl + Page Up key
Previous tab Ctrl + Page Down key
Move tab left Ctrl + Shift + Page Up key
Move tab right Ctrl + Shift + Page Down key
Close tab Ctrl + W
Find Ctrl + F
New window Ctrl + N
Open file menu F10
Open the plugin manager Alt + P
Close all windows Ctrl + Q

Manage Windows Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcut keys
Cycle through open windows on the current Workspace Alt + Tab
Cycle through open windows of the same application on ANY Workspace Alt + ‘
Toggle Scale View Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow key
Toggle Expo view Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow key
Move to the left workspace Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow key
Move to the right workspace Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow key
Move the current window to the left workspace Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left Arrow key
Move the current window to the right workspace Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Right Arrow key
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Current Application Window Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcut keys
Close window Alt + F4
Unmaximize window Alt + F5
Resize window Alt + F7
Move window Alt + F8
Toggle maximize or unmaximize window Alt + F10
Open window menu Alt + Spacebar

Screenshots & Screen Recording Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcut keys
Take a screenshot Print Screen
Copy a screenshot to the clipboard Ctrl + Print Screen
Take a screenshot of the current window Alt + Print Screen
Copy a screenshot of the current window to the clipboard Ctrl + Alt + Print Screen
Toggle desktop recording Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Others Shortcuts

Action Linux Mint Shortcut keys
Lock screen Ctrl + Alt + L
Log out Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Open the Shut Down menu Ctrl + Alt + End
Launch Linux Mint online to help F1
Restart Cinnamon Ctrl + Alt + Esc
Re-detect display devices Win + P
Toggle-looking glass debugging tool Win + L
Restart the X server Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

The keyboard is and will always be mightier than the mouse. Because many actions or clicks can be accomplished with just a single keyboard shortcut. Hence learning a handful of shortcuts can make you significantly more productive. Windows users will jump to Windows keyboard shortcuts just like Linux users jumped to Linux mint shortcuts.


Linux mint keyboard shortcuts

1. General Shortcut Keys

Opens the Applications Menu.

Displays the Run Application dialog.

Alt + Print Screen

Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus.

Ctrl + Alt + right arrow

Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + left arrow

Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + up arrow

Switches to the workspace above the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + down arrow

Switches to the workspace below the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + d

Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop.

Starts the online help browser, and displays appropriate online Help.

2. Window Shortcut Keys

Switches between windows. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of windows that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select a window.

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Switches between windows in reverse order. Release the keys to select a window.

Opens the first menu on the left side of the menubar.

Opens the Window Menu.

Moves the focus between items in a menu.

Ctrl + Alt + right arrow

Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + left arrow

Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + up arrow

Switches to the workspace above the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + down arrow

Switches to the workspace below the current workspace.

Ctrl + Alt + d

Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop.

When a window has focus, you can increase or decrease the size of the window:

Start the resize operation.

Resize the window in the direction of the arrow key.

Complete the resize operation, leaving the window at the current size.

Cancel the resize operation, restoring the window to its original size.

Move windows between workspaces:

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow key

Use the arrow keys to move windows between workspaces

3. Panel Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + Alt + Tab

Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of items that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select an item.

Ctrl + Alt + Esc

Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. Release the keys to select an item.

Opens the popup menu for the selected panel.

Switches the focus between objects on a panel.

Chooses the selected panel object or menu item.

Opens the popup menu for the selected panel object.

Moves the focus between items in a menu. Moves the focus between interface items in an applet also.

Opens the Applications menu from the Menu Bar, if the Menu Bar is in a panel.

4. Application Shortcut Keys


Linux Mint keyboard shortcuts

These Linux Mint shortcuts will make you a better Mint user, because you’ll find that using keyboard shortcuts for snapping windows, copying texts etc. are much faster than using mouse.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint

These Linux Mint shortcuts will make you a better Mint user, because you’ll find that using keyboard shortcuts for snapping windows, copying texts etc. are much faster than using mouse.

Frequently used shortcuts (43 shortcuts)

Open applications in the current workspace

After the list is shown, you can use arrow keys to navigate through open windows and press Enter to choose a window.

List all open applications on all workspaces

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After the list is shown, you can use arrow keys to navigate through open windows and press Enter to choose a window.

Cycle through open windows

Switch between windows of the same application

Switch between windows of the same application immediately (without showing a popup)

Cycle backwards through open windows

Open the troub l eshooting panel

Maximize the current window

Restore window to its previous size

If the window is maximizded, make it unmaximized

Show d esktop. Press again to return to the previous window

Bring up the window menu for an application

If the window is not maximizded, resize it

Push current window to the left half of the screen. To snap it to the left press CTRL, super, and the left arrow key

Push current window to the right half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the right arrow key

Push current window to the top half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the up arrow key

Push current window to the top half of the screen. To snap it to the right press CTRL, super, and the down arrow key

Move the window to the monitor on the right

Move the window to the monitor on the left

Move the window to the top monitor

Move the window to bottom monitor

Move the window to a workspace to the left

Move the window to a workspace to the right

Restart the Cinnamon desktop. If Cinnamon locks up, try using this shortcut and see if it solves the issue

Take a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard

Take a screenshot of a section of the screen

Take screenshot of the active window

Take screenshot of the active window and copy it to the clipboard

R ecord a video of the screen

Zoom desktop in / out. Note: Zoom must be enabled under Universal Access Settings

Program information

Program name:

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and Debian. It aims to be «a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use». It was first released on August 2006.

Last update: 1/25/2023 9:56 AM UTC

How easy to press shortcuts: 54%

Updated: Added some shortcuts. (2 updates.) 12/26/2019 9:43:49 AM Updated program information.
1/25/2023 10:54:57 AM Added some shortcuts.

Shortcut count: 41

Platform detected: Windows or Linux (not macOS)

Other languages: Turkish French

Record a video of the screen.


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