Linux mint macbook air wifi

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[ SOLVED] MacBookAir Linux Mint 18, Ubuntu, Debian, with Broadcom BCM4321 B43 Not Finding Wifi — No Wifi

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[ SOLVED] MacBookAir Linux Mint 18, Ubuntu, Debian, with Broadcom BCM4321 B43 Not Finding Wifi — No Wifi

Post by zaileion » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:09 pm

OK, so i have this 2008 MacBook Air. I installed Linux Mint 18 on it. Love the MacBookAir with Linux Mint.

Ive been trying for 5 days to get the Broadcom BCM4321 driver to find wireless networks. I’ve tried a dozen websites on Google, to no avail.

I can get it to work if i completely disable the device, and shutdown and reboot a time or 2, reinstall thru the driver manager, and reboot (it works after 1 reboot). Upon reboot again, it stops finding wireless connections (the device is still active tho)

I have been able to get it to work other ways but I’ve tried so many different things i don’t remember but i do know that no matter what after a reboot or shutdown and restart i get a red exclamation mark on the wifi icon in the systray even though it was just working right before the reboot.

i finally noticed in i go into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and delete the blacklist bcm43xx line it worked for several reboots. but noticed that there is a message at the top that states this file is auto-generated by bcmwl but the line i deleted (blacklist bcm43xx) is not in the blacklist.conf but the damn wifi is still not seeing any wifi networks (but like i said network manager still says wifi is activated)

I am pulling my hare out several days in and still no luck. Can anyone help. GRRRR (and whatever else i can type to express my temptation to «OfficeSpace» my MacBookAir in my back yard. (for those that haven’t seen Office Space they steal a printer that never works from work and beat it to small pieces with a baseball bat taking turns in a field)

I can quickly respond (within minutes) with any requested commands.

Here is some stuff that may be helpful:

lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; dmesg | grep iwl 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4328] (rev 05) Subsystem: Apple Inc. AirPort Extreme [106b:008b] Kernel driver in use: wl

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 6 times in total.
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niftylettuce /

By default older Mac computer models have driver issues with the Broadcom Wi-Fi chip. Most instructions online (such as this one from the official Ubuntu docs @ suggest to use sudo apt-get and install these packages from the PPA.

BUT you don’t have Internet so you can’t use apt-get ! Instead you can use a different computer to download the packages, then transfer them over.

In the instructions below, you will need to replace sid in the download URL’s with the proper version of Debian your version of Ubuntu/Linux is using. To find which version you should use, you can view the chart at If you’re using jessie for example, then replace all sid with jessie in the links below.

  1. Download b43-fwcutter @ (replace «sid» in the URL as needed — scroll down to «Download» section and choose based off your architecture, and then select a mirror/FTP link to download from on the next page that appears).
  2. Download firmware-b43-installer @ (repeat same note as above)
  3. Download webfs @ (repeat same note as above)
  4. Download (e.g. using wget )
  5. Save these downloaded files to flash storage and then insert flash storage into your Ubuntu/Linux machine.
  6. Copy the files from the flash storage to your Ubuntu/Linux machine’s desktop.
  7. Open a terminal and run the command echo ‘’ | sudo tee —append /etc/hosts
  8. Run the command sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/webfs.deb (replace webfs.deb with the webfs deb file name)
  9. Run the command sudo mkdir -p /var/www/b43-firmware
  10. Run the command sudo mv ~/Desktop/broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2 /var/www/b43-firmware/
  11. Run the command sudo sed -i -e ‘s/web_root=»\/var\/www\/html»/web_root=»\/var\/www»/’ /etc/webfsd.conf
  12. Run the command sudo sed -i -e ‘s/web_port=»»/web_port=»80″/’ /etc/webfsd.conf
  13. Restart the web server sudo /etc/init.d/webfs restart (you may need to use sudo systemctl restart webfs if your system uses systemd )
  14. Run the command sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/b43-fwcutter.deb (replace b43-fwcutter.deb with the b43-fwcutter deb file name)
  15. Run the command sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/firmware-b43-installer.deb (replace firmware-b43-installer.deb with the firmware-b43-installer deb file name)
  16. Run the command echo ‘blacklist ndiswrapper’ | sudo tee —append /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  17. Run the command echo ‘SUSPEND_MODULES=»b43 bcma»‘ | sudo tee —append /etc/pm/config.d/modules
  18. Run sudo reboot and then check if you can connect to Wi-Fi.
  19. See for other instructions, such as enabling Sensors. Also see for reference.
  20. Remove webfs and the temp dir by typing sudo apt-get remove -y webfs and sudo rm -rf /var/www/b43-firmware/ on your Ubuntu/Linux machine afterwards.
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No working on macbook air
Did everything as u said
But not working on kali linux
nothing changes after restarting

this solution doesn’t work for me, I found another simpler solution to this problem. Just go to this page to download and install the driver, by the way, my mac mini is late 2014 and the OS is Debian 10 (buster).

I created a GitHub account just now for the express purpose of returning here to say: holy crap, it worked! thankyouthankyouthankyou

inherited my mom’s mid-2009 15″ MB Pro when she passed a few years ago. It’s still a super beefy rig (4g dual core half gig storage — very well suited for creative content production), excepting of course for the Cupertino Colossus’ insistence upon abandoning their own still-working hardware. I was determined to return it to a state of usefulness. Ubuntu was the obvious choice. I’d tried it several years ago and really liked it. (fwiw, non-tech me had ZERO problems setting it up as a dual-boot in the PC / Windows environment on a Dell I’d had at the time, although that ease probably had a lot to do with having had a cooperative CD burner at the time).

Again — I am not a super tech-savvy guy. Neither of our Apple «super drives» (hows THAT for cynical branding, btw?) work reliably (i.e. no burn-to-DVD), so the OS installation itself required my patience and LOTS of persistence.

And then I ran into the Broadcom / wifi issue . good times hahaha

more persistence applied . but even though my deep dive into a discomfort zone found me working through these steps VERY slowly / cautiously, at the culmination of the last step, first attempt, the clouds parted, a chorus of angels began singing, and blink! — wifi visible and functional.

Super relieved, and extremely grateful. I have what’s functionally a brand new decade old laptop. And it’s again a nimble screamer of a rig. Thank you again! -dave

Thank you so much for this

This worked for me.
One thing I had to do was run chmod -R 777 /var/www because I was getting a 403 access denied error at step 15. Probably would be better to allow just read access to the specific file that we moved there. Might be worth adding to the instructions if this is an issue a lot of people will run into.

I tried and when I get to the line where «. webfsd.conf. » (line 11 and 12), it does not work. This file does not exist in the \etc folder.

This worked for me.
One thing I had to do was run chmod -R 777 /var/www because I was getting a 403 access denied error at step 15. Probably would be better to allow just read access to the specific file that we moved there. Might be worth adding to the instructions if this is an issue a lot of people will run into.

please do not ever use chmod 777 unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. You almost certainly could have simply done chmod -R +r /var/www (which grants read permissions recursively to everything under /var/www ) instead and not have compromised the security of your system.

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How to Install MacBook Air Wifi Driver on Linux Mint 20

GNU/Linux Mint 20 MacBook Air Wi-fi Driver Installation Guide

Hi! The linked Post shows you How to Install MacBook Air Wireless Wifi/Bluetooth Driver in Mint 20.x Ulyana/Ulyssa/Uma/Una GNU/Linux Desktop.

And the MacBook Air are equipped of the Broadcom Wi-fi Cards.

So the linked Guide describe Step-by-step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Driver on Linux Mint 20.

Linux Mint 20 MacBook Air Wifi Driver Installation Guide - Featured

1. Launching Terminal


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