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[SOLVED] Disabling Automatic mintupdate & update Manager

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[SOLVED] Disabling Automatic mintupdate & update Manager

Post by spearmintlinux » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:42 am

I don’t understand why you mint developers had to rig automatic updates or even the automatic update list to refresh? It’s not even an option to disable in the little GUI preferences.. A fundamental difference between the big proprietary software corporate pigs and open source community, especially the free software foundation is the user’s right to be free from getting badgered to fix something that is not even broken. The list is great for knowing what is available and what the change logs are all about,, but often I find it more fun to go to the websites of these software projects and download the files directly rather than take it from some anal repository site..

So how does one make sure this crap is disabled?



Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Disabling Automatic mintupdate & updtate Manager

Post by gn2 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:52 am

Just uninstall it if you don’t like it.

p.s. be careful what you download.

Re: Disabling Automatic mintupdate & updtate Manager

Post by spearmintlinux » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:10 am

gn2 wrote: Just uninstall it if you don’t like it.

p.s. be careful what you download.

but first I’d like to know whether or not there is a way to disable this AUTOMOATIC B.S.!

Re: Disabling Automatic mintupdate & updtate Manager

Post by maverickjesterx » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:17 pm

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Maybe stick to the facts instead of your ranting garbage of opinions. Ubuntu does the same thing except you don’t see it until you start the update manager. Then you will notice it is already populated. Linux Mint just show you an icon at the bottom of your task bar. The idea here is to help people convert from those large companies you refereed to earlier and providing an automatic update list is something that gives a potential new user a sense of confidence, false or not that is another debate.

mintupdate prefs
You can make a few simple adjustments to Mint Update via the preferences,
Open mint update from the system tray icon (the shield),
click edit, preferences,
You may wish to add a startup delay, make it refresh less often, turn off the ‘safety’ of level 3 updates.
Turning off the safety means they are not automatically checked and you can choose them only if you wish to install them. Of course many are useful but some may not be.
Level 1 and 2 are of course highly recommended.

My point here is, there is always a way to turn things On/Off with any Linux system. There’s no need to stress so hard over something so small. Honestly I hope this helps answer your question.

On a more technical note you can edit your startup files and kill the service. /etc and then the rc files. Or if you don’t want to mess with those files then write a script to kill the service after it starts.


How to Turn Off / Disable Automatic Updates Linux Mint

How to Turn Off / Disable Automatic Updates checking Linux Mint when computer start? Turning off automatic update on Linux Mint can be easily done with GUI mode using “Startup Application”. In recent years, many people have switched from Windows to Linux. Linux is a free operating system that is much more secure than Windows.

Linux Mint is a popular Linux distribution that is often recommended to beginners. It is a great distro for those who want something that is easy to use and that comes with a ton of built-in software. The benefits of Linux are many and varied, with the ability to be used for a variety of purposes. One of the benefits is the ability to be customized to meet the needs of the user. For example, if you are a programmer, Linux is much easier to use than Windows, which is primarily targeted at the average user. The ability to customize Linux is one of the many benefits of using Linux.

Automatic Update in Linux

Linux provides automatic update in the operating system. If you have a newer version of Linux, you will get the newest updates for the operating system automatically. This is a big convenience for people who want to keep their operating system up to date. One feature that is missing in the Linux Mint installation process is the option to turn off automatic update. This option is not available during the installation process. However, there is a way to turn off automatic update after the installation process is complete. You can use the following steps to turn off automatic update.

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When you are working on 3G connection or slower speed, automatic system update which performed automatically by the system may cause spent many data usage. Also if you do not satisfy with automatic update you can disable the automatic update so when computer start your system will not check any new update from the internet.

And for some reason, another people love the automatic update to get notified of updates, particularly security updates. That is your choice if you want turn off Linux automatic update or not! If you believe it’s important to stay up to date with the latest security patches, then you should keep it enabled!

Turning Off Auto Updates Linux Mint

Linux Mint is one of the most popular operating systems for desktop computers. It is also one of the most popular operating systems for laptops. This article will help you disable the auto update checker feature in Linux Mint. Disabling automatic update can speed up your Linux system start up and also minimize the internet data usage. To disable automatic update on Linux Mint follow these steps :

  1. Go to Start Menu >> Settings >> Session and Startup
  2. If you can’t find that, you can search “startup” and you will find the application to manage the startup program in Linux. This will control which application that is allowed to run when system starts. This is the window:

Disable automatic update checker in linux mint

All you need to do is remove the check mark on the “Update Manager (Linux Mint Update Manager)”. Please make sure you unchecked update manager to disable the automatic to check the update.

How to Enable / Turn On Automatic Update

Again, for some reason you want to re-enabled your automatic update for your Linux Mint, you only need to make it active/enabled. You can set up an automatic update in Linux. This makes your system update automatically without having to do anything. This is especially helpful if you don’t have a lot of time to update your system.

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Go to your Start Menu >> Preferences >> Startup Applications and make the “mintUpdate” position to “ON” ir you can give a check mark on the box. Just toggle the button guys!

Please note that by turning off automatic update you will not receive any notification update for the system also applications. By using this “Startup Applications” you can also manage startup application on Linux Mint. Disable all unwanted program to make your Linux Mint faster.


Как настроить или отключить уведомления об обновлениях Linux Mint

Надоели надоедливые уведомления об обновлениях Linux Mint? Или, может быть, вы так заинтересованы в том, чтобы оставаться в курсе последних событий, что хотите видеть их еще больше? В любом случае настроить уведомления или отключить их очень просто, как мы объясним.

Обновление, конечно же, необходимо для обеспечения безопасности в Linux. Уведомления, представленные в Mint 20.2, предназначены для того, чтобы вы не забыли о важных исправлениях безопасности и улучшениях ядра. Однако у вас может быть собственная процедура обновления или вы предпочитаете использовать командную строку, а не графический интерфейс.

К счастью, команда Mint подумала об этом и упростила настройку уведомлений об обновлениях.

Как настроить уведомления об обновлениях

Запустите диспетчер обновлений либо с панели задач (если она видна), либо из меню приложения.

Откройте окно «Настройки», щелкнув «Правка» > «Настройки».

В нижней части окна «Настройки» вы можете настроить свои конфигурации в разделе «Уведомления».

Здесь вы можете настроить количество дней, в течение которых вы вошли в систему и календарь, чтобы ждать, прежде чем уведомлять вас о поступающих обновлениях. Вы также можете настроить, как долго диспетчер обновлений будет ждать после последнего примененного обновления, прежде чем показывать вам какие-либо уведомления. Для всех этих полей самое короткое время, которое вы можете установить, составляет два дня.

Если вы хотите получать уведомления обо всех обновлениях, отключите параметр «Показывать уведомления только для обновлений безопасности и ядра».

Как отключить уведомления об обновлениях

Самый простой способ полностью избежать получения уведомлений об обновлениях — заблокировать запуск диспетчера обновлений при запуске. Это не означает, что вы не будете получать обновления или не сможете использовать диспетчер обновлений. Это просто означает, что вы не увидите никаких уведомлений, а диспетчер обновлений не появится на панели задач, пока вы не запустите его вручную.

В меню приложения запустите «Сеанс и запуск». Его также можно назвать «Запуск приложений».

В окне «Сеанс и запуск» щелкните вкладку «Автозапуск приложений» и прокручивайте, пока не увидите «Диспетчер обновлений (Linux Mint Update Manager)» в списке приложений. Снимите флажок.

Диспетчер обновлений больше не будет запускаться при запуске, что предотвратит любые автоматические проверки обновлений и уведомления. Вы можете снова активировать его, просто снова установив флажок «Диспетчер обновлений» в «Сеанс и запуск».


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