Linux mint minimal install

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Mint Minimal ISO (Yes like Ubuntu)

Post by SmileY » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:31 pm

Hi folks, i tried to search about but can’t find anything related on forum.

Is possible or someone already have this idea?
To create a minimal iso installation like Ubuntu?
Also what is the benefits for mint?

And if it is possible to make a flavor with only a set of applications line windows in old days (Notepad, calc etc.)
Without some programs like transmission, office etc.

But including all features of desktop: Driver manager, ppas, and other cool things from mint.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mint Minimal ISO (Yes like Ubuntu)

Post by xenopeek » Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:33 pm

You can remove programs you don’t need or want, after installing Linux Mint. Linux Mint tries to give users a fully featured operating system with programs installed for most major common tasks. Taking those programs away, certainly if you want to remove LibreOffice, doesn’t make much sense and that is why there is no «minimal» ISO.

As for making your own I would wonder what use you’d have for it. Why not install Linux Mint and remove the programs you don’t need or want.

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Pjotr Level 23
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Re: Mint Minimal ISO (Yes like Ubuntu)

Post by Pjotr » Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:06 pm

By the way: how about allowing only .png and .jpg as avatar images? Can the forum software be modified for that?

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Re: Mint Minimal ISO (Yes like Ubuntu)

Post by Cosmo. » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:10 pm

Yes, this is possible. And now the trouble begins. How do you define «minimal»? No text editor, no terminal, no picture viewer, no browser, no calculator, no GUI package management? And so on, and so on. Ask 2 people and you get most likely more than 3 different opinions.

SmileY wrote: And if it is possible to make a flavor with only a set of applications line windows in old days (Notepad, calc etc.)

And now you are at the point. Is calc needed for a minimal installation? Is a graphical text editor needed for a minimal installation? You are back at the question, what is minimal? And how many share just your definition about it?

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Of course you can make this flavor, but the time which is needed — every half year, when a new Mint version appears — is the multiple of the needed time for removing, what you do not want. The relation between effort and result is insane.

Example: Following a current poll only a very small minority does use LibreOffice not at all. Preparing such a flavor for them would mean, to do that for every of the existing editions, multiplied with 2, because there are 32 bit and 64 bit architectures. That gives for the one or other edition a user base far below 1 %. But definitely all of of the LO non users also do not use a browser (or other things). So your idea would lead to the result, that we would have at the end several ten of editions, most of them for a few percent or even less than 1 % of users. Each of them would have to get tested and maintained. The effort for the Mint team would be tremendous, the advantage — if at all — would be hard to see. And the team would waste valuable time to work for the really important things.

I don’t know, what for you use a computer, the very most users want to work with it and the very most users want to use a graphical program for their tasks.


Linux mint minimal install

Hey guys, so I asked a question on here twice in ~ the past week or so but nobody seemed to know the answer, so I took it upon myself to try it and post my results here.

My aim was to strip back mint (mainly the DE) as I personally like minimal installs and prefer to use a WM instead of a full DE. I used to use arch but decided I wanted to try something that was fixed release cycle rather than rolling release, im on minimal Debian (for now) but find some of the software I want to use I have to build from source whereas Ubuntu (and Ubuntu based distros) has a ppa, and I’d rather have as much of my software handled by the package manager for updates etc.

Problem is I don’t want to have the DE and WM installed at the same time, purely because I don’t want to be pulling down and installing updates for a full DE that im not going to use, its a waste of space, bandwidth and CPU cycles. But I know pop causes issues with updating between releases if you remove the default desktop. Seeing as nobody knew or at least answered me if this is the same with mint, so I tried it myself.

I installed mint 18.3 cinnamon 64-bit (as this was the only 18.x release that worked with my laptop, and even then the WiFi wouldnt work, obviously because it was an old kernel), updated, purged anything with cinnamon in the name, rebooted, so far so good, the DM couldnt start a session (obviously) so changed to TTY, manually updated the sources.list to the mint 19 repo’s, ran the update (a few things broke because of dependancy versions but it was only a test so I didnt bother fixing, would be easy enough to fix) but then rebooted.

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Everything worked fine, cinnamon wasnt reinstalled, everything worked (except for the I think 4 packages with dependacy issues) so it is possible to strip away the DE and have no issues if you want to do a minimal mint. Of course this was a pretty basic example and wont say it’ll work for everyone but its possible.

Will I switch from Debian? Probably, I want to wipe and restore my ssd anyway, so why not? Hopefully I can just settle on one distro for a bit though as its getting a bit exhausting never having a fully set up system just working, hence why I wanted to switch to a fixed release.

Anyway, I hope this will encourage some others to do a similar thing and really play with their systems! Take care guys!


Linux Mint Forums

Could you add a ‘minimal install’ option, like the one Ubuntu, xubuntu, etc has? Only coming with essentials, and a web browser and such.

Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by gittiest personITW » Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:55 pm

This comes up every so often and in theory its a good idea, but.
For instance, you’ve put

Is a web browser bare minimum?
is ‘and such’ bare minimum?
Is a desktop bare minimum?
What about a network manager?

See where I’m going with this? Your bare minimum is different from someone else’s bare minimum.

Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by roy331 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:54 am

how about for a minimal installation medium having a web install or during installation let you choose what components you do or don’t want to install. Every time I personally install I’m removing half the software installed because i don’t use them.

karlchen Level 22
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Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by karlchen » Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:14 am

Linux Mint 19.x and 20.x are based on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 respectively.
If you remove all the software, which the Mint team provides to turn Ubuntu into Mint, and most of the software, which Mint inherits from Ubuntu, then you end up here: Ubuntu base releases
I.e. your minimal Mint installation already exists. It is named Ubuntu base release.


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Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by roy331 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:27 am

You don’t understand if i wanted straight Ubuntu I would get and use Ubuntu. I’m talking about that fact I don’t use for example all the multimedia programs in the ISO or LibreOffice but would also in same time like to keep gparted in my installation as well as bootrepair which are on the ISO but removed during installation and all of this has to be changed after installation. you also can’t update the live media and install it updated already or remove programs before install and have that installed.

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karlchen Level 22
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Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by karlchen » Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:55 pm

I may not understand, what should be included in and excluded from a minimal Linux Mint release according to your personal wish list. True.
But I do understand that there will be at least as many different «include this» and «exclude that» wish lists for a minimal Linux Mint system as there are users, who would like to see such a minimal Linux Mint release.
You cannot please everybody, no matter how hard you try.


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Termy Level 12
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Re: Minimal Installation Option

Post by Termy » Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:04 pm

I think this would be a good change. Other distributions are doing it, so I can’t see the harm in it. You needn’t overthink what ‘minimal’ is to whom, but simply stick to a less ‘everything under the kitchen sink’ approach. I am perhaps biased though, as I prefer a very minimalistic approach to Linux.

If you’re an experienced Linux user, familiar with the packages, understand how to learn what a given package does, and understand package dependencies, then I recommend looking into simplify-ubuntu, as this sort of thing is largely why I wrote it back in 2018. It could do with some TLC, but it does a good job of de-bloating your Debian- or Ubuntu-based installation in a convenient, interactive way.

Welcome to the forums, BTW.

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