Linux mint panel transparent

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transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

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transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

Post by tangy_man » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:38 am

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

Post by jeanjhaj » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:08 am

go to system setting>theme>desktop> add/delete deskop themes > online themes

DOnload Tyr himinn theme, it is cool and transparent, but it is not the only that is transparent

I want to maker cinnamon Windows Border transparant in linux mint 18 too. do you know how?

Re: transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

Post by tangy_man » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:08 am

Re: transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

Post by Penn » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:54 am

This would be easier to answer if we knew what theme you want to alter.

It is in the cinnamon.css file. First, make certain you are adjusting that file in the correct theme by finding the cinnamon.css inside of the folder named the same as the theme you want to adjust such as ./(theme-name)/cinnamon/cinnamon.css (one exception, don’t mess with the actual theme named Cinnamon since that is the fallback in case something goes wrong with another theme).

Go to the panel.js section. The exact line depends on which theme you are using and sometimes where the panel is (bottom, top, left, right). You are looking to change the «background-color». Some themes you need to only need to change «#panel» (usually when the panel is truly a single color) but if the theme has different settings for different panel position you need to change the section that corresponds to where your panel such as «.panel-top» (if it is actually a 2 color gradient) and if you have more than one panel you need to change them all.

The color value needs to be rgba where the last number is 0 since the last number is alpha or transparency level. 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully solid. A decimal number is for semi transparent (translucent, like colored glass) so 0.5 is halfway transparent. The other numbers are values for red, green, blue but if you are making it fully transparent those values mean nothing but if you are only making the panel semi-transparent you will need a color you like.

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Remember, it is the background-color you are changing to something like

background-color: rgba (78, 20, 170, 0);

For fully transparent the only value that means anything is the zero. If it is currently «background-gradient:» you either need to change it to «background-color» and delete the following gradient lines (start and end) or just change the start and end colors so they are both transparent.

If you want to either change the theme named Cinnamon or want to play around with more changes you should copy the theme folder you want to alter and rename it so it will be your theme.

Always report back or mark the thread as solved for the sake of anyone else that might want to do the same if the suggestion works for you.

Re: transparent panel for linuxmint 18.1 cinnamon

Post by tangy_man » Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:53 am

This would be easier to answer if we knew what theme you want to alter.

It is in the cinnamon.css file. First, make certain you are adjusting that file in the correct theme by finding the cinnamon.css inside of the folder named the same as the theme you want to adjust such as ./(theme-name)/cinnamon/cinnamon.css (one exception, don’t mess with the actual theme named Cinnamon since that is the fallback in case something goes wrong with another theme).

Go to the panel.js section. The exact line depends on which theme you are using and sometimes where the panel is (bottom, top, left, right). You are looking to change the «background-color». Some themes you need to only need to change «#panel» (usually when the panel is truly a single color) but if the theme has different settings for different panel position you need to change the section that corresponds to where your panel such as «.panel-top» (if it is actually a 2 color gradient) and if you have more than one panel you need to change them all.

The color value needs to be rgba where the last number is 0 since the last number is alpha or transparency level. 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully solid. A decimal number is for semi transparent (translucent, like colored glass) so 0.5 is halfway transparent. The other numbers are values for red, green, blue but if you are making it fully transparent those values mean nothing but if you are only making the panel semi-transparent you will need a color you like.

Remember, it is the background-color you are changing to something like

background-color: rgba (78, 20, 170, 0);

For fully transparent the only value that means anything is the zero. If it is currently «background-gradient:» you either need to change it to «background-color» and delete the following gradient lines (start and end) or just change the start and end colors so they are both transparent.

If you want to either change the theme named Cinnamon or want to play around with more changes you should copy the theme folder you want to alter and rename it so it will be your theme.

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Always report back or mark the thread as solved for the sake of anyone else that might want to do the same if the suggestion works for you.


Установить расширение Transparent panels в Linux Mint Cinnamon

По умолчанию в Linux Mint с окружением рабочего стола Cinnamon системная панель чёрная и непрозрачная. В настройках панели отсутствует параметр прозрачности панели, как, например, в Xfce. Но для окружения Cinnamon на специальном сайте расширений cinnamon-spices: имеется много расширений, которые служат для расширения возможностей изменения рабочего стола Cinnamon. Если вы зайдёте на этот сайт, то обнаружите, что первым в списке по популярности расширений стоит Transparent panels (Прозрачные панели).

Установку расширений Cinnamon не обязательно делать с этого сайта. Достаточно открыть Параметры системы — Расширения и перейти на вкладку Загрузка. Если вы впервые открываете данную вкладку, то откроется дополнительное окно с предложением обновить кэш. Нажмите на кнопке Да.

После того как произойдёт загрузка кэша расширений с сайта, выберите расширение Transparent panels и нажмите на кнопке с стрелкой Установить.

После установки расширения перейдите на вкладку Настройка, выберите Transparent panels и нажмите на кнопке с знаком плюс (+) — Включить.

После включения расширения ваша панель сразу станет прозрачной с тенями.

Расширение Transparent panels настраиваемое. Кликните на значке в виде шестерёнки для открытия настроек.

В Настройках, в разделе Общие — Taype of transparency (Тип прозрачности) можно выбрать один из трёх предлагаемых типов прозрачности. А также при активации функции Use current theme styles (Использовать стиль по умолчанию), панель вновь станет чёрной и непрозрачной.

P.S. Если у вас появились вопросы или мнения по данной статье, обсудить их можно на нашем форуме:

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Transparent panels — A Cinnamon extension

Transparent panels supports every theme in principle, but there are some themes that may not fit well. For such cases, the authors (or users) of the theme may override the panel-transparent , panel-transparent-with-shadow and panel-semi-transparent classes in their cinnamon.css , which can be enabled in the extension preferences with the option «use current theme styles».


Cinnamon Spices

Download it from here or search for «Transparent panels» in your Cinnamon extension settings.

From source

To download the source and install it, execute the following as a normal user (you will need git).

$ git clone $ cd cinnamon-transparent-panels/ && ./ install

The above will download the source from Github and it will be copied to your ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/ folder. If you don’t have git installed, you can download a zip from here, extract it and run $ ./ install .



Make sure you have an updated version of Cinnamon and try to explain the more detailed you can what the problem is (don’t just say «it doesn’t work» because that doesn’t help at all).

Please, do not post issues in the comments of the Cinnamon Spices website because it doesn’t have a notification system and I rarely see it.


Contributions are welcome, also in form of translations. Please, submit pull requests to the repository not the spices repository, which is only a distribution channel (not even a mirror). What is in there is automatically generated and overwritten.

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1) Is it possible to keep transparency always?

Yes, but you don’t need this extension to do that. You can remove the background of your panels in the theme’s cinnamon.css , and it will probably work better.

2) System warns this extension isn’t compatible with the current version of Cinnamon.

Load it anyways. I have to update the list of compatible versions each time a new version is released, so I may have missed it but probably it still works. If it doesn’t, please file an issue.

3) It doesn’t work!

First, make sure you have the latest version of Cinnamon (or at least not a prehistoric one). I do not mantain backwards compatibility for too long, but I mark some points in time when the extension worked for that version. If you have an old version, find here a release that is compatible with your version of Cinnamon and install it manually. If it still doesn’t work or you already had an updated version, please file an issue.


Transparent panels - Cinnamon desktop extension Transparentize your panels when there are no any maximized windows Copyright (C) 2016 Germán Franco Dorca This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .



По умолчанию в Linux Mint с окружением рабочего стола Cinnamon системная панель чёрная и непрозрачная. В настройках панели отсутствует параметр прозрачности панели, как, например, в Xfce. Но для окружения Cinnamon на специальном сайте расширений cinnamon-spices: имеется много расширений, которые служат для расширения возможностей изменения рабочего стола Cinnamon. Если вы зайдёте на этот сайт, то обнаружите, что первым в списке по популярности расширений стоит Transparent panels (Прозрачные панели).

Установку расширений Cinnamon не обязательно делать с этого сайта. Достаточно открыть Параметры системы — Расширения и перейти на вкладку Загрузка. Если вы впервые открываете данную вкладку, то откроется дополнительное окно с предложением обновить кэш. Нажмите на кнопке Да.

После того как произойдёт загрузка кэша расширений с сайта, выберите расширение Transparent panels и нажмите на кнопке с стрелкой Установить.

После установки расширения перейдите на вкладку Настройка, выберите Transparent panels и нажмите на кнопке с знаком плюс (+) — Включить.

После включения расширения ваша панель сразу станет прозрачной с тенями.

Расширение Transparent panels настраиваемое. Кликните на значке в виде шестерёнки для открытия настроек.

В Настройках, в разделе Общие — Taype of transparency (Тип прозрачности) можно выбрать один из трёх предлагаемых типов прозрачности. А также при активации функции Use current theme styles (Использовать стиль по умолчанию), панель вновь станет чёрной и непрозрачной.


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