Linux mint размер курсора

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how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by bigdave75 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:48 pm

I’m a real newb. My son installed LM16 on my mac and I love it.

The mouse cursor (pointer) is too small. There is no way to make it bigger (as far as I can tell).

I did download a large mouse cursor theme but the mouse cusor is really way too big now.

My son said there used to be a slider to adjust the size but I don’t see it.

Reorx Level 12
Posts: 4041 Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:14 pm Location: SE Florida, USA

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by Reorx » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:02 pm

Full time Linux Mint user since 2011 — Currently running LM21C on multiple Dell laptops — mostly Vostro models.

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Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by caribriz » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:08 pm

Hi bigdave75 — and welcome to the Linux Mint forums

Go to System Settings > Themes > Other settings
Click down arrow next to Mouse Pointer, and choose DMZ-White or Black

Then, open a terminal, and enter this:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 36

See if that is a better size for you. If not, in the terminal again, use the same command but adjust the number at the end.
For comparison, the default «itty bitty» cursor is size 24.

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by caribriz » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:09 pm

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by lexington523 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:12 pm

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The only way I know how to do this is from the command line. I don’t think there is a slider anywhere to do this. They should add one in the universal access section IMO.

Anyhow, you can change cursor size with the gsettings command.

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 50

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by bigdave75 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:57 pm

caribriz wrote: Hi bigdave75 — and welcome to the Linux Mint forums

Go to System Settings > Themes > Other settings
Click down arrow next to Mouse Pointer, and choose DMZ-White or Black

Then, open a terminal, and enter this:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 36

See if that is a better size for you. If not, in the terminal again, use the same command but adjust the number at the end.
For comparison, the default «itty bitty» cursor is size 24.

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by caribriz » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:05 pm

It looks like you had three people all posting at the same time — must be some kind of record

JRG Level 1
Posts: 47 Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:50 am Location: St. John’s NL Contact:

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by JRG » Sun May 18, 2014 12:35 pm

I was looking for this tweak, but the initial directions didn’t make sense. The problem may be that my release of Linux Mint (16) is more recent or, more likely, that I’m running Linux Mint XFCE (not Cinnamon or MATE). By the way, Linux Mint 17 «Qianna» now has its first release candidate out (i.e. you can download RC 1) ­— May 17, 2014

Anyway, to get to the right place to set the cursor:

All Settings -> Mouse and Touchpad

and choose the «Theme» tab. There you can choose from «DMZ (Black)» or «DMZ (White)» or a couple of others.

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by caribriz » Wed May 21, 2014 2:35 am

JRG wrote: I was looking for this tweak, but the initial directions didn’t make sense. The problem may be that my release of Linux Mint (16) is more recent or, more likely, that I’m running Linux Mint XFCE (not Cinnamon or MATE).

Yes, that was why.
The OP said he was using LM16 Cinnamon 2.0, and the instructions were specific to that desktop environment.

mate, xfce and kde desktop environments each have different ways of increasing the cursor size.

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by dfrier » Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:26 am

So this is weird — I changed my cursor size successfully using the tip herein, and it has no effect when the mouse pointer is over Chrome. Everywhere else it’s as I want it.

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Spearmint2 Level 16
Posts: 6900 Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 1:41 pm Location: Maryland, USA

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by Spearmint2 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:06 pm

I had to choose my pointer, close the box, then open again and the option to make larger was then active. Seems to depend on which package is used in order to activate the small/large function. Also, check out Comixcursors in the Package Manager for download.

All things go better with Mint. Mint julep, mint jelly, mint gum, candy mints, pillow mints, peppermint, chocolate mints, spearmint.

Re: how do I change mouse pointer size?

Post by Jain » Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:25 pm

caribriz wrote: ⤴ Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:08 pm Hi bigdave75 — and welcome to the Linux Mint forums

Go to System Settings > Themes > Other settings
Click down arrow next to Mouse Pointer, and choose DMZ-White or Black

Then, open a terminal, and enter this:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 36

See if that is a better size for you. If not, in the terminal again, use the same command but adjust the number at the end.
For comparison, the default «itty bitty» cursor is size 24.

Wanted to add my thanks for also helping me to get a cursor that I can now find easier! The only tip I might add is a note that once the terminal command is done, the change is immediate, no restart needed. (I had wondered about that). Like another poster, I changed to 46 and am happier with that larger size. It would be soooo nice if there was a ‘size’ display to simply choose from


Как изменить курсор в Linux?

Как изменить курсор в Linux? Казалось бы, что может быть проще? Щёлкаем правой кнопкой мышки по экрану и выбираем в меню пункт «Изменить фон рабочего стола.» Затем выбираем вкладку «Тема» и потом пункт внизу «Настроить.»

После этого выбираем сверху вкладку «Курсоры», чтобы изменить курсор.

как изменить курсор в Linux

Но как мы видим, в наборе курсоров совсем не густо. Как изменить курсор на более интересный, которого нет в наборе? Для этого идём на сайт и ищем интереснейший курсор, на который мы хотим изменить курсор наш.

Так как я играю на гитаре, то мне понравился курсор в виде медиатора. К сожалению ссылку я не нашёл на эту тему.

Курсор PICK

После того как вы скачаете курсор с темой, нажмите кнопку «Установить» в окне «Параметры внешнего вида.» Если всё нормально пройдёт, то в окне выбора курсора появится новая тема. Выделите её, чтобы изменить курсор. По идеи он должен измениться, если не сразу, то после перезагрузки.

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Но это ещё не всё. Чтобы полностью изменить курсор потребуются ещё некоторые шаги. Дело в том, что многие приложения в Linux запускаются с правами суперпользователя, и поэтому курсор на фоне этих приложений будет опять дефолтный. Чтобы это изменить и железно изменить курсор на новый для всех пользователей и приложений, нужно сделать следующее.

Скопируйте папку со своей темой курсора в /usr/share/icons. Наберите в терминал:


Linux Mint Forums

Forum rules
There are no such things as «stupid» questions. However if you think your question is a bit stupid, then this is the right place for you to post it. Please stick to easy to-the-point questions that you feel people can answer fast. For long and complicated questions prefer the other forums within the support section.
Before you post please read how to get help. Topics in this forum are automatically closed 6 months after creation.

How change mouse cursor size,

Post by Jsch38 » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:00 am

How to enlarge the mouse pointer icon in Linux Mint

These steps work for any edition of Linix Mint:

The enlarge mouse pointer is hidden in the control center options.

Here are the steps to enlarge a mouse pointer.

1.In lower left corner of screen, Left click on «menu».

2. In the new pop up window left click on «Control Center.»

3. A pop up called Comtrol Center window will appear.

4. Left click on «Look and Feel» on left side of the control center window.

5. On right side of the control center window left click on «Appearance». A new pop-up window called «Appearances Preferences» will appear.

6.In the lower right side of the «Appearances Preferences» pop-up window left click on the
customize button. A new pop-up window called «customize theme» will appear.

7. Aat the top the customize theme pop-up window select the «pointer» tab.

8. A new pop-up window will appear.

9.Select the «DMZ (black) «mouse pointer name.

10. At the bottom of the screen in the pop-up window will be a slider button, place the mouse cursor on the slider , left click on the mouse and move the slider button to the right to increase the pointer size.

11. When you have selected a new mouse size , release the left mouse button and left click on the close window button on the lower right hand corner. This pop-up window will close.

12. The» Appearances Preferences» pop-up can be closed by a left mouse click on «Close» in the lower right corner.

13. The «Control Center» that is left can be closed by using a left mouse click on the «X» in the
upper right on the «Control Center» pop-up windows.


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