Linux mint single mode

How to boot into single user mode in Linux Mint 18

I am using Linux Mint on my office laptop and there are two user accounts on it. one is the director’s account and the other is mine. Although I did sudo command on the terminal before now I cant.It shows below error

chathurika@sanjayak-HP-Notebook ~ $ sudo su sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set 
  • NAME=»Linux Mint»
  • VERSION=»18 (Sarah)»
  • ID=linuxmint
  • ID_LIKE=ubuntu
  • PRETTY_NAME=»Linux Mint 18″
  • VERSION_ID=»18″
  • HOME_URL=»»

2 Answers 2

It has not been single-user mode since 1995. You have emergency mode and rescue mode. Either will do for your purposes, as presumably chmod and sudo are on the root filesystem. (In the unlikely event that /usr is on a separate filesystem, pick rescue mode. Also pick rescue mode if in emergency mode you find that your / filesystem is mounted read-only.)

When the GRUB menu shows, select a «rescue mode» option if you have one. If you do not have one, use e to edit your normal bootstrap selection and add in a -s or a -b to the kernel command line, for rescue mode and emergency mode respectively. ⎈ Control + X boots with the edited command line, of course.

  • Do not use systemctl set-default as that makes a permanent change to how your operating system starts. You want a one-time modification, so that you can go back to bootstrapping normally thereafter with no further effort.
  • Forget about run-levels. Do not start learning about them. systemd does not have them in reality. Learn the paradigms that your operating system actually has.
  • You can use other kernel command line options such as emergency , 1 , systemd.unit=emergency , single , S , and so forth. -s and -b are the most widely accepted across many system management toolsets, not just systemd, and are the original options from 1995.
  • Be aware that whatever you did to mess up sudo has probably caused further problems on your system.

Mint might provide you with a «recovery mode» GRUB menu choice. You can use this, too. It isn’t any of systemd’s bootstrap targets, though. (It runs a program named /lib/recovery-mode/recovery-menu via an additional systemd target set up by the friendly-recovery package.) «recovery mode» in Ubuntu and derivatives is not rescue mode.

Further reading

  • man systemd.special
  • Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (2016). The gen on emergency and rescue mode bootstrap. Frequently Given Answers.


How to Boot Linux Mint 20 in Rescue / Emergency Mode

There are some situations like user forget his / her password, file system is 100 % utilized, file system got corrupted and invalid entries in fstab file. So, to recover Linux system in these situations, we have to boot Linux system into rescue mode or single user mode.

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In this article, we will learn how to boot Linux Mint 20 in rescue and emergency mode.

Booting Linux Mint 20 into Rescue / Single User Mode

Rescue mode is also known as single user mode, in order to boot Linux Mint 20 in rescue mode,

Step 1) Go to grub screen by pressing “ SHIFT ” key and then press “ ESC ” key. We will get the following Grub boot loader screen,


Choose first option and then press ‘ e ‘ to edit

Step 2) Append “ ” to end of line which begins with linux word

In the boot loader screen, look for the line which begins with “linux” word and append “ “, example is shown below


Now, Press F10 or CTRL-X to boot the system in rescue mode,

Step 3) Perform troubleshooting steps and recover the system

We will get the following rescue mode screen; press enter and then do the troubleshooting steps. I am assuming “ James ” user has forget his password, so we will be resetting his password from rescue mode.


Once you are done with troubleshooting steps then run “ systemctl reboot ” command to restart the system.

Booting Linux Mint 20 Into an Emergency Mode

Emergency mode is used where we can not boot Linux system into single user mode, In this mode, file system is mounted in read only mode. To make any changes in the system we must first mount filesystem in read-write mode.

In order to boot Linux Mint 20 in emergency mode, go to Grub boot loader screen and choose the first option and then press “ e ” to enter into boot loader edit mode.

Look for the line which starts with ‘ linux ’ word and append “ ” at the end of line,


Now, press ctrl-x or F10 to boot. Once the system is booted into emergency mode, we will get the following screen,

To mount / file system in read-write mode, use following command:

Perform all the troubleshooting steps to recover system,


Once you are satisfied with all the troubleshooting steps and then reboot the system with “ systemctl reboot ” command.

That’s all from this article. I hope you got the clear idea on how we boot our Linux Mint 20 into rescue and emergency mode. Please don’t hesitate to share your feedback and comments in the comments section below.


Recover your system with Single user mode in Linux Mint / Linux Mint 12


Single user mode is one of run level in Linux; this is also called as Init 1, in this mode all the filesytems will be mounted in read-write mode and can be modified by anybody; this is very insecure because it won’t ask password for login unless you have configured grub password. In this mode networking services (NFS, NIS, DNS and many more) won’t start (Linux Mint has option to start networking support), it is mainly used for troubleshooting system and administrative tasks by the super user. In Linux Mint, it is very easy to enter into single user mode because it has own recovery kernel option in the grub menu.

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Here is the small tutorial about the single user mode in Linux Mint 12.

Step 1: Power on or Reboot (if it is already running) your machine.

Step 2: While booting press and hold “ Shift ” key, you might see the splash screen like below with the list of kernel installed. Select the recovery kernel and press Enter.

Step 3: Once the recovery kernel booted, you should see the following graphical command menu; in Linux Mint 12 there are two recovery menus available to recover your system, in this menu you can select any one out of four option;

Recovery Menu (limited read-only menu):

* resume Resume normal boot

* fsck Check all file systems (will exit read-only mode)

* remount Remount / read/write and mount all other file systems

* root Drop to root shell prompt

If you want recover your system, you have to enter into normal recovery menu; for that you should select either “ remount ” or “ fsck ” because other option such as “ root ” will mount your file system in read only mode ( No use ) and “ resume “ – will resume normal boot .

Step 4: Once you have selected either “ remount ” or “ fsck ”; you have to press “ Ente r” to get normal recovery menu. Here you can select the option according to your requirement, this time file systems will be mounted read- write mode if you have selected Drop to root shell prompt or other options.

Recovery Menu:

* resume Resume normal boot

* clean Try to make free space

* dpkg Repair broken packages

* grub Update grub bootloader

* netroot Drop to root shell prompt with networking

* root Drop to root shell prompt

That’s all. Now you can start do the administrative tasks.


GNU/Linux Mint 19 Boot Single User Mode Easy Guide

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Boot into Single User Mode in Linux Mint 19.x Tara/Tessa/Tina/Tricia GNU/Linux.

And Startup Linux Mint into Single User Mode is Necessary whenever you Need to Create New Admin, Reset Root Pass or Make Any Admin Task in Runlevel 1.

Finally, for your Comfort this Guide is Split into several Pages to make it Easier to View and Follow every single Step involved.

Step-by-step – Xinput Fedora 30 Tutorial

1. Accessing Edit Mode

Hold down the ‘Shift‘ key at Boot to enter the GRUB Splash screen!
And then Hit ‘e‘:

Ubuntu 19 Boot Single User Mode Easy Guide - Linux Mint GRUB Splash


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GNU/Linux Mint Boot Single User Mode Easy Guide

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Boot into Single User Mode on Mint GNU/Linux Distro.

And Startup Linux Mint into Single User Mode is Necessary whenever you Need to Create New Admin, Reset Root Pass or Make Any Admin Task in Runlevel 1.

Finally, for your Comfort this Guide is Split into several Pages to make it Easier to View and Follow every single Step involved.

Step-by-step – Xinput Fedora 30 Tutorial

Linux Mint Boot Single User Mode Guides

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

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