Linux mint telegram канал

Linux mint telegram канал

Wrong ways of asking a question:
1. Can I ask a question ?
2. Is there anyone who can help me ?
3. Are there any «XYZ» experts / pros around ?
4. Anyone expert in «XYZ» ?
5. I am facing an issue with «XYZ»

Right way of asking a question and mentioning the details:
— Describe your problem related to XYZ in detail.
— Describe what were you doing before the problem occurred.
— Describe what steps you have done after the problem occurred.
— Mention your hardware specs / software information.
— Attach a screen shot / screen record of the problem.

More info you provide, higher are the chances of your problem getting resolved.

Check which processes are slowing down your boot time. Enter any of these commands in terminal and post your output.
systemd-analyze time
systemd-analyze blame
systemd-analyze critical-chain
systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg

Linux Distro = Base + Desktop Environment + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server

Base — The main root of the distro
Stable Base, Slowest Updates — Debian
Semi-Rolling Base — Fedora
Rolling Base, Fastest Updates — Arch

Desktop Environments = A collection of programs and utilities, customizations + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server
GTK3 DEs — GNOME, Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate
QT5 DEs — KDE Plasma

Window Managers — Draws and controls windows of applications
Stacking WMs — Mutter, KWin, Xfwm, Openbox
Tiling WMs — i3, bspwm
Dynamic WMs — awesome, dwm

Display Managers — The interface which allows a user to login into the system after booting process is complete.
Console DMs — CDM, Console TDM

Display Server — Manages input and output from OS, Hardware over a GUI.
Legacy, Widely Used — X Org
Modern, Still under development — Wayland

How having a creepy profile pic and using Kali Linux or it’s tools won’t make you a hacker ?
Check @skids_say for hilarious things !

Also Kali Linux should be never used as a daily-driver. You have been warned.


Linux mint telegram канал

Linux Distro = Base + Desktop Environment + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server

Base — The main root of the distro
Stable Base, Slowest Updates — Debian
Semi-Rolling Base — Fedora
Rolling Base, Fastest Updates — Arch

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Desktop Environments = A collection of programs and utilities, customizations + Window Manager + Display Manager + Display Server
GTK3 DEs — GNOME, Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate
QT5 DEs — KDE Plasma

Window Managers — Draws and controls windows of applications
Stacking WMs — Mutter, KWin, Xfwm, Openbox
Tiling WMs — i3, bspwm
Dynamic WMs — awesome, dwm

Display Managers — The interface which allows a user to login into the system after booting process is complete.
Console DMs — CDM, Console TDM

Display Server — Manages input and output from OS, Hardware over a GUI.
Legacy, Widely Used — X Org
Modern, Still under development — Wayland

How having a creepy profile pic and using Kali Linux or it’s tools won’t make you a hacker ?
Check @skids_say for hilarious things !

Also Kali Linux should be never used as a daily-driver. You have been warned.


Linux mint telegram канал

Announcements, notes, resources related to Linux Mint. Please use @linux_mint_users group for discussions.


i found this forum about my bluetooth keyboard was not being recognized in LM 21 like before in LM 20.3. here is the way to get it to recognize and connect.

Learn some common dangerous Linux commands that mischievous people often use to trick new Linux users.

Running man and help command about it before running anything in terminal and not running any command if I don’t understand what it is doing was the right decision I made I guess

* Linux Mint 21.1 Vera (based on Ubuntu 22.04 jammy) to be released around Christmas (Dec 2022)
* Updated Linux Mint user guide.
* Blueman updated to 2.3.2
* Timeshift 22.06.5 backported to Linux Mint 20.
* PPA key will be applicable to a PPA only and not globally.
* Driver Manager now runs in user mode, requires no password. It also removes configuration files completely when uninstalling a driver.
* Nvidia debconf issue in secure boot mode is now fixed.
* Packagekit now removes configuration files completely when removing a package.
* Driver manager can now install drivers in offline mode if supported media is detected.
* ISO verification tool added to check the integrity and authenticity of ISO images.
* Mint USB Tool now has verify ISO option. It will direct user to a webpage if it detects Windows ISO.
* These desktop icons will be removed in future Mint release due to less usage — Computer, Home, Trash, Network.

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Linux mint telegram канал

Announcements, notes, resources related to Linux Mint. Please use @linux_mint_users group for discussions.


Logical Volume Management is a great way to expand your drive space by simply adding additional hard drives. LVM lets you expand your available space on the fly without even needing to reboot. In this video I’ll explain what Logical Volume Management is…

How To Enable Hardware Accelerated Video Decode In Google Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi And Opera Browsers On Debian, Ubuntu Or Linux…

This article explains how to enable hardware-accelerated video decoding in Google Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi and Opera running on Debian, Ubuntu / Mint.

How to install and use system76-power tool on Linux Mint laptops with Nvidia GPU

# requirements
install nvidia driver (recommended) from driver manager
reboot the machine

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

git clone

sudo systemctl enable --now system76-power.service

system76-power graphics integrated
system76-power graphics nvidia

# set power profile
system76-power profile battery
system76-power profile balanced
system76-power profile performance

Linux Mint Cinnamon Lock screen Sleep Fix

On some systems, Linux Mint fails to turn off the screen after the lock screen is activated.

System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts > Add a Custom Shortcut

Name : Lock and turn off the screen
Command : bash -c «cinnamon-screensaver-command -l && sleep 10 && xset dpms force off»

Use your preferred keybinding for the shortcut

Now when you lock the screen, the screen will be automatically turned off after 10 seconds.

Try KernelCare+ for free for 30 days by signing up here:

A lot of people assume open source projects, as they are community driven, are completely malleable, and subject to the desires of their users.…

Full Circle Magazine and Distrohoppers Digest

This month: * Command & Conquer : LMMS * How-To : Python, Podcast Production, and Make a Budget * Graphics : Inkscape * Linux Loopback * Everyday Ubuntu : RetroComputing TRS-80 * Review : Ubunt…

Once upon a time we had legacy GRUB, the Grand Unified Linux Bootloader version 0.97. Learn how to rescue a non-booting GRUB 2 on Linux.

Install Virtual Machine Manager / GNOME Boxes on Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Virt-Manager / GNOME Boxes are native alternatives to third-party virtualization tool like VirtualBox, VMware and offers better compatibility and superior performance.

sudo apt install virt-manager gnome-boxes

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-clients bridge-utils

sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd

sudo usermod -a -G libvirt,libvirt-qemu,libvirt-dnsmasq $USER

sudo cp -iv /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf.bak

sudo bash -c "echo 'user = "$USER"' >> /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf"
sudo bash -c "echo 'group = "$USER"' >> /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf"

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd.service

start «Virtual Machine Manager» / «GNOME Boxes» from application menu to create virtual machines.

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GNOME Boxes = very minimal and newbie friendly
Virt Manager = advanced version of GNOME Boxes with more control

Both of the apps make use of KVM/QEMU for running virtual machines.

This month: * Command & Conquer : LMMS * How-To : Python, Latex [NEW!] and Fritzing * Graphics : Inkscape * Linux Loopback : My Story * Everyday Ubuntu : RetroComputing CoCo Nuts Pt2 * Micro Th…



Last month we announced problems were found in relation to UsrMerge. In particular, packages built in merged systems were not always fully compatible with non-merged systems. A complete scan was done in Linux Mint to identify any other similar issue and a tool was developed to automate this process. In addition, a system report will be backported to recommend a merge to Mint 20 and 20.1 users whose system is not merged yet.

Updates notifications

Statistics recently showed us that many users did not update their computer. The way other operating systems handle updates is either by forcing their users to do so, or by frustrating them and annoying them until they do.

So with all that said here’s what we did. We designed a notification system which acts as a gentle and welcome reminder and took great care not to turn it into an annoyance.


Linux Mint Russia 🐧🖥 🇷🇺

Уголок программиста

Linux Mint Russia 🐧🖥 🇷🇺

Только годный контент из мира Xiaomi и MIUI. 📁 Навигация: 💬 Чат: @michat ▶️ YouTube: ✌️ VK: 🤝 По вопросам сотрудничества: @syaosir_admin_bot — Бэрримор, что у Вас за гаджет? — Xiaomi, сэр!

Чат кондитеров

Главный кондитерский чат России Рецепты @re_ci_pe Изображения @konditer_image Барахолка @konditer_baraholka_chat Афиша @konditer_afisha Бот @cakesbot Реклама @step_noi

Новости о Железе и Гаджетах

Передовые технологии развиваются узнавайте о них первыми с нами По вопросам рекламы — @AlisaSeleznevasmm

Точка входа в программирование

Фундаментальные знания по основам программирования Купить рекламу: По вопросам рекламы: @tproger_sales_bot Правила общения: Другие каналы: @tproger_channels

Tech Crunch

Физика наглядно

У нас интересно в отличие от урока физики в школе! Сотрудничество: @donald_rolex Реклама:@Social_Energy График и прайс:


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