Linux mint usb driver

How to install driver for USB Wi-Fi on Linux Mint

I had the misfortune of buying a Sabrent USB Wi-Fi adapter. The box says it’s good for Linux but no instructions inside, not instructions on disk and the person who picks up their support line cheerfully informs me: “No one here knows anything about Linux. You’re on your own.” I found a knowledge base for their products but the two videos for Linux installation are “No longer available.” But there is a Linux tar file on the CD. How can I use it to install it? I’ve already tried plugging in the adapter and nothing seems to happen.

First, some problems with your question: You need to state the exact name of your Linux distribution and the version. Also include whether it’s 32-bit or 64-bit. Don’t approximate the version or the name; get the exact name/version. Second, you need to run lspci -nnvv on your Linux box and retrieve the PCI ID of the Sabrent adapter so we can see whether it’s supported in mainline Linux, before trying to get you installing the driver on the CD. Just post your whole lspci -nnvv output in a code block in your question.

Also, there is no such thing as generic instructions for how to «install» a tar file. A tar file is just an archive of other files. How would you «install» a zip file on Windows? Well, it depends on what’s inside, of course! It could just be a text file saying «Sorry, this isn’t supported». Or, it could be source code to compile a driver. Or it could be a binary installer. Or any number of things. You’d have to extract it and check it out.

It is a USB device, so post lsusb output. sudo tail -n 25 -f /var/log/messages and then plug in your USB wifi adapter. Post what it says. cat /proc/version uname -a


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Installing USB drivers

Post by 69Rixter » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:35 pm

Could someone direct me to a tutorial on «How to install a Samsung USB driver» on LinuxMint 17? Looked in search and quite a few posts but did find what I was seeking. I’m trying to upgrade the phones O.S. from Froyo 2.2 to either Jellybean 4.1 or KitKat 4.4.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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jimallyn Level 19
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Re: Installing USB drivers

Post by jimallyn » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:46 pm

Do you mean for some USB connected Samsung device? Or do you mean to enable USB on a Samsung laptop or desktop computer? USB drivers should be in the kernel and active by default.

“If the government were coming for your TVs and cars, then you’d be upset. But, as it is, they’re only coming for your sons.” — Daniel Berrigan

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Re: Installing USB drivers

Post by 69Rixter » Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:11 pm

I need to install a proprietary driver. It is so I can mount a Samsung GaxaxyS Anycall phone. I spent about an hour on a friends Linux laptop and accomplished nothing. The sites I did access were either incorrect or very confusing. I tried to find the official Mint tutorials but was unable. I tried the terminal which stated the nvidia-Gnu program would not install? I can get the driver via the net, but could not figure out how to install it. My friends laptop runs LM 17.3 and the driver is for a GalaxyS AnyCall model shw-m110s. THANX for responding!!

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Linux Mint не распознает USB-устройства

Иногда (это случилось со мной только однажды), Linux Mint не распознает USB-устройства, даже если мы подключаемся разными способами или через разные порты. Эта проблема также иногда затрагивает наши веб-камеры, но ее решение довольно простое.

USB-устройства меня не узнают

Прежде чем принимать решение, которое я собираюсь вам дать, я рекомендую вам ознакомиться со статьей 5 способов отключить и подключить USB-устройство, не отрывая рук от клавиатуры где наш друг Gasparfm В нем очень подробно объясняется поведение USB-устройств и способы управления ими.

В моем случае USB-устройство перестало работать после форматирования и установки на него различных дистрибутивов.

Проверка USB

Первое, что я сделал, когда мое USB-устройство перестало работать, — это проверить, распознается ли оно fdisk с помощью sudo fdisk -l и я также попробовал gparted, но ни один из двух не распознал мой USB.

Затем используя lsusb это утилита для отображения информации о шинах USB в системе и подключенных к ним устройствах, мне удалось проверить, действительно ли мой USB подключен, следовательно, это не проблема с контактами или памятью.

Как заставить Linux Mint распознавать мое USB-устройство

Процесс решения проблемы, связанной с тем, что Linux Mint не распознает мой флеш-накопитель, довольно прост и легок. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  • Перезагрузите компьютер.
  • Проверить с sudo fdisk -l что ваша USB-память уже смонтирована и работает правильно.

Эта простая команда загружает в ядро ​​модуль usb_storage, который иногда перестает загружаться.

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Я надеюсь, что с помощью этого простого решения вы сможете решить эту досадную проблему и дать своим USB-устройствам необходимое использование. Помните, что это также работает для некоторых устройств, таких как цифровые камеры, mp3-файлы и другие.

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ADB and USB drivers

Post by homerus » Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:19 am

First of all, I searched on the forum if there was already a topic about this issue, but it seems not, so I opened this one. In case it’s a double, I apologies and please just close this one.

As on object, I’m trying to install the ADB and USB drivers for Android development on my Linux Mint 17.3, but I can’t get it work. I admit I’m not that familiar with Linux as I’m on my first experiences with Mint, but I really don’t get what I do wrong here.

I’m following the guide from this link with no success:

This passage particularly is not clear to me as I don’t understand how to do that:

it’s neccesary step to create ~/.android/adb_usb.ini.

Edit ~/.android/adb_usb.ini. Add usb subsystem ID to adb_usb.ini, like below:

Is there anybody who’s familiar with this procedure or can help me in installing these bloody ADB and USB drivers?

Any help will be really appriaceted, thanks in advance to anybody who’ll help me in solving this annoying issue.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ADB and USB drivers

Post by fungus » Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:18 pm

You do not clarify what problems you experience, so.. What are your exact issues with adb?

I have Android Studio installed on Linux Mint 17.3 and it works well «out of the box». You should not need to install any special USB-drivers for Android development. What might confuse you is that «~/» refers to your home folder (eg. /home/your_user_name/) and all files and folders that starts with «.» are hidden in Linux (eg. ~/.android/ is a hidden folder in your home folder).

Linux Mint 17.3 64bit KDE @ Asus B150M-A, i3 6100, Crucial 16GB DDR4, Crucial BX100
One bit says: YES, the other answers: NO.. Guess who’s he and who’s she. 😉

Re: ADB and USB drivers

Post by homerus » Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:11 am

fungus wrote: You do not clarify what problems you experience, so.. What are your exact issues with adb?

I have Android Studio installed on Linux Mint 17.3 and it works well «out of the box». You should not need to install any special USB-drivers for Android development. What might confuse you is that «~/» refers to your home folder (eg. /home/your_user_name/) and all files and folders that starts with «.» are hidden in Linux (eg. ~/.android/ is a hidden folder in your home folder).

Thank you fungus for your reply, I’ll try to be more clear:

I have a Xiaomi Mi3 Smartphone which came with no italian language and the play store app. I therefore uploaded on the device another rom which included both the italian language and the play store app, but unfortunately, with this rom the phone does not recongnize the sim card anymore.

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I looked for a solution and I ended on some forum where it’s suggested to upload a different rom using the adb shell. Unfortunately, as I said before, I cannot manage to have the adb working properly, so when I connect the phone to the pc and I type «adb devices», there is no device attached.

This seems to be a problem with the USB drivers (as we can see at the link i posted on my previous post)

I tried as you suggested to install the Android Studio, hoping that it would install everything I needed to, but nothing changed.

Basically, I’m following this guide (I know it’s in italian, sorry), but without the adb drivers I can’t do anything.

I hope to have been more understandable this time.

Re: ADB and USB drivers

Post by fungus » Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:53 am

Okay, that clarifies it. If you connect your phone to USB and open a console and run the command «lsusb», does your phone show up in the list of connected devices? If no you might want to try to unplug your phone and enable developer settings on the phone and then reconnect it and run the lsusb command again.

Linux Mint 17.3 64bit KDE @ Asus B150M-A, i3 6100, Crucial 16GB DDR4, Crucial BX100
One bit says: YES, the other answers: NO.. Guess who’s he and who’s she. 😉

Re: ADB and USB drivers

Post by homerus » Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:00 am

fungus wrote: Okay, that clarifies it. If you connect your phone to USB and open a console and run the command «lsusb», does your phone show up in the list of connected devices? If no you might want to try to unplug your phone and enable developer settings on the phone and then reconnect it and run the lsusb command again.

this is the output with the phone connected

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 2717:ff48
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 17ef:6019 Lenovo
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0489:e011 Foxconn / Hon Hai Acer Bluetooth module
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 064e:a219 Suyin Corp. 1.3M WebCam (notebook emachines E730, Acer sub-brand)
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

end this is the one without phone

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 17ef:6019 Lenovo
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0489:e011 Foxconn / Hon Hai Acer Bluetooth module
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 064e:a219 Suyin Corp. 1.3M WebCam (notebook emachines E730, Acer sub-brand)
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

So I guess that Bus 002 Device 005: ID 2717:ff48 is the phone

I can actually access to the phone as usb storage device, however if I try adb devices, it deosn’t see it

$# adb devices
List of devices attached

I had already enabled the developer settings on the phone (by tapping 7 times on «MIUI version» and activating the USB debugging)

I really don’t know what to do.


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