Linux mint with active directory

Join Linux Mint 19/20 to an Active Directory Domain

Here are all the steps needed to add your Linux Mint computer to a Windows Active Directory Domain. For more detail, and explanation, please read The Rest of the Story.

sudo apt install realmd sssd sssd-tools libnss-sss libpam-sss krb5-user adcli samba-common-bin oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir packagekit samba python-dnspython 

Restart your computer, then edit krb5.conf .

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[libdefaults]  default_realm = AWESOME.COM  dns_lookup_kdc = true  dns_lookup_realm = true  [realms]  AWESOME.COM =   kdc =  admin_server =  master_kdc =  default_domain =  >  [domain_realm] = AWESOME.COM = AWESOME.COM  [logging]  kdc = SYSLOG:INFO  admin_server = FILE=/var/kadm5.log 
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[users]  default-home = /home/%U  default-shell = /bin/bash  [active-directory]  default-client = sssd  os-name = Linux Mint  os-version = 20  [service]  automatic-install = no  []  fully-qualified-names = yes  automatic-id-mapping = no  user-principal = yes  manage-system = yes 
sudo xed /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf 
[Time] #RootDistanceMaxSec=5 #PollIntervalMinSec=32 #PollIntervalMaxSec=2048 
sudo timedatectl set-ntp true sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service sudo timedatectl --adjust-system-clock timedatectl status 

Discover the realm you want to join.

realm discover 
kinit avawesome klist kdestroy 

Join the Active Directory Domain.

sudo realm join --verbose --user=aawesome-a --computer-ou=OU=Computers,OU="ASM Headquarters",DC=awesome,DC=com 
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[sssd] domains = config_file_version = 2 services = nss, pam  [domain/] ad_domain = krb5_realm = AWESOME.COM realmd_tags = manages-system joined-with-adcli cache_credentials = True id_provider = ad krb5_store_password_if_offline = True default_shell = /bin/bash ldap_id_mapping = True use_fully_qualified_names = True fallback_homedir = /home/%u access_provider = ad ad_hostname = [[]].com dyndns_update = True dyndns_refresh_interval = 43200 dyndns_update_ptr = True dyndns_ttl = 3600 dyndns_auth = GSS-TSIG 
sudo systemctl restart sssd.service 

Restart your computer, and you should able to log in using your Active Directory Credentials.

Update 8/30/2019: Click here to see some optional, final steps you could take.

The Rest of the Story

I work for a “Windows Shop”, or “.Net Shop”. Call it what you like, but it boils down to no Linux to be found. Fortunately, my work environment is flexible, so I decided to take on the challenge to put Linux only on my work laptop, and get it up and running.

Things like snaps have been extremely helpful in getting the software I need on my machine, and LibreOffice has come a long way. Everything else, like Office 365 for email, just needs a web browser. And in case I run into any edge cases, I do have Windows 10 on a VirtualBox image, but all that is outside of the scope of this article.

My very first step to tackle was Windows Active Directory Integration with a Linux machine; I needed to be able to use my Active Directory credentials to log into my Linux laptop.

Spoiler alert. I got it to work! 🙂 And I’m very excited to be able to use Linux at home and now at work!

Read on to see how I did it.

Steps Toward Awesome

First, I would like to give credit where credit is due. This article was extremely helpful in guiding me in getting everything set up.

Step 0: Install the Needed Packages

Open up your terminal, and enter the text below to get the needed packages installed.

sudo apt install realmd sssd sssd-tools libnss-sss libpam-sss krb5-user adcli samba-common-bin oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir packagekit samba python-dnspython 

The krb5-user package will prompt for the Active Directory “realm”, and you’ll want to enter your realm in all CAPS.


After I installed the packages, I went ahead and restarted my machine.

Step 1: Edit Your krb5.conf File

Start by opening krb5.conf :

You can replace the contents of the current file with the text below.

Note: Values inside the double brackets (i.e. — [[value]]), need to be replaced with the correct values for your environment. Replace the value, and additionally, remove the double brackets. (i.e. — domain = [[]] –> domain =

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[libdefaults]  default_realm = [[YOUR-REALM.COM]] #YOUR-REALM.COM should be in CAPS  dns_lookup_kdc = true  dns_lookup_realm = true  [realms]  [[YOUR-REALM.COM]] = < #replace value, remove double brackets  kdc = [[]]  admin_server = [[]]  master_kdc = [[]]  default_domain = [[]] #my domain and realm were the same  >  [domain_realm]  .[[]] = [[YOUR-REALM.COM]] #YOUR-REALM.COM should be in CAPS  [[]] = [[YOUR-REALM.COM]]  [logging]  kdc = SYSLOG:INFO  admin_server = FILE=/var/kadm5.log 

To finish up this step, run:

Step 2: Edit Your realmd.conf File

Now open up your realmd.conf file.

Copy and paste the text below into the file. You can of course replace the values for “os-name” and “os-version”.

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[users]  default-home = /home/%U  default-shell = /bin/bash  [active-directory]  default-client = sssd  os-name = [[Linux Mint]] #you can put your Linux Distribution Name  os-version = [[20]] #you can put your Distribution Version  [service]  automatic-install = no  [] #replace, but KEEP the brackets on this one  fully-qualified-names = yes  automatic-id-mapping = no  user-principal = yes  manage-system = yes 

Step 3: Edit Your timesyncd.conf File

You should be used to editing files by now in this tutorial, so here we go again. Open up your terminal, and enter the text below.

sudo xed /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf 

All you need to do is change the “NTP” value to the address of your local Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server. You may have to ask your Network Administrator for the server address, and if you are the Network Administrator, I hope you know the address of your NTP Server 😉

[Time] NTP=[[]] #replace value, remove double brackets #RootDistanceMaxSec=5 #PollIntervalMinSec=32 #PollIntervalMaxSec=2048 

Now you’ll need to update your local network time. Your local computer time needs to be within five minutes of the Kerberos (authentication) Server. So the clock times need to match, or you won’t be able to log in.

You’ll need to run the following commands in order to make sure your date and time are up-to-date.

sudo timedatectl set-ntp true sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service sudo timedatectl --adjust-system-clock 

Now you can check the status of your local date and time synchronization.

And your results should be similar to the screenshot below.


Step 4: Test Your Credentials

Even though your computer may not be bound to the Active Directory yet, you can now test your login credentials to make sure everything is set up correctly so far.

realm discover [[]] 

Successful results should look similar to the output below.

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  type: kerberos  realm-name: MY-REALM.COM  domain-name:  configured: kerberos-member  server-software: active-directory  client-software: sssd  required-package: sssd-tools  required-package: sssd  required-package: libnss-sss  required-package: libpam-sss  required-package: adcli  required-package: samba-common-bin  login-formats:  login-policy: allow-realm-logins 

You can now try to “test” your login credentials. Do that by running the commands below, and enter your Active Directory password when prompted.

You can verify that your login attempt worked by running this next command.

If that worked, your results should look similar to the screenshot below.


Be sure to destroy your Kerberos token when you’re done.

Step 5: Join the Active Directory Domain

Time to join your Active Directory. You’ll need a Network Administrator, or someone with a Network Admin username/password in order to get your computer joined to the Active Directory realm.

Enter the text below into your terminal, and don’t forget to replace the values in the double brackets (along with the brackets).

sudo realm join --verbose --user=[[network-admin-username]] --computer-ou=OU=[[Computers]],OU="[[Active-Directory-OU-Value]]",DC=[[my-domain-without-the-com]],DC=com [[]] 

You’ll enter the Network Administrator username, and you’ll be prompted for the password.

 * Resolving:  * Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:  * Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:  * Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:  * Successfully discovered: Password for awesome-admin: 

After the Network Administrator password has been entered, the rest of the output should look similar to this:

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 
 * Unconditionally checking packages  * Resolving required packages  * LANG=C /usr/sbin/adcli join --verbose --domain --domain-realm MY-REALM.COM --domain-controller --computer-ou OU=Computers,OU=SHORT-DOMAIN-NAME Headquarters,DC=domain-controller,DC=com --os-name Linux Mint --os-version 19.1 --login-type user --login-user network-admin-username --stdin-password --user-principal  * Using domain name:  * Calculated computer account name from fqdn: COMPUTER-NAME  * Using domain realm:  * Sending netlogon pings to domain controller: cldap://  * Received NetLogon info from:  * Wrote out krb5.conf snippet to /var/cache/realmd/adcli-xyzab-oFOwIT/krb5.d/adcli-krb5-conf-wCGqIO  * Authenticated as user: network-admin-username@MY-REALM.COM  * Looked up short domain name: SHORT-DOMAIN-NAME  * Using fully qualified name: computer-name  * Using domain name:  * Using computer account name: COMPUTER-NAME  * Using domain realm:  * Calculated computer account name from fqdn: COMPUTER-NAME  * With user principal: host/computer-name@MY-REALM.COM  * Generated 120 character computer password  * Using keytab: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Found computer account for COMPUTER-NAME$ at: CN=COMPUTER-NAME,OU=Computers,OU=SHORT-DOMAIN-NAME Headquarters,DC=my-domain,DC=com  * Set computer password  * Retrieved kvno '7' for computer account in directory: CN=COMPUTER-NAME,OU=Computers,OU=SHORT-DOMAIN-NAME Headquarters,DC=my-domain,DC=com  * Modifying computer account: userAccountControl  * Modifying computer account: operatingSystemVersion, operatingSystemServicePack  * Modifying computer account: userPrincipalName  * Discovered which keytab salt to use  * Added the entries to the keytab: COMPUTER-NAME$@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Added the entries to the keytab: host/COMPUTER-NAME@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Added the entries to the keytab: host/COMPUTER-NAME@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Cleared old entries from keytab: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Added the entries to the keytab: host/computer-name@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Added the entries to the keytab: RestrictedKrbHost/COMPUTER-NAME@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * Added the entries to the keytab: RestrictedKrbHost/computer-name@MY-REALM.COM: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab  * /usr/sbin/update-rc.d sssd enable  * /usr/sbin/service sssd restart  * Successfully enrolled machine in realm 

Step 6: Edit Your sssd.conf File

Open up sssd.conf for editing


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