- Установка Kodi в Ubuntu/Linux mint и другие
- Как установить Kodi в Ubuntu
- Install Kodi Media Player on Linux Mint 20
- Install Kodi on Linux Mint 20
- Step # 1: Install Kodi on your Linux System
- Step # 2: Check the Version of Kodi Installed
- Step # 3: Launch Kodi through your System’s Terminal
- Remove Kodi from Linux Mint 20
- Conclusion
- Search
- About This Site
- Latest Tutorials
- Kodi on Linux Mint – How To Install It?
- What is Kodi Flathub?
- What Does Kodi Actually Do?
- What Are the Kodi Add-ons?
- How Do I Get Kodi on Linux Mint?
- Launching the Terminal
- Adding Official PPA Repository
- Update the Repositories
- Installing Kodi
- How Do I Install Kodi on Linux Terminal?
- Как установить KODI на Linux Mint 21
- Как установить KODI на Linux Mint 21
- Как удалить KODI в Linux Mint 21
- Заключение
Установка Kodi в Ubuntu/Linux mint и другие
Kodi (ранее XBMC) – это бесплатный кроссплатформенный мультимедийный проигрыватель и развлекательный центр с открытым исходным кодом, позволяющий вам организовывать и воспроизводить потоковое мультимедиа, например видео, подкасты, музыку, из Интернета, локального и сетевого хранилища.
Вы можете улучшить функциональность Kodi, установив новые дополнения и скины из официального репозитория Kodi и неофициальных репозиториев третьих сторон.
В этом уроке мы посмотрим, как установить Kodi в Ubuntu 18.04. Те же инструкции применимы для Ubuntu 16.04 и любого другого дистрибутива на основе Ubuntu, включая Kubuntu, Linux Mint и Elementary OS.
Как установить Kodi в Ubuntu
Версия Kodi, включенная в репозитории Ubuntu, всегда отстает от последних версий Kodi. Мы установим Kodi из его официального репозитория.
Для установки Kodi в систему Ubuntu выполните следующие действия:
Добавьте репозиторий Kodi APT в список репозиториев программного обеспечения вашей системы, выполнив команду в терминале:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
При появлении запроса нажмите, Enter чтобы продолжить:
После включения репозитория Kodi обновите список пакетов и установите последнюю версию Kodi:
Вот и все! Вы успешно установили Kodi в вашу систему Ubuntu 18.04.
Теперь, когда Kodi установлен, вы можете запустить его из командной строки, набрав kodi, или нажав на значок Kodi в меню:
Когда вы запускаете Kodi в первый раз, появится следующее окно:
Отсюда вы можете начать настройку своего экземпляра Kodi, установив новые дополнения и добавив библиотеки мультимедиа.
Чтобы выйти из Kodi, либо нажмите кнопку «выключение» в левом верхнем углу, либо нажмите CTRL+END.
Вы также можете установить различные дополнения, которые помогут вам например смотреть Iptv прямо с вашего компьютера.
Чтобы установить дополнение iptv, откройте терминал и введите следующую команду
sudo apt install kodi-pvr-iptvsimple
После установки, зайдите в дополнения-PVR, включите аддон, и можете добавлять m3u плейлисты для просмотра iptv.
Если вы хотите удалить Kodi, просто удалите установленный пакет и отключите репозиторий с помощью следующей команды:
sudo apt remove --auto-remove kodi
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
Затем удалите каталог конфигурации Kodi, набрав:
Вот и все. В следующей статье, я покажу вам, как сделать ваш мобильный телефон android, пультом управления kodi.
Если есть какие-то вопросы, задавайте их в комментариях ниже.
Install Kodi Media Player on Linux Mint 20
Kodi is a cross-platform media player launched by XMBC in 2004. It is used for media streaming on all kinds of screens whether they are large TV screens or very compact mobile screens. It means that it is designed in such a way that it looks equally appealing no matter which device you are using it. In this article, I will show you how to install Kodi on a Linux Mint 20 desktop.
Install Kodi on Linux Mint 20
For having Kodi installed on your system, you will have to proceed as described in the steps below:
Step # 1: Install Kodi on your Linux System
First, you should install Kodi by running the following command in your terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install kodi -y
This command will install Kodi on your Linux system without asking you for any confirmation before since we have used the “-y” flag with it.
Step # 2: Check the Version of Kodi Installed
Now since Kodi has been successfully installed on our system and all of its packages are fully updated, we can check its version with the following command:
The Kodi version that we have managed to install on our Linux Mint 20 system is shown in the image below:
Step # 3: Launch Kodi through your System’s Terminal
We can even launch Kodi through the Mint menu, however, if you want to launch it through the terminal, then you can execute the following command:
The Kodi interface is shown in the image below:
Remove Kodi from Linux Mint 20
To remove the Kodi packages from your Linux system completely, you can execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get purge --autoremove kodi
This article revealed the easiest and quickest method of installing Kodi on a Linux Mint 20 system. Once you have this application installed on your system, you can easily use it for media streaming. Moreover, you can also remove it at any time with the very same level of ease and convenience.
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Vitux.com aims to become a Linux compendium with lots of unique and up to date tutorials.
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Kodi on Linux Mint – How To Install It?
Kodi is considered an open-source theater software for adults with the purpose of entertainment. In this article, you will be informed on how to install Kodi on Linux Mint machine, what is Kodi Flathub, how to have a full session of entertainment on your computer, and many more.
- What is Kodi Flathub?
- What Does Kodi Actually Do?
- What Are the Kodi Add-ons?
- How Do I Get Kodi on Linux Mint?
- Launching the Terminal
- Adding Official PPA Repository
- Update the Repositories
- Installing Kodi
- How Do I Install Kodi on Linux Terminal?
What is Kodi Flathub?
Kodi is a home-theater entertainment-driven open-source software that originated twenty years ago. Microsoft created this software for Xbox and named it the Xbox Media Center. This continued to develop with time and got to see more development than the Xbox platform after the time Microsoft left it. The team of Kodi developed its own community of different developers.
Unlike different streaming companies, including Plex and others, it is software that gets managed through the XBMX foundation, the non-profit organization. It gets modified continuously and gets upgraded with multiple scores of different developers as well as coders across the globe. You are also able to install different builds or add-ons to the Kodi software to customize it free of cost.
What Does Kodi Actually Do?
Of all the different things which Kodi has done, it is quite easy to check what the functionalities of Kodi are not able to provide. It is that there is no content provided by Kodi. So, you will need to feed all the different shows, music, movies, etc., in the program.
Users are also able to get Kodi installed on their computers and mobile devices in order to stream the content of their choice. For instance, you may have a site you would want to stream the content from. However, it may be possible that your device may not support your installation, or it may not show compatibility with the site. So, you will need to install Kodi on it, have an addition to the site, and then use the Kodi app to stream the media.
Not different sites; however, there are other digital services that you may add that are called add-ons. Therefore, while Kodi wouldn’t provide its content, it may offer you the choice to stream the media using one platform on any device you want, in here, any device containing Linux.
What Are the Kodi Add-ons?
Add-ons are considered as the features as well as the functions which don’t come with the basic package. So, you have to install them later on in order to avail additional benefits from the software. You can get the developed add-ons for Kodi by the developers from third-party organizations as well as the team. You may want to figure out different add-ons for getting various services from a repository of Kodi as well as from third-party organization repositories. Kodi comes with different add-ons which are able to improve the experience of the users. These add-on types include lyrics, audio, gaming, weather, and interface, among others, for example.
Also, you can get add-ons in the form of Kodi skins through which you are able to personalize the appearance as well as the UI of the media software solution. You are also able to develop your skin, modify the skin which is already existing, and share the skin using different sites in public. If you are able to skip some additional efforts, you may want to download a build for Kodi.
The scraper add ons would enable you to import any info of a media in detail through different resources available on the internet. It is some info which may include posters, genres, reviews, etc. These add-ons would enable you to search through your Kodi media library through a remotely located area.
How Do I Get Kodi on Linux Mint?
You can install Kodi on Linux Mint by following these steps:
First of all, you need to understand what a PPA (a Personal Package Archive) is. It is among the software repositories that are developed for Ubuntu users. These are quite easy to install as compared to repositories from other parties. These are the following steps for the installation of Kodi.
Launching the Terminal
First of all, you need to launch the terminal from apps or utilize the shortcut through the keyboard (which is CTRL + ALT + T).
Adding Official PPA Repository
For adding a repository on the official level, you need to utilize the following command:
$ Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
Then you need to press the enter button and hit continue.
Update the Repositories
You need to run this command to perform an update. This is written as follows:
Installing Kodi
The last step will be to run the following command for the installation of Kodi on your Linux Mint device:
Then you need to hit the Y and Enter key to get it installed.
Doing these steps will let you install Kodi. Remember, it might take a few minutes to get it all installed.
How Do I Install Kodi on Linux Terminal?
You can download Kodi for different distributions of Linux with Ubuntu through the following information. For installation of the latest Kodi update, you will need to add on the official code of Kopi PPA. From here, you may download different packages with the command of Apt. Linux supports it, so do various other platforms such as Ubuntu.
You will first need to run the following command as given below for adding a PPA:
$ sudo add-apt-repository PPS:team xbmc/ppa
You would need to enter the password as indicated and hit Enter for the downloading process.
You will need to update the list of the package with the Apt Update command line as indicated below:
For this installation, you will need to run the following command as given:
You will need to type in Y as you are asked in order to go for the operation of installation. After this process, you will be able to check the application as you press the key “Super” and then type in “Kodi.” This will enable you to launch Kodi.
This is all you need to know about Kodi and how to install it on Linux Mint on the basic level.
Как установить KODI на Linux Mint 21
В настоящее время существует несколько популярных потоковых инструментов, для использования которых требуется ежемесячная подписка. С другой стороны, KODI — это бесплатный популярный медиаплеер с открытым исходным кодом, совместимый практически со всеми операционными системами, включая Linux.
KODI превращает любое устройство в цифровую установку, предоставляя пользователям возможность потоковой передачи из Интернета, домашней сети и локальных файлов. Он упорядочивает ваши медиафайлы и позволяет вам играть в игры, смотреть телепередачи и фильмы. Люди устанавливают его на свои устройства, чтобы использовать в качестве медиацентра со своим телевизором. В этом руководстве мы объяснили процедуру установки KODI в Linux Mint 21.
Как установить KODI на Linux Mint 21
Процедура установки KODI проста и может быть выполнена быстро. Добавьте официальный репозиторий PPA в Linux Mint 21 с помощью этой команды:
судо добавить-apt-репозиторий ppa: team-xbmc / ппа
После добавления репозитория обновите систему с помощью команды update и установите KODI, выполнив приведенную ниже команду:
судо подходящий установить коди
После успешного завершения установки запустите KODI в Linux Mint 21 с помощью следующей команды:
Чтобы получить доступ к дополнительным функциям KODI, нажмите «Дополнения» на левой панели:
В этом разделе доступны различные дополнения.
Как удалить KODI в Linux Mint 21
Если вам нужно удалить KODI, вы можете запустить следующую команду:
Удалите репозиторий PPA KODI из списка источников программного обеспечения:
судо добавить-способный-репозиторий —удалять ппа: команда-xbmc / ппа
Если вы ищете лучший способ смотреть телепередачи и фильмы на своих устройствах, тогда KODI — это программное обеспечение для вас. Он известен своей универсальностью и может работать на любом устройстве. Вы можете добавлять папки и классифицировать их по телешоу и фильмам. Следуйте этому руководству, чтобы получить KODI для Linux Mint 21, бесплатное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, на свой компьютер.