Linux mkdir if exist

Bash ‘mkdir’ not existent path

To make it work only if the directory named «foo» does not exist, try using the -p flag. This will create the directory named «foo» only if it does not exist. 🙂 mkdir does not support -p switch anymore on Windows 8+ systems. You can either use an if statement to check if the directory exists or not.

How do you create directory if not exist in bash?

When you want to create a directory in a path that does not exist then an error message also display to inform the user. If you want to create the directory in any non-exist path or omit the default error message then you have to use ‘-p’ option with ‘mkdir’ command.

How do you fix mkdir Cannot create directory?

  1. Use cd to change your directory to other hard drive rather than C (or may be to C:/path/to/your/user)
  2. Change the permission of current folder to full control (use pwd command to show your current directory) .

What happens if you mkdir already exists?

mkdir WILL give you an error if the directory already exists. mkdir -p WILL NOT give you an error if the directory already exists. Also, the directory will remain untouched i.e. the contents are preserved as they were.

How do I use mkdir in bash?

Create a New Directory ( mkdir )

The first step in creating a new directory is to navigate to the directory that you would like to be the parent directory to this new directory using cd . Then, use the command mkdir followed by the name you would like to give the new directory (e.g. mkdir directory-name ).

What is P flag in mkdir?

-p : A flag which enables the command to create parent directories as necessary. If the directories exist, no error is specified. Syntax: mkdir -p [directories]

What is a .bashrc file?

bashrc file determines the behavior of interactive shells. A good look at this file can lead to a better understanding of Bash. Emmanuel Rouat contributed the following very elaborate . bashrc file, written for a Linux system. . bashrc file or even in your scripts.

Can not create directory file exists?

The reason for this error is that the user you’re running the mkdir as, doesn’t have permissions to create new directory in the location you specified. You should use ls command on the higher level directory to confirm permissions.

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What is mkdir?

The mkdir() function creates a new, empty directory whose name is defined by path. The file permission bits in mode are modified by the file creation mask of the job and then used to set the file permission bits of the directory being created.

How do I fix mkdir permission denied?

  1. Change directories. cd /var/www/
  2. Change group ownership. sudo chown -Rv root:$USER .
  3. Add priviledges to our group. sudo chmod -Rv g+rw .
  4. For the grand finale, go ahead and create your new laravel project. composer create-project laravel/laravel projectName —prefer-dist.

How do I give permission to mkdir in Linux?

The mkdir command by default gives rwx permissions for the current user only. To add read, write, and execute permission for all users, add the -m option with the user 777 when creating a directory. The directory with rwx permissions for all users is highlighted.

How do I give permission to user in Linux?

  1. chmod +rwx filename to add permissions.
  2. chmod -rwx directoryname to remove permissions.
  3. chmod +x filename to allow executable permissions.
  4. chmod -wx filename to take out write and executable permissions.

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Make Directory Only if it Doesn’t Exist Already in Linux

It’s better to be careful and prevent errors while creating directories in case there are files or directories with the same name in the same location.

To create a directory in Linux, you use the mkdir command. It stands for ‘make directory’ after all. It’s quite a simple command.

But, when you try to create a directory that already exists, you get an error like:

$ mkdir dir0 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘dir0’: File exists

This indicates that if a directory already exists, the mkdir command will not try to create or modify the already existing directory in any way.

But it also shows an error which is not what you always want especially if you are writing a bash script.

To prevent this error, use the -p flag along with mkdir command.

This way, though the directory is not created, it won’t show any error as well. Your scripts will run as usual.

You’ll get the same error if a file or link exists with the same name as the directory you are trying to create. Why? Because everything is a file in Linux. A directory is a special file that acts like an index of all the files that are inside it.

Let’s see things in a bit more detail here and discuss various ways of preventing this error.

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Method 1: Use ‘-p’ option

If you look at the manpage of the mkdir command, it has the ‘-p’ flag.

The use of ‘-p’ flag in mkdir is «no error if existing, make parent directories as needed».

When you use the ‘-p’ flag, the mkdir utility will check if a directory, file, link or pipe with the same name does not exist already.

If the does exist, it will not modify your existing directory or file, nor will it show an error message.

This is very handy when you are creating custom bash scripts and don’t want its execution to stop because of this error.

The -p can also be used to create a nested directory structure. If you want to create dir1/dir2/dir3 like directory structure and some or none of the directories exist in the hierarchy.

Method 2: Check if directory already exists in bash

If you are writing bash scripts, you can use the if condition and check if the directory already exists. If it doesn’t then you create the directory.

if [ -d my_dir ] then mkdir my_dir fi

Method 3: Send it to the void

A majority of UNIX tools have two output streams, stdout and stderr. Normally, both streams, stdout and stderr get printed to the terminal. But you can redirect either the normal output stream or the error stream to another file.

So, when the mkdir command throws an error to your terminal, you can redirect it to the void.

To redirect stdout, use it along with the ‘1’ numerical stream descriptor, for stderr, use the numerical stream descriptor ‘2’. You can also redirect stdin by using the ‘0’ stream descriptor.

To actually redirect the output, use the appropriate stream descriptor along with the redirection operator ‘>’

This will send the output of stderr to the ‘/dev/null’ device which discards anything that gets written to it.

This is totally safe to do. As I mentioned earlier, if the directory already exists, then it will not be modified. Only an error message will be shown. All you are doing here is suppressing that error message.

Personally, I would go with the first method i.e. using the mkdir -p command for ensuring that the directory is created only if there is no file or directory of the same name in the same location.


How To “mkdir” Only If Directory Not Exist In Linux?

How To

Linux mkdir command is used to create directories. The mkdir command creates directories that don’t exist. But in some cases, the directory may already exist where we do not want to create or recreate the directory. You may ask how can I accomplish this if the directory exists does not run mkdir command?

Directory Existince Check with -p Option

The mkdir command provides the -p option which is used to parent check. The -p option also used to create multi level directories by checking parents. We can use the -p in order to check the specified directory existence. If the specifed directory exists the command sliently skips create of the directory. First look how the mkdir command behaves by defualt if the specified directory exist.

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘data/backup1’: File exists

We can see from the output that if the specified directory exist it returns error like “cannot create directory” etc. It also prints the message “File exists”.

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The -p option can be used to check the directory existence and do not create new direrctory if exist and create directory if not exist.

Directory Existince Check with Bash Script

Bash can be used to check the directory existence and prevent “File exists” error. Generally bash scripts are used to check directory existence and create directory if the directory not exist. The following script checks the directory existence with the conditional.

[ -d /var/data/backup ] || mkdir var/data/backup

Supress “File Exist” Error

Also the mkdir command can be used wihtout any option. The error message can be suppressed and redirected into the /dev/null device. This do not prints the error code and error message to the standard output.

mkdir /var/data/backup >/dev/null 2>&1


mkdir if not exists

To create new directories if they do not exist and ignore the command if they do (no error message) use:

The [.inline-code]-p[.inline-code] flag also allows for subdirectories to be created, if they do not already exist. For example:

will create the folder “test” within the folder “bar” within the folder “foo”.

[#mkdir-vs-mkdir-p]When should I use [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] vs [.inline-code]mkdir -p[.inline-code]?[#mkdir-vs-mkdir-p]

[.inline-code]mkdir -p[.inline-code] can handle creating subdirectories in one command. An additional feature of adding the [.inline-code]-p[.inline-code] flag is the lack of an error message when the directory already exists. For example, to create subdirectories using [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] you would need to do:

 $ mkdir foo #create the folder “foo” $ cd foo #navigate into the folder “foo” $ mkdir bar #create the folder “bar” inside the folder “foo”

adding the [.inline-code]-p[.inline-code] flag allows you to create the subdirectory bar inside the directory foo (even if foo doesn’t exist yet) in one line:

 $ mkdir -p foo/bar #creates the folder foo and the folder bar inside foo

[#ignore-directory-if-exists]Using [.inline-code]mkdir -p[.inline-code] to ignore a directory if it already exists[#ignore-directory-if-exists]

Without [.inline-code]-p[.inline-code], [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] has this behavior:

 $ mkdir foo #create foo $ mkdir foo #foo exists now, command errors out

will return the error, “File exists”. But, when used in conjunction with the [.inline-code]-p[.inline-code] flag, the command to create a new directory is instead ignored, with no error returned:

 $ mkdir -p foo #create foo $ mkdir -p foo #foo exists now, command is ignored

So [.inline-code]mkdir -p[.inline-code] is useful if you want to make subdirectories quickly, and when using the [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] command in situations where you want the command to be ignored (no error) if the directory already exists – for example, when using [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] in combination with other commands to create efficient pipelines for data writing and storage.

[#create-directory-if-missing]Create directory if missing while using [.inline-code]cp[.inline-code][#create-directory-if-missing]

[.inline-code]mkdir -p[.inline-code] can be useful in combination with other commands like [.inline-code]cp[.inline-code] (copy). Combining the [.inline-code]mkdir[.inline-code] and [.inline-code]cp[.inline-code] commands is a powerful way to create directories that don’t exist and copy them over all in one go:

where the && operator combines the two commands, and the [.inline-code]cp[.inline-code] command stands for “copy”.


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