Linux mount dir to dir

How To Mount a Directory to Another Location – Linux/BSD

So most people in the know have probably heard of symlinks. They are the way to make one point in a filesystem refer to another. However, symlinks are sometimes glitchy and don’t work within a chroot. That’s why you can mount a directory on Linux and BSD. Directory mount structure on LinuxI figured out how to do this yesterday because I wanted my friend to help me with some configuration files in a Minecraft Server. It was not as simple as giving him access to the MC server’s group and creating a symlink to the directory. The reason he couldn’t access it is that it is within my home directory, and my servers have a systemwide umask that prevents people from cd’ing into home directories other than their own. So, I had to figure out something innovative to allow him to cd into and then edit the server files. That was when it came to me… “What if I could mount a directory in a different place!?” So, here I am, making a tutorial on this subject so the world can know how to do this as well. Diagram of Umasks

How to Mount a Directory into a Different Location in Linux

This one works pretty simply. If you are doing this to share files with a different user, you will want to chown the folder and its children to :. And then, you will want to add the user to the group. Check out for how to add users to groups. Now, all you need to do is mount it. Luckily, in recent versions of the Linux kernel, this is made easy. Enter in the following command:

sudo mount --bind /path/to/original/directory /path/to/mountpoint

Mounting a Directory to a Different Location in FreeBSD

I am doing this tutorial specifically for FreeBSD because they actually removed the filesystem type that allows this to happen in OpenBSD. After all, there are obvious security issues to this if not done properly, but as long as you’ve been using the command line for long enough and you know what you’re doing, it’s really not an issue. (Sorry, OpenBSD users.) The command for this is pretty simple. Obviously, you’ll want to chown the directory and its children to the proper group, and then add your friend to the group if you’re doing this for sharing purposes, but once you’re done with that, just run this command as root:

mount -t nullfs /path/to/original/directory /path/to/mountpoint


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Примонтировать каталог в Linux

Чаще всего mount используется чтобы монтировать устройство в какую-то точку файловой системы.

Но также может возникать необходимость расширить пространство или к уже примонтированному диску добавить еще один каталог. Не обязательно под каждое устройство создавать отдельный раздел, к разделу можно привязать любое количество устройств.

dir1 — каталог, монтирование которого требуется

dir2 — каталог назначения

Проще всего рассмотреть данный вопрос на примере запуска системы после того как оказался неработосопособен GRUB и используется live USB.

Пример того как примонтировать каталог в Linux

После того как система запущена с внешнего USB-носителя требуется примонтировать устройство /dev/vda в /mnt, в котором потом можно запустить chroot окружение

Имя устройства можно увидеть в выводе fdisk,

Для корня системы это обычно /dev/vda

Монтируем устройство в /mnt

/dev/vda смонтирован, но чтобы запуститься из /mnt потребуются некоторые другие системные каталоги (это прежде всего /boot если он вынесен в отдельный раздел — сейчас нет — и /dev, /proc)

Примонтировать каталог к каталогу (каталог исходной системы с USB к аналогу той, которую желаем запустить) можно так:

т.е. /proc системы с USB к /proc root-раздела

Примонтировать каталог

После этого система должна быть в состоянии запуститься, меняем корневой каталог с / на /mnt

Создается новое дерево каталогов корнем которого является /mnt. Выполненное монтирование с —bind позволило использовать директории, без которых старт системы был бы невозможен.

Читайте про автоматическое монтирование без которого система не сможет использовать устройства после перезагрузки.


linux mount directory to another directory

How do I mount a folder to another directory in Linux?

  1. Create a directory to serve as the mount point for the remote filesystem: sudo mkdir /media/nfs.
  2. Generally, you will want to mount the remote NFS share automatically at boot. .
  3. Mount the NFS share by running the following command: sudo mount /media/nfs.
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What is Mount bind in Linux?

Bind mounts in Linux® enable you to mount an already-mounted file system to another location within the file system. Generally, bind mounts are used when restricting the access of specified users to designated parts of a website by replicating the website’s directory into a jailed user’s home directory.

Can I mount a folder?

In Windows, you can mount any folder at any location as a virtual drive with a drive letter. When you mount a folder as virtual drive, you will be able to access the folder from the virtual drive. The contents of the folder will still physically be located in the folder.

What’s a bind mount?

A bind mount is an alternate view of a directory tree. Classically, mounting creates a view of a storage device as a directory tree. A bind mount instead takes an existing directory tree and replicates it under a different point. The directories and files in the bind mount are the same as the original.

What is Mount directory in Linux?

The mount command attaches the filesystem of an external device to the filesystem of a system. Mounting will make files, directories and devices available to the users. . It mounts the external storage devices like hard disks, pen drives, USBs etc.

How do I map a directory in Linux?

  1. You will first need to create an smb_files directory in your UNIX/Linux account. .
  2. Click the Start menu -> File Explorer.
  3. Click This PC.
  4. Click on Computer -> Map Network Drive.
  5. In the “Drive” drop-down box, choose the drive-letter you want to use for this particular directory.

Where is system mount in Linux?

The findmnt command is a simple command-line utility used to display a list of currently mounted file systems or search for a file system in /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab or /proc/self/mountinfo.

How do I find mount points in Linux?

  1. mount command. To display information about mounted file systems, enter: $ mount | column -t. .
  2. df command. To find out file system disk space usage, enter: $ df. .
  3. du Command. Use the du command to estimate file space usage, enter: $ du. .
  4. List the Partition Tables. Type the fdisk command as follows (must be run as root):
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How mount command works in Linux?

mount command is used to mount the filesystem found on a device to big tree structure(Linux filesystem) rooted at ‘/’. Conversely, another command umount can be used to detach these devices from the Tree. These commands tells the Kernel to attach the filesystem found at device to the dir.

How do I mount a folder as a CD drive?

  1. Once in the startup folder, right click in a blank area and from the context menu, hover your mouse cursor over “New”. .
  2. Paste the folder inside the quotes (like in the picture below) and click on Next.

How do I create a new mount point in Linux?

  1. Create one or more partitions using fdisk: fdisk /dev/sdb. .
  2. check the new partition. .
  3. Format the new partition as an ext3 file system type: .
  4. Assigning a Label with e2label. .
  5. Then add the new partition to /etc/fstab, this way it will be mounted at reboot: .
  6. Mount the new file system:

How do I mount a shared folder in Windows?

  1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E.
  2. Select This PC from the left pane. .
  3. In the Drive list, select a drive letter. .
  4. In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or select Browse to find the folder or computer. .
  5. Select Finish.

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