Linux mount directory to another directory

Mounting a Directory in Linux to a Different Directory

When a file is uploaded to /var/www/upload, it is saved in drive B, whereas, when uploaded to /var/www, it is saved in drive A. One solution is to assume that disk A is not mounted as the root filesystem. Consider having two hard drives (A, B) with directories /var/www and /var/www/upload. Currently, both directories save files in drive A. To make /var/www/upload save files in drive B, it needs to be pointed to the drive.

Mounting a folder with mount —bind in Linux. One sub-folder comes up as empty

By utilizing the command «mount -r —bind locationA locationB» in Linux, I was able to mount a folder from my hard-drive to a different location with success.

One of the subfolders is not paired with the other location, which is baffling. It’s unclear why subfolders 1, 2, and 3 are paired, while subfolder 4 is not. Even though subfolder 4 appears in the directory tree, its contents are displayed as empty.

I don’t get any error messages.

What could be the problem?

If you choose to mount a filesystem to a different location, it won’t carry any filesystems that were previously mounted to mount points located within the bind.

One option is to utilize recursion through the use of bind mount and the corresponding mount -r —rbind locationA locationB .

Mount a directory in another partition as /home directory, 1 Answer. Instead of adding /dev/sda10/ubuntu /home ext4 nodev,nosuid 0 2 to your /etc/fstab you can add these two lines: You need to make the directory with …

Mapping the home folder to a different location in fstab

I want to connect my /home directory to another location/drive on my computer. Upon checking the fstab file, I came across the subsequent entry.

/dev/mapper/cl-home /home xfs defaults 0 0 /dev/mapper/cl-swap swap swap defaults 0 0 /dev/sda1 /mnt/store/hd2 ntfs defaults,auto 0 0 

Can you explain the meaning of cl within the context of /dev/mapper/cl-home ?

Am I ok to enter it like this:

/mnt/store/hd2/home/ /home ntfs defaults 0 0 

The initial column of /etc/fstab represents a volume location , while the second column signifies a directory that serves as the mount point. The files become accessible through the directory, and the location of the volume relies on the type of filesystem. Typically, for a «normal» filesystem, the files are stored on a disk, and the volume location becomes a disk partition . However, for network filesystems like nfs or cifs , the volume location indicates a host name and an exported path on the host, among others.

The current partition, /dev/mapper/cl-home , is created using Linux’s volume format (LVM). The volume name consists of two parts, where cl refers to a volume group that covers one or more disks, and home refers to a logical volume within the volume group. Although the logical volume home and the directory /home share the same name, the system doesn’t distinguish between them. However, it’s convenient for humans to use the same name.

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To allocate your home directory to an existing Windows partition, simply altering the volume name won’t work since /home is not the designated disk filesystem mount location. There are various methods to accomplish this task:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/store/hd2 ntfs /mnt/store/hd2/home /home bind 
sudo usermod --home /mnt/store/hd2/linux-home --move-home joe 

None of the given options are advisable as NTFS lacks the capacity to accommodate all the Linux file names, types, and attributes. Additionally, each of these alternatives has their own set of pitfalls to be aware of.

  • Bind mounts offer significant benefits, but they also come with certain drawbacks. One of these is that files are displayed in all enumerations at various locations, which can affect operations such as locate , etc , and so on.
  • Although symbolic links do not have the aforementioned drawbacks, there may be instances where software could store the location of your home directory with the expanded symbolic links. Furthermore, using a symbolic link for /home might also lead to complications concerning AppArmor policies.
  • Although it is now acceptable with most major distributions, it is important to note that having a home directory located elsewhere than /home may lead to unexpected security issues.

My suggestion is to store your home directory on a Linux filesystem instead of NTFS. This way, you can access your files from different operating systems by mounting them using a specific code. You can also create symbolic links within your home directory to easily access files located in other directories for convenience.

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Mount a directory in another partition as /home directory

In an attempt to organize my linux distros effectively, I have made an effort to create distinct home partitions for each of the distributions I am using. This way, every home directory is named according to its respective distro.

Having transferred all the required files to the new destination, I have subsequently altered the /etc/fstab file to ensure that the new location is mounted as the /home directory.

At the end of the file, I included this line.

The Ubuntu operating system is mounted on /dev/sda10 and the /home directory is also mounted on the same device with the ext4 file system. The mount options for this device are set as nodev and nosuid with a file system check at every boot, and it is listed in the /etc/fstab file with a mount priority of 2.

The folder isn’t mounting and as a newbie, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Instead of including /dev/sda10/ubuntu /home ext4 nodev,nosuid 0 2 in /etc/fstab , you can opt to utilize these two lines.

/dev/sda10 /all-homes ext4 nodev,nosuid 0 2 /all-homes /home none bind 0 0 

Create a directory using sudo mkdir /all-homes and ensure that there are no other entries with fstab that are mounted in /home.

The kernel can «mirror» one folder to another using the bind type in fstab or as a mount option. This method should be compatible with all modern Linux versions, starting from kernel version 2.6.

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How to Move Your Linux home Directory to Another Drive, Published: 03/10/2019Estimated Reading Time: 8 minsType defaults for the mount options, and press Tab. Type the digit 0 for the filesystem dump option, and press Tab. Type the digit 0 for the filesystem check …

How do I mount sub-directory to a hard drive in Linux?

Suppose I possess two hard drives (A and B) and the ensuing directories.

At present, placing a file in either the /var/www or /var/www/upload directory results in its storage on drive A.

What is the method to redirect the folder /var/www/upload to drive B? The goal is for files uploaded to /var/www/upload to be stored in drive B, but files uploaded to /var/www to be stored in drive A.

Assuming disk A is mounted somewhere other than the root (/) filesystem, any lines pertaining to driveA can be disregarded.

/dev/diskA /var/www/ auto defaults 1 2 /dev/diskB /var/www/upload auto defaults 1 2

The filesystem on the partition can be used in place of «auto», but the method described above should function regardless.

In case disks A and B are mounted in different locations, you may attempt to create symbolic links.

ln -s /path/to/driveA_mountpoint /var/www/ ln -s /path/to/driveB_mountpoint /var/www/upload

This process will not succeed if the directories «upload» on driveA or /var/www already exist.

In my opinion, the mount’s bind option is my preferred choice.

mount -o bind /var/www/ /path/to/driveA_mountpoint mount -o bind /var/www/upload /path/to/driveB_mountpoint

It’s advisable to make changes to /etc/fstab as it is likely the optimal approach.

is Hard Drive B mounted? If it is,

ln -s /path/to/hard/drive/B/mount/point /var/www/upload 
mount -****;fstype> -o defaults /dev/ /var/www/upload 

Linux — How to move a directory to newly mounted drive?, Add a comment. 1. Moving the data directory should be ok as long as the database is shut down before the move occurs. Move all files in /example into /vol: mv …


How To Mount a Directory to Another Location – Linux/BSD

So most people in the know have probably heard of symlinks. They are the way to make one point in a filesystem refer to another. However, symlinks are sometimes glitchy and don’t work within a chroot. That’s why you can mount a directory on Linux and BSD. Directory mount structure on LinuxI figured out how to do this yesterday because I wanted my friend to help me with some configuration files in a Minecraft Server. It was not as simple as giving him access to the MC server’s group and creating a symlink to the directory. The reason he couldn’t access it is that it is within my home directory, and my servers have a systemwide umask that prevents people from cd’ing into home directories other than their own. So, I had to figure out something innovative to allow him to cd into and then edit the server files. That was when it came to me… “What if I could mount a directory in a different place!?” So, here I am, making a tutorial on this subject so the world can know how to do this as well. Diagram of Umasks

How to Mount a Directory into a Different Location in Linux

This one works pretty simply. If you are doing this to share files with a different user, you will want to chown the folder and its children to :. And then, you will want to add the user to the group. Check out for how to add users to groups. Now, all you need to do is mount it. Luckily, in recent versions of the Linux kernel, this is made easy. Enter in the following command:

sudo mount --bind /path/to/original/directory /path/to/mountpoint

Mounting a Directory to a Different Location in FreeBSD

I am doing this tutorial specifically for FreeBSD because they actually removed the filesystem type that allows this to happen in OpenBSD. After all, there are obvious security issues to this if not done properly, but as long as you’ve been using the command line for long enough and you know what you’re doing, it’s really not an issue. (Sorry, OpenBSD users.) The command for this is pretty simple. Obviously, you’ll want to chown the directory and its children to the proper group, and then add your friend to the group if you’re doing this for sharing purposes, but once you’re done with that, just run this command as root:

mount -t nullfs /path/to/original/directory /path/to/mountpoint


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Монтирование папок в Linux

Операционные системы семейства Linux имеют одну замечательную особенность. Здесь все разделы отображаются не в каком-либо абстрактном месте под названием «Мой компьютер», а монтируются в корневую файловую систему. Вы можете управлять тем, куда и как будет смотирован определённый раздел. В корневую файловую систему монтируются все разделы ваших жёстких дисков, флешки, сетевые папки и виртуальные файловые системы.

В результате всего этого вы получаете единую и цельную файловую систему, с помощью которой можно управлять всеми возможностями Linux. Монтировать можно не только разделы, но и папки.

Монтирование папок в Linux

Вы можете примонтировать любую папку из файловой системы в другую папку, без каких-либо ограничений. Для этого используется всё та же команда mount. Только её нужно использовать вместе с опцией —bind. Однако прежде всего вам нужно задуматься, зачем вы это делаете. Если вам необходимо связать эти папки на постоянной основе, возможно, лучшим решением будет создать символическую ссылку.

Если же это невозможно, вернёмся к монтированию. Например, у нас есть папка /storage, которую мы хотим примонтировать в папку /mnt. Для этого достаточно выполнить:

sudo mount —bind /storage /mnt

Так это работает. Но эта точка монтирования будет непостоянной. После перезагрузки вам придётся повторить всё заново. Чтобы этого избежать, необходимо добавить запись о монтировании в /etc/fstab. Для этого примера она будет выглядеть вот так:

/storage /mnt none bind 0 0

Однако эту строчку нужно добавлять в самом конце файла, так, чтобы все устройства, на которых находятся целевые папки, были уже смотированы. Размонтировать папку можно командой umount:

Вместо mount вы можете использовать ещё утилиту bindfs. Она выполняет почти такие же действия, только для неё не нужны права суперпользователя:

bindfs -n /storage /home/sergiy/mnt

Эта папка будет примонтирована только до перезагрузки. Чтобы её размонтировать, нужно использовать команду fusermount:

fusermount -u /home/sergiy/mnt


В этой небольшой статье мы разобрали, как использовать монтирование папок Linux. Как видите, это очень просто. Надеюсь, эта информация была для вас полезной.

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