Linux не открывается терминал

Ubuntu 18 terminal not opening

I just installed Ubuntu 18 on my desktop PC alongside Windows 10 and have been using Ubuntu without any problems for a couple of days. Today, when I booted up my computer, I am no longer able to open the terminal at all. I’ve tried restarting it multiple times, but it still won’t work. If I click the terminal icon on my task bar, nothing happens. If I try opening the terminal with CTRL + ALT + t , it still doesn’t work. How can I resolve this?

After doing a fresh install of Ubuntu, once again the terminal is not showing when I open it. When I look in the System Monitor is shows that gnome-terminal is running, but there is no terminal visible whatsoever.

Same here. And that’s crazy. One of the most important features of linux — running a console window — is broken. In a LTS release! (We’re not talking about a dev version here!)

@FaustoR. I just created an answer to a similar question with a solution for this issue:

9 Answers 9

I had the same problem. After updating Python to version 3.7, some applications like Jupyter Notebook, Meld and the terminal, did not launch.

The problem was that the symbolic link to python3.4 was lost. Reinstalling python3-minimal solved it:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install python3-minimal 

You can download Visual Studio Code and use it’s built-in terminal — I had this same problem and I fixed it using the Visual Studio Code terminal via running the various commands through that terminal to fix the Python stuff

This is the easiest solution. I run this command in Visual Studio Code terminal. And it works. Thanks!

The same problem happened with me. The reason is that the python version is 3.7. You can download and say any terminal for solution. I used the terminal of visual code.

The code you need to enter is:

sudo update-alternatives --config python3 

Then you should choose a version lower than python 3.7. I choose python3.6. So I write 1 and confirm.

If the problem persists, you can rewrite it.

visual code terminal with commands

Did you update your python3?
If yes, then this will be the solution:

  1. Ctrl + Alt + F1 to open xterm.
  2. Enter your username.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Type this command:
sudo update-alternatives --config python3 

This is not helpful since option 1 may be any Python version (incl. 3.7 which seems to cause the issues).

You can download Visual Studio Code and use it’s built-in terminal — I had this same problem and I fixed it using the Visual Studio Code terminal via running the various commands through that terminal to fix the Python stuff

The F buttons to press may change depending on you configuration. For me, it was F2 at step 1, and F1 at step 6.

As suggested in other answers and comments, you can try other terminals than the default gnome-terminal , e.g. terminator (I prefer this over the default terminal for other reasons anyway) or the one included in Visual Studio Code.

  1. leave your graphical user session and switch to a plain terminal with CTRL + ALT +e.g. F3
  2. Login and sudo apt install terminator
  3. Switch back to your graphical session with CTRL + ALT + F1 or F2 (or other F -key depending on your setup)
  4. Launch terminator and enjoy
  5. (If needed, set as default: sudo apt update-alternatives —config x-terminal-emulator )

Thanks for sharing the alternative software. It isn’t an answer for the question, but Terminator working like Terminal in Ubuntu 18.04.

I also second Allen’s answer but you don’t really need xterm. Just right-click on a point in desktop and choose «open terminal». It works that way. Then type

sudo update-alternatives --config python3 

and choose a lower Python version as mentioned before.

What worked for me is following command:

sudo cp gnome-terminal gnome-terminal-backup sudo cp gnome-terminal.real gnome-terminal 

Explanation: First line is for backup.

As the terminal does not work, you can use terminal in Intellij IDEA/VS Code/open another console by Ctrl+Alt+F3, and:

sudo update-alternatives --config python3 

If you cannot —config («No alternatives for python3»), you need to install a new alternative. For example:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 2 

And after all, do —config to revert the version(choose 3.6), as some system component relies on the libs in 3.6, and I guess that for the new 3.8, they are not installed, and a bunch of things will stop working!


Не могу открыть терминал в ubuntu

С линуксом я сталкиваюсь первый раз, знаний 0. Скачал VirtualBox от Oracle, поставил на него Ubuntu 22.04 с офф сайта. Всё хорошо, кроме того, что не открывается терминал (который ctrl+alt+T). В активности видно, что процесс начинает грузиться, но завершается без результата, при этом в журнале новых строк не появляется. Это уже 3 диск, который я создаю. В первом терминал открывался нормально с самого начала, но в том диске я выбрал слишком маленький объём, он переполнился во время работы и начала вылезать ошибка, которая даже после расширения не хотела уходить и решения я не смог найти. Второй — терминал не открывался ни в какую, поэтому я попробовал ещё раз пересоздать диск, но терминал всё равно не открывается. Вроде как нашел решение своей проблемы, но получился замкнутый круг. Мне нужно внести изменения в определенный конфиг, но чтобы это сделать, надо скачать apt gksu, чтобы получить права для редактирования, а для этого мне нужен терминал, потому что через tty3 прав на скачивание нет, а терминал не работает, а консоль на alt+F2 не может использовать gksu, потому что он не скачан. upd. В общем, решением оказалось то, что 1 раз я устанавливал дистрибутив в ручную с минимальным набором файлов, попробовал сегодня также — всё работает. 2 и 3 разы я устанавливал автоматом при создании виртуального диска, просто прикладывая образ дистрибутива и видимо virtualbox что-то ломает при установке 🙁

«Всё хорошо, кроме того. « — значит ли это что иксы (рабочий стол, менюшки и т.п.) открываются и какой-там файл-менеджер(?) (у меня в virtualbox xubuntu и в ней thunar) тоже открывается? Если так, то по правой кнопке мыша обычно можно запустить терминал из файл-менеджера.

@eri что значит нет, если я вчера ей вызывал консоль весь день. Дистрибутив 22.04 с официального сайта качал

@avp не запускается ни через что терминал, ни через горячие клавиши, ни через запуск конкретного файла через правую кнопку мыши, более того, сам терминал есть в общем перечне приложений и даже кликая на него там — результата ноль


Terminal won’t launch (Ubuntu 16.04)

Can you edit your question and add the last lines of dmesg output, after you have tried to open a terminal.

What have you changed lately? ~/.bashrc ? It sounds like your shell launches, then immediately exits.

Well, my gnome-terminal is working, but tty not. I will keep working normally and if any problem appear again I update my question. Thanks for all attention.

You can download Visual Studio Code and use it’s built-in terminal — I had this same problem and I fixed it using the Visual Studio Code terminal via running the various commands through that terminal to fix the Python stuff

4 Answers 4

In my case I upgraded python3.5 to python3.6.

For that workaround run xterm . Then run the following two commands:

sudo rm /usr/bin/python3 sudo ln -s python3.5 /usr/bin/python3 

When I installed python3.7, not only did term break, but so did apt_get and apt_add_repository. The fix here worked to restore apt as well, and I was able to install python3.5 according to these instructions….

I ran sudo rm /usr/bin/python3 command and then my all python versions stopped working! Now I am facing trouble to reinstall python versions!!

You can download Visual Studio Code and use it’s built-in terminal — I had this same problem and I fixed it using the Visual Studio Code terminal via running the various commands through that terminal to fix the Python stuff

No, just no. Anyone reading this in 2020, just don’t. This should not have a single upvote. (Changing the version of the default system python is completely unrelated to the original question, but in case anyone wants/needs to do that, they also need to be aware of the (serious) caveats (i.e., breaking the entire system); see:… )

I was having the same issue, but it was created as I updated python to 3.6 and selected alternative as python3.6. But when I reverted the option to the python3.5, terminal started working again.

So Can anyone tell me why did it happen? I used the command

sudo update-alternatives --config python3 

The following message popped up:

There are 2 choices for the alternative python3 (providing /usr/bin/python3). Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 /usr/bin/python3.6 2 auto mode * 1 /usr/bin/python3.5 1 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/python3.6 2 manual mode Press to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 

I selected 1 and it started working.


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