Linux нет команды strace

Troubleshooting strace command not found error

While running strace command, received an error command not found? We can help you.

This error occurs when the strace is not installed on the server.

Here at Bobcares, we have seen several such Linux related errors as part of our Server Management Services for web hosts, Linux users, and online service providers.

Today we’ll take a look at the cause for this error and see how to fix it.

Know more about strace

First, let’s know more about the strace command that we use in Linux.

strace is a diagnostic, debugging, and instructional userspace utility for Linux. In simple words, it is a tool that we use on Linux servers for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.

It is mainly used to find out how a program is interacting with the OS. It does this by monitoring system calls and signals between processes and the Linux kernel.

How we fix strace command not found

Now let’s get into the error part and see how our Support Engineers fix it.

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Generally, this error arises while entering the ‘strace’ command in the command prompt. It indicates that the ‘strace’ is not been installed on the server. So in order to fix this error, we need to install this strace.

First, we need to log into the Linux server as a ‘root’ user and check whether the rpm package is available or not. For that, we run the below command,

From the below result, we can see that the strace package is not available.

strace command not found

We can simply install it by running the yum command,

When you are asked for confirmation, enter ‘y’ to install the package.

Finally, this will install the strace in Linux.

Similarly in Debian/Ubuntu, we can install strace by running the below command,

$ sudo apt install strace #Debian/Ubuntu

[Need any further assistance in Linux related errors? – We’re available to help you]


In short, strace command not found error occurs if the strace is not available on the server. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers install it on the server.


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strace: command not found – Install Strace Command on CentOS


strace: command not found – How to Install Strace Command on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 server

Follow the below steps to install Strace Command on your CentOS 7 / Redhat 7 server.

root@server [/]# strace
-bash: strace: command not found

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Strace command is used on Linux servers for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. On CentOS and Redhat servers, strace command is provided by strace package.

1. First you must log into your Linux server as ‘root’ user

2. Check whether strace rpm package is installed or not using rpm query all command

Strace package is not installed on the above Linux server.

3. You can install strace package using yum command.

Command to Install strace package : # yum install strace

Enter ‘y’ and press enter, if yum ask for confirmation while installing strace package.

Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package strace.x86_64 0:4.8-11.el7 will be installed
–> Finished Dependency Resolution

Total download size: 265 k
Installed size: 950 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
strace-4.8-11.el7.x86_64.rpm | 265 kB 00:00:00
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : strace-4.8-11.el7.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : strace-4.8-11.el7.x86_64 1/1

strace.x86_64 0:4.8-11.el7

Strace package is installed on the server.

Download and install strace rpm on RHEL 7 / CentOS7 server

1. Log into your Linux server as ‘root’ user

2. Download strace from CentOS website using wget command

3. You can install strace package using yum command or rpm command

# yum install strace-4.24-4.el7.x86_64.rpm

The above yum command will install strace package and the required dependencies for the package.

If you are installing using rpm command, you must manually install the required dependencies for the package.

Command to install : # rpm -ivh strace-4.24-4.el7.x86_64.rpm


Resolve strace command not found error in Linux

Resolve strace command not found error in Linux

The strace command not found error usually occurs in the process of Troubleshooting in Linux. This signifies that strace tool is not installed on the server.
As part of our Server support Services here at IbmiMedia, We have helped numerous customers solved Linux related issues.

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In this context, we shall look into why this error comes up and how best to fix it.

What triggers strace error?

strace is a tool in Linux used for debugging and troubleshooting activities. Its serves as a gateway for knowing the status of a program in relation to the Operating system. It is great in monitoring system calls and processes in the Kernel of a Linux Server.

How to solve strace command not found

Basically, this error is triggered when using the strace command in the ssh command prompt. It tells that the «strace » utility is not installed on the server.

To fix this issue, strace tool needs to be installed.

To get the strace command working, you first run the command below to see if the strace rpm package is available;

In most cases, you will get an empty response meaning that it is not available.

In CentOS, you can install strace via the command below;

In this case, you will be asked to input y to proceed in order to complete the installation of stace.

In Debian or Ubuntu, stace can be installed via the command below;

Contact us now if your need support in fixing Linux related issues.


An easy method to solving strace command not found in CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu Linux Distribution


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