Linux operating system language

Which language is used in Linux operating system?

open source operating system
Linux® is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system’s hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage.

What is OS language?

C is the programming language most commonly used and recommended for writing operating systems. For this reason, we are going to recommend learning and using C for OS development. However, other languages such as C++ and Python can also be used.

Does OS system work on Linux?

Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. In fact, one of the most popular platforms on the planet, Android, is powered by the Linux operating system. An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop.

What is good Linux?

The Linux system is very stable and is not prone to crashes. The Linux OS runs exactly as fast as it did when first installed, even after several years. Unlike Windows, you need not reboot a Linux server after every update or patch. Due to this, Linux has the highest number of servers running on the Internet.

What are basic elements of Linux?

Every OS has component parts, and the Linux OS also has the following components parts:

  • Bootloader. Your computer needs to go through a startup sequence called booting.
  • OS Kernel.
  • Background services.
  • OS Shell.
  • Graphics server.
  • Desktop environment.
  • Applications.

Which is the language used to write the OS kernel?

Most OS uses C for its kernel, mainly Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and many others are written in C. C++, Java and other languages are used to write the higher level function of the OS.

Which is the main language used in all operating systems?

Most operating systems like Windows, iOS, Linux, Ubuntu and Android are written using a combination of C and C++. Windows uses a kernel written in C, with applications in C++. Android also uses some Java for application framework, along with C and C++. But in general, C and C++ are the main languages.

How are locale and language settings defined in Linux?

Locales are used in Linux to define which language and character set (encoding) user see in the terminal. From this article you will learn how to check and change the current locale and language settings from the command line in Linux.

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How is shell used in the Linux operating system?

Shell − Linux provides a special interpreter program which can be used to execute commands of the operating system. It can be used to do various types of operations, call application programs. etc. Security − Linux provides user security using authentication features like password protection/ controlled access to specific files/ encryption of data.


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Как поменять язык Linux без переустановки системы

При установке Linux можно выбрать язык системы (локаль) — и в дальнейшем этот язык будет использоваться в программах и окнах Linux (за исключением тех приложений, для которых не сделан перевод).

Если вы решили поменять язык Linux, то вам не нужно переустанавливать её — достаточно выполнить простые действия.

Чтобы узнать текущие языковые настройки, наберите команду:

Чтобы посмотреть доступные языковые настройки (локали), воспользуйтесь командой

Для изменения языка системы, нужно, чтобы локаль, на которую вы хотите поменять язык, уже присутствовала в системе. Если её нет, то нужно добавить.

Чтобы добавить новую локаль, откройте файл /etc/locale.gen:

И раскомментируйте там строки с желаемыми новыми локалями. Затем выполните команду:

Теперь новые языковые настройки (новую локаль) вы можете видеть в списке доступных локалей.

Смена локали для текущий сессии

Чтобы поменять язык и кодировку для текущей сессии, вам нужно установить переменную окружения LANG, это можно сделать командой export:

# Установить английскую локаль export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Установить русскую локаль export LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 # Установить французскую локаль export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8

Если в вашей системе это не сработало, то замените переменную LANG на переменную LANGUAGE, например:

Изменение языковых настроек насовсем для одного пользователя

Добавьте строку с экспортом желаемой локали (например, export LANG=en_US.utf-8) в файл ~/.bashrc

Изменения начнут действовать после выхода/входа и будут действовать после каждой перезагрузки.

Изменение системной локали по умолчанию

Есть два альтернативных метода смены локали.

Первый — это запустить следующую команду (укажите нужную вам локаль):

sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
sudo localectl set-locale LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8

Второй метод — прописать язык в файле /etc/locale.conf, откройте его:

и добавьте туда строку с нужной локалью:

После перезагрузки система предложит изменить имена папок на локализованные:

Чтобы это окно не появлялось при каждой загрузке системы, поставьте галочку «Не задавать больше этот вопрос».

Чтобы вновь открыть это окно, выполните в командной строке:

echo 'en_US' > ~/.config/user-dirs.locale xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update


What languages have been used to write Windows, Mac OS and Linux OS?

We know that an operating system is considered the backbone of any system that you may use. The three most common and widely used operating systems share things in common just as well as they share differences. While there are cases where one might outperform another, those cases and such scenarios are very rare.

The most notable difference one can notice is how they store the files in their file structure, like in case of windows, it follows a directory structure to store the different kinds of files of the user, whereas the Mac OS file structure is known as MAC OS X and when it comes to Linux the file structure is entirely different from Windows and Mac as it stores the data in the form a tree.

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Another major difference is the tech stack that these languages were built upon, and the programming languages that played a major key role in their development and deployment.

It should also be noted that a major part of any operating system is the kernel and the kernel is different for each of the operating systems, like we have a different kernel in Windows which is developed using a different programming language, as when compared to a kernel of Mac OS.

In order to take a look and understand what different languages these operating systems use and why they use those particular languages only, we need to visit the official comments of such operating system developers.

Linus Torvalds (Founder of Linux) has this to say about −

“It’s mostly in C, but most people wouldn’t call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses an MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation.”

When it comes to Linux, most of the things that are there in the OS are written in C programming language, and assembly language also plays an important role in the Linux architecture. Also, many userland apps that we see in Linux are developed using Python.

Now, we know what Linux is made of, it’s time to explore more about Mac OS X and understand what technologies it uses and why.

Mac mainly makes use of Objective C, as much of the Cocoa is implemented in Objective-C, which is nothing but a superset of the legendary programming language C. At the kernel level, the Mac is developed mostly using the C programming language, and the PnP subsystem is Embedded in C++.

In the case of windows, there is a bit of a mix of three programming languages that they used to develop their OS. The mixture of languages involved C, C++ and C# where the first two were used to develop the most of the legendary code, while C# has been used in fairly recent upgrades, like .NET which is shipped with Windows. A lot of .NET is in C#.

So in conclusion, we can summarize all the languages that these operating systems use in a simple table.

Operating System Programming Language Used
Mac OS X Object C, C
Windows C, C++, C#
Linux C, Objective-C


What languages are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux written in?

I was just wondering who knows what programming languages Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are made up from and what languages are used for each part of the OS (ie: Kernel, plug-in architecture, GUI components, etc). I assume that there are multiple languages for each and obviously I know the Linux kernel is written in C. I’m totally guessing here that Mac OS X contains a lot of Objective-C code as it is Apple’s language derived from NeXT. Windows, I have heard contains C, C++ and Intel Assembly. Do Linux or Mac OS contain any Assembly code? Also, are there scripting languages like Ruby, Python, etc used by the OS developers for scripting parts of the OS? What parts of the OS would be written in each language?

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@samarmohan how is Windows written in JavaScript? I mean, can you make a damn OS in JS? You can’t (as far as I know). It’s C++.

12 Answers 12

  • Windows: C++, kernel is in C
  • Mac: Objective C, kernel is in C (IO PnP subsystem is Embedded C++)
  • Linux: Most things are in C, many userland apps are in Python, KDE is all C++

All kernels will use some assembly code as well.

To make things crystal clear — the Apple kernel’s IOKit subsystem (for drivers) uses (a restricted subset of) C++. And on all 3, i.e Windows, Mac and Linux, many of the most important userland applications are written in either C or C++. Allegedly, for example, MS tried to redo Office in .NET but went back to C++. And the linux kernel uses many C++-like idioms but hand-cooked together in C, e.g. inheritance in driver code.

Linux: C. Some parts in assembly.

[. ] It’s mostly in C, but most people wouldn’t call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It’s the segmentation that makes it REALLY 386 dependent (every task has a 64Mb segment for code & data — max 64 tasks in 4Gb. Anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task — tough cookies). [. ] Some of my «C»-files (specifically mm.c) are almost as much assembler as C. [. ] Unlike minix, I also happen to LIKE interrupts, so interrupts are handled without trying to hide the reason behind them. (Source)

Mac OS X: Cocoa mostly in Objective-C. Kernel written in C, some parts in assembly.

Mac OS X, at the kernel layer, is mostly an older, free operating system called BSD (specifically, it’s Darwin, a sort of hybrid of BSD, Mach, and a few other things). almost entirely C, with a bit of assembler thrown in. (Source)

Much of Cocoa is implemented in Objective-C, an object-oriented language that is compiled to run at incredible speed, yet employes a truly dynamic runtime making it uniquely flexible. Because Objective-C is a superset of C, it is easy to mix C and even C++ into your Cocoa applications. (Source)

Windows: C, C++, C#. Some parts in assembler.

We use almost entirely C, C++, and C# for Windows. Some areas of code are hand tuned/hand written assembly. (Source)

Unix: C. Some parts in assembly. (Source)


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