Linux печать из wine

Linux Mint Forums

Собственно, не печатает.
В качестве вайна стоит официальный wine@etersoft Network 1.0.12-eter11/19
У них спросить не могу, они не поддерживают официально Минт и вдобавок требуют денег за продление срока технической поддержк
Что интересно, если поначалу на кнопку «печать», нажатую из, скажем, Ворда, система просто никак не реагировала (а в терминале кидалась множеством каких-то не очень понятных строчек), то после ряда обновлений стали появляться сообщения о «неверной настройке принтера», а в терминале теперь вот это:
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»

Система LMDE x64, принтер HP LJ2420n, hplip установлен (ранее его не ставил).

Это вообще лечится? Этерсофтовский вайн критичен, сижу в консультанте, плюс иногда требуется конкретно ворд.
Из той же убунты 10.10 отлично работала печать из консультанта, ворд не пробовал.
И вообще, ощущение, что диалоги консультанта отображаются как-то кривее, чем на убунте.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

Re: Печать из wine-приложений

Post by utsuwa » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:15 am

Re: Печать из wine-приложений

Post by iLobster » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:39 am

Это как? Принтер в капсе виден, из самой системы (опенофисы всякие, пдф) печать идёт отлично!
а из-под вайна не идёт

Re: Печать из wine-приложений

Post by utsuwa » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:51 pm

Странно, я слышал что раньще этот эстерсофт имел проблемы с xfwm4. Кто-то даже как-то лечил это. В 1.0.11 вроде все было хорошо, а у вас и более новый стоит — 12 вер. Вроде как глючить не должно. И как я понял у вас гном стоит.
Дайте ваш лог для вайна.

Re: Печать из wine-приложений

Post by iLobster » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:52 am

Да, гном.
Лог примерно такой:

fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (18)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (19)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (18)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (19)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (18)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (19)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32782)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!

Читайте также:  Dump all memory linux

. (очень много таких строк с разными цифрами)

fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
fixme:hook:IsWinEventHookInstalled (32778)-stub!
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
err:dc:CreateDCW no driver found for L»WINEPS.DRV»
fixmeDllGetClassObject failed for CLSID=
fixmeDllGetClassObject failed for CLSID=
fixme:winspool:EnumJobsW (0x1,first=0,no=0,level=1,job=(nil),cb=0,0x33cc80,0x33cc74), stub!
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA
fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend Ignoring SourceConstantAlpha 176 for AC_SRC_ALPHA

Вайн на этом варианте дебиана вообще работает субъективно менее стабильно и шустро, чем на той же бубунте. По крайней мере при перелистывании консультант тормозит зверски (понимаю, что здесь не обошлось без видеодрайвера, но раньше он как-то справлялся).
Терзает мысль, может я не ту версию вайна воткнул? Тестинга там не было, поэтому ставил пакеты для Дебиана 6.0 х64


How do I print to PDF from wine?

I am running MS Office under wine and would like to print PDF documents. Installing the official extension via wine does nothing.

3 Answers 3

The answer is cups-pdf

sudo apt-get install cups-pdf 
sudo apt-get install printer-driver-cups-pdf 

If there’s no such folder, create PDF at your home:

Now you’re set to go. From MS Word, do Print -> Select PDF as printer -> wait for the printing to complete (it takes some time).

+1, just a note: I didn’t have to manually create the ~/PDF folder; this was done automatically for me (CUPS-PDF version 2.6.1-6, Ubuntu 12.04).

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Once cups-pdf installed, you need to create a new PDF printer from the control panel in Ubuntu. This «printer» will be available for the whole system (including wine).

And the printing does not appear to be well-translated. I have two-color tables, equations, and transparent boxes, and, when printing using cups-pdf, all three come out somewhat strange. The transparent box is pixelated and somewhat visible, some variables are misplaced in the equations, and the second color of the tables is blurred into the first color. Any ideas?

in U 18.04+ it does not work any more, the CUPS-PDF printer disappears from the GUI menue. Any idea how to fix that?

cups-pdf didn’t work properly for me, here’s what I did:

Download the official extension from Microsoft’s website. It didn’t work for me eihter initially, but this is because I have Microsoft Office installed in a separate Wine prefix.

To find out if you have Word installed in a separate prefix, look at the file ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Microsoft Office/Microsoft Office Word 2007.desktop . Locate the line that starts with «Exec». On my system it looks like this:

Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/rune/.wine_office2007" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/rune/.wine_office2007/dosdevices/c:/users/rune/Start\\ Menu/Programs/Microsoft\\ Office/Microsoft\\ Office\\ Word\\ 2007.lnk 

From this I can see that Office is installed in the prefix /home/rune/.wine_office2007 .

Now go to the folder where you downloaded the official PDF add-on. And run the .exe file using the following command, replacing with the prefix in the «Exec» line of your Word .desktop file.:

WINEPREFIX="" wine SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe 

In my case the prefix is /home/rune/.wine_office2007 , so the command to install the add-on becomes:

WINEPREFIX="/home/rune/.wine_office2007" wine SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe 

After doing this, restart Word, and you should see the option to save as a PDF in the Save As file menu.


Linux печать из wine

Level 1

keevitaja Level 1
Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:22 am

Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by keevitaja » Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:27 am

i have this one businessapplication which i can use only with wine, but i need it to have the ability to print at least into pdf files. is it possible to add pdf printer to my wine installation?

note: using ubunti 12.04 lts


dimesio Moderator
Posts: 13165 Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:30 pm

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by dimesio » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:57 am

You don’t install printers in Wine, you install them in CUPS. Wine should be able to use any printer you have installed in CUPS, including cups-pdf. If you’re not sure which package to install, ask your distro. It’s not a Wine question.

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Level 1

keevitaja Level 1
Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:22 am

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by keevitaja » Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:39 am

Hi again, still same problem.

I’m using linux mint 17. cups-pdf is installed and working in mint.

Wine cannot detect this printer. What can i do to fix this problem?


dimesio Moderator
Posts: 13165 Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:30 pm

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by dimesio » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:52 am

Wine version? If it’s not the latest development release, upgrade. If it doesn’t work in current Wine, post terminal output from trying to print in notepad.

Level 1

keevitaja Level 1
Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:22 am

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by keevitaja » Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:54 am

i’ve tried both 1.6 and 1.7. same issue

when i try to print from notepad (opened with wine notepad command) i get following message:

fixme:winspool:WINSPOOL_EnumPrintersW We don’t handle PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS

and notepad dialog says i first have to install a printer.

btw printing was working in ubuntu 14.04 + cups + wine


dimesio Moderator
Posts: 13165 Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:30 pm

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by dimesio » Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:28 pm

Level 1

keevitaja Level 1
Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:22 am

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by keevitaja » Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:36 pm

yes, my system is 64bit. and i do not know, if i have these 32 bit libs installed. how do i check it? which libs am i looking for?


dimesio Moderator
Posts: 13165 Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:30 pm

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by dimesio » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:35 pm

On my system (openSUSE) the package is cups-libs-32bit, but package naming varies by distro, so it could be something different on Mint. Ask on the Mint forum.

Level 1

keevitaja Level 1
Posts: 5 Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:22 am

Re: Installing pdf printer for wine

Post by keevitaja » Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:09 pm

dimesio, it worked. you’re the ninja.

all you have to do, is to install libcups2:i386 in linux mint


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