Linux посмотреть выданные dhcp адреса

Check my DHCP lease?

Is there a way to show my current (client) DHCP lease? Or even better — retrieve all options/infos sent with DHCPACK ?

@heemayl this file is empty in my case (Ubuntu 15.10), maybe because NetworkManager is acquiring dhcp lease (?)

@heemayl was correct for the directory. On Debian Stretch I found infos in «/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases»

9 Answers 9

I’m not aware of a way to query this information on the client. If you are on the server you can see information on the client leases in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases . From the client the only way i know is:

sudo grep dhclient /var/log/syslog 

Which should give you something like:

May 20 18:34:38 [machine_name] dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to [DHCP_SERVER_IP] port 67 May 20 18:34:38 [machine_name] dhclient: DHCPACK from [DHCP_SERVER_IP] May 20 18:34:38 [machine_name] dhclient: bound to [client_dhcp_ip] -- renewal in 1517 seconds. 

depending on your distro, it should be located in /var/lib/dhcp under dhclient..leases or /var/lib/dhclient.leases . you can also specify the path of your dhclient.leases file by passing -lf when starting dhclient.

With NetworkManager use nmcli to query the DHCP status for your active connection (assuming one) with

nmcli -f ipv4.method con show "`nmcli -t -f NAME connection `" 

For full DHCP information use -f DHCP4 . Adjust for ipv6 as necessary.

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This prints the DHCP information for the currently active connection: nmcli -f DHCP4 con show «$(nmcli -g NAME con show —active)»

I used dhcpdump when I was testing DHCP. It will dump both sides of the DHCP transaction. If you leave it running it will log the options passed.

You may want to restart your DHCP client to see the initial negotiation. The renewal request should contain all the running configuration.

There is one other aspect to this answer to consider to show your DHCP lease time and other DHCP information in the offer. If using Linux systemd-networkd, none of the options above work as they relate to network manager (the Linux solutions at least)

There is a similar question with answer explaining this at How do I check DHCP lease time in systemd-networkd?

Depending on the OS; Enabling debug isn’t always necessary.

systemd-networkd should store the lease info under /run/systemd/netif/leases/


cat /run/systemd/netif/leases/2 

Check Which Lease.

If you thought this couldn’t get anymore confused, you’d be wrong 😉

I found this question unpicking my own DHCP issues on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop edition, where I discovered that I actually had TWO leases!:

sudo cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases sudo cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/ 

So which is the one being used.

(2) DHCP Clients:

Unlike Ubuntu’s LTS server flavour, their Desktop edition winds-in NetworkManager into the networking gears.

Determine Default DHCP Client

So, there’s (2) DHCP clients in this case, but which of these are actually being used?

In Ubuntu Networking, there is a layer of abstraction called netplan which sets the default networking gears in the directive renderer .

A review of /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml reveals that NetworkManager is controlling our networking, NOT systemd-networkd.

A review of NetworkManager’s logging:

 journalctl -u NetworkManager.service | grep DHCP 

reveals that NetworkManager is using its’ own DHCP client:

NetworkManager[5117]: [1655970837.0088] dhcp-init: Using DHCP client 'internal'. 

Thus, of our (2) leases, the one being used by the system is:


Note the keyword in that log message is «using«: even if a gazillion DHCP clients are shown in the logging as enabled , only the one specified as «using» is the active DHCP client.

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Wow, this was a tangle; hope this saves others going down the same deep, dark rabbit hole.


Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

Локальный dhcp сервер? В смысле на своей же машине? Тогда смотреть в конфиг.

Или написать простой скрипт, меняющий маки на сетевухе.

Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

прошу прощения за неясность
выданный ip
mac и hostname устройства получившего этот ip

Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

dhcpd.leases — тут содержится информация о клиентах, которым DHCP сервис раздаёт IP.

Re: выданные dhcp адреса устройств с их маками

Jul 2 03:58:01 gate dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:16:76:46:19:7e via eth1
Jul 2 03:58:01 gate dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:16:76:46:19:7e via eth1

Похожие темы

  • Форум DHCP не раздает адреса Win98 (2001)
  • Форум Centos 7. DNS. DHCP (2016)
  • Форум dnsmasq-dhcp выдаёт двум машинам один ip адрес (2023)
  • Форум dhcp сервер не раздает адреса 10.26.3. (2007)
  • Форум dhcp и hostname (2017)
  • Форум dhcp сервер — работает только ручное распределение IP адресов (2020)
  • Форум DHCP не раздает адреса для Windows (2001)
  • Форум Настройка DHCP (привязать к мак адресу) (2003)
  • Форум Iiptables и dhcp (2008)
  • Форум Archlinux. Проблемы с DHCP. (2008)


Agava80 IT knowledge base

В Debian:
Информация о выданных адресах хранится в:
dhcpd.leases внутри каталога /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
Открываем файл с помощью «cat» и смотрим, кто что получил.

В CentOS:
cd /var/lib/dhcpd
cat dhcpd.leases
nano dhcpd.leases

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