Linux redis client gui

Linux redis client gui

You can also use the Redis CLI from within RedisInsight. You get comprehensive interactive documentation, syntax highlighting, and autocompletion, which is a bit nicer than your terminal.

RedisInsight supports Redis modules like RedisSearch, RedisJSON, RedisGraph, RedisTimeSeries, RedisAI, and Redis Pub/sub. It features a profiler that analyzes every command sent to Redis in real time, and SlowLog, which analyzes slow operations.

RedisInsight with time series dataRedisInsight with graph data

  • Easy-to-use GUI paired with a powerful CLI
  • Cross-platform (Linux, Windows, and MacOS—including M1)
  • Built-in support for Redis modules like RedisJSON, RedisTimeSeries, etc.
  • Supports profiling and analyzing Redis commands
  • Supports visualizing complex commands, along with the ability to write custom visualization plugins
  • Supports user-friendly keyboard navigation
  • Supports on-premise and cloud Redis databases, including Redis Stack, Redis Enterprise Software, Redis Enterprise Cloud, and AWS Elasticache

Redis Commander

Redis Commander is a web-based Redis GUI that you can install via npm, run using Docker, or deploy to Kubernetes using a Helm chart. It offers a GUI that allows users to browse and edit data within multiple databases and Redis servers.

The UI is extremely simple and bare bones, and accordingly limited in functionality compared to RedisInsight. Redis Commander supports full CRUD operations on Strings, Lists, Sets, and Sorted Sets. It supports only view/add/delete operations on Streams and only view operations on RedisJSON.

Redis Commander GUI

Like RedisInsight, you can also run a CLI from within Redis Commander. The CLI comes with autocompletion and a pop-up window that displays a description of Redis commands.

Command help window

You can configure Redis Commander using a config file or environment variables, or by passing command-line arguments. A limited set of customizations to the UI is possible, including changing the sidebar width, the command-line height, the folding character, and whether valid JSON data should be displayed as a JSON tree object instead of a plain string. Other aspects that can be customized include connections to the Redis servers and properties of the server from which Redis Commander is served.

  • Simple yet powerful Redis GUI
  • Multiple installation options, including npm, Docker, Helm, and Openshift
  • Easy to customize
  • Possible to add support for new data types
  • Limited features and functionality
  • Only supports a handful of data types. While it’s possible to add support for new data types, it’s not a straightforward process
  • Can only connect to a single Redis server with TLS activated if running using Docker
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Redis Desktop Manager ( (formerly Redis Desktop Manager) is a free Redis GUI (under the MIT GPL license) available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It allows for simultaneous connection and batch CRUD operations on multiple Redis databases or instances. Its interactive terminal is great for inspecting and changing data while also allowing you to view a log of all Redis commands. works with any local Redis instance, as well as cloud instances such as Amazon ElastiCache, Microsoft Azure Redis Cache, Digital Ocean, Heroku, and others. You can also connect to a private Redis server using SSH tunneling.

Apart from supporting TLS, supports TLS-over-SSH, giving you all round strong security. It supports all the latest Redis features like ACL, RedisJSON, and Streams, and can display JSON, MsgPack, PHP, Pickle, Numpy, Pandas, and binary data in human readable form. It can also decode Brotli, LZ4, ZSTD, Snappy, GZIP, Magento Cache, and Sessions. Using its Extension Server, it’s possible to add support for more serialization formats. Like RedisInsight, it comes with a memory profiler to analyze your Redis instance. is free for Linux, but requires a paid subscription for Windows and MacOS.

  • Easy to install and set up
  • Supports all latest Redis features
  • Supports TLS, SSH, and TLS-over-SSH for safeguarding your data
  • Supports multiple databases and batch operations
  • Supports commonly used serialization formats and compression options natively and allows to add support for more via the extension server
  • Some reported issues with OpenGL under a virtual machine (VM)—though fixable (needs OpenGL 2.1 or higher to run)
  • Requires paid subscription for Windows and MacOS (but you can build from source for free)

Redis GUI

Redis GUI is a free and cross-platform Redis administration interface created with Electron. It can connect to multiple local or cloud Redis instances through SSH tunneling. Like any other GUI in this list, Redis GUI provides common administrative features like data browsing, editing, and inserting. It also supports JSON data natively.

Redis GUI

Like the other entries on our list, Redis GUI has an integrated command line interface that shows a summary of the commands. However, there is no autocompletion.

The CLI window

One nice feature of Redis GUI is namespace support. If you use a colon(:) character to introduce namespaces in your data, entries in the same namespace will be grouped together in Redis GUI. As you can see in the screenshot, keys beginning with user: , movie: and actor: have been grouped separately.

  • Limited feature set compared to RedisInsight or
  • Doesn’t support Streams, Time Series, or Graphs


Retool helps developers quickly build internal apps and UIs on top of their Redis data. Retool makes it to this list because it allows developers to explore, visualize, and query their Redis data through a highly customizable GUI. It’s a fast way to connect to your Redis data using your hostname, port, database number, and password.

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Retool Redis GUI

While most Redis GUIs have open source licenses, they tend to lack some key features, such as the ability to customize their UIs. With Retool, you can create your own UI and put features where you want them to be. You can use over fifty pre-built React components to quickly design the UI however you want. Connecting with your Redis can be done locally or remotely via secure SSL and/or SSH tunneling. This is handy when you want to guarantee the security of your data.

The flexibility to customize features allows the use of multiple tabs for running different Redis instances. It also allows you to create, list, edit, and delete multiple keys stored in a data set of a running Redis server. You can also add tabs for visualizing additional information like connected clients, memory in use, total commands, number of keys, and Redis version, among others.

  • Highly interactive user interface
  • Fully customizable UI
  • Can integrate with multiple databases and APIs, which makes it super powerful for building internal tools
  • Secure connection to Redis via SSL and/or an SSH tunnel
  • Stable and faster, even with large data sets
  • Possible to self-host and deploy on-premise
  • Creating the UI can be time-consuming compared to having a pre-built UI
  • Has a slight learning curve
  • Requires paid plan to access certain advanced features


In this article, you learned about some of the best Redis GUIs available in the market today. GUIs make it easier to manage different databases and connect to Redis instances, helping developers to visualize and edit database keys from the UI.

If you’re a developer who prefers a GUI over a CLI to gain insight into your Redis databases, you should definitely check out the GUIs highlighted in this article.

Retool is an app-development platform that allows developers to create internal tools (such as dashboards, CRUD applications, admin panels, simple clients, and GUIs) fast and easily, making it a solid contender if you’re looking for an efficient way to explore, query, and visualize your Redis data.

Introducing Retool Workflows

Retool Workflows is a fast way for developers to build automated processes—like cron jobs, custom alerts, and ETL tasks—and trigger them on event-based or recurring schedules.

With Retool and Optalitix Models you can create apps from spreadsheets without having to re-code

This is a guest post from our friends at Optalitix. Learn how to turn spreadsheets into APIs at! It’s common in financial services and other industries to use spreadsheet-based calculations to

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Another Redis Desktop Manager

A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac. What’s more, it won’t crash when loading massive keys.

Another Redis Desktop Manager

Supports redis-sentinel, redis-cluster, ssh-tunnel, ssl-cert, stream, subscribe, tree view, console, dark mode; Various formatting methods, and even custom formatting scripts, to meet all your needs.


redis status dark

redis key hash dark

redis console dark

redis exec log


windows store

  • Download exe from github or gitee.
  • Or by winget: winget install qishibo.AnotherRedisDesktopManager
  • Or by chocolatey: choco install another-redis-desktop-manager
  • Or sponsor by win store, It’s not free, and I will be very grateful to you.
  • Download AppImage from github or gitee.
  • Or by snap: sudo snap install another-redis-desktop-manager Tips: If permission denied when selecting private key, run sudo snap connect another-redis-desktop-manager:ssh-keys to give access to ~/.ssh folder.

If you can’t open it after installation by brew or dmg, exec the following command then reopen:
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/Another\ Redis\ Desktop\

  • By brew: brew install —cask another-redis-desktop-manager
  • Or sponsor by app store, and then let the app store automatically update it for you.

Feature Log

  • 2023-05-26: Search support in Stream && Slow log support
  • 2023-04-01: Search support in List && Deflate raw support
  • 2022-10-07: Arrow Keys support in key list && Memory Analysis in folder
  • 2022-08-05: Clone Connection && Tabs Contextmenu\Mousewheel Support
  • 2022-04-01: Protobuf Support && Memory Analysis
  • 2022-03-03: Readonly Mode && Mointor Support
  • 2022-01-24: Command Dump Support
  • 2022-01-05: Support To Load All Keys
  • 2022-01-01: Brotli\Gzip\Deflate Support && RedisJSON Support
  • 2021-11-26: JSON Editable && Subscribe Support
  • 2021-08-30: Execution log Support && Add Hot Keys
  • 2021-08-16: Custom Formatter View Support
  • 2021-06-30: Sentinel Support
  • 2021-06-24: ACL Support
  • 2021-05-03: Stream Support && Cli Command Tips Support
  • 2021-02-28: Connection Color Tag && Search History Support
  • 2021-02-03: Multiple Select\Delete && Msgpack Viewer Support
  • 2020-12-30: Tree View Support
  • 2020-11-03: Binary View Support && SSH Passparse\Timeout Support
  • 2020-09-04: SSH Cluster Support && Extension Commands Support
  • 2020-06-18: SSL/TLS Support
  • 2020-04-28: Page Zoom && Big Key Loads With Scan && Auto Json
  • 2020-04-18: Unvisible Key\Value Format Support
  • 2020-04-04: Cluster Support
  • 2020-03-13: Dark Mode Support && JsonView In Other Place
  • 2020-02-16: SSH Private Key Support
  • 2020-02-13: Open Cli Console In Tabs
  • 2019-06-14: Custom Font-Family Support
  • 2019-05-28: Key List Resizable
  • 2019-05-09: Search Support In Hash List Set Zset
  • 2019-04-26: Auto Updater
  • 2019-04-09: SSH Tunnel Connection Support
  • 2019-04-01: Extract Search Support
  • 2019-02-22: Single Connection Support
  • 2019-01-08: Project Start!

  • Give me a star ⭐ in Github!
  • Through OpenCollective
  • Buy from App Store
  • Buy from Win Store
  • Wechat sponsor code


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

goanother is maintained by qishibo. This page was generated by GitHub Pages.


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