Linux reverse i search

How to reverse i search back and forth

Another solution is to study video sequences which contain recorded movements of real humans and animals. Solution: The one-sentence answer: Run in your terminal, and then use Ctrl + S to change the search direction from backward to forward.

How to reverse-i-search back and forth?

The one-sentence answer: Run stty -ixon in your terminal, and then use Ctrl + S to change the search direction from backward to forward.

The exact answer likely depends on which shell you’re using. However, in both bash and Zsh (and probably other shells), you can (in theory) type Ctrl + S to search forward. Thus, after hitting Ctrl + R a few too many times, you can hit Ctrl + S a few times to move to the command you actually want. Many terminals, however, trap Ctrl + S and Ctrl + Q for software flow control, so the Ctrl + S never makes it to bash; if you want bash, rather than your terminal, to read the Ctrl + S , you can disable software flow control by running stty -ixon .

Unable to forward search Bash history similarly as with, To search backward in the history for a particular string, type C-r . Typing C-s searches forward through the history. The problem with Ctrl-S …

How to reverse-i-search back and forth?

How to reverse -i- search back and forth ?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & praise to God, and with …

(reverse-i-search) in Bash

There’s a similar question on

The best answer there is to use Ctrl+G to cancel the current search.

Actually, another answer to that question gives a better option.

In your ~/.bashrc add the following line:

Then you can use Ctrl — s to step forward through the history in the same way as you would use Ctrl — r to step backward.

This will even work to start a new forward search (called i-search as opposed to reverse-i-search ) while browsing through history. Suppose you do Ctrl — r and type some text of a command near your destination then press up arrow several times overshooting what you were really looking for (or you change your mind). Now press Ctrl — s and type a few characters from that line. Zoooom! Straight to it.

How to move an object back and forth in p5js javascript, What I would like to do is move this grid of circles starting at (50,50) to the bottom right corner. Once it hits (width-50,height-50) I’d like the movement …

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How to move an object back and forth in p5js javascript

Add a moving direction to the object. Change the direction when the object goes out of bounds:

var circles = []; function setup() < createCanvas(500, 500); for (var a = 50; a < width - 300; a += 20) < for (var b = 50; b < height - 300; b += 20) < circles.push(new Circle(a, b)); >> > function draw() < background(50); for (var b = 0; b < circles.length; b++) < circles[b].show(); >> function Circle(x, y) < this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dx = 1; this.dy = 1 = function() < fill(255); noStroke(); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 10, 10); this.x += this.dx this.y += this.dy if (this.x < 51 || this.y < 51) < this.dx = 1 this.dy = 1 >if (this.x > 430 || this.y > 430) < this.dx = -1 this.dy = -1 >> >

If you do not want to move the objects individually, you must use 1 direction of movement for all objects:

var circles = []; function setup() < createCanvas(500, 500); for (var a = 50; a < width - 300; a += 20) < for (var b = 50; b < height - 300; b += 20) < circles.push(new Circle(a, b)); >> > var dx = 1 var dy = 1 function draw() < background(50); mx = dx my = dy for (var b = 0; b < circles.length; b++) < circles[b].show(mx, my); >> function Circle(x, y) < this.x = x; this.y = y; = function(mx, my) < fill(255); noStroke(); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 10, 10); this.x += mx this.y += my if (this.x < 51) < dx = 1 dy = 1 >if (this.x > 430) < dx = -1 dy = -1 >> >

Control-r reverse-i-search in Bash: how do you «reset» the, To reset Ctrl + R, the usual Emacs key Ctrl + G can do. If you want to reverse Ctrl + R by one step, instead of working your way up from the bottom again, you can …

How do I make elements sway back and forth in a loop?

There have been at least 15 years available numerous video editors which can do it. After Effects is a complex one for serious pros and hobbyists. Many simpler multitrack video editors are available with this capability. Only the most elementary ones either have too few tracks or there’s available no animated transformations.

You can place different moving elements to different video tracks which are layered to the wanted front-back order. Static single image items can move if you insert 2 differently moved, rotated and scaled versions of the same item and define the transformation must be animated.

The moving sky needs transparent hole in the foreground image. Complex editors allow masks, in simpler ones you must use key colors (=certain color is defined to be rendered as transparent) or have the foreground as PNG or TIF which has prepared transparent area. As well the sky can be in the front, only mask it.

In video editing terminology you can find general term «picture in picture» for inserting layered items to the video image.

Actually you stretch the inserted image in video timeline to as long video clip as needed . Then you add transformation effect (=move, rotate, scale +warp in advanced editing programs) to that clip. You set only the first and last transformations as keyframes. The editor interpolates smooth intermediate frames automatically.

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Moving back can be the same clip as copied and reversed (=2 mouse drags) or the transformation only is edited to have also the return.

Repeating loop = several copies of the same clip.

Complex movements can be got by inserting more keyframes and velocity curves.

Elastic looking swaying needs also a kind of warp transform to make the object to bend nicely. That transform is not available in simple video editors. But there are numerous image warping tools which output the result as video sequence. If you can use After Effects check this guide

Making the forth and back movement to look smooth and elastic is the most difficult part of your problem. The problem grows really big when one wants to present movements of humans or animals. One solution is to use physics simulation where the bodies have kinematic models. Another solution is to study video sequences which contain recorded movements of real humans and animals.There are tools which put drawn characters to follow movements of real actors when the movements are recorded withe special tools and the actors have trackable clothing.

Looping back and forth a list within a list in python, To be able to go back, attach reversed indices and use itertools.cycle () to repeat it forever: import itertools indices = itertools.cycle (indices1d + …


Запускаем и ищем предыдущие команды в Linux

История команд в Linux

Работу в командной строке можно сделать немного эффективнее и быстрее, если знать несколько простых хитростей. Рассмотрим, как быстро запускать предыдущие команды, как выполнять поиск по истории команд.

Повторный запуск команды без указания аргументов. Используем «!»

!команда — используется для выполнения команды с аргументами, которые использовались при последнем запуске.

Предположим, мы выполняем какие-нибудь команды и дополняем их аргументами. Например, мы решили отредактировать файл myfile.txt в текстовом редакторе nano. Для этого мы выполняем:

nano /home/pingvinus/path/to/file/myfile.txt

Далее мы можем выполнять еще какие-нибудь команды, затем снова хотим выполнить nano, чтобы открыть в нем файл myfile.txt. Мы можем воспользоваться волшебным «!». Для этого достаточно написать восклицательный знак и без пробела название команды:

В результате будет вызвана команда nano с теми аргументами, с которыми она вызвалась последний раз, то есть в нашем случае !nano будет аналогично вызову nano /home/pingvinus/path/to/file/myfile.txt.

Выполнение предыдущей команды. Используем «!!»

!! — используется, чтобы выполнить предыдущую команду. Можно использовать в тексте другой команды.

Про два восклицательных знака я уже рассказывал. Например, вы вызвали команду:

И забыли написать в начале sudo. Чтобы не перепечатывать всю команду, можно выполнить:

Отмечу, что !! можно использовать прямо внутри текста команды. Например, мы перейдем в домашнюю директорию пользователя pingvinus:

А теперь войдем в папку /home/pingvinus/Downloads вот таким образом:

Поиск по истории команд. Команда history

history — поиск по истории команд — предназначена для вывода истории команд, поиска по ним и быстрого запуска предыдущих команд.

Если мы выполним history, то на экран будет выведен список последних введенных вами команд:

$ history . 139 leafpad pigvinus.txt 140 sudo apt-get install gedit 141 pwd 142 cd /home/pingvinus

Каждая команда пронумерована. Чтобы вызвать какую-нибудь команду из списка достаточно выполнить в командной строке: !номер. Например выполним команду под номером 139:

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Можно указать номер с минусом. Например, выполнив !-2 мы выполним пред-предыдущую команду. Выполнив, !-1 мы выполним предыдущую команду, это эквивалентно команде !!, описанной выше.

Для поиска по истории можно воспользоваться утилитой grep:

У команды history есть еще несколько дополнительных возможностей. Почитать руководство по history можно, выполнив man history.

Поиск по истории. Сочетание клавиш Ctrl+R

Ctrl+R — сочетание клавиш, которое используется для вызова «интерактивного» поиска по истории команд.

Нажмите Ctrl+R, находясь в командной строке. В результате на экране отобразится приглашение к поиску команды:

Начинайте вводить начальную часть или середину команды, которую вы ищете. То, что вы вводите будет заключено в кавычки, а после значка двоеточия вам будет предложена команда, найденная в истории команд, которая максимально удовлетворяет поиску. Например, я нажал Ctrl+R и начал вводить id-, и нашлась команда, содержащая символы id-:

(reverse-i-search)`id-': git clone


How to reverse-i-search back and forth? [duplicate]

While in reverse-i-search prompt, is it possible to search forward, i.e. from where I stand to newest. I naively tried CTRL + Shift + r , no luck. I heard about CTRL + g but this is not what I am expecting here. Anyone has an idea?

@m-ric you say it is more a superuser question. Here it has 88 up-votes. At superuser it has 6 up-votes.

3 Answers 3

There is a similar question here:

Found another similar question on Super User:

Apparently, both mention Ctrl + s , which may do the trick.

Important: To make ^-S work, add stty -ixon to your bash profile ( ~/.bashrc on Linux, ~/.bash_profile on OSX). Also note that reversing direction by pressing the respective other keyboard shortcut is initially a no-op — all that changes is the display’s prefix ( reverse-i-search vs. i-search ). Thus, to actually take 1 step in the other direction, press the keyboard shortcut twice.

@zyxue noop means «no operation.» It means that the shortcut is mapped to «do nothing.» See here. Without setting -ixon , ctrl-s tells the terminal to stop updating meaning you to have to push ctrl-q to resume normal operation. By setting -ixon you disable that behavior, which maps ctrl-s to i-search .

@gdupont it looks like i-search is part of readline. The source is here:

. solved it for me AFTER using.

If CTRL+S doesn’t work for you is because according to Vincenzo Pii’s accepted answer in another related thread:

The problem is that this binding, in many terminals, is used by default to send the pause transmission code ( XOF ).

As in man stty :

[-]ixon enable XON/XOFF flow control 

So, if you have this option enabled on your terminal (the output of stty -a contains ixon withouth the — sign in front), you cannot use CTRL + S in the context of reverse-i-search.

To disable it, use the following command:

And CTRL + S will give you a (i-search) (non reverse).


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