Linux shell script in one line

10 Bash for Loop In One Line Examples

Bash For loop is used to execute a series of commands until a particular condition becomes false. Bash for loop in one line is very handy for Linux admins.

Bash for loop in one line is a control structure that allows you to repeat a certain set of commands multiple times.

for i in (list); do command1; command2; done.

  • # for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do echo “$i” ; done
  • # for i in ; do echo “$i” ; done
  • # for i in ;do echo “$i” ; done
  • # for planet in Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus; do echo $planet; done

Bash in Linux

Bash is a default shell now. It is very convenient. For example, they remember commands that we have typed and let us reuse those commands.

It also let us edit those commands, so they don’t have to be the same each time. And bash let us define our own command abbreviations, shortcuts, and other features.

Bash is programmable. We can write a bash script to handle our daily work. Whenever we find ourselves doing a task repeatedly, we should try to automate it by writing a shell script.

There are more powerful scripting languages, like Perl, Python, and Ruby, but the Linux shell bash is a great place to start. After all, we already know how to type commands.

Bash for loop C style In One Line with items

The “c style of bash for loop” is a for loop that uses the C programming language style. It has the following syntax:

for ((expression; expression; expression))

The first expression is used to initialize the loop. The second expression is used to test whether or not the loop should continue. The third expression is used to increment the loop counter.

This command will print the numbers 1 to 5 to the screen.

Bash For Loop In one line with Command Output

# for i in `seq 1 5`;do echo $i ;done

# for i in `cat test`;do dig $i +short ;done

# for i in `awk » test` ;do ping -c 2 $i ;done

The “`” symbol is used to create a subshell. The “`” symbol is used to execute the command that is contained within the quotes.

This command will display the current date and time on the screen.

The “seq” command is used to generate a sequence of numbers.Here’s an example: seq 100. This command will generate a sequence of numbers starting at 0 and ending at 100.

The “seq” command has the following syntax:

The “LAST” parameter specifies the last number in the sequence. The “FIRST” parameter specifies the first number in the sequence. The “INCREMENT” parameter specifies the amount by which each number is increased.

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for i in `cat test`;do dig $i +short ;done

The “cat” command is used to view the contents of a file. Here’s an example: cat filename.txt. This command will display the contents of the file filename.txt on the screen.

The “for i in `cat test`” command will execute the “dig” command for each line in the test file. The “dig” command is used to query DNS servers.

Bash For Loop In one Line with variables

The “$(command)” syntax is used to execute a command and insert the output of the command into a string.

This command will display “Hello root” on the screen.

# for i in $(cat test);do dig $i +short ;done

# a=»a b c»
# for i in $a;do echo $i;done

# a=(a b c)
# for i in $;do echo $i;done

# for i in $(seq 1 5);do echo $i ;done

Bash For Infinite Loop In one Line

# for (( ; ; )); do echo «Hello World!»; done

# while true; do echo «Hello World!»; done

# while :; do echo «Hello World!»; done

An infinite for loop is a for loop that never ends. Bash has two types of infinite for loops: the while loop and the for loop.

The while loop has the following syntax:


The CONDITION parameter is used to test whether or not the loop should continue. If the CONDITION is true, then the commands in the loop will be executed. If the CONDITION is false, then the loop will exit.

Bash For Loop In One Line with Files

# for i in *; do echo «Found the following file: $i»; done

# for i in `cat filelist.txt`; do echo $; done;

# cat filelist.txt | while read LINE; do echo «$»; done

If a line may include spaces better use a while loop.

Linux Troubleshooting Guide:

David is a Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. He has years of experience as a Linux engineer. He had working experience in AMD, EMC. He likes Linux, Python, bash, and more. He is a technical blogger and a Software Engineer. He enjoys sharing his learning and contributing to open-source. is dedicated to providing comprehensive information on using Linux.

We hope you find our site helpful and informative.


How to Run Multiple Commands in One Line in Linux Shell: Tips and Best Practices

Learn how to run multiple commands in one line in Linux Shell using operators like semicolon, AND, and OR. Discover best practices and tips to optimize command line performance.

  • Using semicolons to run multiple commands
  • Using the AND operator to run commands conditionally
  • Multiple Commands on One Line Linux Shell Script Tutorial
  • Using the OR operator to run commands conditionally
  • Other methods for running multiple commands
  • Best practices and tips for optimizing command line performance
  • Other helpful code examples for running multiple commands in one line in Linux Shell
  • Conclusion
  • How do you write multiple shell commands on one line?
  • How do I run multiple commands in one command line?
  • How to combine two commands in shell script?
  • How do you run a series of commands in shell script?

As a developer or system administrator, running multiple Linux commands in one line can be a powerful tool for automating tasks and improving command line efficiency. There are various operators that can be used to run multiple commands in one line , including ; , && , and || . In this post, we will explore these operators in depth and discuss other methods for running multiple commands , as well as best practices and tips for optimizing command line performance.

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Using semicolons to run multiple commands

The semicolon operator can be used to run multiple commands in sequence. The second command will run regardless of the success or failure of the first command.

In the above example, command1 will be executed first, followed by command2 .

Using the AND operator to run commands conditionally

The AND operator ( && ) can be used to run the second command only if the first command succeeds. This can be useful for ensuring that a command completes successfully before moving on to the next command.

In the above example, command2 will only be executed if command1 succeeds.

Multiple Commands on One Line Linux Shell Script Tutorial

Duration: 2:29

Using the OR operator to run commands conditionally

The OR operator ( || ) can be used to run the second command only if the first command fails. This can be useful for handling error conditions and running alternate commands if a specific command fails.

In the above example, command2 will only be executed if command1 fails.

Other methods for running multiple commands

Commands can be grouped using parentheses to create more complex commands. For example:

(command1 ; command2) && command3 

In the above example, command1 and command2 will be executed in sequence, followed by command3 .

The OR ( | ) operator can be used to pipe the output of one command into another command. For example:

In the above example, the output of command1 will be piped into command2 .

Job control mechanisms and subshells can be used to run multiple commands as a single job or process. For example:

In the above example, command1 and command2 will be executed in parallel.

Best practices and tips for optimizing command line performance

Use caution when running commands with root privileges. It is important to ensure that commands with root privileges are carefully considered and tested before running them in production.

Test commands in a safe environment before running them in production. This can help to identify and fix any issues before they cause problems in a live environment.

Use aliases and environment variables to simplify command line usage. Aliases can be used to create shortcuts for frequently used commands , while environment variables can be used to store frequently used values.

Use version control tools like Git to manage and track changes in scripts and command line history. This can help to keep track of changes and revert to previous versions if necessary.

Troubleshoot common issues like syntax errors and permission errors. It is important to be familiar with common issues and how to troubleshoot them .

Use the right tool for the job and avoid unnecessary commands. It is important to choose the right tool for the job and avoid using unnecessary commands or tools.

popular programming languages for shell scripting include Bash, Python, and Perl. These languages can be used to create more complex scripts and automate more complex tasks.

Use pipes and redirection to optimize command line performance. Pipes and redirection can be used to redirect input and output and optimize command line performance.

Use the xargs command to run commands in parallel. The xargs command can be used to run commands in parallel and improve command line performance.

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Other helpful code examples for running multiple commands in one line in Linux Shell

In shell, bash multiple commands one line code example

# Basic syntax: # This will run command_2 after command_1 regardless of whether command_1 # completes successfully or not: command_1; command_2 # This will run command_2 after command_1 if command_1 completes successfully: command_1 && command_2 # This will run command_2 after command_1 if command_1 fails: command_1 || command_2 # This will pass (pipe) the standard output of command_1 to command_2: command_1 | command_2

In shell, run multiple commands in linux code example

# runs command 2 after command1 regardless of command_1 completes successfully: command1; command2 # runs command2 after command1 if command1 completes successfully: command1 && command2 # runs command2 after command1 if command1 fails: command1 || command2 # pipe or pass the output of command1 to command2: command1 | command2
A; B # Run A and then B, regardless of success of A A && B # Run B if and only if A succeeded A || B # Run B if and only if A failed A & # Run A in background.

In shell, execute multiple commands in linux code example

In shell, multiple commands one line linux code example

command1 && command2 OR command1; command2 OR command1 || command2


In conclusion, running multiple Linux commands in one line can be a powerful tool for automating tasks and improving command line efficiency. The semicolon, AND, and OR operators can be used to run multiple commands conditionally and in sequence. Other methods for running multiple commands include grouping commands, using the OR operator, and using job control mechanisms and subshells. Best practices and tips for optimizing command line performance include using caution when running commands with root privileges, testing commands in a safe environment, and using the right tool for the job.


How to write shell script to output two variables in one line without loop

To echo any number of variables just reference them in the same echo command. Also, note that the correct shell syntax for assignments must not have spaces around = .

#!/bin/sh SRC="" PORT="22" echo "$SRC,$PORT" 

Result of running the script will be:

You would typically use printf to output variables’ data, like so:

#!/bin/sh src= port=22 printf '%s,%s\n' "$src" "$port" 
  • I added the missing #! -line at the top. I chose the /bin/sh shell (a POSIX shell) as there is nothing in your existing code that requires a specific other shell like bash or zsh (see also Which shell interpreter runs a script with no shebang?).
  • Assignments are done without spaces around the = character (see Spaces in variable assignments in shell scripts).
  • I used lower case variable names to avoid accidentally clashing with existing environment variables or shell-specific variables (see Are there naming conventions for variables in shell scripts?).
  • I opted for using printf as a precaution as I don’t know whether your data might eventually arrive from some external source, and echo is known for sometimes having issues with some particular strings (see Why is printf better than echo?).

You may also find the following interesting, regarding quoting:

#!/bin/sh src= port=22 string="$src,$port" printf '%s\n' "$string" 

The only difference here is that I’ve created a new variable with the comma-delimited values of the two first variables, and then output that. This may be what you want depending on what your use of that string may be later in the script.


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