Linux show process with port

Determine the process pid listening on a certain port

As the title says, I’m running multiple game servers, and every of them has the same name but different PID and the port number. I would like to match the PID of the server which is listening on certain port, and then I would like to kill this process. I need that in order to complete my bash script. Is that even possible? Because it didn’t find yet any solutions on the web.

8 Answers 8

Short version which you can pass to kill command:

This also includes processes that are connected on that port. lsof -i4TCP:80 -sTCP:LISTEN -t is probably what you want, instead.

Exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to kill a process by searching for the port it is running at.

@Nevir what do you mean by » also includes processes that are connected on that port»? Can you please explain?

The -p flag of netstat gives you PID of the process:

*use sudo if showing — instead of PID

Edit: The command that is needed to get PIDs of socket users in FreeBSD is sockstat . As we worked out during the discussion with @Cyclone, the line that does the job is:

sockstat -4 -l | grep :80 | awk '' | head -1 

netstat: 80: unknown or uninstrumented protocol used the 80 (nginx) port for testing purpoes. Not worked.

netstat -p -l | grep $PORT and lsof -i :$PORT solutions are good but I prefer fuser $PORT/tcp extension syntax to POSIX (which work for coreutils ) as with pipe:

it prints pure pid so you can drop sed magic out.

One thing that makes fuser my lover tools is ability to send signal to that process directly (this syntax is also extension to POSIX):

$ fuser -k $port/tcp # with SIGKILL $ fuser -k -15 $port/tcp # with SIGTERM $ fuser -k -TERM $port/tcp # with SIGTERM 


3 Ways to Find Out Which Process Listening on a Particular Port

A port is a logical entity that represents an endpoint of communication and is associated with a given process or service in an operating system. In previous articles, we explained how to find out the list of all open ports in Linux and how to check if remote ports are reachable using the Netcat command.

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In this short guide, we will show different ways of finding the process/service listening on a particular port in Linux.

1. Using netstat Command

netstat (network statistics) command is used to display information concerning network connections, routing tables, interface stats, and beyond. It is available on all Unix-like operating systems including Linux and also on Windows OS.

In case you do not have it installed by default, use the following command to install it.

$ sudo apt-get install net-tools [On Debian/Ubuntu & Mint] $ sudo dnf install net-tools [On CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux] $ pacman -S netstat-nat [On Arch Linux] $ emerge sys-apps/net-tools [On Gentoo] $ sudo dnf install net-tools [On Fedora] $ sudo zypper install net-tools [On openSUSE]

Once installed, you can use it with the grep command to find the process or service listening on a particular port in Linux as follows (specify the port).

Check Port Using netstat Command

In the above command, the flags.

  • l – tells netstat to only show listening sockets.
  • t – tells it to display tcp connections.
  • n – instructs it to show numerical addresses.
  • p – enables showing of the process ID and the process name.
  • grep -w – shows matching of exact string (:80).

Note: The netstat command is deprecated and replaced by the modern ss command in Linux.

2. Using lsof Command

lsof command (List Open Files) is used to list all open files on a Linux system.

To install it on your system, type the command below.

$ sudo apt-get install lsof [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint] $ sudo yum install lsof [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux] $ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/lsof [On Gentoo Linux] $ sudo pacman -S lsof [On Arch Linux] $ sudo zypper install lsof [On OpenSUSE]

To find the process/service listening on a particular port, type (specify the port).

Find Port Using lsof Command

3. Using fuser Command

fuser command shows the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems in Linux.

You can install it as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install psmisc [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint] $ sudo yum install psmisc [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux] $ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/psmisc [On Gentoo Linux] $ sudo pacman -S psmisc [On Arch Linux] $ sudo zypper install psmisc [On OpenSUSE]

You can find the process/service listening on a particular port by running the command below (specify the port).

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Then find the process name using PID number with the ps command like so.

$ ps -p 2053 -o comm= $ ps -p 2381 -o comm=

Find Port and Process ID in Linux

You can also check out these useful guides about processes in Linux.

You might also like:

That’s all! Do you know of any other ways of finding the process/service listening on a particular port in Linux, let us know via the comment form below.


How to find out which Port number a process is using

I want to be able to find out which port number a process is and filtering the results using a keyword. For example, I may want to quickly find out which port numbers are being used by «node» js apps. This did not work:

netstat tulnap | grep "node" 

By the way, i notice that on osx the command doesnt have a hyphen. Here are the results i got, not useful: Address Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn Refs Nextref Addr

3 Answers 3

This is how I found a solution:

 » lsof -i -P | grep node node 14489 me 12u IPv4 0x. 0t0 TCP *:4000 (LISTEN) 

Also if i knew the port and I was looking for the process name I would:

 » lsof -i :4000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME node 14489 me 12u IPv4 0x. 0t0 TCP *:terabase (LISTEN) 

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)

Active Internet connections (only servers)

What you’re doing may also never work since GREP is never guaranteed to deliver either no, one, or more than 1 results.

But, in context of your specific case, any process IS actually unique, and has a unique number. So, you must do your search first to find a process number.

Doing a simple grep will still give you either none, one, or more than one process number. But you’ll need to find an additional filter, so that you end up with 1 process number.

If you have 1 process number, you can check port(s) being used by that process.

What makes you think «node» is reported in PS ? It may also not be.


How to know what program is listening on a given port?

I suspect a program is listening on port 8000 on my machine. When I run the following command, I get this error:

> python -m SimpleHTTPServer # Lots of python error socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use 

If I use another port ( 8000 is the default), the web server runs fine. If I run wget localhost:8000 from the command line, it returns 404 Not Found . What can I do (or what tools are available) to find what program is listening on port 8000 , and from there where that program is configured?

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8 Answers 8

Open your terminal and type as

that command will list you the application used by that port with PID. (If no results run via sudo since your might have no permission to certain processes.)

For example, with port 8000 ( python3 -m http.server ):

$ lsof -i :8000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME python3 3269 user 3u IPv4 1783216 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN) 
$ sudo lsof -i :22 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME sshd 998 root 3u IPv4 1442116 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) sshd 998 root 4u IPv6 1442118 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) 

@Imray the example searches for port 8881. The PID column contains the process IDs and the NAME column contains the ports.

You can use netstat to see which process is listening on which port.

You can use this command to have a full detail :

if you need to know exactly which one is listening on port 8000 you can use this :

sudo netstat -peanut | grep ":8000 " 

There is no process that can hide from netstat.

To kill/end the process use kill where is the process id displayed in the last column of netstat ‘s output. Eg. kill 31612 .

To expound on the answer by @33833 you can get some very detailed info, for example:

$ lsof -i :8000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME squid3 1289 proxy 15u IPv6 14810490 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN) $ ps -fp 1289 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD proxy 1289 1 0 09:48 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/squid3 -N -f /etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf 

I can see right there that squid is the process, but it is actualy my squid-deb-proxy that is taking up the port.

Another good example of a java app:

$ lsof -i :4242 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME java 3075 root 86u IPv4 12019 0t0 TCP *:4242 (LISTEN) $ ps -fp 3075 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 3075 1 15 May24 ? 3-16:07:25 /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPl 

You can see in lsof (LiSt Open Files) that it is java, which is less than helpful. Running the ps command with the PID we can see right away that it is CrashPlan.


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