Linux software caused connection abort

Fixing SSH Errors

Learn how to resolve some of the most common errors you may receive when connecting to a server with SSH.

  2. Access Denied or Authentication Refused
  3. Port 22: Connection refused
    1. Is the Server Accessible
    2. Is SSH Installed
    3. Start or Restart SSH
    4. Is SSH Listening on Port 22
    5. Check the SSH configuration file for typos
    6. Examine your firewall rules
    7. Check UFW rules
    8. Check Iptables rules
    9. Check your cloud panel firewall policy

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    This error is triggered when the SSL certificate for a server changes. The error is designed to flag a potential «man in the middle» attack. However, most people only encounter the error after rebuilding a server.

    If your server is new, or has had its image reinstalled since the last time you connected, simply click to accept the new SSL certificate and continue.

    Access Denied or Authentication Refused

    The most common cause of the «Access Denied» or «Authentication Refused» error is that the SSH username or password has been misspelled or is incorrect.

    • Verify that you have typed the username correctly.
    • Make sure you are using the right username.
    • Double-check the password. To be sure you are entering it correctly, copy and paste it into the field. Note: You can paste to the command prompt using Shift+Enter.

    Finding the Initial Root Password for a Linux Cloud Server

    If you have a Linux Cloud Server, the initial default root password is listed on the Control Panel.

    Log in to your IONOS account, click Control Panel to open up the drop-down menu, then click Cloud Panel.

    Dropdown - Cloud Panel

    On the Servers page, click to select your server.

    select your server

    Scroll down to the Initial Password line and click Show Password to display the default root password.

    Show Password

    You can copy and paste the password from the pop-up message.

    opy and paste the password

    If you have changed the password for root, the new password will not be shown here.

    Port 22: Connection refused

    There are several possible reasons why you might receive the «Port 22: Connection refused» error when you try to connect via SSH to your server.

    Is the Server Accessible

    The first thing you should do is find out if the server is allowing connections to port 22 from elsewhere on the Internet. Use the tool at, to check your server.

    If this site is able to connect to your server, then the problem is on your end. You may be behind a firewall that blocks traffic on port 22. Many offices and schools block this port for security reasons.

    If the site is not able to connect to your server, then the problem is either on the server, or between the server and the internet.

    Is SSH Installed

    If this is a new installation, the SSH server (sshd) may not be installed. You can check to see if it is on your system with the command:

    If the system responds with a path like /usr/sbin/sshd then the SSH server has been installed. If instead it responds with an error like /usr/bin/which: no sshd in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin) then you will need to install both the SSH client and the SSH server.

    On Ubuntu and Debian, install these programs with the command:

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-clients 

    On CentOS, install these programs with the command:

    sudo yum -y install openssh-server openssh-clients 

    Start or Restart SSH

    Check to make sure that the SSH service is running with the command:

    In addition to your grep command, you should see the SSHD process running.

    SSHD process

    If the SSHD process is not running, start it.

    If the SSHD process is running, it may need to be restarted.

    Is SSH Listening on Port 22

    Port 22 is the default port for SSH connections. If your server’s SSH daemon has been configured to listen to a port other than port 22, it will refuse SSH connections to port 22.

    To check which port SSH is listening to, use the command:

    sudo netstat -apn | grep sshd 

    The output of this command will show you which port SSH is listening to.

    which port SSH is listening to

    If SSH is listening to a port other than port 22, you will need to adjust your connection settings accordingly.

    In PuTTY for Windows, you can set the port in the main Settings screen.

    PuTTY for Windows

    Check the SSH configuration file for typos

    If you recently edited your SSH configurations, check the syntax of the file with:

    Examine your firewall rules

    There are several possible firewall scenarios which could result in this SSH error, including:

    • If you recently installed or updated a firewall on your server, you may have blocked SSH access to port 22 (or failed to allow it) by accident.
    • If your server has recently been rebooted, your firewall rules may not have been loaded on boot to allow traffic to port 22.

    Check UFW rules

    If you are using ufw as a firewall on your server, you can list all of your ufw rules with the command:

    You can allow SSH with the command:

    Check Iptables rules

    To see if you have an iptables rule which is blocking SSH traffic, use the command:

    sudo iptables -L | grep ssh 

    You can also list all of your iptables rules with the command:

    To delete an iptables rule, edit the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file, then reload the iptables configuration with the command:

    Check your cloud panel firewall policy

    Log in to your IONOS Control Panel and go to your Cloud Panel. Go to Infrastructure -> Servers and click to select your server.

    Cloud Panel Infrastructure

    Scroll down to see if it has a Firewall Policy listed.

    Firewall Policy

    If a Firewall Policy is listed, edit this policy to allow SSH connections.

    To do this, click Network -> Firewall Policies.

    Firewall Policies

    Click to select the Firewall Policy that is assigned to your server.

    select the Firewall Policy

    If your Firewall Policy does not have a rule to allow SSH, scroll down and click Add Predefined Values.

    Add Predefined Values

    Click SSH

    Click the green check mark to add this new rule to your Firewall Policy.

    add this new rule to your Firewall Policy

    Network error: Software caused connection abort

    The «Network error: Software caused connection abort» error happens when your desktop machine closes the connection unexpectedly. This may happen if you experience an internet problem, including a brief hiccup in the connection.

    It can also happen when the server stops listening. Your desktop sends several packets to the server before it gives up on the connection and closes the session.

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    Write failed: broken pipe Network error: Connection reset by peer

    When an SSH session closes with either «Write failed: broken pipe» or «Network error: Connection reset by peer,» it means the session has timed out.

    The timeout can occur on your computer, on the server, or on a firewall between them. The SSH session will automatically be closed if it sits idle for too long.

    The solution is to set your SSH client to send «keepalive packets.» These are small packets of data which are automatically sent at regular intervals. This tells the network that your connection is still active.

    Setting Keepalive

    PuTTY on Windows

    If you are using PuTTY on Windows to connect to your server, you can set the timeout under Connection. Set “Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off)” to 60.

    set the timeout

    Linux or Unix

    If you are using a Linux or Unix desktop to connect to your server, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add:

    Save and exit the file, then restart SSH for the changes to take effect.

    Network error: Connection timed out

    The «Network error: Connection timed out» error means that your SSH client did not receive any response from the server. There are several possible reasons for this error:

    An internet outage at your location

    Wait a few moments, then try again. If you still get the error message, check your internet connection by visiting a website like Google in your browser.

    A serious network problem somewhere between your location and the server

    You can check the health of the connection between your location and the server by running a traceroute. This will send a few packets of data to your server, and report back on the number of hops the data had to make, and how long it took for each hop.

    To run a traceroute on Windows 10, right click the Start button.

    Windows Start

    Click Search.


    Type «cmd» in the search field.

    Geben Sie

    Click Command Prompt when it appears.

    Click Command Prompt when it appears

    Run a traceroute to your server with the command:

    tracert [IP address or domain name] 

    For example, if your server is the command would be:

    The output will look something like this:

    Traceroute output

    If you see extremely high ping times (anything greater than 300ms is considered «high») or excessive dropped packets (which are indicated with an asterisk), this could be the source of your problem.

    Note: The final «hop» to the end server often shows dropped packets and «Request timed out» even when the server is up and running without any problems. For security reasons, most servers do not respond to ping commands.

    Firewall rules prevent the connection

    If you are behind a firewall at home or at work, this can cause the issue. You will also want to be sure that your server’s firewall is configured to allow SSH connections.

    The server may be offline or shut down

    Give it a few moments and try to reconnect. If your server has been rebooted, it should be back online shortly.

    If the server still does not respond, you can check the server’s status from your IONOS Control Panel.

    Log in to your IONOS account, click Control Panel to open up the drop-down menu, then click Cloud Panel.

    On the Servers page, click to select your server. The Status light will be green for a server which is up and running. It will change to yellow or red if there are problems.

    To check on the server, click the Actions button, then select Access KVM Console from the drop-down menu.


    Соединение через SSH сбрасывается (обрывается)

    Кстати говоря, Вы можете сделать заказ у разработчика которого вы сейчас читаете, по любым вопросам с администрированием серверов, а также сайтами. Я помогу в любой задаче, оплата почасовая. Можете обратиться в Telegram для быстрой обратной связи, либо на почту которая на странице «Обо мне».

    Дата публикации: 19.12.2021
    Дата обновления: 20.12.2021

    Очень часто бывает что мы не особо активно пользуемся окном Putty, и оно висит у нас в фоне, после чего нас соединение с серверов сбрасывается или обрывается, тоже самое с sftp.

    В случае с WinSCP сначала надо выбрать соединение для которого необходимо выставить keepalive пакеты, далее нажать «Еще», и открыть вкладку «Подключение» и выбрать «Пустые команды протокола», выставить значение на 30 секунд.

    Кстати говоря, Вы можете сделать заказ у разработчика которого вы сейчас читаете, по любым вопросам с администрированием серверов, а также сайтами. Я помогу в любой задаче, оплата почасовая. Можете обратиться в Telegram для быстрой обратной связи, либо на почту которая на странице «Обо мне».


    SSH — Software caused connection abort for single login

    I’ll give a full background here, not sure how relevant some of it will be but it can’t hurt. So I had a VM running ubuntu server 13.10 that I recently upgraded 14.04 LTS. After the upgrade, it appeared that I was unable to ssh into the machine. Login via the local console was fine, and ssh out was okay. After some fiddling, I discovered that ssh only fails for one particular username. Using a second username proved successful. I have tried multiple ssh clients and each time I receive the same error for that one user:

    Software caused connection abort. 

    Now, from what I gather this comes from Windows itself, so I ask you, what possible reasons for this could there be? PuTTY logs show the public key authentication succeeding, and then suddenly for no apparent reason, disconnecting:

    Event Log: Access granted Outgoing packet #0x8, type 90 / 0x5a (SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN) . Outgoing raw data . Event Log: Network error: Software caused connection abort 

    I’ve tried this with multiple ssh clients, from multiple Windows machines, across three different sites, and the result is always the same. One user works fine, the other fails, so that would suggest something wrong with the Ubuntu box no? UPDATE So, following Chirag64’s suggestion, ssh connects fine, however ssh @ fails with the same error message. I’ve checked group memberships, authentication and user shell, which all match up with the working user. su baduser allows me to change to that user, and make outgoing ssh connections however, an ssh connection to loopback using current user fails. It just seems to be incoming connections to that one user for some reason or another.


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